Reorganization Plan No. 6 of 1961 (Federal Home Loan Bank Board) Hearings Before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives, Eighty-seventy Congress, First SessionU.S. Government Printing Office, 1961 - 44 pages |
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1st sess 80th Congress 84th Cong ANDERSON appoint and direct approval assets authority Banking and Currency billion Board members Board policies Chairman DAWSON chief executive officer Committee on Government Congress counsel Currency Committee day-to-day deal direction of personnel Director effect employees executive branch Federal associations Federal Home Loan Federal Savings fiscal FSLIC funds Government Operations GRANAHAN granting of insurance heads of major hearings HOLIFIELD Home Finance Agency Home Loan Bank Hoover Commission Housing and Home institutions KREUTZ LANIGAN legislation Lending Agencies loan associations Loan Bank Board Loan Bank System loan industry Loan Insurance Corporation Loan League major administrative units MCMURRAY ment Moss National Housing Agency National League organization personnel employed President problems question RAY DAVIS recommendation regulation relating Reorganiza Reorganization Act reorganization plan Rept responsibility Savings & Loan savings and loan Senate SMITH STAATS staff subcommittee substantive matters supervision task force transferred vested
Popular passages
Page 14 - Mr. Chairman and members of the committee, I am very pleased to have the opportunity to appear before this committee for the first time as Secretary of Defense.
Page 3 - The Secretary of the Interior may from time to time make such provisions as he shall deem appropriate authorizing the performance by any other officer, or by any agency or employee, of the Department of the Interior of any function of the Secretary, including any function transferred to the Secretary by the provisions of this reorganization plan.
Page 42 - The board shall have power to select, employ, and fix the compensation of such officers, employees, attorneys, and agents as shall be necessary for the performance of its duties under this Act without regard to the provisions of other laws applicable to the employment or compensation of officers, employees, attorneys, and agents of the United States.
Page 3 - Chairman, the executive and administrative functions of the Commission, including functions of the Commission with respect to (1) the appointment and supervision of personnel employed under the Commission, (2) the distribution of business among such personnel and among administrative units of the Commission, and (3) the use and expenditure of funds.
Page 5 - Purely executive duties — those that can be performed far better by a single administrative official — have been imposed upon these commissions with the result that these duties have sometimes been performed badly. The necessity for performing them has interfered with the performance of the strictly regulatory functions of the commissions.
Page 2 - Board; the Board has the authority to approve the Chairman's appointments of the heads of major administrative units, and the other Members of the Board retain their control over the personnel in their...
Page 2 - No. 4 of 1950 is necessary to accomplish one or more of the purposes set forth in section 2 (a) of the Reorganization Act of 1949.
Page 16 - Serves as the board of trustees of the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation.
Page 3 - Commission may by law be authorized to make. (2) The appointment by the Chairman of the heads of major administrative units under the Commission shall be subject to the approval of the Commission.
Page 24 - The Board shall have power to enforce this section and rules and regulations made hereunder. In the enforcement of any provision of this section or rules and regulations made hereunder, or any other law or regulation, or in any...