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discovered many marks of genius; and it was soon perceived by those about him, that he was likely to become a superior man. He was active, sprightly, inquisitive, and enterprizing; and at the same time remarkably duti ful to his parents. At school he was attentive and studious, and gained the friendship of his master by his dili gence. Here he acquired some knowledge of the Latin and French languages; but as no thoughts were then entertained of his becoming a minister, he was taken from school at the usual period, and apprenticed to a reputIn this situation also he became a able tradesman. favourite with his master, by his industry and usefulness, so that he obtained peculiar indulgences. He was however, strongly addicted to worldly pursuits, particularly music, dancing, and theatrical amusements. Of the latter he was so fond, that he used to meet with some young men of a similar cast, to rehearse parts of plays; and used to entertain a hope that he should make a figure on the stage. By his skill in music and singing, with his general power of entertaining, he was led into company in a manner very dangerous to youth. He would sometimes venture to profane the day of God, by turning it into a season of carnal pleasure, and join in excursions on the water to various parts of the vicinity of London. But the time was approaching when the Lord, who had designs of mercy for him, and for many others by his means, was about to stop him in his career of sin and folly. There were two professing servants in the house where he lived. One of these was a porter, who, when brushing his cloaths before he went out to the playhouse, would say, "Master James, this will never do. You must be otherwise employed. You must be a minister of the Gospel." This worthy man, earnestly wishing his conversion,, put into his hands Alleine's "Alarm to the Unconverted;" which, it is believed, proved of great service to him. Several years before this, a person who knew him, tapped him on the shoulder, and said, "Well Janies, how do you hope to be saved?" Ignorant of the Gospel, he answered,


Why, like other people; by doing as well as I can' but the question, and the conversation that followed, made an impression that he never forgot. One of the servants abovementioned, used to amuse herself by singing hymns; one of these was,

"Come, ye sinners, poor and wretched," &c.


which ords so struck his mind, that they followed him for many days together.

About this time, it pleased God to visit him with disorder in his eyes, occasioned by his sitting up in the night to improve himself in drawing. The apprehension of losing his sight occasioned many serious reflections his mind was impressed with the importance and necessity of seeking the salvation of his soul, and he was induced to attend the preaching of the Gospel. The first sermo that he heard with a desire to profit, was at Spa Field Chapel; a place which he had formerly frequented, wher it was a temple of dissipation. Strong convictions of sit fixed on his mind; and he continued to attend the preach ing of the word, particularly at Tottenham Court Chapel Every sermon increased his sorrow and grief that he had not earlier sought the Lord; but it was a considerable time before he found comfort from the Gospel. He has stood in the free part of the chapel, bearing with such emotion, that the tears have flowed from his eyes in torrents; and, when he has returned home, he has continued a great part of the night on his knees, praying over what he had heard. The change effected by the power of the Holy Spirit on his heart, now became visible to all. Nor did he halt between two opinions; he became at once a decided, character, and gave up all his vain pursuits and amusements; devoting himself with resolution and diligence to the service of God. Next to his own soul, the salvation of his former vain companions became his care. He went to them, one by one, and took his Bible with him, having previously turned down suitable texts; commenting on which, he gave them a faithful warning to "flee from the wrath to come;" and then took his final leave of them.

He now became a preacher to his father, who, though a hearer and approver of the Gospel, was yet a stranger to its power. Mr. Moody's pious and affectionate exhortations were not in vain he had the happiness to see his parent become a serious Christian; and, when his son entered into the ministry, he chose to reside with him, and spend his latter years in the enjoyment of God and religion.

His zeal and talents soon pointed him out as a fit person for the ministry. But as yet he did not see his call to


: work clearly. He therefore set up in busiwess, in nership with a pious young man, who had been his panion; and about the same time, he married a Miss 7. Fidler, of London. His inclination to the ministry, vever, was unabated; and, by the solicitations of his ous friends, he determined to relinquish his worldly suits, and devote himself, to that honourable work, ich he faithfully and laboriously executed for twentyyears. He was advised to go to college, with a view of ering into the Established Church; but he had some uples which he could not conquer; and his having the spect of a growing family, put additional difficulties the way. He determined therefore to join the Dis


About this time, a few pious and zealous gentlemen stituted a seminary, known by the naine of "The Enish Academy;" in which young men of talents were to ceive assistance in their preparation for the pulpit, with at going through the whole course of studies usual in issenting academies. Into this seminary Mr. Moody was dmitted; and, after having continued the usual time, nder the tuition of the Rev. Messrs. Brewer, Barber, nd Kello, who then conducted the institution, he received n invitation to preach, as a probationer, to the infant hurch at Warwick: where he settled; and where he continued to labour in the most faithful and affectionate manner, endeavouring to discharge all the duties of the pastoral office, with a regard to the approbation of his great Master The blessing which attended his ministry may be estimated, in some degree, by the additions made to the church and congregation. When he first went to Warwick, in November 1781, his hearers were about fifty in number, and the members of the church only eighteen. or twenty. The hearers soon increased to about hundred and fifty; and, in the course of twenty-five years, upwards of a hundred and fifty members were added to the church. The chapel was also much enlarged.

Mr. Moody's labours were not confined to the town of Warwick; the villages or neighbouring towns, where the people lived in ignorance and vice, excited his compassion; and his labours, in this way, in conjunction with other preachers, were abundant.

For about thirteen years, he paid an annual visit to London, and preached for six weeks at a time to the vast congregations

gregations assembling at the Tabernacle in Moorfields, and the chapel in Tottenham Court Road. Here his ministry was justly prized; many sinners were converted to God, and believers built up in their most holy faith. He used also to visit the Tabernacle at Bristol for a few weeks annually; where his ministry was equally acceptable as at London, and eminently useful *.

Mr. Moody's success did not free him from a variety of afflictions. About three years after his settlement at Warwick, he sustained a great domestic trial. Mrs. Moody, who had borne him three children, was removed by death, when confined with a fourth; and, in the course of seven weeks, he was deprived of his partner in life, and three of his children. His eldest daughter alone survived him t.

Another painful exercise of mind arose from the numerous invitations he received, to remove to congregations that promised more extensive opportunities of usefulness; and where he might have received greater temporal advantages; but, on all these occasions, some circumstance or other gave a turn to the affair, and a dread of erring in so important a matter, led him frequently to sacrifice both inclination and interest to an apprehension of duty.

In the midst of usefulness, of apparent health, and mental vigour, the sovereign Disposer of human life, and the great Director of ail the affairs of the church, was pleased to put an unexpected period to the services of this man of God. He was invited to preach for a few Sabbath's at Bristol, in July 1807. He was preparing to leave home about the 10th of that month; and, in the prospect of his journey, the additional labours of the Lord's day, July 6th, appear to have proved the immediate occasion of his illness. On that day he preached thrice, as

Among his laborious efforts to do good to the souls of men, his visits to the county gaol at Warwick ought not to be forgotten. On several occasions, when his services were requested by the condemned criminals, he attended daily, with great diligence and solicitude; and there was much reason to believe, that his instructions and prayers were blessed to the real conversion of some of those unhappy persons. + In 1786, Mr. Moody entered a second time into the mariagestate with Miss E. Wathew, of Walsal; to several of whose family he was made the happy instrument of spiritual benefit, and was highly esteemed by then.


usual; held a church-meeting after the morning service, for the admission of a member from the country; celebrated the Lord's Supper, and baptized several children. He appeared to his family unusually wearied, and slept uneasily the following night.

On the 7th, being desirous of engaging Mr. Rowton, of Coventry, to supply for him on the following Sabbath, he rode to that place, though the morning was very stormy, and the day hot. He returned in the evening much spent; and immediately went, without any refreshment, to join his people at their meeting of prayer, and recapitulated the sermons of the preceding day. He was evidently much heated; and Mrs. Moody was alarmed at the tokens of disorder in his countenance. He went through the service, however, with his usual spirit; but he had a bad night, and considerable fever. In the morning, he said to the servant, "I have had a stroke ;" but the family were unwilling to believe that so great a calamity had taken place. Medical help, however, was soon called in, and hope was entertained, from the slightness of the paralytic affection, that he might soon be restored to health and usefulness. He was confined to his habitation the whole of the first Sabbath. Being rather better in the course of the week, he went once to the meeting on the second Sabbath. On the third, he went out twice. On the fourth, he administered the Lord's Supper to his people, but could not preach. On the fifth Sabbath, August 10, he preached once, with pleasure and profit, on Heb. xiii. 1. "Let brotherly love continue." On the next Sabbath, August 17, he preached once more to his people, a funeral sermon for a member of the church, on Eccles. ix. 10, "Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do," &c. This was the last sermon he ever delivered at Warwick; thus closing his testimony with an exhortation to improve the present moment, from the consideration of the uncertainty of future opportunities.

By the advice of his physician, with a view to the improvement of his health, and at the solicitation of his friends at Bristol, he went thither, August 21, intending to preach a little, should he find sufficient strength. For several days he was too ill to make the attempt. At length, however, unwilling wholly to decline his beloved work among an affectionate people, he ventured to preach on VOL. III.-No. 67. 3 E


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