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Salvation through the Redeemer's Saviour; your Redeemer, advocate fulness was preached at Jerusalem; and intercessor; your present helper it is proclaimed to you ; it shall be and friend; your rightful sovereign declared even to the ends of the and ruler ; as the resurrection and earth, and all the earth shall see the life; as the source of grace, the salvation of our God : for so it peace, consolation; as the author pleased the Father. It is the and giver of everlasting life. Come, result of the divine counsel, pur. draw near to him at his table, and pose, and love--the consequence devote yourselves to his service; of that covenant, ordered in all determining by his grace that he things and sure, which was ratified shall have the pre-eminence in your and established before the world hearts and your affections, that you was; a covenant formed for the will walk as in his sight, that you honour of our God and Saviour, for will look for grace and peace from the safety and security of his peo. him, and take him as your all in ple, for the abiding peace and con all. O may the God of peace solation of his servants in every age, sanctify you wholly, and I pray for their unspeakable glory, happi God your whole body, soul, and ness, and enjoyment through the spirit, may be preserved blameless countless ages of eternity. O come to the coming of our Lord Jesus then, and embrace Christ in all Christ. To whom be glory now those gracious offices in which he is and for ever. Amen. set before you; as your God and

V, M.


“ Seen of Angels.”—1 Tim. iii. 16.

Angels of mercy! ye saw Him door-the guard set, and ye heard leave His seat of glory above, and the last call answered-the last descend to the meanest and most watchword given. wretched of His worlds. Ye were Angels of glory! Ye saw Him in attendance, when He stooped burst the bonds of the tomb, and from the height of His power, and rise triumphant! Ye saw Him was born in a stable at Bethlehem! chain to his infernel den the king Ye were with Him in the vast and of hell, and seize the keys of death howling wilderness, when the dark and the pit! Through your shining hour of temptation had passed, and ranks he passed on his way to His He was left alone. Ye were with Father's mansion ! Ye have seen Him in His retirement, in the that glorified body which was secret and fervent pouring forth of pierced for man. Ye have bowed prayer, such as never man prayed before Him in heaven! Ye see Ye were with Him in the garden, Him now above, all lovely as He when His agony was hard upon is, and cast your crowns before His Him, and even His pure soul throne, and give Him blessing, and seemed to shrink from the trial honour, and praise, and power, for before Him. Ye were with Him ever and ever. in His hour of desertion and mock O then for your tongues to ing, of scourging and death! And , describe His sufferings ! O for your ye were with Him in the sepulchre, harps to celebrate his glories ! and ye saw the stone rolled to the



MY DEAR SIR,—The question which you have proposed is one that has frequently occupied my attention, and I am not without hope that the views which I have been accustomed to entertain, may meet your approbation; or may at least be instrumental in eliciting fuller information from others. You in quire' as to the propriety of taking young children to church. • Whether is an early attendance in the House of God, likely to beget an increased reverence for His name and ordinances ? or whether it be not calculated, whilst the un derstanding is so weak, to lessen these impressions, and excite levity and indifference?'

In considering questions of this nature, it is obvious that there are many particular circumstances which will prevent a general reply from being in all cases applicable. Much must depend on the indi. vidual parent-on the child-on the church and ministry where the family attend. There may be peculiarities in any or all of these parties, which might lead a judi. cious adviser to recommend in an individual case a very different line of conduct than would be generally expedient. With this proviso, however, I have no hesitation in giving a decided opinion that it is highly important to accustom chil. dren, at a very early age to attendance -on public worship, and that such early attendance is espe. cially calculated to produce increasing reverence for the Redeemer's name and ordinances. This effect may not be always produced. Familiarity, in some cases, leads to contempt, but this is unholy and improper familiarity, against which a Christian parent will sedulously guard.

The importance of feeding the lambs of Christ's flock, is, I fear, mat sufficiently regarded by either

Ministers or People; and in attempting to give to various distinct classes their portion of meat in due season, the stewards of the divine mysteries seem occasionally to repel the young from portions well suited to them, under a mistaken idea that they are only applicable to older persons. "I preach,' said a very popular Minister, a few years ago,

I preach to grown persons-I talk to children. The obvious inference from such remarks is—then the children are as well away; they cannot under such circumstances expect to profit, On the contrary, the Minister ought to use great plainness of speech, and in every sermon should studiously introduce remarks which children may understand. Men are but children of a larger growth; and many a man of sixty learns more by what the preacher intends for a child of six, than by what, at first sight, would appear far more suitable to a person of riper or advanced years.

This is, however, somewhat of a digression from the proposed inquiry. Whether Ministers in general pay sufficient attention to the young in their sermons, is not the question ; but whether, as things are, it is adviseable to take young children to the House of God? I think the term adviseable is far too feeble; it appears to me not so much a question of propriety, of of expediency, as of positive duty; and I cannot but feel it is the duty of Christian parents to habituate their children to a regular attendance on public worship from very early years.

A valuable Minister from whose • parochial duties' you have quoted largely (see Christian Guardian, June, 1829, p. 208.) there remarks,

that a young wife to whom we naturally look as the instructress of her children, finds herself soon encumbered with a family: she can


not bring them to church, for the parts of the service. They learn infant will seldom allow her or the to look up to a Father which is in congregation to attend. This is heaven, and to lisp a Saviour's alas too often the case, yet it is by name. But it is not easy to say no means invariably true; and a how early they may receive instruclittle consideration, forbearance, and tion and edification. In Janeway's management on the part of minis. token for children, some striking ter, would I am persuaded very instances of early piety are producmaterially diminish the evil.

ed. Mrs. Cameron in her valuable Very young children may usually and enlarged edition of that interbe brought to public worship, pro- esting work has added to the numvided the mother's health and ber, and similar cases are recorded strength will permit her to attend; in other publications; while the and though such infants cannot attentive observer will often find learn, yet many a valuable lesson that children are seriously impressed may be received by the mother, by something supposed to be said while her child is sleeping in her particularly to them, by a minister arms, or resting at her breast. or a parent, when not more than Occasional fits of fretfulness will three or four years of age. We are occur, and the minister or his wife continually in danger of expecting may perhaps suggest to the young too much or too little. A child mother the importance of sitting in often learns something highly imsuch a place as may allow of an portant, which it cannot communieasy escape to the vestry, porch, cate, while yet, if long intervals of or other outlet, which may prevent leisure from instruction occur, the a congregation being much dis- weeds and thistles of human depraturbed by even a fractious child. vity will soon efface every useful

When indeed the infant leaves impression. the breast, the difficulty is increased, Much indeed, has been said and yet still it is not, I conceive, by any written by, a certain class of philomeans insuperable. Much may be sophers, on the evil consequences done by judicious management of early instruction on religious Children soon learn when they are topics. “The Bible,' say they, ‘is to be still, and a little indulgence, not to be commonly used in youth, a crust of bread at the time, the lest the idea of a painful task trifling reward of a bit of sugar should in future life be associated candy, or a few sugar plumbs, on with the sacred volume.' "Wait behaving well, will produce a won till your children are of sufficient derful effect even on a lively and age to be interested with the spirited child. The great difficulty preachers before you take them is to make parents feel the deep systematically to a place of worship; importance of religion themselves, lest they be disgusted and for ever to bring them earnestly to love and forsake the sanctuary. Away ardently to desire the privilege of with the old absurd system of public worship, and then they will loading and overloading the memory make surprising efforts to bring with catechisms, grammars, and their children, and those efforts will other elementary publications, by often be found eminently successful. which many a rising genius is

Where family prayer is regularly stifled, and relinquishes literary and seriously offered, children be- pursuits with abhorrence. These, come early prepared for attendance and similar sage remarks, devised on public worship. They soon learn or adopted by a celebrated infidel when and how long they must be Frenchman, have become current silent. They distinguish earlier in the world, and have bewildered than many would suppose different and misled many well-meaning persons. I take refuge in facts, let some little reward follow. Sing and reject theoretical positions. It over with it the hymn and tune is the early student—the youth who which it has heard. Speak to it begins to learn his grammar, his of a Saviour's love and mercy. catechism, his Bible, at so early an How Jesus loves little children, age, that he overcomes the diffi- and will do them good. As it culties before he can reason upon advances, remind it occasionally them, that, ordinarily speaking, of remarks which drop from the becomes the Christian and the preacher ; teach it the texts, and scholar. Instances, and not a few, eventually the heads of a sermon : indeed may be adduced, of indi- but do not exact too much. If any viduals commencing a literary or thing of a ludicrous or unpleasant religious career at a later period nature occur ; soften it in conversaof life, who have arrived at con- tion as much as may be, or call siderable eminence; yet the most off the child's attention by a closer distinguished of these have often application than ordinary; in this displayed material defects, and way, during a course of years either themselves lamented, or have a very considerable effect will, given occasion to others to lament, ordinarily speaking, be produced ; the deficiencies which the loss especially if your efforts are accom. of early years has occasioned, panied with fervent prayer for the and which they have not in any Divine blessing, and if your consucceeding period been able to duct and temper afford a living remove,

example of the lessons inculcated What indeed is early learned is in the house of God. usually long retained ; and if the It is in this patient, prayerful minds of our children are not pre- waiting for the Divine blessing on occupied with that which is good, the use of means, that we may most they will soon be filled with vain assuredly anticipate the fulfilment and foolish imaginations. They of the promise given to us and to will become more and more indis- our children. Our heavenly Faposed for serious study and atten. ther vouchsafes to call and sanctify tion, and will, if neglected only for some from their mother's womb. a very few years, find what others Others are called in tender years, regard as an easy task become to and after all the common-place them an intolerable burden.

remarks which have been made on Take then, my dear friend, your the unhappy conduct of some of the tender offspring, as early as possible, children of religious parents, the to the House of God, and watch truth of the divine declaration is over them there. But endeavour abundantly evinced ;-the children at the same time, to connect in who are trained up in the way they their infant minds as much as should go, are seldom found when possible the ideas of happiness and old to depart from it: while those devotion. Excite them to a suita- who are planted in the courts of the ble behaviour, by rewarding their Lord, flourish in the house of our exertions, rather than by correcting God, still bring forth fruit in their their deficiencies. A child is over. old age, and thus show that the come with sleep-bear with it. Lord is faithful, and that there is • Baby should not sleep at church, no unrighteousness in him. That but let no punishment follow. The such may be the case with our child cries; this must be repressed children, is, my dear Sir, the --stronger reproof must follow, fervent prayer of your faithful and eventually chastisement, but still affectionate friend, very moderate. The child is quiet;





Extracted from the Boston Youth's Companion. Tue bosom of the ocean was ex- the creature making for him, and tremely tranquil, and the heat with all the strength and skill he which was intolerable, had made us was master of, made for the shore. so languid, that almost a general And now the moment arrived in wish overcame us, on the approach which a scene was exhibited beyond of the evening, to bathe in the the power of my humble pen perwaters of the Congo-however, my- fectly to describe. On approaching self and Johnson were deterred from within a very short distance of some it by an apprehension of sharks, canes and shrubs that covered the many of which we had observed in bank, while closely pursued by the progress of our voyage, and the alligator, a fierce and ferothose enormously large. At length cious tiger sprung towards him, Campbell alone, who had been at the instant the jaws of his first making too free with his liquor enemy were extended to devour case, was obstinately bent on going him. At this awful moment, overboard, and although we used Campbell was preserved. The every means in our power to per- eager tiger, by overleaping him, suade him to the contrary, dasbed encountered the gripe of the into the watery element, and had amphibious monster. swam some distance from the ves. A confict then ensued--the water sel, when we on deck, discovered was coloured with the blood of the an alligator making towards him tiger, whose efforts to tear the behind a rock that stood a short scaly covering of the alligator were distance from the shore. His es unavailing, while the latter had also cape I now considered impossible, the advantage of keeping his adverbis destruction inevitable; and I sary under water, by which the applied to Johnson how we should victory was presently obtained; for act, who, like myself, affirmed the the tiger's death was now effected. impossibility to save him, and in. They both sunk to the bottom and stantly seized upon a loaded carbine, we saw no more of the alligator. to shoot the poor fellow ere he fell Campbell was recovered, and ininto the jaws of the monster. 1, stantly conveyed on board : he did not, however, consent to this, spoke not while in the boat, though but waited with horror the tragedy his danger had completely sobered we anticipated-yet, willing to do him : but the moment he leaped on all in my power, I ordered the boat the deck, fell on his knees, and reto be hoisted, and we fired two shot turned thanks to the Providence at the approaching alligator, but which had so protected him; and without effect, for they glided over what is most singular, from that his scaly covering like hailstones moment to the time I am writing, on a tiled pent-house, and the pro, has never been seen the least ingress of the creature was by no toxicated, nor has been heard means impeded. The report of the to utter a single oath. If ever piece and the noise of the blacks there was a perfectly reformed from the sloop soon made Campbell being in the universe, Campbell is acquainted with his danger-he saw the man !

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