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poration organized and existing under the laws of the State of and having its principal office at in the City of



State of (hereinafter referred to as "the Contractor"), with respect to the fiscal year of the Contractor ended

B. The Contractor has been afforded full opportunity to submit all pertinent financial, operating and other data, and due consideration has been given thereto in accordance with the act and the Renegotiation Board regulations promulgated pursuant to the act.

C. The Contractor has been afforded an opportunity, but has declined, to enter into an agreement for the elimination of excessive profits in the amount hereinafter stated.

Now, therefore, it is hereby:

1. Determined as a result of such renegotiation that the Contractor realized excessive profits in the amount of

($------) dollars from contracts and subcontracts subject to the act for its said fiscal year.

2. Further determined that, after proper adjustment on account of the taxes measured by income, other than Federal taxes, which are attributable to the portion of the profits of the Contractor which is not excessive, the amount of excessive profits to be eliminated is (8------) Dollars.


3. Ordered that such excessive profits, as so adjusted, in the amount of

(8------) Dollars be eliminated pursuant to the Act and said Renegotiation Board Regulations, subject to the applicable tax credit, if any, for Federal income (or income and excess profits) taxes provided in section 1481 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954.

4. Further provided that, if review is not initiated by The Renegotiation Board, this determination and order will be deemed to be the determination and order of The Renegotiation Board in accordance with the pro

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The Renegotiation Board Regulations provide in § 1475.3 (b) that the determination embodied in such order may be reviewed by The Renegotiation Board upon its Own motion or, in its discretion, at the request of the contractor.

A written request for review of the determination may be filed by you with the Secretary to The Renegotiation Board, Washington 25, D. C. No such request can be considered unless it is received by The Renegotiation Board within 90 calendar days (not counting Saturday, Sunday, or a legal holiday in the District of Columbia as the last day) after the date of the mailing of this notice. This notice is being mailed to you on the date hereof.

If The Renegotiation Board decides to review this case, you will be so advised and further proceedings will be conducted by that Board.

If The Renegotiation Board decides not to review this case, you will be given notice by registered mail that the determination and order of this Regional Board is deemed to be the determination and order of The Renegotiation Board pursuant to the regulation referred to above. In that event, the mailing of such notice will start the running of the period within which you may petition The Tax Court of the United States for a redetermination as set forth in RBR 1476.1.

This office has requested the Director of Internal Revenue in your district to compute the amount of tax credit, if any, which you will be allowed under the enclosed order pursuant to section 1481 of the Internal

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195_-, under the provisions of § 1475.3 (b) (3) of The Renegotiation Board Regulations, since no review, as provided therein, was requested by you, and since The Renegotiation Board decided not to initiate a review.

The amount of tax credit which you will be allowed under the enclosed order pursuant to section 1481 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 has been computed by the Director of Internal Revenue to aggregate $--------, according to letter dated 195__. There

fore, the amount payable under the order is Payment may be made by check to the order of the Treasurer of the United States and forwarded to the Washington

(Appropriate collecting officer) 25, D. C., who is responsible for the collection of such amount.

Interest at the rate of four (4%) per centum per annum on any amount due and unpaid under the order will accrue from and after ------, 195–-, pursuant to § 1461.8 of the Renegotiation Board Regulations.

The mailing hereof is the mailing of the notice of order required by § 1475.3 (b) (5) of the Renegotiation Board Regulations and will start the running of the period within which you may petition The Tax Court of the United States for a redetermination as set forth in § 1476.1. This notice is being mailed to you on the date hereof.

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You are hereby notified by registered mail that the determination and Order Determining Excessive Profits in the amount of $------ for your fiscal year ended 195--, entered by the Regional Renegotiation Board on 195__, and mailed on pursuant to renegotiation under the Renegotiation Act of 1951, as amended or supplemented, is deemed to be the determination and order of The Renegotiation Board as of the day of the mailing of this notice, under the provisions of § 1475.3 (b) (4) of the Renegotiation Board Regulations, since The Renegotiation Board, after due consideration of the request of the contractor for a review of such determination and order, decided not to initiate a review.

[18 F.R. 3938, July 7, 1953, as amended at 21 F.R. 8240, Oct. 27, 1956]


A list of current CFR volumes, a list of superseded CFR volumes, and a list of CFR titles, subtitles, chapters, subchapters and parts are included in the subject index volume to the Code of Federal Regulations which is published separately and revised annually.

Table of CFR Titles and Chapters

Alphabetical List of CFR Subtitles and Chapters
List of Sections Affected


Table of CFR Titles and Chapters

Title 1-General Provisions

I Administrative Committee of the Federal Register

Appendix A-Guide to record retention requirements

Appendix B-List of acts requiring publication in the Federal


Appendix C-Guide to Federal Register Finding Aids

Title 2-The Congress

Chapter I-Parallel Tables of Statutory Authorities and Rules

Title 3-The President





Executive Orders

Presidential Documents other than Proclamations and Executive

IV Codified Text of Selected Presidential Documents

V Executive Office of the President

Title 4-Accounts

I General Accounting Office

II Federal Claims Collection Standards (General Accounting Office-Department of Justice)

Title 5-Administrative Personnel

I Civil Service Commission

III Bureau of the Budget

IV Civil Service Commission (Equal Employment Opportunity)

V International Organizations Employees Loyalty Board

VI Department of Defense

VII Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations

VIII National Capital Transportation Agency

IX Appalachian Regional Commission

X National Capital Housing Authority

XI United States Soldiers' Home

XII District of Columbia Redevelopment Land Agency

Title 6-[Reserved]

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