High on a gorgeous seat, that far out-shone High on a throne, with stars of silver grac'd. High on a throne the king each stranger plac'd. So from the Sun's broad beam in shallow urns Dunciad, ii. 1-5. P. L. ii. 1-5. Heav'n's twinkling Sparks draw light, and point their horns. Dunciad, ii. 11-12. On feet and wings, and flies, and wades, and hops; P. L. vii. 364-6. Ib. ii. 64-5. P. L. ii. 948-50. (The first case was pointed out by Pope.) With arms expanded Bernard rows his state. (Pointed out by Pope.) His papers light fly diverse, tost in air. Then both [Sin and Death] ... In naked majesty Oldmixon stands. Shaking the horrors of his sable brows. This drear wood, As under seas Alpheus' secret sluice Smit with love of Poesy and Prate. Dunciad, ii. 67. (The first case was pointed out by Pope.) 1 Pope's note: "This has a resemblance to that passage in Milton, book xi. where the Angel To noble sights from Adam's eye remov'd The film; then purg'd with Euphrasie and Rue The visual nerve- For he had much to see. There is a general allusion in what follows to that whole episode." To quote from the arguments of the two poems, Settle "takes" Cibber "to a Mount of Vision, from whence he shows him the past triumphs of the Empire of Dulness, then the present, and lastly the future"; just as the angel leads Adam "up to a high hill" and "sets before him in vision what shall happen till the Flood." From rank to rank she darts her ardent eyes. He through the armed files Darts his experienced eye. Thick as autumnal leaves. Thick as autumnal leaves. And Sangar's stream ran purple with their blood. He shook his hoary locks, and thus replied. Thus they in heav'n. [Mars] shakes a spear that casts a dreadful light. Involve in clouds th' eternal gates of day. Earth trembled as he strode. Slow from his seat the rev'rend Priam rose: As deep beneath th' infernal centre hurl'd, Ib. ii. 525. Ib. iv. 235. Ib. xvii. 90-91. Ib. ii. 970. Ib. iii. 250. P. L. i. 450-51. Ib. v. 523. Ib. v. 729. Ib. v. 932. Ib. vii. 256. Ib. vii. 441-2. P. L. ii. 300-308. Ib. viii. 19-20. (Pointed out by Pope.) Ib. viii. 48. Ib. xiv. 387. P. L. iv. 499. And smil'd superiour on his best-belov'd. Smiled with superior love. (A reference in each case to Jupiter's smiling on Juno or Minerva.) O'er his broad back his moony shield he threw. Ethereal temper, massy, large, and round, And threats his foll'wers with retorted eye. Iliad, xi. 672. P. L. i. 284-7. Iliad, xi. 695. (Of the rising sun in each case.) Now rushing in, the furious chief appears, He on his impious foes right onward drove, Th' enormous monsters, rolling o'er the deep, Bears, tigers, ounces, pards, Gamboll'd before them. Or pine, fit mast for some great admiral. Hewn on Norwegian hills, to be the mast Convok'd to council, weigh the sum of things. A shout, that tore heav'n's concave, and above. The Goddess with the charming eyes The Angel, with a smile that glow'd Else had my wrath, heav'n's thrones all shaking round, Eternal wrath Burn'd after them to the bottomless pit. Ib. xii. 553-4. P. L. vi. 831-2. Ib. xiii. 43-5. P. L. vii. 411-13. P. L. i. 292-4. Ib. xiii. 930. Ib. xiii. 1060. Ib. xiv. 373-5. P. L. viii. 618-20. Ib. xv. 174. Ib. xv. 252-3. P. L. vi. 865-6. (Pope says, "Milton has a thought very like it in his fourth book," and quotes P. L. iv. 991 ff.) Dire was the hiss of darts. Ib. xv. 356. Dire was the noise P. L. vi. 211-13. Of conflict; overhead the dismal hiss In heav'nly panoply divinely bright. In arms they stood Of golden panoply. Of radiant Urim, work divinely wrought. And Amatheia with her amber hair. [Vulcan's tripods] instinct with spirit roll'd. Frequent and full. [Of an assembly.] Like the red star, that from his flaming hair That fires the length of Ophiuchus huge Ib. xvii. 233. Odyssey, xxii. 130; cf. xxiv. 577. P. L. vi. 760-61. Ib. xviii. 442. P. L. vi. 749-52. Ib. xix. 48, xxiii. 38; Odyssey, xxiv. 482. The huge dolphin tempesting the main. The waves flow after, wheresoe'er he wheels, [Iris] Meteorous the face of Ocean sweeps, He said, and stood, collected in his might. Waves in mazy errours lost. (Of a stream in each case.) Embracing rigid with implicit hands. And bush with frizzled hair implicit. Now Twilight veil'd the glaring face of Day, There stands a rock, high eminent and steep. Iliad, xix. 412-13. P. L. ii. 708-11. Ib. xx. 375. Ib. xxi. 30. P. L. vii. 410-12. Ib. xxi. 287-9. Ib. xxiv. 101-2. P. L. xii. 629-31. Ib. xxi. 675. Ib. xxiii. 178. Ib. xxiii. 823. Odyssey, ix. 513-14. P. L. vii. 323. Iliad, xxiv. 427-8. Odyssey, iii. 422. P. L. iv. 598-9. Odyssey, iii. 374. P. L. iv. 218-19. Ib. v. 63. P. L. i. 226. |