CONTENTS ОР THE THIRD VOLUME. MEDITATIONS ON THE HOLY SACRAMENT OF THE LORD'S LAST SUPPER. CHAP. I. Man's being, to be employed in working: that working is directed unto some good, which is God: that good a free and voluntary reward, which we here enjoy, only in the right of a promise: the seal of which promise is a sacrament Page 5 Chap. II. Sacraments are earnests and shadows of our expected Chap. III. Inferences of practice from the former observations from the author that instituted them 35 7 10 13 15 19 24 Chap. VII. Of the matter of the Lord's Supper, bread and wine, Chap. VIII. Practical inferences from the materials of the Lord's Chap. IX. Of the analogy and proportion between the holy actions Chap. X. Of the fourth action, with the reasons why the Sacrament is to be eat and drunken Chap. XI. Of other reasons, why the Sacrament is eaten and drunken, and of the manner of our union and incorporation into Christ Chap. XII. Inferences of practice from the consideration of the former actions Chap. XIII. Of the two first ends or effects of the Sacrament, WHOLE WORKS OF THE RIGHT REV. EDWARD REYNOLDS, D.D. LORD BISHOP OF NORWICH; Now first Collected, WITH HIS FUNERAL SERMON, BY B. RIVELEY, ONE OF HIS LORDSHIP'S CHAPLAINS. TO WHICH IS PREFIXED A MEMOIR OF THE LIFE OF THE AUTHOR, BY ALEXANDER CHALMERS, F.S.A. IN SIX VOLUMES. VOL. III. * Oportet Ecclesiasticum, quando suadet aliquid quod agendum est, non so- LONDON: PRINTED FOR B. HOLDSWORTH, 18, ST. PAUL'S CHURCH-YARD. 1826. |