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Q. I ask if you can identify those records?

A. The 1965 individual pay card photostatic copy which is before me is in all appearances an exact copy of the original. In fact, I assisted in the reproduction of this copy.


Q. That is a copy of the original pay card?

A. The original pay card.

Q. On file in your office?

A. On file in the Office of Finance of the House of Representatives. The same is true of the 1966 pay card which was also placed before The same statement applies to that card.

Q. Briefly, sir, am I correct in saying that these two pay cards show the gross salary for Miss Flores and deductions and the net salary that was paid to her for the 2 years 1965 and 1966 as a member of Congressman Powell's staff? Is that correct?

A. That is correct. It gives all the details in delineation of that payment.

Q. Now, sir, I am going to hand you what is marked in the record as "Dargans Exhibit 6" and ask you if you can identify that?

A. I can identify this, Mr. Counsel. It is a photostatic copy of the clerk hire appointment form of Representative Powell appointing Y. Marjorie Flores as a clerk effective January 3, 1965, at the annual basic rate of $7,500.

Q. Is that the only clerk hire appointment form that you found in your files for Y. Marjorie Flores during the years 1965 and 1966? A. I didn't check that fact.

Q. Let me amend my question. Did you produce copies of all of the clerk hire appointment forms that are on file for Y. Marjorie Flores?

A. I did, and they were supplied to the committee, or the committee representative. All that are on file. I could have brought the personnel jacket that would have verified this, but we have supplied the committee with all appointments on file in our office.

Mr. TAYLER. May that be marked "Megill Exhibit 2”?
Mr. O'CONNOR. That is already Dargans exhibit.

Mr. TAYLER. Excuse me. That is already marked. Strike that.

Q. What does that clerk hire appointment form-what action does it reflect as having been taken by Mr. Powell? Here is another copy of it.

A. It reflects that he signed the appointment, that he designated Y. Marjorie Flores at the rate of $7,500 basic to be effective January 3, 1965.

Mr. DEVINE. A new appointment, or does she succeed someone, or herself?

The WITNESS. She succeeds herself. That is indicated on the face. There is no requirement that the oath be executed anew.

Mr. DEVINE. It indicates she was on the payroll at some other figure?

The WITNESS. Yes; as indicated in the prior appointment supplied to this committee.

The back of the appointment indicates it was received in the office of finance January 5, 1965, at 8:36 a.m.


Q. Was the basic pay of Miss Flores changed by your office in accordance with the instructions on that form?

A. They were, sir.

Q. Now, sir, do you know whether you have had any instructions from Miss Flores in your files for the distribution of her salary check? A. Yes, sir, we have had a mail order that has varied through the years from, as I recall, about 1951. I wouldn't be sure of that date, but it goes well back. Mailing instructions.

Q. From whom?

A. From Mrs. Flores, or Miss Flores.

Q. What were the instructions?

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A. The original instruction, as I recall it-I didn't bring the records with me was that it go to a certain bank here in the city. that was changed on the card, to go to room 459, as I recall. all from recollection. I don't have the record before me. few months after the committee moved to the Rayburn Building here the number of the committee room escapes me for the momenta letter came in from the chairman directing it be changed from 459 to this room number in the Rayburn Building. That letter was directed to the Clerk of the House of Representatives and was approved by the Clerk and transmitted to our office for execution and we changed the mailing slate from 459 Rayburn Building to the room number of the committee in the House-excuse me-the number in the Cannon Building to the number, the new number in the Rayburn Building.

Q. Prior to the time you received the letter from Mr. Powell that you have just described, you had on file instructions from Miss Flores to have her check sent to Congressman Powell's office?

A. 459; yes, sir.

Q. Then the only thing that Mr. Powell's letter did was to change the office address?

A. In accordance with the relocation of the committee.

Q. Have you, subsequent to Mr. Powell's letter, received any further instructions from Miss Flores with respect to the distribution of her paycheck?

I show you a copy of a letter you produced to the committeee here dated November 22, 1966, to the disbursing office from Y. Marjorie Flores. I ask you if you can identify that and answer my question?

A. This is a photostatic reproduction of the original letter received in the Disbursing Office directed to-I refer to it as the Disbursing Office. That is its former name. It was changed under reorganization about 2 years ago to the Office of Finance directed to the Disbursing Office, House of Representatives. Should I read it? Q. Just a moment. Is that a copy of a letter in your files?

A. That is an exact copy of the original letter on file in our office.
Q. Since the letter is brief, would you read the letter?
A. [Reading:]


U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, D.C.

NOVEMBER 22, 1966.

GENTLEMEN: Effective immediately, please send me all my checks and correspondence from your office to the following address:

Y. Marjorie Flores, c/o Garcia, P.O. Box 324, Central San Vicente, Puerto Rico.

Also please send me an application of retirement fund.

Very truly yours,


We have a notation

Mr. TAYLER. The letter is dated November 22, 1966, Mr. Chair


The WITNESS. I think I read that.


Q. Mr. Megill, has your office, in accordance with Miss Flores' instructions, sent her a retirement application?

A. Yes, sir.

Q. May that letter from Miss Flores to the Disbursing Office be marked "Megill Exhibit 2"?

November 22, 1966

Disbursing Office

U. S. House of Representatives

Washington, D. C.


Effective inmediately please send me all my checks and correspondence from your office, to the following address

Y. Karjorie Flores

c/o Garcia

P. O. Box 324

Central San Vicente

Puerto Rico

Also please send me an application of retirement fund.

[blocks in formation]

(The above-referred-to document was marked "Megill Exhibit 2" and received in evidence.)

Mr. HAYS. Have you sent the check down to her?

The WITNESS. That was done. The November check was sent in accordance with that because it was sent in time for the November check to be sent so two checks have been sent under that directive.


Q. Mr. Megill, I believe you advised me before you came on the witness stand here that your office does not maintain any records of any power of attorney or authorization that Miss Flores may have given to Congressman Powell to endorse her paychecks and deposit them in his bank account with the Sergeant at Arms; is that right?

A. That is correct. We are not such an office as would have such a communication and the only way we would be associated with that would be to supply the blank form to be deposited with the bank or the person who is to exercise the power of attorney. We have no connection with that whatsoever by law, rule, or otherwise.

Q. Do you have any knowledge of whether or not such a power of attorney or authorization is on file with the bank?

A. No, sir; I have no such knowledge.

Q. Your duties don't involve such matters?

A. None whatsoever; no.

Q. I hand you a letter dated January 4, 1966, to the Clerk of the House, Mr. Roberts, bearing the signature "Adam C. Powell" and ask you if you can identify that?

A. I can identify it as being an exact photostatic copy of an original that is presently in the Office of Finance which, of course, is part of the Office of the Clerk of the House of Representatives.

Q. Is that the letter to which you previously referred from Mr. Powell, simply changing the office address to which Miss Flores' paychecks were to be sent?

A. It is, sir. It has every feature, even down to the "OK" by Ralph Roberts, with the "R" which is typical of his type of approval. Mr. TAYLER. May that be marked "Megill Exhibit 3"?

(The above-referred-to document was marked "Megill Exhibit 3" and received in evidence.)

Mr. TAYLER. At this time, Mr. Chairman, I offer for entry into the record exhibits 1-A and 1-B, 2 and 3.

Mr. HAYS. Without objection, they will be entered into the record at the proper place.

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Would you kindly arrange to have the Disbursing Office revise
its mailing list so that the salary check of Y. Marjorie


Diago Flores is mailed to my suite in the Rayburn Building
Room 2161
instead of 429 in the Cannon House Office Building,


[blocks in formation]

(The documents previously marked "Megill Exhibits Nos. 1-A 1-B, 2, and 3" were received in evidence.)

Mr. TAYLER. I have no further questions.

Mr. DICKINSON. Do I understand you correctly, Mr. Megill, to say that the chairman of a committee has the authority to direct you to send employee paychecks anyplace he wishes?

The WITNESS. No, sir; you did not understand me to say that, or

you should not have. I did not mean to say that.

Mr. DICKINSON. You did say that an employee of the committee had her paycheck directed by order of the chairman?

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