professor of Scottish law, at Edinburgh, will shortly be published; being a continuation of the author's criminal law of Scotland. Mr. John Bell's work on military surgery is in great forwardness, and will appear early in the ensuing year. It will probably fill a vols. in 4to. and will contain many illustrative engravings. The memoirs of the late historian, Dr. Robertson, are prepared for the press, by Mr. Dugald Stewart, of Edinburgh, which includes a great variety of his letters, and a critical account of his works. A fac simile edition of "The Complaynt of Scotland," printed about 1549, will shortly be published in 1 vol. 8vo. only 4 copies of this curious work are known to exist. A volume of imitations of ancient English writers will soon be published by Mr. W. Ireland. Mr. David Irving has finished a very useful work, entitled Elements of English Composition, which is likely to be highly acceptable to the lovers of perspicuity and elegance of style. A volume of travels into the interior of southern Africa, in 1797 An account of the and 1798, by John Barrow, will soon appear. present state of the colony at the Cape, and a map from actual observations will accompany it. Dr. Dickson's great work of Practical Agriculture is nearly completed, in which every branch of agriculture is considered with the most minute attention, and explained in the clearest manner. The plates will be near 40. OBITUARY. SEPT EPTEMBER 6. I. A. Euler, at Petersburg, member and secre. tary of the academy of science. September 29. M. Dennis, at Vienna. The state and sciences have in him, suffered a great loss. He was born at Sharding, September 27, 1729; after a considerable progress in literature, he entered the society of Jesu; in 1759, he became professor of belles lettres in the collegio theresiano, and afterwards read lectures on lite rary history and the science of books; in 1791 was chosen custos of His merit as a literati and the imperial library and privy counsellor. a poet is generally known. At Giessen, Mr. S. Senkenberg, a well known German author, aged 50 years. In the morning of the 9th of November, at Berlin, Mr. Christian Gotteib Selle, aged 52 years and one month, doctor in medicine, di rector of the charity school, also of the college of physicians, the philosophical class in the academy of sciences, and member of several fc-eign societies. His name is one of the most renowned among the theoretical theoretical as well as practical physicians and philosophers; his writings have been repeatedly published and translated into foreign languages. Yet above all, is his qualification of mind and heart, his penetration, noble spirit, and fine manners, his amiable conversation, and his zealous promotion of science, and every valuable quality, far exceeds all literary praise. He was born at Stettin on the 7th of October 1748; and, from many unfavourable circumstances, was obliged partly to improve himself. He studied at Göttingen, and often declared, he owed much to the late professor Schröder there. After he was promoted at Halle, he went to Berlin; from thence he travelled to Petersburg in quality of a physician to the Landgräfin of Hesse Darmstadt; was afterwards physician to the prince bishop of Ermeland (now archbishop of Gnesen,) at Heilsberg; and after a few years returned to Berlin. His extraordinary cures and patriotic works are universally known. Frederick the Great sent for him in his last illness; Selle wrote an account of the illness of that never to be forgot ten monarch. The late king also appointed him his body physician, and entrusted him with the enquiry into the epidemical disorder which broke out during the war in South Prussia. The fortunate issue of that affair procured for him the situation of privy counsellor. After having served two monarchs, in their last moments, he also enjoyed the full confidence of his present majesty. Unfortunately he was not endowed with a strong constitution. Until his last moments, under the greatest bodily sufferings, he prescribed for himself, and with his own hand, wrote a prescription, about four hours before his death. He foretold his last moment, and only differed about a quarter of an hour, as to time. He wished his body to be opened, and his disorder was found to be a decay and ulcer on the lungs. NEW ENGLISH PUBLICATIONS. [Early Intelligence of New Works in the different branches of Literature, the fim Arts, and Sciences, are requested.] LE ETTERS of a Solitary Wanderer, by Charlotte Smith, 3 vols. 13s. 6d. Low. Beddoes on Nitrous Acid, 4s. sewed. Johnson. Report of the state and progress of the Institution for the Relief of the Poor of the City of London, Is. Phillips, George Yard. Researches Chemical and Philosophical, by Davy, 8vo. 10s. John son. Memoirs of Modern Philosophers, 3 vols, cr. 8vo. 15s. Robinson. The Law of Nations, from the French of M. De Vattel, 8vo. 128. Robinsons. Scriptural Caution, by R. P. Finch, D. D. 1S. Rivington. Crutwell's New Universal Gazetteer; s vols. 8vo. 21. 2s. Robinson. Historical and Philosophical Memoirs of Pius the VIth. from the French, 2 vols. 8vo. 12s. Robinson. The Light Horse Drill, 4to. 14s. Egerton. A Funeral Sermon, to the memory of the Rev. W. Stevens, D. D. by the Rev. T Basely, M. A. Is. Cadell. Wilmore Wilmore Castle, a Comic Opera, 1s. 6d. Westley. Sequel to Barrington's Voyage to New South Wales, 2s. 6d. Lowndes. Facts and Observations concerning Wool, by C. H. Parry, M. D. F. R. S. 4s. Cadell. Tales of Wonder, by G. M. Lewis, Esq. M. P. Bell. The Daughter of Adoption, by J. Beaufort, L. L. D. 4 vols. 16s. Phillips. A short enquiry into the Nature of Monopoly and Forestalling, by E. Morris, Esq. 3d. edit. 1s. Cadell and Davies. The Little Family, for the amusement of young persons, by Charlotte Sanders, 2d. edit. 4s. bound, Mawman. An Historical Account of the Substances which have been used to describe events and to convey Ideas from the earliest date of the invention of Paper. Printed on the first useful paper made from straw alone, l. 18. Richardson, Strand. Inquiry into the Causes and Remedies of the late and present scar. city, and high price of provisions, 2s. Wright. A Temperate Disscussion of the Causes which have led to the present high price of Bread, 1s. 6d. Wright. The Charge of Samuel Lord Bishop of Rochester to the Clergy of his Diocese, 1s. 6d. Robson. A Sermon preached at Dartford at the visitation of the Bishop of Rochester, on Tuesday, Sept. 30, 1800 is. Robson. The Rights of the Poor considered, by G. Brewer, 2s. 6d. Debrett. Thoughts on the frequency of Divorces in Modern Times, by Ad dam Sibbet, M. A. 28. Cadell and Davies. An Essay on the means hitherto employed for Lighting Streets and the Interior of Houses, by I.. G. I. B. Count Thiville, 1s. 6d. Richard son. The British Oak, inscribed by permission to the Right Honourable Horatio Lord Nelson, &c. &c. Nichols and Sun. The Folly, Guilt, and Punishment of resisting Lawful Government, a Sermon, by A. Cleeve, A. B. Is. Rivington. Remarks on the Deficiency of Grain, by John Lord Sheffield, 3s. 6d. Debrett. Lyrical Tales, by Mrs. Mary Robinson, 5s. Longman and Rees. Secret Memoirs of the Court of Petersburg, 2 vols. 10s. Longman and Rees. Dissertations on Inflammation, by John Burns, 2 vols. 14s. Longman and Rees. A Complete System of Pleading, by John Wentworth, Esq. 10 vols, 61. Robinsons. TO CORRESPONDENTS. THE HE several letters from our kind friends, which we have thankfully received, shali be carefully attended to in our next num -bers. The continuation of the Wild Hunter is solicited, as we intend to prefix Bürger's portrait to the second volume of the Museum, and could wish to join this very interesting ballad, in English and German. LEIPZIG THE EASTER FAIR OF 1800. Orders are received at No. 42, Parliament Street, and will be executed on the most reasonable Terms, and with the greatest Expedition. (Continued from p. 400.) WELANDS, Jacob Chr. Predigten über die Evang. aller Sonntage u. 1s Bdch. Neue Auflage. 8. Braunschweig, Schulbuchhdl. Welch' Zeits im Reiche Gottes ist? richtig Bemerkt u. angegeben v. e. Mitgliede d. Reichs Gottes. 8. Dresden, (Gerlach in Komm.)" Wendelstadts, Wahrnehmungen am medizin. u. chirurg. Kranken [ bette; m. e. Kpf. gr. 8. Osnabruck, Karl u. Komp. Wendland, I. C. Ericarum icones et déscriptio, od. Abbildungen u. Beschreib. der Heiden, 6s 7s Heft, m. illum. Kpf. gr. Hannover, Gebr. Hahn. Ejusdem Hortus Herrenhusanus, s. Plantae rariores, quae in horto regio Herrenhus. coluntur. Fasć: IfIus. c. tabb. pictis. Fól. maj. Ibidem, lidem. Wenzels, G. J. neue auf Vernunft und Erfahrung gegründete Ent- Derselbe die Speculationskunst auf ihre Grundsätze zurückgeführt, u. durch Beispiele erläutert. S. Wien, Schaumburg und Komp. Dessen Versuch einer praktischen Seelenarzneikunde; mit beigefüg ten Beispielen von Krankheitsgeschichten der Seele. s. Wien, Aloys Doll. Wenzels, C. F. Lehre von der Verwandtschaft der Körper, mit Anmerk. v. Dr. H. Grindel. gr. 8. Dresden, Gerlach. Werneburgs, Dr. J. F. C. Beweis, dass unter allen möglichen Zahlenund diesen gleichartigen Theilungs-Systemen nur dasjenige "das einzig vollkommene ist, in welchem jede höhere Einheit aus taun VOL. II. Q (zwölf) (zwölf) nächst niedern Einheiten besteht. Denkenden Menschen geweiht. 8. Leipzig, Magazin für Litteratur. Dessen kurze wissenschaftl. Darlegung der Unhaltbarkeit und Grundlosigkeit sowohl des transcendentalidealistischen Systems von Fichte, als auch des Systems der eitlen. Genusslehre seiner Gegenfüssler u. d. kritischen Systems. 8. Ebendas. Æbendasselbe. Werners, J. F. Leitfaden zu einem katechet. Unterricht in der christlichen Religion, für Confirmanden. S. Hamburg, Hoffmann. Westenrieders, L. Beiträge zur vaterländ. Historie, Geographie, Sta tistik, u. Landwirthschaft, sammt e. Uebersicht der schönen Litteratur. 6r Bd. gr. 8. München, Lindauer. Dessen historischer Kalender f. d. J, 1800. Mit 13 Kpf. v. Mettenleiter. 12. Ebendas. Æbenderselbe. Dessen erstes Register der historischen Kalender v. J. 1790 bis 1798. 12. Ebendas. Æbenderselbe. Westermeiers, F. B. öffentliche Religionsvorträge beim Antritte des christl. Lehramtes. 8. Magdeburg, Creus. Westrumbs, J. F. Handbuch der Apothekerkunst. 2ter Bd. Neue verb. u. verm. Auflage. gr. 8. Hannover, Gebr. Hahn. Wesels, Joh. Chr. Fr. Sittenlehre der griechischen Weisen; ein Lesebuch für Jünglinge, welche diese Sprache erlernen wollen, gesammelt u. durch ein vollständ. Wörterverzeichniss erläutert. S. Liegnitz, Siegert. Wiarda, T. D. über deutsche Vornamen und Geschlechtsnamen. gr. 8. Berlin, Fr. Nicolai. Wibels, Beiträge zur Beförderung der Pflanzenkunde. 1te Abth. mit 2 Tab. gr. 8. Frankf. am Mayn, Guilhauman. Wichmanns, Dr. J. E. Ideen zur Diagnostik. Beobachtenden Aerzten mitgetheilt. Ir Bd. Zweite verb. Auflage. gr. 8. Hannover, Helwingsche Hofbuchhdl. Wie kann man das verlohrne männliche Vermögen wieder erhalten und stärken? Ein Noth-u. Hülfsbüchlein für alle, welche in der Liebe, od. durch Selbstbefleckung ausgeschweifet haben. 2r Th. Zweite verb. u. m. Erfahrungen verm. Auflage. 8. Leipzig, J. B. G. Fleischer. Wiedemanns, C. R. W. Archiv für Zoologie u. Zootomie. Iter Bd. 1tes St. mit Kpf. gr. 8. Berlin, Vossische Buchhdl. Dessen Uebungen im Deklamiren für Knaben u. Jünglinge, eine Samm lung deutscher Gedichte u. prosaischer Aufsätze, mit vorausge schickten u. begleit. Hülfsregeln. S. Magdeburg, Creus. Wielands, C. M. attisches Museum, 3n Bds. 2s St. 8. Zürich, Gessner. Dessen neuer deutscher Merkur. 1800. 1tes bis 5tes St. S. Weimar, Gebr. Gädicke. Wiese, Dr. W. F. Handbuch des gemeinen in Deutschland üblichen Kirchenrechts, als vollständigeres System u. Commentar über seine Grundsätze des Kirckenrechts. 2r Bd. gr. 8. Leipzig, J. B. G. Fleischer. Wiest, St. Demonstratio dogmatum catholic. in specie de Deo salutis nostrae |