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of living.” In support of such an explanation the words of John Keble may be quoted:

“So in thine awful armory, Lord,

The lightnings of the Judgment day,

Pause yet awhile, in mercy stor'd,
Till willing hearts wear quite away

Their earthly stains, and spotless shine
On every brow in light divine

The cross by angel hands upheld,
The seal of glory won and pledge of promised rest.

Christian Year.—All Saints' Day.


ERE are oceans with breaking waves,
And hearts that break over ocean graves;
There shall be no more sea,
None where the Dead can be.

Here shine oceans through live-long days,

But fathoms below not a sunbeam strays;
There shall be no more sea,
None where darkness can be.

Here great oceans in clear moonlight
Have rocks and quicksands hidden from sight;
There shall be no more sea,
t None where peril can be.

Here on oceans are ships at war,

Soundeth the cannon, afar, afar;
There shall be no more sea,
None where battles can be.

Here our oceans are vexed by storms,

Rise their waters to mountainous forms;
There shall be no more sea,
None where billows can be.

0 for the calm of the Crystalline Glass!

Pass, ye oceans tempestuous, pass,
Where shall be no more sea,
Golden the Crowns will be.

O for the depth of the Crystalline Glass?

Pass, ye fathomless oceans, pass,
Where shall be no more sea,
Harpers of God will be.

O for the glow of the Crystalline Glass!
Pass, ye sunsets on ocean, pass,
Where shall be no more sea,
Martyrs of Christ will be.
O for thy beauty, thou Crystalline Glass?
Pass, thou azure of ocean, pass,
Where shall be no more sea,
The Throne, the Throne will be.

Life and its troublesome waves must pass,
O for the sight of the Crystalline Glass 1
Where shall be no more sea,
Jesu bring thee and me !




{{ O WHAT soft strains are these around,
Which thus my slumber break?
So late—Ah, list to that sweet sound,
What is it? Mother, speak!”

“There's naught I hear, there's naught I see,
Then sleep, my child, once more;
None brings a serenade to thee,
To soothe thy sickness sore.”

“O not to earth those tones belong,
Which make my soul so bright;
The Angels call me with their song,
My mother dear, good night.” C. NEALE.


“And He carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and showed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from -God.” Rev. xxi. 10.

HOU art at rest, from toil and care,
What need for fear?

The birds are singing in the air,

And Jesus near;
For evermore take thou thy rest,

O, rest in peace!
Bright angels come to lead thee home

As tempests cease.

- + - -

Those halls of Heav'n, how bright they stand
On waveless shore,

Full sweet with melodies of saints
For evermore

All bright those “many mansions” shine
With sainted throng,

Uprais'd to God in realms of light,
On floods of song.

At peace on Jesus' loving Breast,
Thou canst not tire;

The pure in heart shall see the Lord,
To Christ aspire,

To Majesty—to Might—to Power—
To Purity;-

To Persons THREE, to Godhead ONE,

8th October, 1883. RICHARD C. Jackson.

TRIFLEs.-Trifles make perfection; and perfection is no trifle.-Michael Angelo.


OULS of the faithfull patiently awaiting
The joy celestial and the heavenly feast;
Here at the Altar now commemorating,
You we present before our Great High-Priest'

You are assured of glory everlasting,
Soon, gentle souls, your joy shall be complete;

We still are fighting, armed with prayer and fasting ;
For this weak mortal clogs our eager feet.

Dear ones invisible! all sad disunion
Betwixt us is for ever swept away,

Your hearts read ours in the one vast Communion,
For you are nearest to the perfect day !

Not long shall last our outward separation;
Soon we shall pass beyond this mortal veil,

With you, to wait “in hope” the consummation
Of that sure Promise which shall never fail.

For you, departed, and for us, remaining,
We now the Offering of the Altar make;

Pleading for both that, speedy grace obtaining,
We to the Face of Him we love may wake.

AugustA WINTHBop.


Should you have to grieve over the loss of one dear to you, remember that our dear LoRD grieved over Lazarus, and suffered His Blessed Mother to grieve for Him. He knows all our sorrows, and counts all our tears, and He will pity you, and unite those who love Him in that Blessed Land where there are no tears, neither sorrow nor crying; where dear families, once scattered, are gathered again; where the sobs of the mourner are hushed in perfect peace, and no shadow of the future dims the glory of the present.

JESUS, Son of Mary, Who hast worn our throbbing flesh, | and shed the frequent tear for us; Who knowest every sigh of the mourner, and countest every tear; Thou only Good; Thou only Wise; Who dost chasten those whom Thou lovest,-grant me perfect submission to Thy will, knowing that, as a father pitieth his children, so art Thou merciful to those who fear Thee, Thou, Who didst weep over Lazarus's grave, grant that, while I thus weep, I may yet look by faith to that bright land where Thou art the uncreated Sun; and may so live here through Thy grace that I may meet him who is but gone before, in that happy Home, where Thou livest and reignest with the FATHER and the Holy GHost, God, world without end. Amen. The following meditation upon the state of the Blessed may strengthen your faith and hope: Consider, my soul, the Blessed Company of the Redeemed, who have passed safely through the waves of life's tempestuous sea, and through the merits of their Redeemer have reached the haven of



eternal peace. While like thee, they wore this body of sin and death, they so lived unto the LoRD of Life, that they now reign with Him for ever, and, where faith is lost in sight, hope in fruition, but love never faileth, they pour forth effectual prayers for those whom they loved upon earth, that, like them, they may be where tears and sorrow are banished away.

These are they who have overcome through the Precious Blood of the Lamb, and now dwell where JESUs is, and behold His glory without a veil between. Once they were plagued with bodies of sin and death under which they did groan being burdened; but now the conflict is over, sin and sorrow can never reach their ransomed souls. O with what adoring gratitude can they not look back on the way that the LoRD hath led them, to prove them and to try them. Their gracious Lord hath brought them off more than conquerors through the Precious Blood. He hath made them meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the Saints in light, where they will dwell for ever, ascribing all honour and glory to Him that sitteth upon the throne, and to the Lamb for ever and ever.

Farewell, O beloved one, farewell, yet not for ever! I would not recall thee to this vale of tears. Faith bids me behold thee in this happy company. Hope tells me that I shall join thee in thy song of praise, and O, till then, may I ever lean on Him, Who is strong, for strength and for safety in the perils of the way. I loved thee on earth, but how shall I love thee, when I meet thee in His Presence, Who is infinite Love, in Heaven. Till then farewell, yet not farewell !

May the souls of the faithful, through the mercy of GoD, rest in peace. Amen.


AKE one ounce of the seeds of Resolution, properly mixed with the oil of Good Conscience; infuse into it a large spoonful of the Salts of Patience; distil very carefully a composing plant, called “Others' Woes,” which you will find in every part of the Garden of Life, growing under the broad leaves of Disguise; add a small quantity; it will much assist the Salts of Patience in their operation. Gather a handful of the Blossoms of Hope: then sweeten them properly with a Syrup, made of the Balm of Providence; and if you can get any of the seed of True Friendship, you will have the most valuable Medicine that can be administered. But you must be careful that you get the right seed of True Friendship, as there is a seed, that very much resembles it, called Self. Interest, which will spoil the whole composition. Make the ingredients up into Pills, which may be called the Pills of Comfort. Take one night and morning, and in a short time the cure will be completed.

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