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JUN 20 1955

Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1869, by


In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York.



THE ELEPHANT. ITS FOSSIL REMAINS. To be found all over the frozen North, its ancient feedingground, 16; a perfect animal found imbedded in ice, 17; numerous remains in England and the United States, Germany the great field of discovery, 18.

ITS STRUCTURE.-Erroneous belief respecting the leg-joints, 19; dislike of the recumbent position, instance of one remaining on his feet after death, manner of kneeling, mode of descending steep declivities, 20; the proboscis, its structure and uses, a disabled proboscis, when blind guided by its sense of touch, 21; the organ of smell, 23; how a calf imbibes nourishment, 22; the tusks, French name for these, 23.

ITS HABITAT. - Immense herds in Africa, apparent scarcity of food for such numbers, but succulent nature and rapid reproduction of wild versus domestic food, night the feeding-time, 24; Ceylon better grazing-ground than Africa, instance of delicate feeding, acute sense of proximate danger, getting over the ground, times for drinking, singular note of alarm, 25; how and why it is made, quiet movements of the huge animals, the rush and roar when frightened or enraged, subsequent quietude, all other animals give him place, desertion of water-courses at his approach, Andersson's description of such a scene, 26; disinclination of elephants to fences, rogues excepted, 27; the reputed age attained doubtful, duration probably the same as that of man, skeletons or carcasses of the defunct from natural causes not found in Ceylon, but met with in Africa, the presumed cause for this, retire to die in solitude, 28; family likeness in herds, when alarmed, each herd follows its own leaders, "caste" scrupulously observed, treatment of outcasts, who generally become "rogues," evil propensities of the " rogue," hostility to mankind and

his brethren, reciprocity of feeling, 30; trapping rogues with other elephants, their conduct then, 29; the leaders not necessarily the finest of the family, 30. HoW THE ELEPHANT IS TRAPPED AND TAMED.-Antiquity of the ivory trade, Rome draws her supplies from Africa until exhausted, 31; cruelty to animals, number of elephants and other feræ supplied to Roman amphitheatres, cruel use to which they were put, 33; what Bishop Heber saw at Jyepoor, in Central Hindostan, Bernier's account of an elephantfight in Ava, the excitement and the risk, 34; recuperation of the ivory trade in Africa, flesh of elephants as an article of food, difference of opinions thereon, 35; the elephant in captivity, former luxurious existence, the white elephant, Tachard's account, white a doubtful color, the King of Ava's elephants and his title, 36; their strength now utilized, 37; traps, description of those used in Ceylon, 39; Sir Emerson Tennent's description of an elephant-hunt, number of natives employed, time occupied, 40; how the elephants are frightened and driven into the corral, frantic efforts to escape, 41; decoy fe males employed, how Siribeddi, the famous decoy, sets to work, 42; the despair and desperate struggles of the fettered captives, refuse food, 43; how they are watched at night, a Cingalese holiday, the captives tickled by music, 44; rubbed down while taught obedience by the points of a hendoo, treated to a bath, legs generally wounded, in three months made a useful servant, Panickeas, or professional elephant catchers, 45; Major Skinner's encounter with a large herd, the cunning of a Panickea relieves him, 46; the way in which Panickeas secure their game, spoils of the chase at Manaar, 47. THE ELEPHANT AS USED IN WAR.-Alexander the Great and his elephants, their dispersion and probable fate, Lord Ellenborough's modern experiment, 48; "Colo

nel Jack," his discipline and death, what
became of the elephant battery, 49.
fects of the invention of gunpowder on the
elephant's existence, 52; ancient mode of
hunting, present native methods, spearing
and hamstringing, instance of maternal
care, 54; the bullet more merciful than
sword or spear; Gordon Cumming's no-
tions of "Sport and Humanity," 55; af-
fecting account of one of his "experi-
ments," where to plant a bullet, difference
of opinions, elephant-shooting not a dan-
gerous sport in Ceylon, 56; the African
elephant larger than any other, its enor-
mous ears, 56; some marvellous escapes
from the long-bow, Lieut. Moodie's ad-
venture, 57; serious results, female suc-
coring male friend, 58; Andersson's ter-
rible predicament at Kobis, 59; another
of Andersson's experiences, 61; Old She-
karry's adventure in Southern India, 63;
Baldwin and his horse among a herd, 65.
tailor and the elephant's revenge, how an
old elephant recovered a shilling, 49; an
elephant plans his own release from a pit,
sagacious endurance under a tiger's claws,
50; how the tiger was served, what a
youthful shekarry thought of an English-
man who would not attack a tiger with-
out the assistance of an elephant, 51.


STRUCTURE OF THE LION.-Intelligence of
carnivorous animals contrasted with that
of the herbivorous, 69; wonderful strength
of the lion, 69; shape and use of the paws,
the tongue and its want of discriminating
taste, 70; teeth, eyes, and voice of the
lion, 71; diversity of opinion as to the
lion's roar, 72.

HABITAT OF THE LION.-Its generosity at
least equal to that of man, a faithful hus-
band and affectionate parent, coupled to
a vixen, mortality of female young, the
reason for it, every year leap-year for the
lioness, a leonine courtship, 73; a battle
royal for a fickle mate, 74; nocturnal hab-
its of the lion, Livingstone's contemptuous
description of, the lion's family, the lion-
ess's care for her young, 75; how they are
educated, their youthful strength, the age
of maturity and decay, 76; the sad end
of aged animals, lions not gregarious, how
they attack their prey, their discrimina-
tion of joints, 78.

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sus savage cunning, the perilous nature

of lion-hunting, Andersson's first expe-
rience, 79; two more lessons, 83; Alge-
rine lions, their variety and their depre-
dations, 84; the Arab lion-trap, Jules
Gerard lays down the law for the "soli-
tary hunter," 85; the mode of hunting
among the Arabs, acute sense of hearing
possessed by the lion, how Arabs outwit
him, 86; an Arab hunt and its accom-
paniments, 87; havoc one lion can com-
mit, fonder of blood than of flesh, a vora
cious despoiler of herds, Gerard to the res-
cue, he finds the lion, night encounter,
the result 88-90; Gordon Cumming's ad-
venture with a lion, 91; another fatal en-
counter, 92; Livingstone's narrow es-
cape, 93; two more escapes by Captain
Mundy and Dr. Livingstone, 96.


Its numerous aliases, where found, physical
description, 101; scene of its hunting ex-
ploits, its vampire nature, havoc in a
sheepfold, diverse opinions as to its char-
acter, Josh. Springett's puma-hunt, 102;
puma's disinclination to encounter man,
Sir Francis Head's testimony, 105; a
marvellous legend, Maldonata of Para-
guay and her puma friend, 106; attempt
of an Arkansas hunter to capture a puma
alive, 108; the result, 110.


Is man a descendant of the ape, 111; opin-
ions of Dr. Owen and Du Chaillu, the
height of a gorilla, its color and hair,
thickness of the hide, 112; general ap-
pearance, manner of moving, 113; a goril-
la skeleton, faint resemblance to the hu-
man form, 114; cranial capacity, its limit-
ed powers of intelligence, general igno-
rance regarding gorillas, 115; what Du
Chaillu says they do not do and what they
do, their food, how they crack nuts, 116;
where they live, care for their young, not
polygamists, not averse to a fight, partic-
ularly with a black man, Du Chaillu's ac-
count of their preparations for an encoun-
ter, the walk and run, 117; unamiability
of young gorillas, their strength, Du
Chaillu secures a baby, 118; its size and
appearance, 119; it is caged, but escapes,
difficulty in recapturing, it roars and fights
manfully, is again caged, and low diet
tried, with but partial success, 120; an-
other attempt at escape, is chained up
and dies, another young one is caught,
but dies on the third day, 121.

ties of gorilla-hunting, kill or be killed,
no second shot, 122; natives frequently
killed or severely maimed, gorillas killed
as easily as are men, natives fond of the
meat, esteemed value of the brain, honor
to the brave, 123; Du Chaillu's love of
science as well as sport, interesting ac-
count of his first gorilla-hunt, found in
thick jungle, shows no sign of fear, for-
midable size and appearance, 124; roars,
and is killed, inability of the gorilla to
support himself on his hind legs, the busi-
ness-like record of Du Chaillu's gorilla-
hunts, apparently not so terrible a busi-
ness after all, a very severe test, howev-
er, of man's courage, description of a fatal
hunt, 126.

THE NSHIEGO-MBOUVE.-Differs from the
gorilla, 128; where and how it builds the
nest, a neat dwelling, nshiego not grega-
rious, ancient hermits, male and female
eat together, but occupy separate apart-
ments, Du Chaillu's description of this
ape, 130; he captures a baby, astonish-
ment at its white face, the mother killed,
the young one's grief, 131; tricks of young
Tommy Nshiego, takes to the bottle, and
becomes debauched, 133; his sickness and
death, 134.


Its position in the animal world as regards
size and beauty, varieties of, 135; effects
of a fatal shot, erroneous notions concern-
ing the hide, native mode of curing, sharp
knives, difference in habits and color of
the various species, 136; description of
one of the largest, the eyes and ears, what
Andersson says about their sense of smell,
wonderfully rapid movements, the horns,
137; curious superstition regarding the
horn, scientific explanation, feats of
strength performed with it, rhinoceros
horn compared with ivory, 138; rhinoc-
eros horn a detector of poison, its uses,
size and appearance of rhinoceros at birth,
139; reciprocity of affection, will fight for
its parents, marked by bites of wild dogs,
rhinoceros not great feeders, average quan-
tity of food for the black species, large
supply of water requisite, 140; how this
is taken advantage of by the hunters, dif-
ference of diet of the species, 141; the
heavier eater does not fatten, young rhi-
noceros not mean meat, the black species
fear nothing, instance of ferocity, lions and
even elephants give them a wide berth,
142; fights between elephants and rhinoc-
eroses, Andersson's account of a domestic

fight and its results, 143; the best friend of
the rhinoceros, how it acts the part of
guardian, one slain in order to secure the
prize, dissatisfaction at the result, rhinoc-
eroses generally shun man, a sad instance
to the contrary, 144; Mr. Oswell's expe-
riences, 145; differences between the In-
dian and the African rhinoceros, Bishop
Heber's opinion, 146; an Indian rhinoceros
in England, meets with an accident, sup-
posed cause, fatal result, prefers shady re-
treats, indolent habits, age attained, Jav-
anese rhinoceros, 147.

the Bechuanas prefer a bow and poisoned
arrows, their inefficacy, the kind of bullet
to be used; impervious nature of the
head, small brain, 148; Andersson's thrill-
ing experiences, 149; he takes an unex-
pected ride on a wounded animal, Mr.
Galton's story of a black rhinoceros, 152,
Wm. C. Baldwin's successful hunts, 153;
the rhinoceros of Sumatra, 154.


Similarity in structure of all the cat tribe,
disposition of the tiger, 155; its handsome
appearance and size, difficulty of discern-
ing the brute in its favorite resorts, the
faculty of reducing its apparent size, its
enormous strength, able to carry off a full-
grown buffalo, instance of, 156; where
found, confined to Asia, usual number of
progeny at a birth, size of a new-born
cub, average duration of life, affection of
the tigress for her young denied by some
writers, inquisitiveness of young tigers,
evidence in defense of maternal affection,
hunting tactics of the tiger, 157; tigers
and men contrasted in one particular, 158;
an instance of extreme devotion to their
young, a Hindoo proverb, 159; the au-
dacity and devotion of a tigress saves her
own life, the buffalo not afraid of a tiger,
"united they stand," oxen more timid,
often become prey to the tiger, how a vic-
tim is treated, 160; what becomes of the
scraps, 161; tigers are good swimmers, a
boat captured by one, scattering of the
sailors, favorite haunts, the fatal spring,
shame at missing the mark, climbs on
roofs of huts, sometimes makes a false
move, the result, 162.

ED. Various modes adopted by the herds-
men to trap the tiger, the bamboo plat-
form, how it is constructed and used, 163;
how tigers are sometimes poisoned, 164;
terrible story of a thirst-maddened tiger

and an alligator, 165; native tiger-traps,
the spring-bow, and how it is worked, the
cage, 166; the mouse-trap, bird-liming
tigers in Oude, 167; the gara, or live bait,
some sects will not "inform" against ti-
gers, the cairn of a "man-eater" killed
by "Old Shekarry" after he had eaten
forty persons, story of the death, 169; ad-
venture of Lieut. Rice, 171; wonderful es-
cape of Mr. Elliott, 172; another adven-
ture of Lieut. Rice, look out for the sec-
ond, 174; a sportsman robbed of his game
by a tiger, 175; a ship-captain in want of
pea-fowl disturbs an amiable family, ti-
ger's tenacity of life, Lieut. Rice's expe-
rience, 175; tiger-hunting on foot, how
Europeans arrange it, 176; jealousy of
Indian chiefs, how they manage their
hunts, 177; tiger preserves, tiger versus
buffalo in Java, 178.


More dreaded than tigers by the natives,
its tree-climbing propensity, its extreme
cunning, its thieving tactics, 197; how it
entices the unwary deer, how it pursues
its prey, not fastidious as to diet, Mr. An-
dersson nearly loses a favorite dog by a
prowling leopard, 198; curious super-
stition of the Cingalese concerning the
leopard, the black leopard of Ceylon, leop-
ards allured by the smell arising from
small-pox, the dread that the natives of
Central Africa have of the leopard, re-
joicings on the death of a leopard, the
charms secured on the occasion, 200; Du
Chaillu's description of the sequel to a
successful hunt, 201; leopard skins high-
ly prized by the Cingalese, an ingenious
trap, man's dominion over wild beasts,
Major Skinner's experience, 202; a Cin-
galese leopard carries off a man, none of
the cat tribe can tolerate the gaze of man,

Captain Drayson gives an illustration, the

cheetah, or hunting leopard, where found,

203; how it hunts deer, the opinion of an

old Nimrod thereupon, 204; the genus,

size, and habits of the cheetah, 205.


a boar wounds a leopard, follows him into

the brushwood, 206; leopard at bay, ter-

rible fight, leopard killed, but Hendrick

badly injured, 207; a night of agony, un-

pleasant companion, is rescued, 208.

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