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rous, hateful, and keep no faith; neither will they traffic, but hate each other. They now are in the fhoes of the weak and feeble, a common make-game and laughing stock at each other, and in the mouths of all nations, fo that in a fhort time, fay likely, both proteftantifm with Jefuitifm, will be buried with the century; with this he clofed the fecond act.

Our good friend, on clofing his fecond act, finished a dozen bumpers, when he became outrageous against the court of Rome and catholic courts; he difplayed great ingenuity, and handled his ram's head with the dexterity, power, vigour, and energetic force of an Alexander or Cæfar; fo that, in a small hour, the court of Rome, with that of France, Spain, Germany, Portugal, and whatever power leagued in whatever manner, or way, or the like of that, do ye mungey, to the extinction or abolifhing the fociety, was cut up, carved, and, as Sodom and Gomorrah utterly deftroyed, fo as not a veftige of beauty was to be found, but a lake of filthy mire, or the like of that, do ye mungey. The cafe being thus: but then and fuppofe, or the like of that, do ye mungey, will you observe, as the faying is, that according to your logic, you make ufe of the court of Rome to deftroy the church of Rome. In such case, or the like of that, what is become of the plenitude of power and jurifdiction granted by Chrift to the chair of Peter. The chair of Peter, which is the centre of unity, is poffeffed of plenitude of power, otherwife, could not have granted the great privileges and

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fpiritual immunities the fociety were in poffeffion of, neither without being head and prince of the church, could Paul the 3d, then Pope, grant, or Ignatius, our original, receive, authority and power to be formed and confirmed, with his difciples, a regular and (trong fortress, which made the powers of the earth jealous and hell tremble, faith this Enterlacing Gemini. But, according to my first pofition, fpirits, no doubt, are creat ed, but cannot be annihilated, as we obferved, by the fiends, unlefs the Almighty, from whom we receive our original and pristine state, or being, to whom all things are poffible, who created the univerfe from nothing, and, at his word, the whole would return into its original ftate; the fociety therefore being once confirmed one compact body fpiritual, could not be deftroyed but by the divine fentence. We honour and revere the Pope, as vicar of our Lord, and placed by him head of the church. The fociety, on this ground, iñade a fourth vow of obedience to his Holinefs, and in all things expert in our filial duty, confidering ourselves entitled, therefore, to every exertion as a claim yoked on our holy Father, being pack-horse for what elfe is he but the fervant of fervants? To arraign the culprit, princes, our accufers at his dread tr.bunal, reinftate us in our patrimony and privileges, and, by the thunder of his Bull, prevent future encroachments. Had Ganganelli acted, as aforefaid, we fhould have extoiled, exalted, magnified and immortalized the immaculate Pope Clement XIV. But alas, it is Ganganelli, in league with the court of Rome,

Rome, and others, have spread the net of injuftice, which has, as Shakespeare's Falstaff, entailed on his pate everlafting infamy. Ha, ba, ba, bu, my dear Joy. I then put this queftion. But then and fuppofe or the like of that, as the faying is, do ye mungey, do ye nincompoop, fpeak the general voice of the Jefuits? To which my fpark replied, I do not; the zeal of us younkers is the language or Holocauft I prefent you, who are, to the difhonour of the fociety, but a few younklins; the note of the feniors bleat forth the old note of Ignatius, the greater glory of God, general mortification of the fenfes, abnegation, mental prayer, fpiritual pleasure, contempt of earthly amufements, hatred of temporal honours, and love of humiliations, and covetous of being punished and defpifed, keeping your mind continually occupied on Almighty God, love of chastity, and precepts of the gofpels, obedience, with joyful alacrity, to whatever the Almighty is pleafed to appoint, either by affliction, or in what manner his Divine Majefty is pleafed to try his fociety; fo that they confidered the extinction of the fociety as a certain prefage of eternal glory; but this, as zealots in the cause of justice and glory, as a fervile and bafe fpirit, which we ufed our rhetoric to fhew them the utility of a heroic and great zeal, but received fevere reprimands and looked on as aliens to the fpirit of the fociety, and by no means difciples of our forefathers; fo that we could not agree in our fpirit; for we neither agreed nor fympathized with each other. I then came round


him with a how-do-ye-do, fuppofing the cafe or the like of that, do ye mungey, as is fuppofed ye younklins, from your entrance into the fociety, made the fpirit of your founder your pattern, from whom you copy your lives and morals, the greater glory of God, his fpirit and fayings, continually inculcated from the elders or feniors to ye younklins, from Ignatius, in regular fucceffion, until the restoration or return into the land of Promife, the original priesthood, you being heretofore a chip of the old block (the old priesthood) or, as the gardener has it, a layer, laid by Pope Paul the 3d, in his Bull, dated the 27th of September 1540, to ftem the impetuofity or torrent of proteftancy, which, like wild fire, frightened poor Paul, who, as the faying is, made a blanket of Jefuitifm, to defend him from those fiery darts, or the like of that, do ye mungey. I beg your excufe, these little interludes, which I am accuftomed long fince to, of breaking in, or protracting what I would wish to be understood, that is, or the like of that, obferve, do ye mungey, fetting the cafe, thus, as I was faying, Pope Paul the 3d formed a fociety called Jefuits, and commiffioned them to inftruct. the weak and ignorant in the rules and knowledge of the Catholic Religion, to ftem the torrent of fchifm, herefy and infidelity, and preferve unity in the bond of peace. According to our great apostle Paul, the then Pope's namefake, or the like of that, do ye mungey, mafter Wifacre, from the aforefaid date 27th of September 1740. These lads receiving their authority from his


Holiness, prefently multiplied and became confpicuous, colonizing in every state and nation, they, as Nebuchadnezar's Tree, difplayed its branches throughout the earth, and, with forprifing agility, and numberlefs feats of chivalry, about the grand epoch or period of the proteftant greatnefs, from the year 1760 to 1770, both empires keeping pace with each other, arrived to the goal, as tight a match perhaps as ever stepped at Newmarket; let me confider the distance, or the like of that; take 1540 from 1760, will leave you 220 years, with the before and after felvage or fagenda, which will fpin fome years, or the like of that; but as I was faying, or the like of that, both focieties kept pace and ambled together exceedingly well 220, or if you would rather have it, 230 full years, and, in all likelihood, as they both are Coufin Germans, fpringing out of one common stock or grand-dame, that, as the one has disappeared in its original Catholic Mother, the other crumbling will foon follow.

Moses. Your Reverend Hero is a picture perfectly correfponding to the fchifmatical tribe, in the time of our Law-Giver, which fubject I dwelt upon in a former Conference, the Tree you noted in the dream of Nebuchadnezar, with the visions and predictions of the prophets, fhew that, kingdoms rife and fall according to their periods, ftated by the Divine decree. Your fcripture breathes the fame fpirit, your Saviour tells you, not to be anxious, for your God will provide, that not a fparrow can ceafe to live, or leaf shake, indepent of His Divine Will; fo



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