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[Authentic Communications are requested.]


which tend to destroy christianity, individual comfort, and the happiness of society, illustrated by a particular reference to the events of the last ten years of the eighteenth century, is intended to be published in one quarto volume, by the Rev. Mr. Wilson, A. M. of Lincoln-college, Oxford, &c. &c.

Early in the ensuing winter will be published, Dr. Aikin's new general biographical dictionary.

Dr. Busby, whose talents as a musical composer have received the unanimous suffrages of the most enlightened English audiences, has undertaken to conduct a monthly musical journal, which is to contain all the most favourite music, as it appears, of Germany, Italy, and France, and original compositions, partly his own, and partly those of the most eminent living English composers.

Dr. Moodie of Bath intends to publish by subscription, a history of military and political transactions of the British nation in Hindostan. The work will be comprised in three volumes, royal quarto, embellished with upwards of thirty maps, charts, plans, and views. It will embrace a period of 40 years, from the beginning of the war with France in 1744, to the peace with Tippoo Sultan in 1784.

The topography of Mr. Housman will soon be published; it is printing in an elegant stile, with beautiful engravings, from the press of Mr. Jollie of Carlisle.

Dr. Boutta tz has it in contemplation to publish some drawings of living monsters, in one quarto volume, with professional descriptions and explanations of the same.

Sir Rich. Musgrave, Bart. has prepared for the press in one volume 4to. memoirs of the different rebellions in Ireland, from the arrival of the English, with a particular detail of that which broke out the 230 of May, 1798; characters of the principal actors; with a concise history of the reformation in Ireland, and an account of the present state of the protestant religion there; with maps and plans.

An history, civil and commercial, of the British colonies in the WestIndies, by Bryan Edwards, esq. will soon be published in three large volumes, med. 8vo. with considerable additions, illustrated with 23 plates, and a portrait of the author.

A topographical description of Ireland, Scotland, and England and Wales, is in contemplation to be soon published, in 3 volumes 4to. as also a history of the union between Great Britain and Ireland, in I volume 4to.

Number II. of the Museum, page 166, we informed our readers that we were told the Herbarium of the late Dr. Forster, had


been bought by Mr. Alderman Hibbert, the possessor of Miller's Herbarium. We must request to read instead of Miller's—Murray's.


Catalogue of the Gentlemen upon whom the different Universities of Germany have conferred the Degree of Doctor in their respective Faculties; with the Titles of the Dissertations, written and defended by them at their Inauguration.


UNE C. L. Brunner of L. D. de usu fruc

Jtu conjugis superstitis in bonis conjugis defuncti institutione se

parata oeconomiæ vel nuptiis Giberorum lure norinbergensi non tolendo. Altdorf.

[ocr errors]

June 21. H. E. L. Meyer, M. D. Diss. de opii usu in inflamationibus. Göttingen.

June 28. F. C. Ruhs, P. D. Diss. Primam historiæ Slavorum, precipue eorum, qui Germaniam coluere. Göttingen.


May 14. At Altöttingon, J. M. Danzer, L. L. D. formerly profes sor of mathematics at Straubingen and Munich, in the 63d year of his age.

June 13. E. H. G. Leopold, clergyman of Rosdorf, well known by his edition of the biographies of Plutarch.

June 16. I. A. P. Schulz, a famous compositor, at Schwedt.


(Continued from p. 176.)

since the

HRISTIANUS Paulus Schacht, Dr. of physic, member of the of vian society of sciences at Harlem since May 21. 1793; and of the society of arts and sciences at Utrecht since 1794; professor ordinarius


* Died in January this year.

of physic, chemic, botanic, and natural history at the academy of Hardwyk since 1791. Born at Hardwyk, Sep. 15, 1767.

Over de bederfwerende Kracht van het Silver-Salpeter (Nitras ar genti) in A. K. e. L. Bod. 1797. No. 153. p. 170.

De nieuwe Denk beelden van Dr. Girtaner over de prikkelbuarkeit der bewerktuigde Natur Kortelgk voorgestelt met eenige Aanmerkingen, 1795.

Word'er Water in de dierlyke Lighamen even als by de Planten Plaats heest, ontbonden? Hoe geschied deeze Ontbinding en welke zyn haare Uitwerkselen en Gevolgen? in P. van Werkhoven chem. en physische Oefeningen 1798, 1 D. 3 St. p. 204-216.

Peter van Werkhoven, apothecary at Utrecht, where he was born the 10th of December, 1772.

Nieuwe chemische en physische Oefeningen voor de Beminnars der Schei en Naturkunde in't algemeen, ter bevordering van Industrie en Oeconomie Kunde, en ten Nutte der Apothekers, Fabrikanten en Trafikanten in't byzonder, Utrecht by G. T. v. Paddenburg en Sohn. deel (is composed of 5 parts) 1798, 442 p. go. 8vo. 6. 7. & p. 1799; the price of each part is 12 St. Holl.


[Early Intelligence of New Works in the different branches of Literat urethe fine Arts, and Sciences, are requested.]

in which the cause of those disorders is assigned. Eighth edition, 2s. Murray. Wm. Saunders, M. D. F.R. S. Treatise on the Chemical History and Medical Powers of some of the most celebrated Mineral Waters. Wm. Phillips.

Tales of the Abbey: founded on historical facts. By A. Kendall, 3 vols. Izmo. Ios. 6d. Symonds.

The Vagabond; by G. Walker, author of the Three Spaniards, &c. third edition. 2 vols. 79. Walker.

Letters from the Rev. Mr. Job Orton and the Rev. Sir James Stonhouse, Bart. M. D. to the Rev. T. Stedman, M. A. 2 vols. 95. Longman and Rees.

The Sorrows of Werter, by Gothe; translated from the last German edition, by W. Render, D. D. 4s. boards. Phillips.

Public Characters of 1800-1801, 8vo. gs. boards. Phillips. Observations on the Venereal Disease, by Martin Bree. Matthews. A Determination on the Average Depression of the Price of Wheat in War, by J. Brand, 2s. Rivington.

A Concise View of the most important Facts which have hitherto appeared concerning the Inoculation for the Cow-pox, by C. R. Aiken, 2s. 6d. Phillips.

German Grammar adapted to the use of Englishmen, by G. H. Noeden, Phild. 7s. J. Mauman, C. Geisweiler.

The Dyer's Assistant, in the Art of Dying Wool and Woollen Goods, by I. Haigh. Mauman.

Sonnets and other Poems, by the Rev. W. L. Bowles, A.M. seath edition. Cadell and Davies.


The London Medical Review and Magazine, by a Society of Phy sicians and Surgeons. Vol. 4. 8s. Letters from India, by Major J. Taylor, 4to. l. is. Carpenter H. D. Symonds, C. Geisweiler. and Co.

Johanna of Montfaucon, a dramatic romance, in five acts; taken from the fourteenth century, by A. von Kotzebue; the original translation of the manuscript, from which Mr. Cumberland has formed his drama, as performed at the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden. 2s. 6d. C. Geisweiler.

[ocr errors]

Indian Antiquities; or, Dissertations relative to the Ancient Geographical Divisions, the pure System of primæval Theology, &c. &c. by the Rev. T. Maurice. Vol. VII. White.

The Doctrine of Phlogiston established, and that of the Composition of Water refuted; by J. Priestley, L. L. D. 2s. 6d. Johnson.

The Dash of the Day, a comedy, in five acts, as performed at the theatre royal, Norwich; by F. Lathom, 2s. Kearsley.

A Grammar of the Malay Tongue, with the characters as spoken in the peninsula of Malacca, &c. 4to. 7s. 6d. boards. Sewell.

The Spirit of Marine Law, or Compendium of the Statutes relating to the Admiralty, &c. by J. J. Maxwell, 8vo. 125. boards. Chapman. Hackney Coach Fares, 10,000 regulated agreeable to the last act of parliament, &c. 2s. 6d. West and Hughes.

New Joe Miller, or the Tickler, containing 500 good things, &c. 2s. 6d. Ridgway.

Ayeen Akbery; or, The Institutes of the Emperor Akber; translated from the original Persian, by F. Gladwin. 2 vols. 4to. 21. 25, boards, and 2 vols. 8vo. Il. 1S. Sewell.

The Baronet, founded on facts. 3 vols. 1os. 6d. sewed.
Idalia, by Miss Rawlence. 2 vols. 8s. Lape.

Bruce's Travels into Abyssinia, fourth edition, 45.


Essays on Animation and Intellect, by J. Collier. 75. boards. Scarlet, Strand.

The Naval Guardian, by Charles Fletcher, M. D. 2 vols. 145. boards. Chapman.

An Address to the Jews; shewing the Time of their obtaining Knowledge of the Messiah, &c. by D. Lewis. 45. Symonds.


EFLECTION, a favorite ariette, with an accompaniment for the

to the Duchess of Devonshire, by S. M. H. 1s.

Three duetts for two violins; expressly composed for the use of Rolfe. teachers and juvenile performers, by J. Sanderson. 5s. Riley.

The First Part of a Book of Precepts of a complete Treatise on Music, by Mr. Bemetzrieder. 4to. 5s. Longman and Clementi.

Six Glees, composed by Joseph Kemp, of Exeter, Opera secunda, Skillern.


Mild Spring appears in joy arrayed, set to music, for two voices, by T. Cumming. Is. Skillern.

When you tell me your heart is another's, varied for the piano-forte, by T. Haigh. 1s. 6d. Rolfe.



INDING the body of Tippoo Sultaun, who lost his Dominions and

W. Reynolds

gust 15, 1800. Price 21. 12s. 6d. with its companion.

The Surrender of the Children of Tippoo Sultaun, May 4. 1799. S. Stothart, R. A. pinx. C. Turner sculpsit. Published by R. Daniel, Charlotte Street, Blackfriars Road.

The Sitting of the Council of Five Hundred at St. Cloud, to whom Buonaparte having presented himself, he dissolved them. Vierra inv. Eng. by Bartolozzi in the dotted manner. Price il. ıs. 6d. Pub. Nov. 10, 1799, by Bartolozzi and L. Vendemini.

Portrait of the Right Hon. Lord Grenville, secretary of state for foreign affairs. &c. paint. by J. Hoppner, Esq. R. A. Eng. by T. W. Reynolds, in mezzotinto. Price 10s. 6d. Published by Jefferys, New Road, Blackfriars.

Oriental Drawings, by Capt. C. Gold. Dedicated to the Marquiss Cornwallis. Engraved by Harrel. Aquatinta. Twelve numbers, each 10s. 6d. Four numbers are already published.



HE first of September a farce was represented at the Theatre Royal, Haymarket, for the first time, called, The Review; or, the Wags of Windsor. On the 15th, the house closed. Covent Garden Theatre opened on the same day; and Drury Lane, the day following.



R. SAUVAGES Nosologia Methodica sistens ægritudines Morborum, ed, C. T. Danie, 5 vol. 8vo. Maj. 21. 25. Lip. D. G. G. Plouquet Initia Bibliothecæ Medico-practica et Chirurgica realis, 8 vol. 4to. 81. 8s.

Continuatio et Supplementa. 2 vol. 4to. r799. Tubinge. De Pneumonia Typode sive Nervosa, Auctore. L. Č. J. Cappel, 2s. 6d. sewed, 1799. Gottinge.

E. Jenner. Disquisitio de Variolis Vaccinis. 4to. 10s. 6d. cuts, 1799. Vindobone.

J. Bleulard Vasculorum in Intestinorum tenuium tunicis Descriptio. 4to. cuts.

Abhandlung eines sehr seltenen Zusamengesetzten Bruchs beyder Schulterblâter, 4to. cuts, 5s. 6d.

Geist und K. Kritik der Medicinischen und chirurgischen Zeitschriften Deurslands, 4 vol. 8vo. 11. 1S. 1798-1800.

Olai Swartz Dispositio Systematica Muscorum frondoforum Suecia, 7s. 6d. cuts, 1799.

1. I. Roemer. Flora Europæa, 4 vol. 8vo. 18s. 1799.

M. Vahl.

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