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Behold, I make All things new. REV. xxi. 5.

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OUR years are now elapsed since the Univer salist's Miscellany has been in circulation; th period has afforded opportunity to the friends of th Universal doctrine to express their views somewh at large; but the subject is far from being exhauste there is no part of practical or experimental religion but what has a connection with the universalit and final efficacy of the love of God towards h intelligent and moral offspring.

Some opportunity has also been given to th advocates for endless misery to express themselv with freedom upon that awful theme. The Rev. M A. Fuller, has availed himself of this opportunit He has been attended to as far as the health of t editor has yet permitted: the controversy with th Gentleman will be continued till finished; whent editor has it in contemplation to republish, in separate pamphlet, all the letters which have pass betwixt Mr. Fuller and himself.

To make our pamphlet the more acceptable shall, in the course of the next year, add to our oth articles, a monthly review of books.

December 27, 1800.


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