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purchase and installation of searchlights for seacoast defenses in the United States, including searchlights for antiaircraft defenses and accessories therefor; and for salaries of electrical experts, engineers, and other employees necessary to procure and install the same, $566,250.

For construction of sea wall and embankments, $20,500. For the repair and restoration of sea walls, retaining walls, and fill, and for urgent repairs to batteries in the defenses of. Galveston, Texas, $10,000.

For contingent expenses incident to the construction of seacoast fortifications and their accessories, under the Engineer Department, $50,000.


For construction of fire-control stations and accessories, including not to exceed $48,755 for the purchase of lands and rights of way, purchase and installation of necessary lines and means of electrical communication, including telephones, dial and other telegraphs, wiring and all special instruments, apparatus, and materials, coast-signal apparatus, subaqueous, sound and flash ranging apparatus, including their development, and salaries of electrical experts, engineers, and other necessary employees connected with the use of coast artillery; purchase, manufacture, and test of range finders and other instruments for fire control at the fortifications, and the machinery necessary for their manufacture at the arsenals, $770,000.

For maintenance of Coast Artillery war-instruction matériel at Coast Artillery posts, including necessary material and labor therefor and for extra-duty pay to soldiers necessarily employed for periods not less than ten days, $1,685.


For operation and maintenance of fire-control installations at seacoast defenses, $165,000.


For purchase, manufacture, and test of mountain, field, and siege cannon, including their carriages, sights, implements, equipments, and the machinery necessary for their manufacture, $1,500,000.

For purchase, manufacture, maintenance, and test of ammunition for mountain, field, and siege cannon, including the necessary experiments in connection therewith, the machinery necessary for its manufacture, and necessary storage facilities, $1,600,000.

For purchase, manufacture, and test of seacoast cannon for coast defense, including their carriages, sights, implements, equipments, and the machinery necessary for their manufacture, $2,000,000.

For purchase, manufacture, and test of ammunition for seacoast cannon, and for modernizing projectiles on hand, includ


ing the necessary experiments in connection therewith, and the machinery necessary for its manufacture, $1,000,000.

For purchase, manufacture, and test of ammunition, subcaliber guns, and other accessories for seacoast artillery practice, including the machinery necessary for their manufacture, $200,000.

For alteration and maintenance of seacoast artillery, including the purchase and manufacture of machinery, tools, materiais necessary for the work, and expenses of civilian mechanics and extra-duty pay of enlisted men engaged thereon, $1,000,000.

For aiteration and maintenance of the mobile artillery, including the purchase and manufacture of machinery, tools, and materials necessary for the work and the expenses of the mechanics engaged thereon, $2,000,000.

For purchase, manufacture, and test of ammunition, subcaliber guns, and other accessories for mountain, field, and siege artillery practice, including the machinery necessary for their manufacture, $205,800.


For current expenses of the ordnance proving grounds, comprising the maintenance of rail and water transportation, repairs, alterations, accessories, and service of employees incidental to testing and proving ordnance and ordnance matériel, hire of assistants for the Ordnance Board, purchase of instruments and articles required for testing and experimental work, building and repairing butts and targets, clearing and grading ranges, $350,000.


For purchase, manufacture, and test of submarine-mine matériel, and other accessories for submarine-mine practice, including the machinery necessary for their manufacture, $9,233.

For maintenance of submarine-mine and submarine-net matériel within the limits of continental United States; purchase of necessary machinery, tools, and implements for the repair shop of the torpedo depot at Fort Totten, New York; extraduty pay to soldiers necessarily employed for periods not less than ten days in connection with the issue, receipt, and care of submarine-mine matériel at the torpedo depot; and for torpedo depot administration, $50,900.


Barracks and quarters, seacoast defenses: For minor structures in connection with the adopted project for seacoast defenses, including the installation therein of plumbing and of heating and lighting apparatus, to be expended as in the judgment of the Secretary of War may be necessary, $50,000.


For protection, preservation, and repair of fortifications, including structures for torpedo defense, for which there may be 4

no special appropriation available, and for maintaining channels for access to torpedo wharves, at the following localities:

Hawaiian Islands, $15,000.

Philippine Islands, $50,000.

For the purchase and installation of searchlights for the defenses of most important harbors in the Philippine Islands, $2,000.

For purchase and installation of searchlights for the defenses of most important harbors in the Hawaiian Islands, $50,000.

For maintenance and repair of searchlights and electric light and power equipment for seacoast fortifications and for tools, electrical and other supplies, and appliances to be used in their operation at the following localities:

Hawaiian Islands, $7,000;

Philippine Islands, $25,000.

For the construction of mining casemates, cable galleries, torpedo storehouses, cable tanks, and other structures necessary for the operation, preservation, and care of submarine mines and their accessories, and for providing channels for access to torpedo wharves at the defenses of the Philippine Islands, $55,000. For land defenses in the Hawaiian Islands, including the procurement and installation of searchlights and the acquisitions of land and rights of way, $130,000.

For procurement or reclamation of land, or rights pertaining thereto, needed for the site, location, construction, or prosecution of works of fortifications and coast defenses in the Hawaiian Islands, $25,760.

For preparation of plans for fortifications and other works of defense in the Hawaiian Islands, $3,000.

For the construction of engineer wharf, Fort Mills, Philippine Islands, $75,000.

For construction of seacoast batteries, as follows:

In the Hawaiian Islands, $50,000;

In the Philippine Islands, $67,000.


For operation and maintenance of fire-control installations at seacoast defenses, $25,000.


For purchase, manufacture, and test of seacoast cannon for coast defenses, including their carriages, sights, implements, equipments, and the machinery necessary for their manufacture at the arsenals, $250,000: Provided, That the Secretary of War is authorized to enter into contracts or otherwise to incur obligations for the purposes above mentioned not to exceed $300,000 in addition to the appropriation herein made.

For purchase, manufacture, and test of ammunition for seacoast cannon, including the necessary experiments in connection therewith, and the machinery necessary for its manufacture, $250,000.


For alteration and maintenance of the seacoast artillery, including the purchase and manufacture of machinery, tools, and materials necessary for the work, and expenses of the civilian mechanics, and extra-duty pay of enlisted men engaged thereon, $125,000.

For purchase of submarine mines and nets and necessary appliances to operate them for closing the channels leading to seaports in the insular possessions, $82,400.

For maintenance of the submarine mine material in the insular possessions, $6,530.


For continuing construction of the necessary accommodations for the Seacoast Artillery and for temporary cantonments for oversea garrisons at the following localities:

In the Philippine Islands, $102,100;
In the Hawaiian Islands, $6,200.


For construction of fire-control stations and accessories, including purchase of lands and rights of way, purchase and installations of necessary lines and means of electrical communication, including telephones, dial and other telegraphs, wiring and all special instruments, apparatus and materials, coast signal apparatus, subaqueous, sound and flash ranging apparatus, including their development, and salaries of electrical experts, engineers, and other necessary employees connected with the use of coast artillery; purchase, manufacture, and test of range finders and other instruments for fire control at the fortifications, and the machinery necessary for their manufacture, at the following localities:

In the Philippine Islands, $125,000;

In the Hawaiian Islands, $50,000.


For the purchase, manufacture, maintenance, operation, and repair of airships and other aerial machines, buildings for equipment, and other accessories necessary in the Air Service for use in connection with the seacoast defenses in the following localities:

Philippine Islands, $100;
Hawaiian Islands, $100.

For the establishment, construction, enlargement, or improvement of aviation stations for use in connection with the seacoast defenses of the Hawaiian Islands, including the acquisition of land or any interest in land by purchase, lease, condemnation, or otherwise, and the preparation necessary to make the same suitable for the purpose intended, $1,300,000.



For fortifications and armament thereof for the Panama Canal:

For maintenance of clearings and trails, $30,000;

For protection, preservation, and repair of fortifications, of the Panama Canal, including structures erected for torpedo defense, and for maintaining channels for access to torpedo wharves, $25,000;

For maintenance and repair of searchlights and electric light and power equipment for fortifications, and for tools, electrical and other supplies, and appliances to be used in their operation, $20,000;

For the construction of seacoast batteries on the Canal Zone, $20,000;

For reserve engineer equipment for the fortifications of the Panama Canal, $7,500;

For the purchase or reclamation of land required for the defenses of the Panama Canal, $6,250;

For the construction of fire-control stations, the purchase and installation of accessories therefor, and for subaqueous, sound and flash ranging apparatus, including their development, $474,000;

For operation and maintenance of fire-control installations at seacoast defenses, $15,000;

For the purchase, manufacture, and test of ammunition for seacoast and land defense cannon, including the necessary experiments in connection therewith, and the machinery necessary for its maufacture, $1,000,000;

For the alteration and maintenance and installation of the seacoast artillery, including the purchase and manufacture of machinery, tools, and materials necessary for the work, and expenses of civilian mechanics, and extra-duty pay of enlisted men engaged thereon, $104,546;

For alteration, maintenance, and repair of submarine mine matériel, $4,138;

For continuing the construction of barracks, quarters, storehouses, and other buildings necessary for accommodating the Coast Artillery troops to be stationed in the vicinity of the Panama Canal, including water, sewer, and electrical systems, roads, walks, and so forth, $40,000;

The Governor of the Panama Canal, so far as the expenditure of appropriations contained in this Act may be under his direction, shall purchase needed materials, supplies, and equipment from available surplus stocks of the War Department.

For the purchase, manufacture, maintenance, operation, and repair of airships and other aerial machines, buildings, for equipment, and other accessories necessary in the Air Service for use in connection with the seacoast defenses of the Panama Canal, $100;

For the establishment, construction, enlargement, or improvement of the aviation station at France Field, Canal Zone, for use in connection with the seacoast defenses of the Panama

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