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and writings of earlier philosophers, and at the same time contains many striking and acute remarks. We were particularly pleased to observe that he carefully avoids all unnecessary diffuseness, always keeps his object in view, and most successfully exerts himself clearly to represent the improvement and corruption which the human notions experienced at different times, and to point out the original causes thereof.

Senthes oder der Monarch, &c.---Senthes, or the Monarch. Dedicated to Jacobi. By J. G. SCHLOSSER. Strasburg, 1788. pp. 191. 8vo.

Mr. Schlosser maintains in this Socratical dialogue that the inhabitants of petty states, whether free or subject to princely dominion, may with more facility procure civil happiness, than those that live under the government of powerful rulers. Although we cannot subscribe to every point advanced by the author, yet we must do him the justice to confess that this dialogue displays a considerable degree of philosophical acuteness, and that his ideas are stated with great precision and clearness..

Carl Adolph Casars, Rhapsodien, &c. &c.---Rhapsodies. By C. A. CESAR, Professor of Philosophy at Leipzig. Leipzig, Walther. 1788. pp. 222. 8vo.

Professor Cæsar's philosophical writings distinguish themselves by an eminent degree of perspicuity and logical precision, whilst they treat of subjects generally interesting to reflecting minds. The volume before us contains: 1. The genius of Socrates, a dream. 2. Thoughts respecting the origin of religions superstition. 3. The juridical law of nature, a chimera. 4. Of the obstacles that oppose the execution of the law of nature. 5. Of the prejudice of antiquity. 6. Some observations concerning literary disputes.

Geschichte der Vervollkommnung des Menschengeschlechts, &c.-History of the improvement of mankind. By A. WEISHAUPT. Vol. I. 1788. pp. 224. 8vo. (Publisher's name not mentioned.)

This volume contains the continuation of Mr. Weishaupt's Apology of discontent and physical evil, a work that maintains VOL. II.



an eminent rank among the popular philosophical composttions of the Germans. In that publication the author successfully attempted to prove, that all events occurring in this world collectively contribute to perfect the thinking faculties of man. In the volume of which we now are speaking, he enforces the arguments of reason adduced in the former work in support of this principle, by means of facts taken from the records of history. Although we cannot coincide with many collateral ideas started by the author; yet we can assure our readers that the perusal of this volume will prove to them eminently interesting and instructive.

Fr. Adolph van der Mark, Commentatio de portentosa Hobbesiani Civis imagine. Burgsteinfurt, J. H. Peck, 1788. pp. 76. 8vo.

Ejusdem Oratio de amore erga patriam, naturæ hominum rationali et sociali attemperando, seu de vera patriotismi, quem dicunt, indole. Deventer, J. de Lange, 1785. pp.

67. 4to.

The author's observations upon Hobbes, are very ingenious, though, in some instances, not pointed enough. His principles relative to patriotism are extremely just and perfecely consonant with the strictest laws of reason.


Mineralogisch-geographische und andere vermischte Nach

richten, &c.-Mineralogical, geographical and other miscellaneous intelligence, concerning the Altrian mountains, subject to the Russian government. By H. M. RENORANZ. With plates. Reval, printed for the author, 1788. pp. 272. 4to.

Although this work be chiefly published for the information of professional geologues, yet it also contains a great variety of notices highly interesting and instructive for mineralogues and statesmen.



F. IV. D. Snell's vermischte Aufsäthe, &c.-Miscellaneous writings of F. W. D. SNELL. Giesen, Krieger, jun. 1788. PP. 198.

The first of these miscellaneous tracts treats of the best method of teaching the elements of mathematics; the second treats of the doctrine of moral liberty, after Kant's principles; and the third contains remarks upon Professor Ulrich's Eleutheriology. The first of these tracts appears to us to deserve the preference, on account of its universal utility, though they all prove that the author possesses great acuteness, a profound penetration, and a clear judgment.

Johann Matthias Beyers, Theatrum machinarum molarium, &c.-J. M. BEYER'S principles of the art of constructing mills; continued and enlarged, &c. &c. By J. C. Wenholt. With 11 plates. Dresden, Walther, 1788. pp. 106. fol.

Beyer's theatrum machinarum molarium appeared already in 1735. As this work is one of the most generally useful of the kind, the author of the present volume undoubtedly performed a very meritorious task in enlarging and revising it, especially as he exhibits numerous proofs of his practical knowledge of the latest improvements made in this useful art in France, Sweden, Holland and other countries.


Die junge Haushälterin, &c.-The young Housekeeper; for mothers and daughters. By P. Zimmermann. Second edition, Vienna, 1788. Vol. I. pp. 367. Vol. II. pp. 332.

- 8vo.

The author of this useful work laudably exerts himself in these volumes to impress upon the mind of young women just notions of the importance, necessity and usefulness of domestic economy, and to instruct them in the best method of rendering the management of domestic affairs easy and a source of pleasure to themselves. His work is composed in


the form of dialogues, in which the scenes and actors con→ stantly change, in order to keep the attention of his young readers alive. The frequent opportunities which Mr. Zimmerman takes to blend instruction in piety and morality with the most rational principles of domestic economy and industry, give additional value to these useful and entertaining volumes, which are written in plain but correct language, and in a lively stile.

Economische Beyträge und Bemerkungen, &c.-Economical contributions and observations, or instructions for country people, for the year 1788. Stutgart, Metzler. pp. 49. 410. The venerable abbot SPRENGER, to whom the country people in the Duchy of Wirtemburg are indebted for much good advice, annually communicated to them by the medium of an economical almanac, continues in these few sheets his paternal and instructive practical admonitions, which contain a great variety of information relative to husbandry and other important subjects intimately connected with it..

Hrn. Pet. Camper's Sämmtliche kleinere Schriften.P. CAMPER'S Miscellaneous works, relative to Medicine, Veterinary Surgery and Natural History. Vol. III. editet by G. F. M. HERBELL. Leipzig, Crusius, 1788. Pp. 224. 8vo.

This as well as the two preceding volumes contain a great variety of useful and interesting information relative to the causes and the cure of the diseases of horses and cattle, entirely founded upon experience.

Von den Ursachen der Vichseuchen und den nöthigen Vorbeugungsmitteln, &c. &c.-Of the causes of epidemical discases among cattle; together with an appendix, treating of the different methods of shoeing horses, and the consequences that may arise therefrom, &c. &c. By A. LoRENTZ. Salzburg, J. G. Mayer, 1788. 8vo.

Although this volume contain no discoveries new to good veterinarians in this country, yet it is not unworthy of their notice, as it, in addition to the author's own judicious practical observations, contains the collective results of the experience of a Fosse, Clark, Kersting and Bouwinghousen,


names that are honourably known to all scientific students of the veterinary art.

Erfahrungen aus der Feld und Landwirthschaft, &c. &c.Economical and agricultural observations, communicated by a society of practical economists. Vol. II. containing the results of experiments and observations made in the years 1785, 1786 and 1787. Freyberg, Cratz, 1788. pp. 284. 8vo.

Mr. L. H. H. vON ENGEL has favoured the public in this volume with a very valuable collection of practical observations, which, however, are too numerous to be enumerated here.

Handbuch der Fruchtbaumzucht, &c.-Manual of Pomology. By C. C. L. HIRCSHFELD. Vol. I. Brunswick, 1788. pp. 222. 8vo. Vol. II. 1789.

Mr. Hircshfeld, who, in Germany, is justly celebrated for his extensive practical knowledge of horticulture, has considerably encreased his well-earned fame by the publication of this elaborate manual, which we can recommend to our readers as a classical and universally useful work, that will satisfy every lover of the culture of fruit trees.

Darstellung der höchstwichtigen Vortheile, welche der Anbau

und Manufacturgebrauch der Syrischen Seidenpflanze, &c. -A Statement of the important advantages which the state as well as individuals may expect to derive from the culture and manufacture of the Syrian Silk plant (Asclepias Syriaca), &c. &c. By C. SCHNIEBER. Liegnitz, Pappäsche. 1788. pp. 64. 8vo.

The lovers of practical economy will find in this little tract the most satisfactory evidence of the great advantages that result from the cultivation of the Aclepias Syriaca, which, like the Apocynum cannabin, produces a kind of silk fit for the use of silk-manufacturers. The author has made numerous experiments, the results of which clearly prove that if it be mixed with cotton or silk, it may be manufactured into a variety of stuffs both durable and beautiful.


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