S: H:1826. SERMONS ON THE STUDY OF THE BIBLE, AND ON THE DOCTRINES OF CHRISTIANITY, AS TAUGHT BY OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST. ་་་་ Second Edition, WITH NOTES AND ADDITIONAL DISCOURSES. BY WILLIAM BRUCE, D. D., SENIOR MINISTER OF THE FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CONGREGATION, BELFAST. PRINTED FOR R. HUNTER, ST. PAUL'S CHURCH-YARD, LONDON; AND J. HODGSON, BELFAST. 1826. ERRATA. In the Greek quotations, the reader is requested to excuse and correct the following typographical errors: Page 183, for 10g read ofos: 185, for dealou read decolou: 194, for γαυ read yag: for og read ; dele comma after 05: 224, divide rou aggou, dele stop after Jov: for or read ro: 225, for Sto read Θεου: for μορφην read μορφην: 281, for με τιως read μelgiws: and 429, for ad seivit read adscivit. The principal oversights that affect the sense are these: Page 11, line 10, semicolon omitted after David's: 19, l. 7, for enthusiastic read enthusiast; 101, 1. 9, for consist read consists: 149, 1. 1, for in read on: 154, 1. 3 from the bottom, transfer comma from then to suffer: 185, 1. 2, for autography read autograph: 225, 1. 13, for Pierce read Peirce: 271, 1. 4 from the bottom, for favours read favour: 272, 1. 5, for results read result: 280, 1. 4 from the bottom, for taken read taking: 432, 1. 10 from the bottom, for is God, read, is "the Spirit of God." Correct this last with the pen. I. On the Study of the Bible,..... II. On the Most Profitable Mode of Reading the Bible, 19 III. On the Interpretation of the Bible,..... ON THE DOCTRINES TAUGHT BY OUR LORD. ON THE DOCTRINES TAUGHT BY CALVIN. |