e. Storage charges per 30-day period or fraction thereof for UB after 3d day from date of notification of arrival. GCWT (Repeat a thru d above for additional zones as needed.) Item 19.1: Inbound service-contractor facility. Service under this item shall include removal of unaccompanied baggage from outer shipping containers for pickup by owner at Contractor's facility. Item 19.2: Drayage (when other services are performed). Service under this item shall include drayage as required beyond the perimeter of the zone of performance included in the specified item. Drayage shall be paid at a rate per gross cwt for each highway mile the shipment is moved. This charge will be in addition to the rate for the primary service performed and will be based on the shortest practical route.... GCWT Item 19.3: Drayage (when other services not required). Service under this item shall include drayage as ordered, when other services are not required, at a rate per gross cwt per highway mile for which shipment is moved over the shortest practicable route. Service under this item includes the loading and unloading of goods and placing of same in line-haul carrier terminals or military transportation shipping offices or both. An inventory shall be prepared when requested by the Contracting Officer.... Item 20: Remarking/recoopering service. a. Remarking. Service under this item shall consist of obliteration of all old markings and stenciling of necessary information on shipping containers when authorized by the Contracting Officer. b. Recoopering. Service under this item shall consist of repair of containers not to exceed 30% of total area of shipping container and rebanding as necessary when approved by the Contracting Officer... GCWT GCWT Each.. Each.. §7.1603-10 Performance. PERFORMANCE (1968 NOVEMBER) (a) The services called for hereunder shall be performed in conformance with MIL-STD212 ------, "Preparation of Household Goods for Shipment or Storage and Related Services," for Schedules I, II, and III only, unless otherwise directed by the Contracting Officer. The Contractor shall meet the following minimum stowage factor standards in stuffing of shipping containers: For Type II or III and CONEX containers5.7 net lbs. per gross cubic foot of container cube. Established GCWT For Air Cargo Containers-8.9 net lbs. per gross cubic foot of container cube. (The term "stuffing" as related to containers means loading of personal property into shipping containers.) Labor employed to perform pickup and delivery, inventorying, packing, crating, weighing, marking, loading, hauling, drayage, unpacking, blocking, bracing, and other services described herein shall be competent in the performance of such services. (b) Inventory of shipment shall be accomplished pursuant to provisions of MIL-STD 212 (c) All services shall be performed in accordance with the priority order established by the Contracting Officer. of (d) "Military Standard-Preparation Household Goods for Shipment and Storage and Related Services" (MIL-STD-212 ------) and applicable specifications referred to herein are available for reference in the local Procurement or Transportation Offices. §7.1603-11 Time requirements. TIME REQUIREMENTS (1968 NOVEMBER) (a) The Contractor shall commence containerization of household goods or unaccompanied baggage at owner's residence or Contractor's facility on the date specified by the Contracting Officer. If containerization is authorized at Contractor's facility, the household goods or unaccompanied baggage as required, shall be picked up on the date(s) specified. Unless a longer period is authorized by the Contracting Officer, the maximum containerization time allowed at the Contractor's facility shall be three (3) working days from specified pickup date for household goods and two (2) working days from specified pickup date for unaccompanied baggage. (b) The Contracting Officer or his designated representative shall normally give the Contractor notice to commence containerization or to pickup household goods or baggage shipments at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the date specified. (c) Delivery or removal of household goods or unaccompanied baggage to or from Owner's residence, or containerization of household goods or unaccompanied baggage at Owner's residence, shall be completed between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday only, officially declared National, State, or local holidays excluded, unless the Owner, his authorized agent, or the Contracting Officer authorizes such services to be accomplished earlier or later. (d) The Contractor shall accept and pick up inbound shipments of household goods or unaccompanied baggage, effect delivery thereof to the destination, and shall unload and unpack the same on the date specified by the Contracting Officer during the working hours set forth above. Delivery shall be effected within two (2) working days from date of pickup/receipt unless otherwise specified. § 7.1603-13 Vans. VANS (1968 NOVEMBER) Vans used in transporting unpacked and uncrated furniture shall be of the closed type and shall be supplied with sufficient clean, sanitary pads, covers, and other equipment to protect personal property adequately during transit and delivery. Vehicles used in transporting containerized personal property may be of the open type provided a weatherproof tarpaulin is used to protect the shipment. § 7.1603-14 Drayage. DRAYAGE (1968 NOVEMBER) (a) Drayage under the Schedules of items in this contract shall include all outbound or inbound hauling of loose articles, containerized shipments and empty Government containers between owner's residence or storage point (other than Contractor's facility) and Contractor's facility. When pickup is part of the line-haul service, Contractor shall perform loading on freight forwarder or carrier equipment at Contractor's facility. Payment shall not be made for drayage performed within the zones awarded. (b) Repositioning of Government containers between Contractors' and Government facilities shall be at no additional cost to the Government. (c) Payment for drayage shall be made at a rate per net/gross hundredweight per highway mile as applicable for which shipment is moved over the shortest practicable route. § 7.1603-15 Liability. LIABILITY (1968 NOVEMBER) (a) The words "reasonable time" as used in the following paragraph means a period of time not to exceed two (2) years after the time the owner discovers loss or damage to his property or the time he should have discovered the loss or damage if he had exercised due diligence. The word "article" as used in the following paragraph means any shipping piece or package and the contents thereof. (b) During the period of this contract and for a reasonable time, the Contractor agrees to indemnify the owner for loss or damage to the owner's property which arises from any cause while it is in the Contractor's possession as follows: (1) Nonnegligent damage. The Contractor shall indemnify owners for any loss or damage to their property which results from any cause, other than the Contractor's negligence, at a rate not to exceed sixty cents (60) per pound per article. (ii) Negligent damage. When loss or damage is caused by the negligence of the Contractor, he shall be liable for the full cost of satisfactory repair or for the current replacement value of the article. The Contractor shall make prompt payment to the owner of the property for any loss or damage for which the Contractor is liable. § 7.1603-16 Erroneous shipments. ERRONEOUS SHIPMENTS (1968 NOVEMBER) (a) It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor at his expense to have articles of personal property which he inadvertently packed with goods of other than the rightful owner forwarded to the rightful owner by the quickest means of transportation. (b) Further, it shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to insure that all shipments have been stenciled correctly. When a shipment is forwarded to an incorrect address due to incorrect stenciling by the Contractor or its personnel, the shipment shall be returned with the least possible delay to its rightful owner by a mode of transportation selected by the Transportation Officer. The Contractor shall be liable for all costs incurred including charges for preparation, drayage, transportation. and § 7.1603-17 Marking instructions. MARKING INSTRUCTIONS (1968 NOVEMBER) (a) All containers of professional books, papers or equipment shall be stenciled "Professional Books, Paper, Equipment" and their weights shall be shown separately on packing lists. (b) Unaccompanied baggage containers shall be marked as such. §7.1603-18 Weight certificates. WEIGHT CERTIFICATES (1968 DECEMBER) (a) A weight certificate, in triplicate, from a certified scale or weighmaster shall be submitted to the transportation officer for all outbound shipments. (b) To determine the net weight of inbound household goods shipments, when such weight is not shown on the Government Bill of Lading, the tare weight indicated on the container shall be deducted from the gross weight on the container or on the Government Bill of Lading. The net weight shall be annotated on the Government Bill of Lading. (c) When inbound shipments include shipping containers other than Type II or III (PPP 580), the tare weight shall be determined in the same manner as in (b) above and such weight shall be deducted from the gross weight set forth on the shipping container or on the Government Bill of Lading, to determine the net weight of the household goods. § 7.1603-19 Inventory of damaged material. The Contractor shall not subcontract without prior written approval of the Contracting Officer. The facilities of any approved subcontractor shall meet the minimum standards required by this contract. § 7.1603-22 Method of Ordering. METHOD OF ORDERING (1968 NOVEMBER) (a) Orders will be placed with that Contractor whose prices for the items required are lowest. If that Contractor refuses or is unable to accept the order because it exceeds his guaranteed daily capability, the order will be placed with the next lowest Contractor whose guaranteed daily capability is not exceeded or is willing to accept the order. (b) Orders will be placed by telephone or by written service orders, provided, however, a telephone order wil be confirmed within 3 working days by a written service order. Ordering officers will promptly furnish one copy of each service order to the Contracting Officer who awarded the contract. Sec. 8.000 PART 8-TERMINATION OF CONTRACTS It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor when making delivery to prepare a separate inventory listing all articles lost or damaged and describing such loss or damage. This inventory shall be submitted to the transportation officer within seven (7) days after the delivery of the goods. 8.101 8.101-1 8.101-2 8.101-3 Scope and applicability of part. Subpart A-Definition of Terms Definitions. Amount of claims or settlement. Common items. Continued portion of the contract. 8.210-1 General. Exceptions by the General Ac 8.210-2 Reserved items. Government property. 8.404-7 counting Office. 8.210-3 8.404-8 Final settlement. DD Form 542-Inventory Schedule A-Metals in Mill Product Form and DD Form 542c-Inventory Schedule A-Continuation Sheet. DD Form 543-Inventory Schedule B-Raw Materials and DD Form 543c-Inventory Schedule BContinuation Sheet. DD Form 544-Inventory Schedule C-Work in Process and DD Form 544c-Inventory Schedule C-Continuation Sheet. DD Form 545-Inventory Schedule D-Dies, Jigs, Fixtures, etc., and Special Tools; and DD Form 545c-Inventory Schedule DContinuation Sheet. DD Form 832-Inventory Schedule E-Short Form for Use with DD Form 831 Only. DD Form 546-Schedule of Accounting Information. 8.802-10 DD Form 548-Application for Partial Payment. 8.802-11 DD Form 1598-Contract Termination Status Report. posal-Inventory Basis. 8.802-2 DD Form 541-Settlement Pro posal-Total Cost Basis. 8.806 8.802-3 DD Form 831-Settlement Proposal-Short Form. DD Form 547-Settlement Proposal for Cost-Reimbursement Type Contracts. DD Form 547s-Notice of Audit Status Date. Forms of settlement agreement. Settlement agreement for use in settling fixed-price prime contracts after complete termination. Settlement agreements for use in settling fixed-price prime contracts after partial termination. Partial settlement agreement for use in settling fixed-price prime contracts after complete or partial termination where settlement pertains only to settlements with subcontractors. Settlement agreement for use in settling cost-reimbursement type prime contracts after complete termination where settlement includes costs. Settlement agreement for use in settling cost-reimbursement type prime contracts after complete termination where settlement is limited to fee. No cost settlement agreementpartial termination. No cost settlement agreementcomplete termination. Settlement agreement for use in settling cost-reimbursement type price contracts after partial termination. Format for settlement of reservations. DD Form 1114-Instructions for Use of Contract Termination Settlement and Inventory Schedule Forms. 8.803 8.804 8.805 8.805-1 8.805-2 8.805-3 |