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15. By whom was Columbus deprived of the honor of giving his name to the continent? What did Americus claim? What is said of this act of .njustice?

16. Who first sailed to India round the Cape of Good Hope? What is said of this enterprise? What is related of Magellan ?

17. When and by whom was the continent of North America first discovered?

18. What land was first seen? Which way did they proceed? In what manner did they take possession of the country?

19 When and with what force did Cortez invade Mexico? How were his men armed? With what else was he furnished?

20. How was Cortez received by Montezuma? How did Cortez requite his hospitality? What followed?

21. What assistance did Cortez obtain? What was the success of the Spaniards?

22. When did the Spaniards form a settlement at Panama? With what force did Pizarro sail from this place in order to conquer Peru? 23. In what manner did he proceed with the inca Atabalipa ?

24. What did Atabalipa do in order to procure his release? To what did this treasure amount, and what was done with it? What was then done to the inca?

25. How did the Spanish chiefs then proceed? What followed? 26. What is said of the Peruvians and Mexicans? they understand? In what did the Peruvians excel? of their religion?

27. What was done in 1524 by Francis I. of France? lated of James Cartier ?

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What is said

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28. What enterprise was performed by Sir Walter Raleigh? What took place on his return to England?

29. Whatnglishmen made unsuccessful attempts to settle Virginia?

30. By what right did Europeans take possession cf the parts of America which they visited? How were the original inhabitants treated? Who set this example? How did he proceed?

31. What was done by the popes? What was held out as the chief reason for taking possession of America? Of what was this made the pretext?

32. By what were the Spaniards stimulated? What is said of their passion for gold? To what were the Indians subjected?

33. To what other iniquitous practice did the discovery and settlement of America give rise?



1. To what are nations inclined to lay claim? How is it with regard to the people of this country? What is said of the early history and growth of this country?

2. What is said of the first settlers, and of what were they the advocates? What circumstances have favored their growth? With whom have their political and commercial relations connected them? 3. In what did the colonization of unis country originate? colonies were peopled by these causes?


4. What were their early condition and sufferings? What was the ultimate issue?

5. When did the crown of England grant the charter under which the first effectual English settlements were made in North America? What two companies were constituted? What territories were assigned to them?

6. When and by whom was the first effectual attempt to form a settlement? Where was it begun? How was the government administered?

7. Who was the first president? Who was chosen the second year? What is related of Smith?

8. In what contests were the colonies involved? What provocations had the Indians before received?

9. What happened to captain Sinith? Before what chief was he carried?

10. What measures were taken respecting him? By whose influence was he delivered?

11. What service did Pocahontas, two years after, perform for the colonists? What is further related of her?

12. What diminution did the colonists suffer in a few months? What did their number amount to at the end of the year?

13. To what sufferings were the colonists afterwards subjected? 14. What was the effect of this famine? What course did those who survived it take? What induced them to remain ?

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15. What was the number of colonists at the end of twelve years What addition was made in 1619? What is said of the planters? What method was adopted for supplying them with wives? What price was paid for a wife? What was the commencement of slavery?

16. What plot was concerted against the colonists in 1622? How many of them were put to death? What calamities followed the massacre? What number of inhabitants did the colony contain in 1624?

17. By what other circumstances did the colony suffer? What is said of Sir William Berkeley and his administration? To what did the restrictions on the trade of the colony give rise? What was the consequence?

18. What was the population in 1660? What was the increase in the 28 succeeding years? With what views did the first adventurers come? To what did they turn their attention in 1616? What use was inade of tobacco?

19. By whom and when was Hudson's river discovered? When and where were the first permanent settlements made by the Dutch? What were the country and the settlement on Manhattan island


20. Who were the three successive Dutch governors? To what did the extension of the English settlements give rise?

21. To whom did Charles II. of England grant the country? What afterwards took place?

22. Where did the Plymouth Company commence an unsuccessful settlement? By whom was the name of the country changed? To whom was a patent granted by king James? Between what degrees of latitude did the country granted lie?

23. When and by whom was the first permanent settlement begun in New England? Why were they called Puritans? Of whose congregation did they form a part?

24. To what country had they before fled? Why did they come to America? What is said of the principle of toleration at this period? 25. To what river did they propose to sail? What was the first land that they discovered? When did they land at Plymouth? 26. To what sufferings were they subjected?

27. What kind of government did they institute? Who were the first two governors? What articles of food did they raise? How was their property for several years held?

28. What method did they adopt to protect themselves against the Indians? What is related of Samoset? What of Massasoit?


long was the treaty made with him observed? 29. When and by whom was the colony of Massachusetts Bay begun ? By whom were Boston and other places near it first settled?

30. What is mentioned respecting the first settlements in New Hampshire? How long did they continue annexed to Massachusetts ?

31. When and where was the colony of Connecticut commenced? The colony of New Haven? When were these united?

32. When, where, and by whom was the settlement of Rhode Island commenced?

33. What is said of the attention of the colonists to religion and learning? How long after the first settlement of Massachusetts Bay was it before Harvard College was founded?

34. For what virtues were the colonists distinguished?

35. On what subjects were their views narrow? What is related of their principles and habits?

36. In what way did the colonists get possession of the land? How had the Indians been treated by Europeans?

37. What is related of captain Standish and of Mr. Robinson? What colonies suffered little from the Indians for many years? What is related respecting the colony of Connecticut? What was the issue of this contest?

38. What measure did the four colonies of Massachusetts Bay, Plymouth, Connecticut, and New Haven, adopt to promote their security and welfare? How many delegates were elected by each? What is said of this union?

39. What was the most destructive Indian war in which the colonies were ever engaged? What is said of Philip? 40. What did the Indians determine to do?


41. What was the immediate cause of war? place?

What measure was

What next took

42. How were hostilities conducted? What is the greatest battle called? Where was it fought? Who commanded the colonists? What was the loss on each side?

43. What was the condition of the Indians after this defeat? What happened to Philip? What is said of his death? In what wars were the colonists afterwards annoyed by the Indians?

44. To what was the English population of these colonies at this time computed to amount? What losses were sustained? How many buildings and towns were destroyed?

45. Who was the founder of Maryland? Where did he first project a settlement? From whom was the country named? By whom was Lord Baltimore succeeded?

46. Who was appointed the first governor? When and where did he begin a settlement? What measures were pursued?

47. To whom was the country of Pennsylvania granted? Why was it granted to Penn? When and with whom did he arrive?

48. What did he make the basis of his institutions? How did he manage in his intercourse with the Indians?

49. How long were the treaties preserved inviolate?

50. What is said of the prosperity of this colony? What inducements were held out to settlers?

51. What were the first civil communities in which the free tolera tion of religion was recognised?


1. What sovereigns had hitherto occupied the throne of England since the commencement of the colonies? What was the effect of their principles? With what were the colonies alarmed?

2. What was done by Edward Randolph in order to destroy the liberties of New England?

3. Who was appointed by James Il. governor of New England? What measure did Sir Edmund Andros adopt? What was done with the charters? How did Sir Edmund then proceed?

4. What took place in England at this time? How was the news of the Revolution of 1688 received in this country? What measures were adopted by the colonies?

5. What was done with regard to the colonies of Massachusetts Bay and Plymouth?

6. How were the magistrates under the old charter elected? What change was made by the new charter? Who was appointed the first governor?

7. To what evils did the Revolution in England subject the colonies? How long did the war during the reign of William last? How ong did that during the reign of Anne continue?

8. How much of the time, for 25 years preceding the peace of Utrecht, had the country been exempted from war? What number

of the inhabitants were in actual service? What was the condition of the rest? What was the state of the country?

9. How many young men, belonging to New England and New York, are supposed to have been lost in the public service?

10. When did another war break out between Great Britain and France? By what was this war rendered memorable in America? What is said of Louisburg?

11. How many troops had general Pepperell? By whom was he joined? What was the issue?

12. What effect did the news of this achievement of the colonies, have on the government of France? What armament was sent by

the French to America? What was the object of it?

13. What disasters happened to this fleet?

14. What became of the ships that remained? What was done with Louisburg at the peace of Aix-la-Chapelle?

15. Who claimed the country watered by the Mississippi and its tributaries? What measures did the French take with regard to it, in the succeeding period of peace?

16. What grant was obtained by the Ohio Company? What course did the French take with respect to the traders?

17. What measures were adopted by the Company and by the colony of Virginia Who was sent to the French commandant ?

18. What course was taken by the British government? What warlike preparations were made?

19. On what expedition was general Braddock sent? What did his force amount to? What is said of Braddock and his fate? What loss was sustained? What is related of Washington?

20. By whom and where was general Johnson met in his expedition against Crown Point? What was the issue? What is said of the expedition against Niagara and Fort Frontinac ?

21. How long was the war carried on before a formal declaration was made? Who succeeded Dieskau? Who had the chief command of the English troops? What is said of the commanders, and of the campaign? By whose means was a favorable change effected?

22. What measure was pursued by Mr. Pitt? What number of men was brought into the service? What three expeditions were resolv.

ed on?

23. What forces and what commanders were sent against Louisburg? What was the issue?

24. What was the result of the attack on Ticonderoga by Abercrombie? What was done by colonel Bradstreet and general Forbes ?

25. To whom was the chief command given after the disaster at Ticonderoga? What was the object of the campaign of 1759? What three divisions were now made of the British army?

26. What was the success of the expeditions against Ticonderoga, Crown Point, and Niagara ?

27. To whom was the expedition against Quebec intrusted? What is said of this place? What effect had the difficulties of the enterprise on the English general? With what force did he approach the city?

28. What enterprise did he accomplish during the night? What was the issue of the battle that followed?

29. What is related of Wolfe on his viewing the engagement, after he had received a fatal wound? What is said of Montcalm ?

30. By what was this battle followed? What was done by the peace of Paris in 1763? How did the success of this war affect the colonies?


1. What is said of the colonists? Why did emigrants leave England? How did they regard the parent country?

2. What was their condition at the peace of 1763 ?

3. What troubles assailed them after the conquest of Canada had freed them from the hostilities of the French and Indians?

4. What had been the effect of the war which Great Britain had carried on in defence of her American posssions? What was the pretext for taxing the colonies?

5. What was maintained respecting this matter by the colonies? What did they maintain was a right of British subjects?

6. What measures were adopted by parliament in 1764? How were these proceedings regarded by the colonies?

7. What act was passed the next year? On what did the Stamp Act lay a duty? What was done by the assembly of Virginia? What by Massachusetts ?

8. What took place in Boston when the news of the Stamp Act arrived? What in New York? What was done by the merchants?

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