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2. The liquidation and disposition of Bulgarian property shall be carried out in accordance with the law of the Allied or Associated Power concerned. The Bulgarian owner shall have no rights with repsect to such property except those which may be given him by that law.

3. The Bulgarian Government undertakes to compensate Bulgarian nationals whose property is taken under this Article and not returned to them.

4. No obligation is created by this Article on any Allied or Associated Power to return industrial property to the Bulgarian Government or Bulgarian nationals, or to include such property in determining the amounts which may be retained under paragraph 1 of this Article. The Government of each of the Allied and Associated Powers shall have the right to impose such limitations, conditions and restrictions on rights or interests with respect to industrial property in the territory of that Allied or Associated Power, acquired prior to the coming into force of the present Treaty by the Government or nationals of Bulgaria, as may be deemed by the Government of the Allied or Associated Power to be necessary in the national interest.

5. The property covered by paragraph 1 of this Article shall be deemed to include Bulgarian property which has been subject to control by reason of a state of war existing between Bulgaria and the Allied or Associated Power having jurisdiction over the property, but shall not include:

(a) Property of the Bulgarian Government used for consular or diplomatic purposes;

(b) Property belonging to religious bodies or private charitable institutions and used for religious or charitable purposes;

(c) Property of natural persons who are Bulgaran nationals permitted to reside within the territory of the country in which the property is located or to reside elsewhere in United Nations territory, other than Bulgarian property which at any time during the war was subjected to measures not generally applicable to the property of Bulgarian nationals resident in the same territory;

(d) Property rights arising since the resumption of trade and financial relations between the Allied and Associated Powers and Bulgaria, or arising out of transactions between the Government of any Allied or Associated Power and Bulgaria since October 28, 1944; (e) Literary and artistic property rights.

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1. The existence of the state of war shall not, in itself, be regarded as affecting the obligation to pay pecuniary debts arising out of obligations and contracts which existed, and rights which were acquired, before the existence of the state of war, which became payable prior to the coming into force of the present Treaty, and which are due by the Government or nationals of Bulgaria to the Government or nationals of one of the Allied and Associated Powers or are due by the Government or nationals of one of the Allied and Associated Powers to the Government or nationals of Bulgaria.

2. Except as otherwise expressly provided in the present Treaty, nothing therein shall be construed as impairing debtor-creditor relationships arising out of pre-war contracts concluded either by the Government or nationals of Bulgaria.

Article 28

1. Bulgaria waives all claims of any description against the Allied and Associated Powers on behalf of the Bulgarian Government or Bulgarian nationals arising directly out of the war or out of actions taken because of the existence of a state of war in Europe after September 1, 1939, whether or not the Allied or Associated Power was at war with Bulgaria at the time, including the following:

(a) Claims for losses or damages sustained as a consequence of acts of forces or authorities of Allied or Associated Powers;

(b) Claims arising from the presence, operations or actions of forces or authorities of Allied or Associated Powers in Bulgarian territory;

(c) Claims with respect to the decrees or orders of Prize Courts of Allied or Associated Powers, Bulgaria agreeing to accept as valid and binding all decrees and orders of such Prize Courts on or after September 1, 1939, concerning Bulgarian ships or Bulgarian goods or the payment of costs;

(d) Claims arising out of the exercise or purported exercise of belligerent rights.

2. The provisions of this Article shall bar, completely and finally, all claims of the nature referred to herein, which will be henceforward extinguished, whatever may be the parties in interest. The Bulgarian Government agrees to make equitable compensation in levas to persons who furnished supplies or services on requisition to the forces of Allied or Associated Powers in Bulgarian territory and in satisfaction of non-combat damage claims against the forces of Allied or Associated Powers arising in Bulgarian territory.

3. Bulgaria likewise waives all claims of the nature covered by paragraph 1 of this Article on behalf of the Bulgarian Government or Bulgarian nationals against any of the United Nations whose diplo matic relations with Bulgaria were broken off during the war and which took action in cooperation with the Allied and Associated Powers.

4. The waiver of claims by Bulgaria under paragraph 1 of this Article includes any claims arising out of actions taken by any of the Allied and Associated Powers with respect to Bulgarian ships between September 1, 1939, and the coming into force of the present Treaty, as well as any claims and debts arising out of the Conventions on prisoners of war now in force.

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[TIAS 2230]

The Governments Parties to the present Agreement,

Desiring to resolve conflicting claims to German enemy assets within their respective jurisdictions and to facilitate the disposal of such assets to the common advantage,

Have agreed as follows:


In dealing with German enemy assets the Parties to the present Agreement (hereinafter and in the Annex hereto referred to as Parties) shall be guided as far as possible, in their relations with each other, by the provisions set forth in the present Agreement and in its Annex (hereinafter and in the Annex hereto together referred to as the Agreement), and shall take such action to give effect to the Agreement as may be necessary and appropriate.


The Agreement shall not supersede any prior agreements concluded between any two or more Parties, or between a Party and another Government not a Party; provided that no such prior agreement between any of the Parties shall adversely affect the rights under the Agreement of another Party not party to the prior agreement, or those of its nationals.

When a prior agreement between a Party and another Government is deemed by a Party, not party to the prior agreement, to affect adversely its right under the Agreement or those of its nationals, the Party who is also party to the prior agreement shall approach the other Government in order to secure, if possible, such modification of the relevant provisions of the prior agreement as will render them consistent with the Agreement.


Nothing in the Agreement shall preclude any Party or Parties from concluding in the future any separate agreement; provided that such subsequent agreement shall not affect adversely the rights under the Agreement of another Party not party to the subsequent agreement, or those of its nationals.


If a dispute arises between two or more Parties with respect to the interpretation, implementation or application of the Agreement, such Parties shall endeavour by every means possible to settle such

The following countries are parties to this Agreement: The United States, Belgium, Canada, Cuba, Denmark, Haiti, Honduras, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Nicaragua. 48081-62- -13

dispute by negotiation between themselves which may include the use of a mutually acceptable conciliator with such powers as the Parties in dispute may agree. If the dispute is not resolved within a reasonable time by such negotiation, the dispute shall be settled in the maner provided in part VI of the Annex.


The Agreement shall come into force, as respects Governments which have signed it before it comes into force, as soon as it has been signed at any time before September 1, 1951,2 on behalf of Governments which, under Part I, Article 1B of the Paris Agreement on Reparation of January 24, 1946, are collectively entitled to not less than 35 percent of the aggregate of shares in Category A of German reparations.

The Agreement shall remain open for signature by other Governments Members of the Inter-Allied Reparation Agency for a period of six months from the date upon which it comes into force, and shall become effective with respect to those Governments immediately upon signature.


If any Government which is not a member of the Inter-Allied Reparation Agency signifies in writing to the Government of Belgium within nine months of the date upon which the Agreement comes into force that it desires to become a Party to the Agreement, or to a similar agreement, the Parties will consider in consultation with one another and with that Government its participation in such an agreement; provided that nothing in this Article shall be deemed to qualify any right of any Party under Article 3 above.


Any Government to which the Agreement is open for signature may, in lieu of signing, give notification of accession, in writing, to the Government of Belgium, and a Government making such notification of accession shall be deemed to have signed the Agreement on the date of receipt of the notification by the Government of Belgium.


Any signatory Government may, at the time of signature or later, declare by notification in writing to the Government of Belgium that it desires the Agreement to apply to all or any of its overseas territories or colonies or territories under its suzerainty or protection or territories in respect of which it exercises a mandate or trusteeship, and the Agreement shall apply to the colonies and territories, named in the notification, from the date of receipt thereof by the Government of Belgium or from the date on which the Agreement comes into force in respect of the notifying Government, whichever is the later.

Originally September 1, 1948. The date September 1, 1951, was substituted for the date in this paragraph by a protocol done in Brussels, Belgium, on January 24, 1951.



Property Owned by German Enemies


A.-For the purpose of this Article, "security" means any stock, bond, debenture, share or, in general, any similar property known as a "security", in the country of issue.

B.-Where a security owned by a German enemy has been issued by a Party or by a governmental or private organisation or person within its territory but the certificate is in the territory of another Party, the certificate, whether in registered or in bearer form, shall be released to the former Party.

C.-A German enemy owner of a certificate issued by an administration office, voting trustee or similar organisation or person, and indicating a participation in one or more specifically named securities, shall be regarded as the owner of the amount of securities specifically indicated, and Paragraph B of this Article shall apply to these securities.

D.-A Party obliged under this Article to release a certificate shall not be required to release the income (in cash or otherwise) which has before July 1, 1947, been received in its territory by the releasing Party or by any person acting under its authority. Income received by such Party or person on or after July 1, 1947, shall be released to the Party entitled to the release of the certificate.

E. A Party obliged under this Article to release a certificate shall not be required to release the proceeds of any liquidation by sale, redemption or otherwise, which were, on December 31, 1946, in the form of cash or of securities issued by that Party or by a Governmental or private organisation or person within its territory, even if such cash was reinvested or such securities were sold or traded after that date. If the proceeds were, on December 31, 1946, in the form of securities issued by another Party or by a Governmental or private organisation or person within its territory, such securities (or the proceeds of their liquidation after that date) shall be released to the latter Party.


A.-For the purpose of this Article, "currency" means any notes, coins or other similar monetary media except those of numismatic or historical value.

B.-Where currency has been issued by a Party or by a Governmental or private organisation acting under its authority but the currency is owned by a German enemy and is in the territory of another Party, the currency shall be released to the former Party.

C. Where currency has been sold before January 1, 1947, no release shall be required; but release of the proceeds shall be required if sale has taken place on or after January 1, 1947.

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