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These documents are available free from the Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. 20460. In quantities over 10, allow three weeks for delivery.

The Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 1857 et. seq.)

• EPA, "The National Primary and Secondary Ambient Air Quality Standards" 42 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 410, 36 Federal Register 8186 (April 30, 1971)

• EPA, "Requirements for Preparation, Adoption, And Submittal of Implementation Plans" (Federal Guidelines) 42 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 420, 36 Federal Register 15486 (August 14, 1971 et. seq.)

These documents are available from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 at the price listed.

• Air Quality Criteria Documents: (Price $1.75)

-Carbon Monoxide, GPO No. HE 20. 1309:62

-Photochemical Oxidants, GPO No. HE 20.1309:63

-Hydrocarbons, GPO No. HE 20.1309:


-Nitrogen Oxides, GPO No. EP 4.9:84 -Particulate Material, GPO No. FS 2.93/ 3:49

-Sulfur Oxides, GPO No. FS 2.93/3:50 • Control Technique Documents: (Price $1.75)

-Particulate Air Pollutants, GPO No. FS 2.93/3:51

-Sulfur Oxides, GPO No. FS 2.95/3:52
-Carbon Monoxide Emissions from Sta-
tionary Sources, GPO No. HE 20.1309:
-CO,NO,, and Hydrocarbons Emissions
from Mobile Sources, GPO No. HE 20.

-Nitrogen Oxide Emissions from Sta-
tionary Sources, GPO No. HE 20.1309:
-Hydrocarbon and Organic Solvent
Emissions from Stationary Sources,
GPO No. HE 20.1309:68

• Annual Report of the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, "The Economics of Clean Air." (Price $1) • Guide for Air Pollution Episode Avoidance, AP 76, GPO Stock No. 5503-0014. (Price 70 cents)

• Guide for Control of Air Pollution Episodes in Medium-Sized Urban Areas, AP 77, GPO Stock No. 5503-0013. (Price 40 cents)

• Guide for Control of Air Pollution Episodes in Small-Sized Urban Areas, AP 78, GPO Stock No. 5503-0012. (Price 40 cents)

• Guidelines: Air Quality Surveillance Networks, AP 93, GPO Stock No. EP 4.9:98. (Price 20 cents)

[The AP series of reports is issued by EPA to report the results of scientific and engineering studies and information of general interest in the field of air pollution. This series includes coverage of Air Program intramural

activities and of cooperative studies conducted with State and local agencies, research institutes and industrial organizations. Copies of AP reports are available free to Federal employees, current contractors and grantees, and nonprofit organizations as supplies permit from the Technical Publications Branch, EPA, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27711. Others may purchase copies from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402.]

Other Publications:

Air Pollution Primer-National Tuberculosis and Respiratory Disease Association, 1969. An introduction to the problem of air pollution. (Free from local Tuberculosis and Respiratory Disease Associations.)

A Citizen's Guide to Clean Air-Conservation Foundation, January 1972. A manual to help citizens participate in air quality improvement. (Free from EPA, Washington, D.C. 20460.)

Air Pollution Workbook-Scientists' Institute for Public Information, 1970. Lucid, short explanations of the atmosphere, characteristics of specific pollutants, and biological effects of pollution. (Order from Scientists' Institute for Public Information, 30 East 68th Street, New York City 10021. $1 per copy.)

Action for Clean Air: A Manual for Citizen Participation in State Implementation Plan Proceedings Under the Clean Air Amendments of 1970-Detailed discussion of the 1970 Act. (Order from Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc., 36 West 44th Street, New York City 10036. 50 cents per copy.) How to Plan an Environmental Conference -League of Women Voters. Details the actual processes involved in preparing workshops, seminars or conferences. (Free from the League of Women Voters, 1730 M Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. 20036.) Environmental Law Handbook-Friends of the Earth/Ballantine Books, Inc. A compendium of legal aspects of air pollution enforcement, including sections on citizen suits. (Order from Friends of the Earth, 620 C Street, S. E., Washington, D. C. 20003. 95 cents per copy.)

Vanishing Air-By John C. Esposito, 1970. A study of the Federal attack on air pollution prior to the formation of EPA. (Order from Grossman Publishers, 625 Madison Avenue, New York City 10022. 95 cents per copy.)

Don't Leave It All to the Experts: EPA, 1972. A handbook for citizens on how to bring about environmental improvements through citizen action organizations. (Free from EPA, Washington, D.C. 20460)


EPA Regional Offices

Each Regional Office has a Public Affairs director who can provide assistance and materials to individuals and groups seeking to work on environmental problems.

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of this publication without further permission.

For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402

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to join the people who do things about pollution. It's time for the people who talk about pollution




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