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12. H. L. Rook, E. E. Hughes, R. S. Fuerst, and J. H. Margeson, "Operation Characteristics of NO, Permeation Devices," Presented at 167th National ACS Meeting, Los Angeles, California, April 1974.

13. E. C. Ellis, "Technical Assistance Document for the Chemiluminescence Measurement of Nitrogen Dioxide," EPA-E600/475-003 (Available in draft form from the United States Environmental Protection Agency, Department E (MD-76), Environmental Monitoring and Support Laboratory, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27711).

14. A Procedure for Establishing Traceability of Gas Mixtures to Certain National

Bureau of Standards Standard Reference Materials. EPA-600/7-81-010, Joint publication by NBS and EPA. Available from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory (MD-77), Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27711, May 1981.

15. Quality Assurance Handbook for Air Pollution Measurement Systems, Volume II, Ambient Air Specific Methods. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Monitoring Systems Laboratory, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27711. Publication No. EAP-600/4-77-027a.

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[41 FR 52688, Dec. 1, 1976, as amended at 48 FR 2529, Jan 20, 1983]



1. Principle and applicability.

1.1 Ambient air suspended particulate matter is collected on a glass-fiber filter for 24 hours using a high volume air sampler. The analysis of the 24-hour samples may be performed for either individual samples or composites of the samples collected over a calendar month or quarter, provided that the compositing procedure has been approved in accordance with section 2.8 of Appendix C to Part 58 of this chapter-Modifications of methods by users. (Guidance or assistance in requesting approval under Section 2.8 can be obtained from the address given in section 2.7 of Appendix C to Part 58 of this chapter.)

1.2 Lead in the particulate matter is solubilized by extraction with nitric acid (HNO,), facilitated by heat or by a mixture of HNO, and hydrochloric acid (HCl) facilitated by ultrasonication.

1.3 The lead content of the sample is analyzed by atomic absorption spectrometry using an air-acetylene flame, the 283.3 or 217.0 nm lead absorption line, and the optimum instrumental conditions recommended by the manufacturer.

1.4 The ultrasonication extraction with HNO./HCl will extract metals other than lead from ambient particulate matter.

2. Range, sensitivity, and lower detectable limit. The values given below are typical of the methods capabilities. Absolute values will vary for individual situations depending on the type of instrument used, the lead line, and operating conditions.

2.1 Range. The typical range of the method is 0.07 to 7.5 μg Pb/m3 assuming an upper linear range of analysis of 15 μg/ml and an air volume of 2,400 m3.

2.2 Sensitivity. Typical sensitivities for a 1 percent change in absorption (0.0044 absorbance units) are 0.2 and 0.5 μg Pb/ml for the 217.0 and 283.3 nm lines, respectively.

2.3 Lower detectable limit (LDL). A typical LDL is 0.07 μg Pb/m3. The above value was calculated by doubling the between-laboratory standard deviation obtained for the lowest measurable lead concentration in a collaborative test of the method.(15) An air volume of 2,400 m3 was assumed.

3. Interferences. Two types of interferences are possible: chemical and light scattering.

3.1 Chemical. Reports on the absence (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) of chemical interferences far outweigh those reporting their presence, (6) therefore, no correction for chemical interferences is given here. If the analyst suspects that the sample matrix is causing a

chemical interference, the interference can be verified and corrected for by carrying out the analysis with and without the method of standard additions.(7)

3.2 Light scattering. Nonatomic absorption or light scattering, produced by high concentrations of dissolved solids in the sample, can produce a significant interference, especially at low lead concentrations. (2) The interference is greater at the 217.0 nm line than at the 283.3 nm line. No interference was observed using the 283.3 nm line with a similar method.(1)

Light scattering interferences can, however, be corrected for instrumentally. Since the dissolved solids can vary depending on the origin of the sample, the correction may be necessary, especially when using the 217.0 nm line. Dual beam instruments with a continuum source give the most accurate correction. A less accurate correction can be obtained by using a nonabsorbing lead line that is near the lead analytical line. Information on use of these correction techniques can be obtained from instrument manufacturers' manuals.

If instrumental correction is not feasible, the interference can be eliminated by use of the ammonium pyrrolidinecarbodithioatemethylisobutyl ketone, chelation-solvent extraction technique of sample preparation.(8) 4. Precision and bias.

4.1 The high-volume sampling procedure used to collect ambient air particulate matter has a between-laboratory relative standard deviation of 3.7 percent over the range 80 to 125 μg/m3.(9) The combined extraction-analysis procedure has an average within-laboratory relative standard deviation of 5 to 6 percent over the range 1.5 to 15 μg Pb/ml, and an average between laboratory relative standard deviation of 7 to 9 percent over the same range. These values include use of either extraction procedure.

4.2 Single laboratory experiments and collaborative testing indicate that there is no significant difference in lead recovery between the hot and ultrasonic extraction procedures.(15)

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6.1.1 Glass fiber filters. The specifications given below are intended to aid the user in obtaining high quality filters with reproducible properties. These specifications have been met by EPA contractors. Lead content. The absolute lead content of filters is not critical, but low values are, of course, desirable. EPA typically obtains filters with a lead content of 75 μg/filter.

It is important that the variation in lead content from filter to filter, within a given batch, be small.

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F-Amount of lead per 72 square inches of filter, μg. Calculate the mean, F, of the values and the relative standard deviation (standard deviation/mean x 100). If the relative standard deviation is high enough so that, in the analysts opinion, subtraction of F, (section 10.3) may result in a significant error in the μg Pb/m3 the batch should be rejected. For acceptable batches, use the value of F, to correct all lead analyses (section 10.3) of particulate matter collected using that batch of filters. If the analyses are below the LDL (section 2.3) no correction is necessary.

6.2 Analysis.

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6.2.4 3 M HNO,. This solution is used in the hot extraction procedure. To prepare, add 192 ml of concentrated HNO, to D.I. water in a 1 l volumetric flask. Shake well, cool, and dilute to volume with D.I. water. Caution: Nitric acid fumes are toxic. Prepare in a well ventilated fume hood.

6.2.5 0.45 M HNO,. This solution is used as the matrix for calibration standards when using the hot extraction procedure. To prepare, add 29 ml of concentrated HNO, to D.I. water in a 1 l volumetric flask. Shake well, cool, and dilute to volume with D.I. water.

6.2.6 2.6 M HNO,+0 to 0.9 M HCl. This solution is used in the ultrasonic extraction procedure. The concentration of HCl can be varied from 0 to 0.9 M. Directions are given for preparation of a 2.6 M HNO,+0.9 M HCI solution. Place 167 ml of concentrated HNO, into a 1 7 volumetric flask and add 77 ml of concentrated HCl. Stir 4 to 6 hours, dilute to nearly 1 with D.I. water, cool to room temperature, and dilute to 1 l.

6.2.7 0.40 M HNO, + X M HCl. This solution is used as the matrix for calibration standards when using the ultrasonic extraction procedure. To prepare, add 26 ml of concentrated HNO,, plus the ml of HCl required, to a 1 I volumetric flask. Dilute to nearly 17 with D.I. water, cool to room temperature, and dilute to 1 1. The amount of HCI required can be determined from the following equation:


77ml x 0.15 x



y = ml of concentrated HCl required.
X = molarity of HCl in 6.2.6.
0.15 = dilution factor in 7.2.2.

6.2.8 Lead nitrate, Pb(NO,),. ACS reagent grade, purity 99.0 percent. Heat for 4 hours at 120° C and cool in a desiccator.

6.3 Calibration standards.

6.3.1 Master standard, 1000 μg Pb/ml in HNO,. Dissolve 1.598 g of Pb(NO,), in 0.45 M HNO, contained in a 1 7 volumetric flask and dilute to volume with 0.45 M HNO..

6.3.2 Master standard, 1000 μg Pb/ml in HNO./HCl. Prepare as in section 6.3.1 except use the HNO./HCl solution in section 6.2.7.

Store standards in a polyethylene bottle. Commercially available certified lead standard solutions may also be used.

7. Procedure.

7.1 Sampling. Collect samples for 24 hours using the procedure described in reference 10 with glass-fiber filters meeting the specifications in section 6.1.1. Transport collected samples to the laboratory taking care to minimize contamination and loss of sample. (16).

7.2 Sample preparation.

7.2.1 Hot extraction procedure. Cut a 4" x 8" strip from the exposed filter using a template and a pizza cutter as described in Figures 1 and 2. Other cutting procedures may be used.

Lead in ambient particulate matter collected on glass fiber filters has been shown to be uniformly distributed across the filter. 11 Another study 12 has shown that when sampling near a roadway, strip position contributes significantly to the overall variability associated with lead analyses. Therefore, when sampling near a roadway, additional strips should be analyzed to minimize this variability. Fold the strip in half twice and place in a 150-ml beaker. Add 15 ml of 3 M HNO, to cover the sample. The acid should completely cover the sample. Cover the beaker with a watch glass. Place beaker on the hot-plate, contained in a fume hood, and boil gently for 30 min. Do not let the sample evaporate to dryness. Caution: Nitric acid fumes are toxic. Remove beaker from hot plate and cool to near room temperature. Quantitatively sample as follows:


the Rinse watch glass and sides of beaker with D.I. water. Decant extract and rinsings into a 100-ml volumetric flask. Add D.I. water to 40 ml mark on beaker, cover with watch glass, and set aside for a minimum of 30 minutes. This is a critical step and cannot be omitted since it allows the HNO, trapped in the filter to diffuse into the rinse water. Decant the water from the filter into the volumetric flask. Rinse filter and beaker twice with D.I. water and add rinsings to volumetric flask until total volume is 80 to 85 ml. Stopper flask and shake vigorously. Set aside for approximately 5 minutes or until foam has dissipated. Bring solution to volume with D.I. water. Mix thoroughly. Allow solution to settle for one hour before proceeding with analysis. If sample is to be stored for subsequent analysis, transfer to a linear polyethylene bottle.

7.2.2 Ultrasonic extraction procedure. Cut a 4" x 8" strip from the exposed filter as described in section Fold the strip in half twice and place in a 30 ml beaker. Add 15 ml of the HNO./HCl solution in section 6.2.6. The acid should completely cover the sample. Cover the beaker with parafilm.

The parafilm should be placed over the beaker such that none of the parafilm is in contact with water in the ultrasonic bath. Otherwise, rinsing of the parafilm (section may contaminate the sample. Place the beaker in the ultrasonication bath and operate for 30 minutes. Quantitatively transfer the sample as follows: Rinse parafilm and sides of beaker with D.I. water. Decant extract and rinsings into a 100 ml volumetric flask. Add 20 ml D.I. water to cover the filter strip, cover with parafilm, and set aside for a minimum of 30 minutes. This is a critical step and cannot be omitted. The sample is then processed as in sections through

NOTE: Samples prepared by the hot extraction procedure are now in 0.45 M HNO,. Samples prepared by the ultrasonication procedure are in 0.40 M HNO, + X M HCI.

8. Analysis.

8.1 Set the wavelength of the monochromator at 283.3 or 217.0 nm. Set or align other instrumental operating conditions as recommended by the manufacturer.

8.2 The sample can be analyzed directly from the volumetric flask, or an appropriate amount of sample decanted into a sample analysis tube. In either case, care should be taken not to disturb the settled solids.

8.3 Aspirate samples, calibration standards and blanks (section 9.2) into the flame and record the equilibrium absorbance.

8.4 Determine the lead concentration in μg Pb/ml, from the calibration curve, section 9.3.

8.5 Samples that exceed the linear calibration range should be diluted with acid of the same concentration as the calibration standards and reanalyzed.

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9.3 Preparation of calibration Since the working range of analysis will vary depending on which lead line is used and the type of instrument, no one set of instructions for preparation of a calibration curve can be given. Select standards (plus the reagent blank), in the same acid concentration as the samples, to cover the linear absorption range indicated by the instrument manufacturer. Measure the absorbance of the blank and standards as in section 8.0. Repeat until good agreement is obtained between replicates. Plot absorbance (y-axis) versus concentration in μg Pb/ml (x-axis). Draw (or compute) a straight line through the linear portion of the curve. Do not force the calibration curve through zero. Other calibration procedures may be used.

To determine stability of the calibration curve, remeasure-alternately-one of the following calibration standards for every 10th sample analyzed: Concentration lug

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