Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation Secret Service, Treasury Department Securities and Exchange Commission Selective Service System Small Business Administration Smithsonian Institution Social Security Administration Federal Credit Unions, Bureau of Soil Conservation Service Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, Bureau of Agency for International Development State Technical Services, Office of Tariff Commission, United States Telecommunications Management, Director of Tennessee Valley Authority Trade Negotiations, Office of Special Representative Transportation, Department of Coast Guard Federal Aviation Administration 45, XI 23, II 29, I 29, X 36, I 29, III 45, VI 41, 25 32A, XVIII 14, III 32, VI 32A, X 32A, XI 9, II 35, I 37, I 14, 1; 41, 2 49, III 41, 2, 12, 12B 49, II Secretary of the Treasury, Office of United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency Federal Procurement Regulations System United States Soldiers' Home United States Tariff Commission Veterans Administration Federal Procurement Regulations System Wage and Hour Division Water Pollution Control Administration, Federal Water Resources Council Water Resources Research, Office of Welfare-Pension Reports, Office of Labor-Management and Wildlife, Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Redesignation Table The following table shows the effect of redesignation and reorganization on the regulations contained in this volume. The Armed Services Procurement Regulations were republished in their entirety with no changes in numbering at 25 F.R. 14077, Dec. 31, 1960. Subchapter A-Armed Services Procurement Regulations (as reorganized and redesignated at 19 F.R. 8778, Dec. 22, 1954) |