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[NOTE-Bulletin No. 44 is the last of the series for 1919.]

No. 1.



423193 WASHINGTON, January 9, 1920.

Oiling floors in buildings

Act of Congress-Amendment of War Risk Insurance Act



I__Oiling floors in buildings. - Section V, Bulletin No. 66, War Department, 1918, is rescinded, and the following.substituted therefor:

1. The floors of dormitories, offices, corridors, mess-Halls, and other rooms where such practice may appear desirable, in permanent and temporary barracks and office buildings, will be treated with a suitable floor oil or other preparation at intervals sufficiently frequent to keep them in such condition as to limit the raising of dust during cleansing processes or as a result of the movements of occupants. It is of great importance that the presence of dust be reduced to a minimum, especially during the prevalence of respiratory diseases.

2. One of the best preparations for use on the floors of permanent or temporary barrack buildings, for the purpose above indicated, is floor oil, War Department Specification No. 3526–4, which should be applied with mop or soft brush. The frequency with which the oil should be applied will depend upon weather conditions, ranging from once in 10 days to once in 3 weeks. In the absence of the floor oil mentioned above, a mixture of kerosene and crude oil may be used, the proportions of the two substances varying according to the density of the crude oil.

3. The floors of wards, corridors, offices, mess halls, and other rooms where such practice may appear desirable, in temporary hospitals, will be treated with oil in like manner. The floors in permanent hospitals will be treated with the wax preparation and brightener provided for that purpose.

4. The use of oil on the floors by no means diminishes the necessity for scrubbing the floors at suitable intervals.

5. The necessary oil or other preparation required to carry out the purposes above indicated may be procured in accordance with the procedure set forth in Quartermaster Notice 115.

[600.3, A. G. O.]


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II__Act of Congress-Amendment of War Risk Insurance Act. The following act of Congress is published to the Army for the information and guidance of all concerned :

An Act To amend and modify the War Risk Insurance Act.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the office of the Commissioner of Military and Naval Insurance and the office of the Commissioner of Marine and Seamen's Insurance created by the War Risk Insurance Act are hereby abolished and the powers and duties pertaining to such offices are hereby transferred to the Director of the Bureau of War Risk Insurance, who shall hereafter receive a salary at the rate of $7,500 per annum. Until such time as the Secretary of the Treasury may direct otherwise, and subject to the provisions of section 9 of the War Risk Insurance Act, there shall be in the Bureau of War Risk Insurance a Division of Marine and Seamen's Insurance and a Division of Military and Naval Insurance. All laws inconsistent with this section are hereby so modified as to conform to the provisions hereof. SEC. 2. That paragraph (b) of the second subdivision (1) of section 22 of the War Risk Insurance Act is hereby amended to read as follows:

"(b) A child legally adopted."

SEC. 3. That paragraph (d) of the second subdivision (1) of section 22 of the War Risk Insurance Act is hereby amended to read as follows:

"(d) An illegitimate child, but, as to the father only, if acknowledged in writing signed by him, or if he has been judicially ordered or decreed to contribute to such child's support, or has been judicially decreed to be the putative father of such child."

SEC. 4. That section 22 of the War Risk Insurance Act is hereby amended by inserting therein immediately following subdivisions (4) and (5), respectively, two new subdivisions to be known as ubdiviion (4a) and ubdivision (5a) and to read as follows:

"(4a) The terms 'father' and 'mother' include stepfathers and stepmothers, fathers and mothers through adoption, and persons who have stood in loco parentis to a member of the military or naval forces at any time prior to his enlistment or induction for a period of not less than one year: Provided, That this subdivision shall be deemed to be in effect as of October 6, 1917."

"(5a) The terms 'brother' and 'sister' include the children of a person who, for a period of not less than one year, stood in loco parentis to a member of the military or naval forces of the United States at any time prior to his enlistment or induction, or another member of the same household as to whom such person during such period likewise stood in loco parentis: Provided,

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