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upon it, and fill us with delightful an- told that the two sticks in the Propbet's ticipations of the blessings which will hand became one, as shadowing forth then be diffused throughout the world. their future union-" Ephraim no The words which we have just read longer envying Judah, or Judah vexing will furnish us with an occasion to Ephraim," but both living together in consider,

harmony and love-so we may assuredly I. The incalculable importance of this expect, that, at the season predicted in prophecy

my text, all will become, as at the day It is of importance,

of Pentecost, “ of one heart and one 1. To the world at large

mind;" all, as it were, “ being like [At present, our blessed Saviour minded one towards another, according reigns over a very small part of the to Christ Jesus; and all, with one mind globe. By far the greater part of and one mouth, glorifying God, even mankind are sunk in the grossest the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ."] idolatry - -- But there is a time, 3. To every individual of mankind coming, when every Dagon in the [Who amongst us has not reason to universe shall fall before the ark, and confess, that " other lords besides Je Christ shall be king over all the earth. hovah have had dominion over us?" In every place under heaven shall men But at that time we shall all say, “ By “ cast their idols to the moles and to thee, and the influence of thy grace, will the bats," and Christ be made the one we henceforth make mention of thy object of supreme and universal regard. name, even of thine oply.” An entire · The delusions of Mahometanism shall subjection of the soul to Christ is a very also then be banished; the worshippers rare attainment. But in that day there of that false prophet shall be unde- shall be none to “ say, Lord, Lord, ceived ; and Christ be acknowledged without doing the things which he as that Prophet of whom Moses spoke, commands." Hypocrisy will then be as ordained of God to be supremely banished from the world; and all who and exclusively the Teacher of the are called Israel, will be “ Israelites world.

indeed.” “ All will be righteous in that God's ancient people, too, shall then day.” Every vessel in the Lord's House, be brought to “ look on Him whom fron, the greatest to the least, will be they pierced, and mourn; and be in holiness to the Lord ; nor shall there bitterness, as one that mourneth for his any more be the Canaanite in the House only son.” To him shall they submit, of the Lord of Hosts."] as King in Zion; and thus all, both Is this the true import of the proJews and Gentiles, shall become “one phecy? How great then must be, fold under one Shepherd.”

II. The blessedness of the period to To all these things the Scriptures which it refersbear witness, in so plain and abundant Surely it will be a season of great a measure, that we must doubt alto- temporal prosperitygether the inspiration of the sacred [There will then exist few, if any, volume, if we can doubt that these of those calamities which now overrun things shall be fulfilled in their season the world. Do wars now rage, and

desolate the earth? They shall then 2. To the Church in particular- . cease: “the swords shall be beat into

Even in the Christian world there ploughshares, and the spears into prunis almost as little subjection to one ing-hooks; nation shall not lift up Head as in the world at large. Both sword against nation, neither shall they in the Roman Church and the Greek learn war any more." Do unfruitful Church, superstition prevails to such a seasons reduce men to great distress? degree, as in a great measure to super There shall then be such fertility in the sede, the work and offices of Christ. earth, that every man shall sit under And even among Protestants, the his own vine and fig-tree," in the undivisions which exist tend greatly to disturbed possession both of peace and embitter their minds against each plenty. Do injustice and oppression other, and to prevent that union which prevail ? Universal righteousness will ought to subsist among the members then obtain; and neither fraud nor of Christ's mystical body. As of old, violence be suffered upon earth. Do the tribes of Judah and Ephraim were diseases bring men to an untimely end? in a state of most inveterate hostility To such a degree shall the constitutions against each other, even so it is now. of men be strengthened, that a person But as, in reference to them, we are at the age of a hundred years shall be

accounted only a child; and if he die them, also, as declared in the book of at that early age, he shall be judged as Revelation, where they refer expressly cut off prematurely by a judicial act of to the period when “the saints shall God's displeasure. In truth, the whole reign on the earth:” and, methinks, system of things will appear like“ a new you will say that that season will be to creation ;” “a new heaven and a new every living man an earnest and a foreearth, wherein dwelleth righteousness."] taste of heaven itself.]

Then, also, sball spiritual blessings Let me then INTREAT you, Brethren, most richly abound

1. To seek the establishment of Men's knowledge of the Gospel Christ's kingdom in your own soulsshall then far exceed any thing that is [If He is to reign over all at the possessed at this day: “The light of period referred to, should not his kingthe moon shall be as the light of the dom be established in our hearts ? O, sun, and the light of the sun sevenfold, let him not find a rival there ! Let every as the light of seven days, in the day thing that exalts itself against him be that the Lord bindeth up the breach of cast down; and every thought and desire his people, and healeth the stroke of of your hearts be brought into captivity their wound.At present, our views to the obedience of Christ.] of Christ are obscure: we see him only 2. To promote its establishment as a shadow, or, at the best, only “as throughout the world - - in a glass darkly:" but then “ we shall see him eye to eye,” and, as it were,

There is one point which the face to face. The grace also that shall consideration of these volumes bas accompany this knowledge will be powerfully impressed upon our proportionably enlarged.. Exceeding minds, namely, The importance of beautiful is the description which the men of piety and talent obtaining Prophet Joel gives us of the state of

and continuing in situations in our things in that day : “ It shall come to pass in that day, that the mountains

universities, and there laying themshall drop down new wine, and the hills

selves out to do good. We think shall flow with milk, and all the rivers this has been and is too much dis. of Judah shall flow with waters; and a regarded. Worldly learning has fountain shall come forth of the House its snares. The universities have of the Lord, and shall water the Valley their dangers and their temptations. of Shittim," a place proverbially dry

But how different according to and barren. In fact, so universal and abundanċ will be the prevalence of real

all human calculation would our piety, that it will seem as if all the saints

church at this moment have been, that have ever died had risen again, and

had Cambridge not possessed durChrist himself dwelling and reigning in ing the last half century such men the midst of them.

as Milner and Jowett, and Simeon Above all, it will be a season when and Farish. We call upon our God will manifest himself on earth,

Christian youth to emulate their almost as he does in heaven itself[Some think that Christ will per

example-to pursue their studies sonally reign on earth, during the whole

with such diligence as may qualify Millennium. But, without acceding to them for the obtaining of fellowthat opinion, I think it clear that he will ships, professorships, and other manifest himself on some special occa- important offices, and to employ sions, as once he did upon Mount Tabor the ta

the talents and influence which in his transfiguration : and so bright will

such situations afford in unwearied be his glory, that the moon shall be confounded and the sun ashamed, when

endeavours to promote the glory the Lord of Hosts shall reign in Mount

of God and the salvation of men, Zion, and in Jerusalem, and before his not giving themselves up to sloth, ancients gloriously.” In fact, the city not burying their talents in a napkin, in which we shall dwell will have no but encouraging and animating need of the sun, neither of the moon to others to devote themselves to the shine in it: for the glory of God will

work of the ministry for the adlighten it, and the Lamb will be the light thereof." See the exultations of vancement of the Redeemer's kingthe saints in that day, as expressed in dom, and the recovery of a lost the prophetic writings - --- See and ruined world.

Brief View of Ecclesiastical was made an article of faith, the festival History, from the earliest periods of Corpus Christi was instituted. John, to the present time. 18mo. Pp. iv. of Paris, and others, opposed this tenet.

and the ambitious claims of the Roman and 74. Dublin. Curry. 1829.

Pontiff to dominion over kings, &c.

Raymond, Count of Toulouse, haring Tuis small publication has been incurred the displeasure of the Pope, prepared at the request and for the about the year 1207, was obliged to use of the Religious Tract and Book make his appearance before the Church Society of Ireland. It is the work of

porch, without any covering but a sheet, an active, intelligent, and useful Irish

with a rope about his neck, and rod in

his band, with which he was flogged by Clergyman, well acquainted with

the Pope's legate; he then received the state of that country, and

absolution and was admitted into the zealously labouring for the promo Church. A Council held at Toulouse, tion of its interests. No man can 1229, forbad to laymen the use of the derive fame or profit from the pro- Old and New Testament. This is the duction of six-penny tracts ; but

tracte. 'but

first time (say

first time (says Fleury) that I have met publications like the present will

with this prohibition.

Two religious orders, (the Dominibe found eminently useful in in

cans and Franciscans,) were founded by forming the inquirer of the recent Dominick and Francis, in the beginning origin of many of those principles of this century, and had great disputes and practices which their supporters about the immaculate conception of the zealously maintain are the old reli- Virgin Mary. Boniface VIII. instituted gion. As specimens, we insert the Jubilees, and was the first to extend following extracts from our author's

indulgences to purgatory. This Pope

was accused of heresy, simony, and account of the thirteenth century.

several enormities, by Philip, king of Innocent III. was Pope at the com- France, who demanded a Council to mencement of this century.—Matthew depose him. There were four crusades Paris, a Roman Catholic historian of in this century, all of which terminated this century, says of this Pope, that he in calamities and disappointments. By was " beyond all mortals, ambitious the loss of Acre in 1291, the Christians and proud, and an insatiable thirster were entirely expelled from the Holy after money, and ready and prone to Land. all crimes for rewards given and pro- Thomas Aquinas, the great promoter mised."-He persecuted the Emperor of Scholastic Theology, and of the decPhilip, deprived Otho IV. of the empire, trine of Supererogation, lived in the and compelled King John to deliver up middle of this century. The Nestorians to him, the kingdoms of England and had a flourishing church in Asia, even Ireland, and to render them tributary as far as China. The Greek Church to the Roman Pope. This Pope in was now entirely separate from the 1206, raised a crusade against the Wal- Roman. Langton, Archbishop of Candenses, promising Paradise to those who terbury, was a learned man, and wrote would bear arms forty' days. In this commentaries on the Scriptures. Groscrusade, thirty thousand persons en- seteste, bishop of Lincoln, was a pious "gaged, and with fire and sword, made man, and having resisted the encroachdreadful havoc among this often perse- ments and power of the Pope, was cuted people. The Inquisition, that excommunicated. He died in 1523. horrid instrument of Papal tyranny, Having visited Rome, and seen so much was now established, a: the instigation that was ungodly in that wicked city, of Dominick the Monk. At the fourth his zeal for reformation received a fresh Council of Lateran, held under Innocent stimulas. The witnesses for the truth, the Third, in 1215, transubstantiation in this century, were chiefly to be found was first made an article of faith in the among the Waldenses, who yet candidly Roman Church, and auricular confession confessed, "there were some individual established. Stephen, bishop of Autun, souls in Babylon, who loved the Lord, was the first who used the word Tran and served him with the spirit, under substantiation.

all their disadvantages." The adoration of the Host was intro- A Council at Lambeth, in 1281, diduced by Honorius III. successor of rected the priests to instruct the people Innocent III. After Transubstantiation that the body and blood of our Lord is

given them at once under the species one of the number of those that love of bread, and also that what is, at the his appearing.' same time, given them to drink, is not “Let my aged Grandparents (if they the Sacrament, but mere wine for the shall be still alive) look forward with more easy swallowing of the Sacrament, confidence to the haven of eternal rest; which they have taken. The people taking comfort from the delightful conwere thus prepared for communion in sideration that whom the Saviourloveth, one kind, which soon took place. (Henry, he loveth to the end ; and so far from vol. iv. 259.) Fleury says that (in 1281) reckoning that I am lost to them, let the Communion in both kinds was not them rejoice in the expectation that but yet entirely laid aside in England. a short period will elapse ere we meet

again, to unite in singing the song

of Moses and the Lamb. Memoirs of Mr. J. Des Carrieres

« Let my Parents derive consolation Ballance, late of Queen's College,

from the belief that they have trained up Cambridge. Compiled by his two, who, by the tender mercy of God Father. 12mo. pp. 291.

have been admitted to eternal glory 3

and let them labour yet more earnestly A BRIEF and simple narrative of the and more perseveringly for the spiritual rise and progress of the divine life benefit of their children; casting all their in the soul of a youth, who, by one

care upon bim, who careth for them: of God's mysterious providences,

resting in the persuasion that He hath

done, and will do all things well; and was suddenly called away, very

way, very individually looking for and hasting shortly after he had been enabled to the coming of the day of God.' , by the grace of God, first to give “Let my Brothers and Sisters know himself unto Christ, and then to the assuredly that nothing but true religion, church, for Christ's sake. Better -consisting not in a notion of the prepared, however, either for life.

head, but in the experience of the heart, or death, few, whether in youth or

can bear them through life, comfort

them in death, and make them happy age, could have been found; of

through all eternity. which the following remarkable “ I charge them all, and if I may document is the best proof.

press it on any one more particularly, “In the full possession of my facul- it is on my dear sister, to meet me in ties; in the enjoyment of a comfortable His presence where there is fulness measure of health; and without any of joy, at His right hand, where there immediate prospect of my final change; are pleasures for evermore.'”-Pp. 157 yet considering how uncertain is human -160. life, I think it my duty to prepare for the hour of death, by leaving with some “ To an esteemed friend.-May the of those whom I love,

Lord bless you for all your kindness, A WORD OF REMEMBRANCE. and reward you an hundredfold, for all “It pleased God, during the year the spiritual blessings which His grace 1826, by a series of events of a remark has made you an instrument of to me! able nature, and chiefly by means of When it shall please God to call you religious intercourse, to bring me to a bence, how shall I rejoice to join with clearer knowledge of himself, and to you in singing the praises of that love, impress on my heart by his Siprit those which has so often occupied our thoughts, truths, which I had long known in theory and dwelt upon our tongues, and in Since then my feelings of religious contemplation of which we have already enjoyment have been at times very had so many foretastes of the bliss of fluctuating, but the grace of God has heaven. constantly been my stay and support. “Adieu ! my valued friend ! we shall

“In the review of my past life, I meet ere long, and we shall meet to cannot say with St. Paul, I have fought part no more for ever. a good fight, I have kept the faith ;' “ My dear friends ! farewell! I have but yet I do hope, through the atone- not addressed you all individually, but ment of my Lord and Saviour, and his I love you all, and I pray for all, that efficacious intercession, that there is every one of you may stand perfect laid np for me a crown of righteous and complete in all the will of God.' ness, which the Lord, the righteous “And now I will leave with you one Judge, shall give to me,' at that day, as request; and if every other that I

[ocr errors]

have ever made you be neglected and no hope but what the gospel offers, forgotten, receive this, I entreat you, but that I believe to be sufficient. I as my last, and let it never cease to be deserve nothing but eternal iniser", but remembered.

my Saviour has drunk the bitter cup, “ It is, that for the future, when you and left not one drop for me. Saved meet together, you will not suffer so through His atonement, clad in His many hours to be taken up in ordinary righteousness, and sanctified by His and trivial conversation, too frequently Spirit, I hope for a place at His right to the entire exclusion of religious in- hand, where I may sing the praises tercourse. It lays a stumbling block of redeeming love, for ever and for in the way of sincere inquirers after the evermore. truth ;-it was for a long time one to “ The time of my departure may me. Is there not one at least of your perhaps be nearer than I expect. number that can say the same?

“ But when that hour shall arrive “Let me beseech you,-by the value which shall close my eyes on every of an inmortal soul, by all of happiness earthly scene;—when all the circumexpressed when you speak of heaven, stances of my life, except those which or of misery when you mention hell, contributed to my growth in grace, to resolve that when you meet, your shall appear as so many fleeting shaintercourse shall not be of such a nature dows ;-when the eternal joys of heaven as to exclude that experimental religious alone shall be realities; — when life's conversation which may prove an in- stream is ebbing; when the last conflict calculable blessing to yourselves, your is over ;- Lord Jesus! receive my children, and perhaps your children's spirit !'-Pp. 162–165. children, and bring down upon you the To the Memoir is appended a commendation of your God, ' They collection of above twenty Letters, shall be mine, saith the Lord of Hosts,

to various friends, all breathing the in the day that I make up my jewels.' “I shall never make you another

same pious and devotional spirit; request; Oh! deny me not this one! and many of them containing ad

is And now, blessed be God, I think vice really valuable to all. We I can truly say, I am ready for his need not add more to recommend will, whether it be life or death. I have this little volume to our readers.


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