Page images

Of Lad plymout

ordshi THOUGH his Lp is no toper, yet, he has been accufed of being partial to


Of the El piery.

A Nobleman of many virtues; but more cut out for a retired, than a public life; it is therefore to be lamented, that his connections have not all, proved quite happy.

Of Lord Rochford.

HIS Ld makes a good bow, and a tolerable foreign Ministe

Of Led Waďr (? Westmoreland)


HIS makes one constantly, at the

parish veftry, and fmoaks a pipe or two with the Church-Wardens.

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Of Led B

THE Devil has two cloven feet.

Of the Duke of Bedford.

HOSE who believe happiness to con


fift in great wealth, muft conclude his Gato be a very happy man

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orther ontagu.

Lazy My WM left him, a gold

fnuff box in her will, on purpose to mortify his Lordly Brother, whofe name does not appear there.

Of the Duke of Devonshire

ENQUIRE at the Portico Houfe, the upper end of St. James's Street.



Of J-n' Ruft, Efq;

E fings a good fong, and accompanies it, with a wet finger on a mahogany table, he lives next door to a Pr-n-e, where he moved; in hopes of being taken in, as his private Secretary: He is taken in.Hear him fing.

White is the Swan, &c.

Of Lady Rockingha



HER 12hould never fing, her face; which is rather elegant when compos'd, or in converfation, is vulgar to a fingular degree while exerting her vocal talents: particularly in her favourite fong- ala Mingotti.

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Vefpone a perdersi nel mare in fido &c.

Of the celebrated Mr. Whitefiel

WE have remarked, that those men who
have made themselves very fingular in
the present age; were, to make use of a
vulgar faying: born in the middle of the week,
and look. Two
WAYS for Sunday. Mr.
W the Methodift! Mr. St. Andre' the
Anatomift! Mr. Taylor the Occulift! Mr.




W the Patriot of England! Dr. L-s ditto of Ireland.

Of the Day Than

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HER LP has lately found out, that

in fpite of all her talents, an old woman will; and must be looked upon, as an old woman: fhe, who could pour out wit upon us like a torrent, has now, nothing to pour forth but tears! or to join iffue with y Hn, to build a Chappel ad of cafe.


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HER Lp founds the German Flute very


agreeably, and talks By to her foot

men, avec une veritable bonne grace.

Of Lady Vincen

SHE has the prettieft foot of any woman in England; and touches the guittal, in a moft enchanting ftyle !

Of Mr.

Age drocate onl

WHEN he has
HEN he has got his cue, from his

vis a vis neighbour; no man is more adroit at his bufinefs, though his lack luftre eye, like the owls, is often shut, upon the strongest lights.

Of Lady young.

HER favourite, the pretended Marquis de Rochfaucault ; has now the honor to

be attached to an oar in the gallies.


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