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II. On the questions relative to the cultivation and fertilization of sand-downs, &c. to unsatisfactory dissertations had been sent in. These questions are not again proposed for discussion, but

II. The three remaining questions, which have not been answered, are again proposed.

1. "How far does our knowledge of the motion of the sap in trees and plants extend? By what means may we attain a more perfect knowledge of what is still obscure and doubtful respecting this subject and may we not, from what is already ascertained, by decisive experiments, draw useful results for improving the culture of trees and plants?"

2. As the being exposed to smoke may, probably, be prevented by a more careful attention to the physical causes that repel the smoke down the chimnies, except, perhaps, where the chimnies are composed to repelling winds;-the society desires

1. "A theory, or a clear and concise physical explanation of the physical causes that repel the smoke down the chimnies, or oppose its ascension.

2. Rules, derived from the theory, according to which chimnies ought to be constructed; with directions to what, according to different circumstances, we ought particularly to attend, to prevent their smoking.

IV. "What indigenous plants, not hitherto employed for the pur. pose of making colours, may, from experiments, be proved to yield good colours? and what foreign plants might be advantageously cultivated on the less fertile and cultivate lands of the Batavian republic, for the purpose of extracting colours therefrom? The answers to these questions are expected to be received before the 1st of No. vember, 1801.


HE 6th of October, was performed a new after piece, at Drury Lane theatre, called The Indian, by Mr. Fenwick, which was generally disapproved of.


The 24th of October, another farce, written by Mr. Houlton, and composed by Mr. Hook, was presented under the title of Wilmort Castle.

The 30th of October, a new comic opera, called Virginia, by a lady of the name of Plowden.

At Covent Garden theatre, the new opera, called Life, written by Mr. Reynolds, has been received with universal applause, and continues to be highly satisfactory to a crowded audience.




Early Intelligence of New Works in the different branches of Literature, the fine Arts, and Sciences, are requested.]

N Enquiry into the Neceffity, Justice and Policy, of a Commuta

Observations on the Effect of Various Articles of the Materia Medica, in the Cure of the Lues Venerea, by J. Peirson, 8vo. 4s. 6d. Callow.

J. Barret's, D. D. Enquiry into the Origin of the Constellations that compose the Zodiac, and the uses they were intended to promote, 6s. boards. Vernor and Hood.

All in a Bustle, a Comedy, by F. Lathom, 25. West and Hughes. Indian Antiquities, volume the seventh; and finale, containing Dissert. on the ancient Arts, Sciences and Jurisprudence of India, 98. boards. White.

The Indian; a Farce, as performed at the Theatre Royal Drury Lane, by J. Fenwick, 1s. 6d. West and Hughes.

G: Clarke, Attorney at Law, Memoranda Legalia, or an Alphabettical Digest of the Laws of England, adapted to the use of the Lawyer, the Merchant, and the Trader, ros. 6d. boards. Brooke & Rider.

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A Concise View, from History and Prophecy, of the great Predictions in the Sacred Writings that have been fulfilled, also of those that are now fulfilling, and that remain to be accomplished, by F. Dobbs, Esq. 6s. Jael.

T. Roberts, M. A. Harmony of the Epistles of the holy Apostles; to which is added, a Summary of the Entire, 4to, Cadell and Davies. Original Precedents of Settlements drawn by the most distinguished Conveyancers of the present day, by I. B. Bird. gs. Clarke & Son.

A new Law List; containing a List of the Judges, Counsel, Attornies, and Agents to the county Attornies, &c. by I. Hughes 4s. bound Clarke and Son.

The Hospital Pupil; intended for Students in Medicine, by J. Parkinson, 3s. 6d. boards. Symonds.

J.Hull, M. D Essay on Flematio dolens, &c.&c. &c. 6s. 6d. boards. Bickerstaff

The Hospital Guide through London, in a Series of Letters, from a Pupil at St. Thomas's Hospital, &c. &c. 25. West and Hughes.

The Seaman's Desiderata, or Concise practical Rules for computing the apparent Time at Sea, &c. &c. by H. Clarke. 5s. Hurst..

A new System of Minerology, after the Manner of Baron Burn's Systematic Catalogues, &c. by Wm. Babington, M. D. 4to. 155. boards. W. Phillips.

The Nocturnal Visit, by Mrs. Roche, 4 vol. 1amo. il. is. Lane and Miller.

The Mistake, or something beyond a joke, by P. Littleton, 3 vol. 12S. Hurst.

Alphonso di Brogo, a Sentimental Correspondence of the 16th century, 3s. boards. Carpenter,

The Contemplative Philosopher; or Short Essays or the various Objects of Nature throughout the Year, &c. 2 vol. 12mo. 8s. boards. Robinson.

Wentworth, J. Complete System of Pleading, 10 vols. royal 8vo. 61. boards. G. G. and J. Robinson.




Smith, A. L. L. D. Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, 3 vols. 8vo. ninth edition. 18s. boards, Strabian. Bell, J. Discourses on the Nature and Cure of Wounds. 8vo. 7s 6d. boards. Cadell and Davies.

Bleamare, W. Remarks on the Poor Laws, and the Maintenance of the Poor. Is. 6d. Butterworth.

Payne Adyge. S. Treatise on Courts Martials; Also an Essay on Military Punishments and Rewards, 6th edition 4s. 6d. boards. Murray and Highley.

Watkins, C. Essay towards the further Elucidation of the Law of Descend. A new edition. 8s. boards. Pheney.

Dermody's, T. Poems Moral and Descriptive, 3s. 6d. boards. Vernor and Hood.

Bartolomeo's (Fra. Paolino de San) Voyage to the East Indies, from the German, 8vo. 8s. Cuthell.

Vaughan. Oratio in Theatro Coll. Reg. Med. Lond. 4to. 25. White.

Evans (Rev. J.) Tour through part of North Wales in 1798, 8$. White.

Cookes, J. Ladies Circular Atlas, or System of Geography, No. 1. Debrett.

Laing, D. Hints for Dwellings, in 34 plates 4to. 11. 5s. Taylor Holborn.

Vesey's (Francis) Reports of Cases in Chancery, vol. 5, part 1. 155. Brooke.

Roper, R. S. Donn; Treatise on the Revocation and Republication of Wills and Testaments. 5s. Butterworth.

Jones, S. Sheridan Improved Pronouncing and Explanatory English Dictionary. 5th edition, 3s. 6d. Vernor and Hood.

Walker, J. Elements of Geography, 8vo. 8s. Longman and Rees. Smith, M. A. Family Story, 3 vols. 12mo. 10 6d. Crosby and Letterman.

Milner, Jos. M. A. History of the Church of Christ, vol. 1. 6s. Mathews.

Withy, Robt. Practical Treatise on the Law of Annuities, 10s. 6d. Butterworth.

Corst. Frans. Laws relating to the Poor, 3 vols. 8vo. 11. 11s. 6d. Butterworth.

Bree, (Martin,) Observations on Complaints where secrecy is indispensible. Mathews.

Observations on Mr. Bicheno's Book, entitled the Restoration of the Jews the Crisis of all Nations, 8vo. 7s. Richardson.

Pharmacopoeia Chirirgica; or Formulo for the use of Surgeons. 4th edition, 35. Robinson.

Williams, T. W. esq. An Abridgment of Cases argued and determined in the court of law, during the reign of his present Majesty, 8vo. 15s. Robinsons.

Cavallo, Tib. A Treatise on Magnetism, 8vo. 75. Jones, Holborn. Belsham, Wm. Remarks on a late publication, stiled the History of the Politics of Great Britain and France, 4to. and 8vo. 35. 6d. each. Robinsons.

History of the Campaigns of 1796, 7, 8, and 9, in Germany, Switzerland, and Italy, 4 vols. 8vo. 21.2s. Cadell and Davies.

Hooper, Rob. M. D. The Anatomist's Vade Mecum, 3s. 6d. Murray and Highley.

Knox, Abs. esq. Essays on the Political Circumstances of Ireland, Butterworth.



Blane, Gilbert, M. D. Observations on the Diseases of Seamen, Bvo. 85. Murray and Highley.


Playfair, Wm. Strictures on the Asiatic Establishment of Great Britain, 4to. 128. Murray and Highley.

Pearson, John, Observations on the Effect of various Articles of the Materia Medica in the Cure of the Lues Venerea, 8vo. 43. 6d. Callow.

Dictionary of Quotations, 5s. Robinsons.

Fortune, T. Epitome of the Stocks and Public funds, 5th edition, zs. 6d. Boosey.

Young, Sir Wm. Examination of certain commercial principles in their application to agriculture and the corn trade, is. Stockdale. King, Sophia, Victim of Friendship, a German Romance, 2 vols. Dutton.

Littlejohn, P. The Mistake, or something beyond a joke, a Novel, 3 vols. 12mo. price 12s.


Trotter, Dr. Suspiria Oceani: A Monody on the death of Earl Howe, K. G. 2s. Hatchard.

Castle Rackrent, an Hibernian tale, znd. edition, 4s. Johnson. Aiken, A. Letters from a Father to his Son, vol. 2. 55. Johnson. Conspiracy of Gourie, a Tragedy, 2s. 6d. Bell, Oxford Street. Trinder, Rev. W. M. Sermons on various Subjects, 2 vols. 8vo. 10s. Longman and Rees.

Neale, H. Sr. John, Practical Essays and Remarks on the Tabes Dorsalis, 55. Walker.

Elliot, J. Med. Pocket Book, 5th edition, 3s.


Drake, N. M. D. Literary Hours; or Sketches Critical and Narrative 2nd. edition, 2 vols. 8vo. 148. Cadell and Davies.

Hardwicke's, Earl, and the Hon. Charles Yorke, Athenian Letters, or the Epistolary Correspondence of an Agent of the King of Persia residing at Athens during the Peloponesian War, 2 vol. 4to. Cuts and Maps, in boards 21. 28. a new edition. Cadell and Davies.

Tischbein, W. Collection of Engravings from Ancient Vases in Greek Workmanship in the possession of Sr. Wm. Hamilton, K. B. third ed. 31. 3s.

Godwin, W. Antonio, a Tragedy, as it was performed at the Theatre Royal Drury Lane. Robinson.

Bailie, Matthew, Engravings, of Anatomy, fifth Fasciculus, 15s. Johnson.

The Lounger's Common Place Book, 7s. 6d.
Moser's, J. esq. Tales and Romances, 5 vol.ul.




HE modern Italian method of singing, with a variety of progres

10s. 6d. Broderip and Wilkinson.

Sweetly in Life's jocund Morning, sung in the comedy of Life, written by Reynolds, and composed by Mazzingi, 1s.


A favorite new Duet, performed at the Theatre Royal Drury Lane, by Mr. Dignum and Mrs. Mountain, in the Merchant of Venice composed by T. Shaw, and inscribed to J. C. Kemble, esq.

Yes be merciless, thou Tempest dire, a Cantata, composed by Mr. W. Linley, and intended to be introduced by Mrs. Jordan, in the play of Pizarro; written by R. B. Sheridan, esq. Is. 6d. Preston.

The Overtures, Songs, Chorusses, and appropriate Music, in the grand Pantomimical Drama, called Obi, 10s. 6d. Longman, Clementi, &c.

A col'ection of all the favorite dances, with accompanyments for the tamborine and proper figures. The whole arranged for the harp, harpsichord, violin, 2s. 6d. Fentum.

Sixteen new Country Dances for the year 1801, 15. 6d. Fentum.


N TUMBER XXXII. of Hogarth restored, containing the large and justly celebrated Print of an Election Trade, 7s. 6d. T. Cook, and G. G. Robinson.

The Victory of Lord Duncan, painted by J. S. Copley, esq. R. A. engraved in mezzotinto by Mr. Ward, 3l 13. 6d.

The descent from the Cross; from the altar piece in a chapel at Croxtal, near Durham, painted by Mrs. Cosway, engraved by Val. Green, l. is.



A has been to Mr. C. Gould, New Merchant, for an instrument or log, for ascertaining a Ship's distance at sea.


Mr. Harris, of Waltham Abbey, Essex-the patentee, proposes to make the shafts of iron wire, with spun iron wire heads, or of brass.


Mr. M. J. Brunel, of Canterbury place, has received a patent for a machine for the above puposes.


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