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T. L. SMITH, Register.

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TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Register's Office, December 13, 1830.




In obedience to the directions of the "Act supplementary to the act to establish the Treasury Department," the Secretary of the Treasury respectfully submits the following report.


The receipts into the Treasury, from all sources, during the year 1829, were

The expenditures for the same year, including payments on account of the public debt, and including $9,033 38 for awards under the first article of the treaty of Ghent,


The balance in the Treasury on the 1st January, 1830, was
The receipts from all sources, during the year 1830, were



Lands (statement D)

Dividends on bank stock (E)

Incidental receipts (E)

- $24,827,627 38

25,044,358 40

5,755,704 79 24,844,116 51

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Making, with the balance, an aggregate of
The expenditures for the same year were (F)

Civil list, foreign intercourse, and miscel-

Military service, including fortifications,

ordnance, Indian affairs, pensions, arming the militia, and internal improve


3,237,416 04

6,752,688 66

Naval service, including the gradual improvement of the navy

3,239,428 63

Public debt

11,355,748 22

Leaving a balance in the Treasury on the 1st of January,

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6,014,539 75

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an aggregate of

34,014,952 62

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(Including indemnity under the Danish convention.)

Making the total estimated receipts of the year

And with the balance on the 1st of January, 1831, forming

The expenditures for the three first quarters of the present year are estimated

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Making the total estimated expenditures of the year

And leaving in the Treasury on the 1st of January, 1832, an estimated balance, including $439,475 13, on account of the indemnity under the Danish convention, of

30,967,201 25

3,047,751 37

Which, however, includes the funds estimated at $1,400,000, heretofore reported by this department as not effective.

The appropriations remaining unsatisfied at the close of the year are es timated at $4,139,823 13; but, of this amount, it is estimated by the proper departments

1. That the sum of $3,423,525 87, only, will be required for the objects for which they were appropriated.

2. That the sum of $501,102 78 will not be required, and may there fore be considered as an excess of appropriation, and is proposed to be applied without being re-appropriated, in aid of the service of the year 1832, as will more fully appear when the estimates for the appropriations for that year are presented.

3. That the sum of $215,194 48 will be carried to the surplus fund, either because the objects for which it was appropriated are completed, or because these moneys will not be required for, or will be no longer applicable to, them.


The payments on account of the public debt, during the first three quarters of the year, have amounted, as has been already stated, to

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$9,983,479 46

8,891,049 97

1,092,429 49

And it is estimated that the payments to be made in the 4th quarter of the year will amount to


On account of principal

And of interest

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6,205,810 21

5,908,810 21
297,000 00

Making the whole amount of disbursements on account of the debt in 1831

16,189,289 67

This sum will be increased by purchases of stock which have been authorized, but which have not yet been fully reported.

Of the amount disbursed for the debt, $10,000,000 were applied from the appropriation made for the year under the 2d section of the sinking fund act of 1817, and the remaining $6,189,289 67 were applied with the sanction of the President, under the authority of the 1st section of the act of 24th May, 1830.

The stocks redeemed by the application of that portion of the above sum, disbursed on account of the principal, are as follows, viz.

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2. Of the unfunded debt, (exclusive of $228 64 converted into 3 per cent. stock.

The old registered debt

Treasury notes

Mississppi stock

40 90

- 685 00

After these payments, the public debt, on the 2d January, 1832, will be as follows, viz.

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Making the whole amount of the public debt of the U. S. $24,322,235 18


The great commercial activity prevailing in the United States has contributed not only to enlarge the revenue from customs for the present year beyond the estimates, but will probably carry that of the next year to a still higher amount.

The importations for the year ending on the 30th of September last are estimated at $97,032,858, and the exports at $80,372,566, of which $62,048,233 were domestic, and $18,324,333 foreign products.

The duties which accrued during the first three quarters of the present year are estimated at $27,319,000, and those for the fourth quarter at $6,000,000; some deduction, however, will be made fron: these before they can reach the Treasury, on account of the reduction in the duties on coffee, tea, cocoa, and salt, by the acts of the 20th and 29th May, 1830, and

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