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untimely parsimony. VII. From 1. Thess. 4, 6. Of imposition in trade. VIII. From Col. 3, 22, 25. Of servants and day labourers. IX. From Col. 4, 1. Of masters and mistresses. X. From Prov. 24, 4. Of the advantages resulting from regularity and cleanliness.

Auswahl religiöser Unterhaltungen, &c. &c.---A Selection of Religious Contemplations : By I. I. B. TRINIUS. Halle, Gebauer, 1788. pp. 342. 8vo.

These contemplations are, without exception, highly interesting, conceived with great perspicuity and precision, and recommend themselves by solidity of argument. We beg leave to transcribe the heads of the individual contemplations, for the information of our readers: 1. What is religion? 2. On the folly of scoffing at religion. 3. On the regard and forbearance we owe to those that differ with us in opinion, with respect to religious subjects. 4. On the importance of a complete knowledge of religion. 5. Christianity alone can render man completely happy. 6. On the high value of the belief in a life hereafter." 7. On the intimate connection subsisting between this life and our existence after death. 8. The present life a journey. 9. On the changes occurring in the world. 10. On the final scope of our life. 11. On the visitations of God. 12. On the apparent irre- . gularity in the ways of Providence. 13. On the necessary attention to our conduct. 14. On the state of the vicious after death. 15. On preparation for death. 16. On the happiness resulting from Christian contentment. 17. Oiz the seeming difference between the rich and the poor. 18. On the advantages of a retired life. 19. On the prevailing effeminacy. 20. On zeal in the performance of our duties, and the advantages resulting therefrom. 21. On the happiness attending domestic concord. 22. Against surliness. 23. On frugality, and the advantages arising therefrom. 24. Some rules for regulating the amusements of Christians.

Einige Reden für Zuhörer von Geschmack, &c. --Some Sermons for auditors of a refined taste: By C. F. SANGERHAUSEN. Halle, Hemmerde and Schwetsche, 1788. pp. 126. Svo.

Persuasive eloquence, simplicity, truth, and artless élegance of diction, are the most prominent characteristics of these instructing and truly edifying sermons.


Christliche Predigten, &c. &c.-Sermons: THIESZ, minister of the gospel at Hamburg. printed for the author, 1788. pp. 455. 8vo.

By I. O

Mr. Thiesz evinces himself by these sermons a calm and gentle orator, who discusses the subjects of which he treats in a solid and instructive manner. His texts are brief and well expounded. He never loses sight of the main truth he is desirous of inculcating, and invariably speaks in a plain and impressive tone, carefully avoiding every expression not perfectly intelligible to the lowest capacities. The texts which he alleges to prove the doctrines which he wishes to impress upon the understanding and heart of his readers, are judiciously selected, and perfectly answer his views.

Georg Eberhard Westphals Predigten, &c.-Sermons, &c. By G. E. WESTPHAL. Halle, Hemmerde and Schwetschke, 1788, pp. 382. 8vo.

Every attentive reader of these useful sermons will feel himself impelled to confess, that they deserve being ranked among the most distinguished compositions of this class. They afford sound and wholesome food both for the understanding and the heart, and breathe a spirit of geniality, which manifestly proves that the worthy author possesses eminent talents. We may therefore safely recommend them to every one that is desirous of solid and rational edification.

Predigten für Schauspieler, Sc.---Sermons for Dramatic Performers. By J. C. FISCHER. Lubeck, Iversen, 1788. pp. 116. 8vo.

Moral dissertations upon the duties of actors would have been a more proper title: as a passage from Scripture at the head of a dissertation is not sufficient to render it a sermon. But, whatever may have prompted the author to the choice of the title, this little volume, wherein he expounds and strongly enforces those principles of reason and religion that must regulate the conduct of actors, if they wish to be happy here and hereafter, intitles him to the thanks of every one that takes a sincere interest in the promotion of virtue and human happiness. He proves that he is perfectly acquainted with the dangers to which this class of people are particu


larly exposed, as well as with the real causes of the unfavourable opinion which generally is formed of them, and the means of removing these causes and rendering themselves respected.

Predigten zur Beförderung eines freyen Denkens in der Religion, &c.---Sermons intended to promote an unbiassed manner of thinking with respect to religious subjects. Halle, Freike and Bispink, 1788. pp. 119.

The anonymous author of this small collection of sermons ably defends in the three first discourses the rights of reason, and its application to religious subjects. He proves in a most convincing manner, that it is just and absolutely necessary reason should be considered as the only test of religi ous truths; he then points out the usefulness of doubts and disputes concerning generally established religious tenets; and, finally, suggests rules of prudence for those that may be involved in doubts and disputes concerning religion. His language is perspicuous, and his reasoning rests upon solid arguments.

Betrachtungen über einige ausgewählte Stellen, &c.---Contemplations on some select passages of Scripture. By Caroline ***, edidet. By G. H. Schnee. Frankfort, Kessler, 1788. pp. 288. small 8vo.

We have not discovered any new and striking ideas in these contemplations; but, notwithstanding, can recommend them to our readers as worthy of their perusal, as the authoress manifests most excellent moral sentiments, and has conveyed her ideas in a stile both correct and highly pathetic. We beg leave to transcribe a short passage, in order to give our readers a specimen both of her enlightened manner of thinking, and the amiable animation of her diction: "Nothing can be more disgraceful than the idea that God is a revengeful and offended ruler. He is destitute of even the mere appearance of weakness. How is it possible to believe that we could offend him by our errors and sins, nay, even provoke him to wrath and vengeance? As little as an human being can be offended by the impotent motions of a reptile, so little can God be provoked to anger by the opposition of mankind, who are no more than a reptile in his boundless creation. Anger and vengeance are great imperfections; and lid not God himself teach us to guard against them? Did he


not command us to love our enemies? And that God could be capable of anger and vengeance? No, eternal source of love, thou canst not be angry nor revengeful, because thou art superior to every imperfection and weakness, &c."

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Unterricht in den Lehren des Christenthums, &c.---Instruction in the doctrines of Christianity, for the promotion of peace of mind and sincere rectitude. Delineated by F. W. MULLER, minister of the gospel at Frankfort on the Oder. Frankfort and Berlin, Kunze. 1788, pp. 184. 8vo.

Mr. Muller has carefully and successfully exerted himself. simply and purely to deduce the ground features of christianity from its primary sources, to remove every thing that savours after barbarism, popular superstition, and human interpolation; and neither can recommend our holy religion to those that are not yet sufficiently acquainted with it, nor contribute any thing to the promotion of virtue, and an implicit confidence in the unalterable goodness of God; and thus has carefully separated the shell from the kernel.

Vernünstig christliche Gedietete, &c.---Rationally chrystian hymns. By I. F. SCHINK. Berlin and Stettin, F. Nicolai, 1788. pp. 128. 8vo.

In composing these hymns the author proposed to himself studiously to adhere to the principle, that the human heart is most effectually acted upon by means of the understanding; and we must do him the justice to confess, that he has been successful in an eminent degree.

Stromata, eine Unterhaltungs Schrift für Theologen, &c.

---Stromata, a periodical work, for the diversion of Divines. Edidet by Dr. H. A. GRIMM, and Dr. PH. L. MUZEL. Duisburg, Helwing, No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 1787 and 1788.

The editors of this periodical work display a considerable degree of sound judgment in the selection of the different subjects, which they offer for the relaxation of divines from more serious studies; but do not appear to have met with that encouragement which they deserved, as we do not find that this publication was continued beyond the year 1788.


Briefe uber Schwäemerey in der Religion, &c.---Letters on religious fanaticism. By Haller, 1788. pp. 266. 8vo.

After having made some introductory observations upon the most effectual means of checking the progress of religious fanaticism, which in the years 1786, 1787, and 1788, rapidly spread in several parts of Germany and Swisserland, the author defines that class of fanaticism of which he is going to treat; and points out to his readers the tenets peculiar to fanatics, as well as the directions which they are wont to give for producing those lively emotions which they represent as the essence of christian piety. He next shews the hurtful influence which fanaticism has upon religion, and its pernicious consequences relative to social happiness; and then lays open the various artifices practised by the promoters of fanaticism, in order to rear pupils; developing, at the same time, the reasons why religious fanaticism so easily gains ground among the middling and lower classes. Finally, he proposes the most effectual means of checking the baneful progress of this pest to religion and human happiness.--Those that will attentively peruse these letters, will readily agree with us, that the author evinces an high degree of knowledge of the human heart and the world, and proves himself a judicious observer of the numerous deviations of the human mind. Clergymen, in particular, will meet in these letters with much salutary advice, and many valuable rules of prudence, concerning the treatment of fanatics, and the prevention of the diffusion of fanaticism; though we must observe, that these letters also contain much local advice, which is not applicable in this country.


Annalen der Gesetzgebung und Rechtsgelehrsamkeit, &c.--Annals of legislation and jurisprudence in the Prussian state; Edidet by E. F. KLEIN, two vols. 8vo. Berlin and Stettin, Nicolai 1788.

Those that are desirous of obtaining correct information of the laws and practice of jurisprudence in the dominions of the king of Prussia, will in these volumes find intelligence communicated from the most authentic sources, and related in correct and elegant language.


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