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The Government, through any authorized representatives, has the right, at all reasonable times, to inspect, or otherwise evaluate the work performed or being performed hereunder and the premises in which it is being performed. If any inspection, or evaluation is made by the Government on the premises of the Contractor or a subcontractor, the Contractor shall provide and shall require its subcontractors to provide all reasonable facilities and assistance for the safety and convenience of the Government representatives in the performance of their duties. All inspections and evaluations shall be performed in such a manner as will not unduly delay the work.

(c) Where it is desired to require contractors to maintain an inspection system in accordance with Military Specification MIL-I-45208 (see § 14.303 of this chapter), the clause set forth in paragraph (a) of this section shall be included in the contract, except that the following shall be added as the second sentence of paragraph (e) of this section.

The inspection system shall be in accordance with the edition of Military Specification MIL-I-45208 in effect on the date of this contract. (August 1967)

[25 F.R. 14200, Dec. 31, 1960, as amended at 29 F.R. 11821, Aug. 19, 1964; 32 F.R. 16406, Νον. 30, 1967]

§ 7.302-5 Assignment of claims.

In accordance with the instructions set forth in § 7.103-8, insert the contract clause set forth therein.

[25 F.R. 14200, Dec. 31, 1960]

§ 7.302-6 Examination of records.

In negotiated fixed-price research and development contracts, insert the clause set forth in § 7.104-15 in accordance with the requirements set forth therein. [25 F.R. 14200, Dec. 31, 1960]

§ 7.302-7 Federal, State, and local taxes.

In accordance with the requirements of § 11.401 of this chapter, insert the contract clause set forth in §§ 11.401-1 or 11.401-2 of this chapter as appropriate. [25 F.R. 14200, Dec. 31, 1960]

§ 7.302-8 Utilization of small business


In accordance with the requirements of § 1.707-3(a) of this subchapter, insert the clause set forth therein. [27 F.R. 3451, Apr. 11, 1962]

§ 7.302-9 Default.

In accordance with the requirements of § 8.710 of this chapter, insert the clause set forth therein.

[25 F.R. 14200, Dec. 31, 1960]

§ 7.302-10 Termination for convenience of the government.

In accordance with the requirements of §§ 8.701 and 8.704 of this chapter, insert the appropriate contract clause. [25 F.R. 14200, Dec. 31, 1960]

§ 7.302-11 Disputes.

In accordance with the instructions in §7.103-12, insert the contract clause set forth in § 7.103-12.

[25 F.R. 14200, Dec. 31, 1960]

§ 7.302-12 Renegotiation.

In accordance with the requirements of § 7.103-13, insert the appropriate contract clause set forth therein.

[25 F.R. 14200, Dec. 31, 1960]

§ 7.302-13 Buy American Act.

In accordance with § 6.104-5 of this chapter, insert the clause set forth therein, except when in accordance with §§ 18.509-4, 18.509-5, and 18.509-6 of this chapter, the clauses prescribed in §§ 7.602-20 and 7.602-24 are inserted. [34 F.R. 9269, June 12, 1969]

§ 7.302-14 Convict labor.

In accordance with the requirements of § 12-202, insert the contract clause set forth in ASPR 12-203.

[25 F.R. 14200, Dec. 31, 1960]

§ 7.302-15 Walsh-Healey Public Contracts Act.

In accordance with the requirements of Part 12, subpart F of this chapter, insert the contract clause set forth in § 12.605 of this chapter.

[25 F.R. 14200, Dec. 31, 1960]

§ 7.302-16 Contract Work Hours Standards Act-Overtime compensation.

In accordance with the instructions of $12.303 of this chapter, insert the clause set forth therein.

[30 F.R. 1736, Feb. 9, 1965]

§ 7.302-17 Equal opportunity.

In accordance with § 12.804 of this chapter, insert the applicable clause set forth in § 7.103-18.

[34 F.R. 9269, June 12, 1969]

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Notice and assistance re

garding patent infringement.

In accordance with the requirements of § 9.104 of this chapter, insert the contract clause set forth therein.

[25 F.R. 14201, Dec. 31, 1960]

§7.302-23 Patent rights.

In accordance with the requirements of § 9.107 of this chapter, insert the appropriate contract clause set forth therein with additional or alternate paragraphs as prescribed therein. However, in the case of contracts awarded on the basis of no profit, the percentage amount specified to be withheld under paragraph (g) of the clause set forth in §9.107-5(a) of this chapter or paragraph (f) of the clause set forth in §9.107-5(b) of this chapter may be changed from "five percent (5%)" in all four places where this appears to "one percent (1%)." In contracts with educational institutions and nonprofit organizations, paragraphs (g) and (f) of the clauses set forth in § 9.107-5 (a) and (b) of this chapter, respectively, may be omitted.

[32 F.R. 518, Jan. 18, 1967]

§ 7.302-24 Basic data clause.

In accordance with requirements of $9.202 of this chapter, insert the clause set forth in § 9.203(b) of this chapter with appropriate additional or alternate paragraphs as prescribed by the instructions in §§ 9.203 and 9.204-1 of this chapter, and the appropriate "Technical

Data-Withholding of Payment" clause as set forth in § 9.207 of this chapter. [32 F.R. 518, Jan. 18, 1967]

§ 7.302-25 Military security require


(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, insert an appropriate security requirements clause in accordance with the provisions of § 7.104-12.

(b) In any research and development contract with an educational institution when the contract is awarded on the basis of no profit, insert an appropriate security requirements clause in accordance with the provisions of § 7.402-24(b).

(c) The contracting officer or his authorized representative shall prepare and transmit to the contractor and the Government representative having security cognizance over the contract involved a Security Requirements Check List (DD Form 254) or other written notification, in accordance with § 16.811 of this chapter.

[28 F.R. 12570, Nov. 23, 1963]

§ 7.302-26 Utilization of concerns in

[blocks in formation]

(b) In accordance with the require- § 7.303-10 Limitation on withholding

ments of § 18.509-5 of this chapter, insert the clause entitled Buy American Act. [32 F.R. 518, Jan. 18, 1967 and 32 F.R. 4259, Mar. 18, 1967]

§ 7.303-2 Filing of patent applications.

In accordance with the requirements of $ 9.106 of this chapter, insert the contract clause set forth therein.

[33 F.R. 15391, Oct. 17, 1968]

§ 7.303-3 Reporting of royalties.

In accordance with the requirements of § 9.110 of this chapter, insert the contract clause set forth therein.

[26 F.R. 9639, Oct. 12, 1961]

§ 7.303-4 Excess profit.

In accordance with the requirements of $ 7.104-11, insert the appropriate contract clause set forth therein.

[25 F.R. 14201, Dec. 31, 1960]

§ 7.303-5

Preference for certain domestic commodities.

In accordance with the requirements of § 6.305 of this chapter, insert the contract clause set forth therein.

[25 F.R. 14201, Dec. 31, 1960]

§ 7.303-6 Priorities, allocations, and allotments.

In accordance with the requirements of $ 1.307-2 of this chapter, insert the contract clause set forth in § 7.104-18. [25 F.R. 14201, Dec. 31, 1960]

§ 7.303-7 Government property.

In accordance with the requirements set forth in §§ 13.702 and 13.706 of this chapter, insert the appropriate contract clause.

[30 F.R. 1736, Feb. 9, 1965]

[blocks in formation]

In accordance with the requirements of $ 6.403, insert the contract clause set forth therein.

[32 F.R. 518, Jan. 18, 1967]

§ 7.303-9 Notice to the Government of labor disputes.

Insert the clause set forth in § 7.104-4 in all contracts involving the furnishing or production of any item on the Department of Defense Master Urgency List and in any other contract of a class or kind which the Head of the Procuring Activity concerned determines to be appropriate for the use of such a clause. [25 F.R. 14201, Dec. 31, 1960]

of payments.

Insert the clause in § 7.104-21(a) when

required by § 7.104-21.

[25 F.R. 14201, Dec. 31, 1960]

§ 7.303-11 Health, safety, and accident prevention.

In accordance with § 7.104-78, insert the clause set forth therein.

[34 F.R. 9269, June 12, 1969]

§ 7.303-12 Subcontracts.

In accordance with the requirements of $ 23.201-1 of this chapter, insert an appropriate subcontracts clause.

[32 F.R. 4259, Mar. 18, 1967]

§ 7.303-13 Material inspection and receiving report.

Insert the clause set forth in § 7.104-62. [32 F.R. 10168, July 11, 1967]

§ 7.303-14 Frequency authorization.

In accordance with the requirements of § 7.104-61, insert the clause set forth therein.

[32 F.R. 518, Jan. 18, 1967]

§ 7.303-15 Quality program.

In accordance with the instructions in § 14.304 of this chapter, insert the clause set forth in § 7.104-28.

[32 F.R. 16406, Nov. 30, 1967]

§ 7.303-16 Price reduction for defective cost or pricing data.

In accordance with the requirements of § 7.104-29, insert the appropriate clause set forth therein.

[28 F.R. 2107, Mar. 5, 1963]

§ 7.303-17 Ground and flight risks.

In all negotiated fixed-price type contracts for the production, modification, maintenance, or overhaul of aircraft, insert the clause set forth in § 10.404 of this chapter.

[26 F.R. 9639, Oct. 12, 1961]

§ 7.303-18 Duty-free entry.

In accordance with the requirements of § 6.603-2, insert any or all of the clauses set forth in § 6.603-3, as appropriate.

[blocks in formation]

§7.303-20 Safety precautions for ammunition, explosives, other dangerous materials, and materials hazardous to health.

In accordance with § 7.104-79, insert the clause set forth therein. [34F.R. 9269, June 12, 1969]

§ 7.303-21 Advance payments.

When advance payments are to be made in accordance with Subpart D, Part 163 of this chapter, insert the appropriate clause as set forth in § 163.64-2 of this chapter.

[26 F.R. 9639, Oct. 12, 1961]

§ 7.303-22 Workmen's compensation insurance overseas.

In accordance with the requirements of § 10.403 of this chapter, insert the clause entitled "Workmen's Compensation Insurance (Defense Base Act)". [26 F.R. 9639, Oct. 12, 1961]

§ 7.303-23 Progress payments.

When progress payments are to be made in accordance with Subpart E, Part 163 of this chapter, insert the appropriate clause as set forth in § 163.79 of this chapter.

[26 F.R. 9639, Oct. 12, 1961]

§ 7.303-24 Required source for jewel bearings.

In accordance with the requirements of § 1.315 of this chapter, insert the clause set forth therein.

[27 F.R. 1708, Feb. 22, 1962]

§ 7.303-25 Notice of radioactive materials.

In accordance with § 7.104-80, insert the clause set forth therein. [34 F.R. 9269, June 12, 1969]

§ 7.303-26 Interest.

In accordance with the requirements of §§ 163.118 and 163.119 of this chapter, insert the clause set forth in § 163.118 of this chapter.

[27 F.R. 3451, Apr. 11, 1962]

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

In accordance with the requirements of § 7.104-42, insert the appropriate clause set forth therein.

[28 F.R. 2107, Mar. 5, 1963]

§ 7.303-30 United States Products (Military Assistance Program).

In accordance with the requirements of $ 6.703 of this chapter, insert the contract clause set forth in § 6.703-4 of this chapter.

[28 F.R. 2582, Mar. 16, 1963]

§ 7.303-31 Value Engineering incentive.

In accordance with the requirements of § 1.1702 of this chapter, insert the applicable clause set forth in § 1.1705 of this chapter.

[30 F. R. 1736, Feb. 9, 1965]

§ 7.303-32 Management control systems


In accordance with $16.827-1 of this chapter, insert the clause in § 7.104.50. [34 F.R. 12021, July 17, 1969]

§ 7.303-33 Non-use of foreign-flag vessels engaged in Cuban trade.

In accordance with the requirements of § 1.1410 of this chapter, insert the clause set forth therein.

[29 F.R. 2832, Feb. 29, 1964]

§ 7.303-34 New material.

In accordance with the requirements of §1.1208 of this chapter, insert a clause such as is set forth therein.

[29 F.R. 2832, Feb. 29, 1964]

§ 7.303-35 Government surplus.

In accordance with the requirements of § 1.1208 of this chapter, insert a clause such as is set forth therein.

[29 F.R. 2832, Feb. 29, 1964]

§ 7.303-37 Special test equipment.

In accordance with the requirements of $ 13.705 of this chapter, insert the clause set forth therein.

[30 F. R. 1736, Feb. 9, 1965]

§ 7.303-39 First article approval.

In accordance with Subpart S, Part 1 of this chapter, insert the appropriate

[blocks in formation]

In accordance with § 1.327, insert the clause set forth in § 1.327-2. [31 F.R. 9856, July 21, 1966]

§ 7.303-44 Care of laboratory animals.

In furtherance of the Department of Defense policy that all aspects of investigative programs involving the use of experimental or laboratory animals be humanely conducted in accordance with recognized principles, the following clause shall be included in all contracts awarded in the United States, its possessions, and Puerto Rico, which may involve the use of such animals.


(a) In the care of any experimental live animals (dogs, cats, non-human primates, guinea pigs, hamsters, or rabbits) used in the performance of this contract, the Contractor shall adhere to the principles enunciated in the "Guide for Laboratory Animal Facilities and Care" prepared by the Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources, National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council, and in the publication "Laboratory Animal Welfare" prepared by the Agricultural Research Service, Department of Agriculture. In case of conflict between the standards in these publications, the higher standard shall be used.

(b) The Contractor shall obtain necessary copies of the publications referenced in (a) above from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402.

(c) The Contractor shall acquire dogs and cats used in research and development programs from a person holding a valid dealer's license issued by the Secretary of Agriculture, except as exempted by Public Law 89544, Laboratory Animal Welfare Act, August 24, 1966.

[33 F.R. 19918, Dec. 28, 1968]

§ 7.303-45 Recovery of nonrecurring costs on non-U.S. Government sales of defense equipment.

In accordance with § 4.110 (d) of this chapter, insert the clauses set forth in § 7.104-64, as appropriate.

[34 F.R. 9269, June 12, 1969]

§ 7.303-46 Insurance.

Insert the clause in § 10.405 of this chapter, in accordance with the instructions therein, in contracts requiring the performance of work on a Government installation.

[33 F.R. 7364, May 18, 1968]

§ 7.303-47 Use of excess and nearexcess currency.

In accordance with the requirements of § 6.1110 of this chapter, insert the clause set forth therein.

[33 F.R. 7364, May 18, 1968)
§ 7.304 Additional clauses.

The following clauses shall be inserted in accordance with Departmental procedures where it is desired to cover the subject matter thereof in such contracts. [25 F.R. 14201, Dec. 31, 1960]

§ 7.304-1 Changes.


The Contracting Officer may at any time, by a written order, and without notice to the sureties, if any, make changes, within the general scope of this contract, in any one or more of the following: (1) drawings, designs, or specifications; (11) method of shipment or packing; and (111) place of inspection, delivery, or acceptance. If any such change causes an increase or decrease in the cost of, or the time required for performance of, this contract, or otherwise affects any other provisions of this contract, whether changed or not changed by any such order, an equitable adjustment shall be made (1) in the contract price or time of performance, or both, and (11) in such other provisions of the contract as may be so effected, and the contract shall be modified in writing accordingly. Any claim by the Contractor for adjustment under this clause must be asserted within thirty (30) days from the date of receipt by the Contractor of the notification of change: Provided, however, That the Contracting Officer, if he decides that the facts justify such action, may receive and act upon any such claim asserted at any time prior to final payment under this contract. Failure to agree to any adjustment shall be a dispute concerning a question of fact within the meaning of the clause of this contract entitled "Disputes". However, nothing in this clause shall excuse the Contractor from proceeding with the contract as changed.

In the foregoing clause, the period of "thirty (30) days" within which any claim for adjustment must be asserted, may be varied in accordance with Departmental procedures. In accordance with 10 U.S.C. 2306(f), prior to the pricing of any change order that is expected to exceed $100,000, except where

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