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75th Congress, 3d Session
January 3-June 16, 1938
VOL. 2
NOTE.-The reports missing from this volume will be found in the bound volumes of House private reports.
1990. Military establishment appropriation bill, 1939.
1991. Reserve part of Seger School reserve for Cheyenne and Arapaho Indians.
2003. Funds for buildings for diplomatic and consular establishments of U. S.
2004. Amend law relative to supervision of intercollegiate boxing in D.C.
2005. Amending laws relative to gambling in District of Columbia.
2006. Protect copyrights, etc., of foreign exhibitors at Pacific Mercado.
2007. Prevent fraud, deception, or other improper practice before Patent Office.
2008. Authorizing registration of certain collective trade-marks.
2009. District of Columbia appropriation bill, 1939.
2028. Bridge across Ohio River between Rockport, Ind., and Owensboro, Ky.
2029. Bridge across Ohio River near Louisville, Ky.
2030. National planning for regional conservation of national resources.
2031. Creating joint committee to investigate Tennessee Valley Authority.
2033. To provide for reorganizing agencies of Government, etc.
2034. Additional United States judges.
2053. Per diem payments for Klamath delegates.
2060. Extension or renewal of loans to executive officers of banks.
2061. R. F. C. loans to public agencies and business enterprises.
2062. Extension of school term, etc., Nelson schools in Alaska.
2069. Amend act providing for disposition of surplus Federal real property.
2070. To promote air commerce by providing for closing of Military Road.
2071. Amendments to agricultural adjustment act of 1938.
2072. The President to proclaim Oct. 11, 1938, General Pulaski's Memorial Day.
2077. Survey of old Indian trail known as Oglethorpe Trail.
2078. Supplemental appropriations for Civilian Conservation Corps, 1939.
2079. Addition of lands to Vicksburg National Park.
2086. Grave markers for deceased veterans.
2087. Extending to General Pershing benefits of act rel. to exchange losses.
2092. Participation in 4th International Conference on Private Air Law.
2093. Payment to Norway for treatment of crew of Norwegian steamer Sagatind.
2094. Federal aid for highways.
2099. Amending law relative to availability for Army General Staff duty.
2100. Amend acts for promoting circulation of reading matter among the blind.
2101. Amending law relating to appointment of postmasters.
2102. Adding lands to Trinity National Forest.
2103. Adding lands to Ochoco National Forest.
2104. Disbursing funds for care of Federal property loaned to National Guard.
2105. Amending District of Columbia revenue act of 1937.
2106. Per capita payment to Red Lake band of Chippewa Indians.
2125. Relief of employees of Public Works Administration, etc.
2128. Legislative branch appropriation bill, 1939.
2129. Providing system of retirement, etc., for foreign commerce officers.
2130. Agriculture Department and Farm Credit Admn. appropriation bill, 1939.
2131. Sale of surplus War Department real property.
2132. Transfer of certain military reservations to other Govt. agencies, etc.
2133. Exchange of land in Alaska with Pacific Alaska Airways, Incorporated.
2134. Regulate distribution of officers of the line, Navy and Marine Corps.
2136. Granting easements for rights-of-way across certain Government lands.
2138. State, Justice, Commerce, and Labor departments appropriation bill, 1939.
2139. Food, drug, and cosmetic act. 2 pts.
2140. Relief of owners of crops destroyed by hailstorms in South Carolina.
2141. Reestablish longevity pay of warrant officers, Army.
2142. Losses from eradication of Mediterranean fruitfly in Florida.
2143. Losses from eradication of Mediterranean fruitfly in Florida.
2144. Prohibit exportation of tobacco seed except for experimental purposes.
2145. War Department civil functions appropriation bill, 1939.
2146. Control of soil erosion, etc., on lands in Cache National Forest.
2147. Secretary of Navy to proceed with construction of certain public works.
2148. Amend resolution relating to control of outbreaks of insect pests, etc.
2149. Amend act to establish composition of Navy rel. to profits on aircraft.
2150. Control of soil erosion, etc., in San Bernardino National Forest, etc.
2151. Amend D. C. alcoholic beverage control act rel. to licenses for railroads.
2152. Providing for civilian naval training.
2153. Amending employers' liability act affecting railroad employees.
2155. District court of Oklahoma to hear claims of Seminole Indians.
2156. Making Armistice Day legal holiday.
2157. Sale of surplus scrap materials of Navy to institutions of learning.
2158. Retirement, rank, and pay of certain officers of Navy and Marine Corps.
2159. Acquisition of land by donation at or near Fort Missoula, Mont.
2160. Lease to Youngstown, N. Y., portion of Fort Niagara military reservation.
2161. Exemption of eleemosynary institutions from Robinson-Patman act.
2162. Rivers and harbors bill.
2163. Navy Department appropriation bill, 1939.
2165. Collection and publication of peanut statistics.
2166. Amending act rel. to disposition of remains of military personnel, etc.
2167. Detail civil employees of U. S. to duty with American republics or P. I.
2168. Merchant marine act, 1938.
2169. Amend Federal reserve act rel. to Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
2170. Amend U. S. employees compensation act to permit treatment by osteopaths.
2171. Retirement of judges in Hawaii.
2172. Interior Department appropriation bill, 1939.
2173. Granting easement over tract of land to Fargo, N. Dak.
2174. Investigation and control of venereal diseases by Public Health Service.
2176. To permit allotments from pay of retired personnel of Army, etc.
2177. Exempt land of Mount Olivet Cemetery Co. from improvement assessments.
2178. Increase in reclamation fund from proceeds from naval oil leases, etc.
2179. Designation of street or avenue in D. C. as Maine Avenue.
2180. Amend D. C. minimum wage act rel. to pay of Minimum Wage Bd. employees.
2181. Promote industrial preparedness by educational orders for munitions.
2182. Fair labor standards act of 1938.
2183. Overtime pay to customs officers when acting as shipping commissioners.
2184. Inspectors of hulls, etc., to issue certain seamen's certificates.
2186. Lighthouse material for use of sea scouts.
2187. To convey Manitowoc lighthouse keeper's residence to Otto Oas Post.
2221. Insurance of taxicabs in District of Columbia.
2222. Independent offices appropriation bill, 1939.
2223. Authorize Alaska to incur bonded indebtedness.
2225. Convey land to University of Alaska for fur farm experiment station.
2226. Amending citizenship law rel. to derivative citizenship status.
2227. Ordinance of 1787 and settlement of Northwest Territory.
2228. To amend act to refer claims of Delaware Indians to Court of Claims.
2233. Court of Claims to hear claims of Choctaw Indians of Mississippi.
2234. Pay for annual leave of former Emergency Fleet Corporation employees.
2235. Conservation of fishery resources of Columbia River, etc.
2236. To provide for Federal ship mortgage insurance.
2237. Expenses of participation in 3d Pan American Highway Conference.
2238. Inviting International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics to U. S.
2239. Creating Alaskan International Highway Commission.
2240. Convey part of Ned Point lighthouse reservation to Mattapoisett, Mass.
2241. To improve efficiency of lighthouse service.
2242. Increase strength of Air Corps by 3,000 enlisted men.
2243. Amending act to prevent aliens from fishing in waters of Alaska.
2244. Celebration of 125th anniversary of Battle of Lake Erie.
2245. Refunding sums paid by railroads under railroad retirement act of 1934.
2246. Transfer clock from Escambia Co. courthouse to Pensacola Historical Soc.
2247. Establishing Olympic National Park, etc.
2248. Requiring that old horses and mules of U. S. be destroyed or pastured.
2249. Creating Committee on Purchases of Blind-made Products.
2250. Efficient mileage table for travel pay of commissioned officers.
2251. Amend railroad employers' liability act rel. to information on accidents.
2252. Erection of monument to Gen. Peter Gabriel Muhlenberg at Woodstock, Va.
2253. Erection of memorial to Newton D. Baker at Martinsburg, W. Va.
2254. Civil aeronautics bill. 2 pts.
2257. Additional United States judges.
2258. Amend act to create Juvenile Court in and for District of Columbia.
2260. Travel pay, etc., for soldiers who served in P. I. beyond enlistment.
2263. Bridge Delaware River between Port Jervis, N. Y., and Matamoras, Pa.
2264. Bridge across Columbia River at Astoria, Oreg.
2265. Bridge across Missouri River at or near Randolph, Mo.
2266. Bridge across Lake Sabine at or near Port Arthur, Tex.
2267. Bridge Mississippi River from Greenville, Miss., to Lake Village, Ark.
2268. Bridge across Missouri River at or near Brownville, Nebr.
2269. Bridge across navigable waters in Suffolk County, N. Y.*
2270. Bridges across navigable waters in Suffolk County, N. Y.
2271. Removing certain requirements for detail to General Staff Corps.
2272. Extend services of Inland Waterways Corporation to Cape Fear River.
2274. Amending District of Columbia revenue act of 1937.
2275. Expenses of observance of anniversary of Battle of Chickamauga, etc.
2280. Relief of Fergus County, Mont.
2291. Relief of holders of notes, Verde River Irrigation and Power District.
2295. Increasing Goethals Memorial appropriation.
2296. Equalizing certain allowances for enlisted men of Coast Guard.
2297. Control of soil erosion, etc., on lands in Cleveland National Forest.
Corrected print.