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thrown dawn, and that now the many years, it was remarked, there Papist, the Socinian, and the Infidel has been it is feared, an increasing may march on to the assault; that neglect of family religion and intherefore, unless the Christian struction. The reading of the Bible warriors form a close phalanx, and in families in the intervals of Divine stand firm, they will inevitably be worship, or on the evenings of the put to flight; that all confidence in Lord's day, the instruction of serpublic men and public professions vants, the catechising of children, is now lost ; that Christian ininis. have all been grievously neglected; ters are divided in sentiment, and there has been for many years, and weakened in affection ; that the there still is, a great scarcity of enemy has induced many of great places of Worship, the ministers name and influence to employ their of religion are utterly inadequate to time and talents on points of a our increased population, there is a speculative nature, of doubtful im- consequent grievous, however unport, and of small practical im- avoidable neglect of the pastoral portance, when their utmost exer- care, formality has been very much tions ought to be devoted to contend destroyed, but a false and treacherous earnestly for the faith ; and that on liberality has occupied its place, many occasions, especially at some leading many to give the right of the late public meetings, there hand to Socinians and other corwas a want of self-control, meek- rupters of Christianity, when any ness, forbearance, and self-denial; present advantage is proposed. a spirit of egotism, confidence, and To obviate such dangers, and railing, and a lamentable deficiency remedy such evils, whether more of wisdom and of love, all portend. or less imminent, all agreed, that ing that the enemy has gained a the first, the most important meagreat advantage over us.

sure was the faithful preaching of It was again inquired to what the Cross of Christ; the proclamathis melancholy state of things is tion of man's guilt, danger, and owing ; it is obviously not the work remedy, the full developement of the of a day, nor of any short period; doctrine of Justification by faith, but is to be ascribed to a combina- as so admirably stated and illustion of various causes, many of trated in our eleventh Article and which have been long in operation, the Homily on Justification-the The long continuance of external insisting on the doctrine of the peace has led many into a false Holy Spirit's work and influencesecurity; they see no danger from the necessity of regeneration, conwithout, they fear none from within; version, and sanctification---the the real character of Popery is over- continual urging of our people to looked and misunderstood; its cruelty beware of resting in formal service, in times past excites horror, but this in general profession, apart from cruelty is no longer feared,and men inward and spiritual grace, and perare not aware of its delusions, its blas- sonal devotion of soul, the calling phemy, its abominations. Men who upon them to diligent self-examinaought to know better, speak of Po. tion, to continual study of the pery as though it were merely a pe. Holy Scriptures, to fervent prayer culiar sect of Christianity, deserving for divine teaching, to close and nearly the same respect as Presby. intimate communion with God in terianism or any other form of all his ordinances, in all holy obedidissent; instead of being, as it ence; to combined and continued really is, a corrupt and idolatrous intercession for the outpouring of system, totally subversive of true the Holy Spirit on his church and religion, and irreconcileable with people. the Gospel of Christ. For very Some doubts were entertained

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as to the expediency of entering nations, and this is often seen in much on controversial topics in these who, having been abroad, the pulpit; the general impres have been captivated with the spision seemed to be, that it was rituality, devotion, and liberality, desirable to introduce the errors real or pretended, of Foreign of the Romanists but rarely, and Romanists. principally on the return of stated Connected with the importance days, when such notices might of explicit statements from the reasonably be expected; at which pulpit on the existing abomination times these corruptions ought to of Popery, is the counteracting of it be directly attacked and publicly by means of books, tracts, &c. of controverted; that the false doc- which many were mentioned ; it trines of Popery should be exposed; was especially suggested, that that we should avoid any thing suitable tracts should be written like ambiguous terms and expres- in Ireland, which led one of the sions : beware of adopting any of clergymen present to speak of the those liberal expressions concern- Irish Tract and Book Society, whose ing Popery, which might for one strictly appropriate works may be moment countenance the idea of its seen in London, at the Religious and being less abominable and danger. Charitable Society's house, Sackville ous than formerly, and that we street, Piccadilly. Blanco Wbite's should be ready, on fair occasions, Catholicism, Horne's Romanism, to adopt an aggressive system re. No. 70, of the Bristol Society's membering that whenever Protes. Tracts, the History of Andrew tantism has desisted from the attack Dunn, Gideon Ouseley's Old Christit has begun to flag and lose ground. ianity, and several others were

The insidious nature of Popery strongly recommended; but above was well insisted on; how, under all, an intimate acquaintance with fair forms and specious pretexts, the Homilies of the Church of it wins its way to the heart and England, and with Jewell's Apology, the affections; allusions were made was forcibly urged. to the soft and smooth, and sanc. The extensive circulation of the tified conduct of many of its de Holy Scriptures; the employment votees, and the care with which of Scripture Readers, both in this they veil and explain away its country and Ireland; the establishrepulsive and offensive doctrines ; ment of Schools, similar to those and hence the importance of guar of the London Hibernian Society ding against its first attempts ; in Ireland, where the pay of the the necessity was inculcated of master depends on the children renouncing all intercourse with committing to memory large the whore of Babylon. Regret portions of holy scripture; the was expressed by some, of the engaging suitable 'agents, as Misfavourable terms in which Romish sionaries to the poor, and espebooks of devotion are often spoken cially the Papists in St. Giles's and of; the dangerous tendency of similar places in London, in Lansuch writings as those of Quesnell, cashire, and wherever large bodies Fenelon, the Jansenists, &c. was of Romanists are collected; the illustrated ; at first, something of a removal of the impolitic as well as cloudiness of mind is introduced, impious restraints by which the then, distinguishing doctrines, seem member of the church of England to lose their importance, the differ- are impeded in the exercise of ence between Popery and Protes- social prayer; the bringing forward tantism appears less real ; and at and suitably educating young men length the great harlot makes men for the ministry, &e, were all sucdrunk with the wine of her abomi. cessively pressed upon the attention

of the party, as deserving of the have little opportunity of engaging utmost encouragement and support in any personal contest with

The importance of candidates for Catholics. holy orders being more strictly On one point, all agreed, namely, examined, as to the points in con- the duty and importance of cultitroversy between Romanists and vating continually a closer walk with Protestants was suggested from a God, --communion with Him in the highly respectable quarter, and an closet, in the family, in the social intimation was given, that the ordi- circle, in the great congregation ;nation of a candidate who had not the cultivation of personal holiness, answered in a satisfactory manner and an increasing manifestation of to the questions of an examining the power and influence of Divine Chaplain on the Romish Sacra- grace, will be found under God, the ments, &c. had been postponed for grand pledge of personal safety, the a time. A doubt was, however, most important means of preserventertained by some, whether re ing our people in these last days, quiring much knowledge on this when perilous times are come, from controversy might not draw off the being drawn aside from the hope of attention of the candidate from the the gospel. If only they and we more important study of the Arti. are walking closely with God, come cles and Homilies of that Church what will, we may say, “God is our of which he desires to become a refuge and strength, we will not fear. minister; especially as the majority The Lord of Hosts is with us, the of those ordained among us will God of Jacob is our refuge.” 0.


“Come thou and all thy house into the ark.” Various are the means which In- world, while a deluge of water was finite Wisdom uses to bring back to overflow the old. God made apostate man to the dependance man upright, but he soon sought of the creature, and the obedience out many inventions, sinned, and of the child. Though the grand came short of the glory of God. the only way of the recovery of And when the sin of men had man is the incarnation of the Son reached its full height of daring of God, yet promises most alluring, presumption, and the world was ripe invitations most encouraging, assu- for vengeance, the flood came, and rances most cheering, admonitions swept them all away. Noah, howmost pressing, commands most ever, a preacher of righteousness, solemn, and threatenings most tre. and a saint of the Most High, his mendous, are intimately connected wife, his three sons, and their three with this astonishing plan. Nor wives, with seven of every kind of shall they be used in vain upon the clean beasts, and two of unclean, Church of God, though the wicked entered the ark, and during that will do wickedly, until he that now season of universal desolation, were letteth be taken away for ever. hid in safety. The invitation in my text was consider-1. The true ark of addressed by God to his servant safety. II. The invitation given. Noah, who, after he had made the III. The advantages and duties appointed ark, at the express com- of those who enter into the true ark. mand of God entered into it, May the Lord dispose all our together with his household, and hearts to enter into the true ark the other creatures which were pre- of safety, while we may. served as inhabitants of the new The true ark is Christ, of whom

Noah's ark was but a feeble type, this rock his church is built, and the or shadowy representation. Noah's gates of hell shall not prevail ark was capacious in size, able against it. Not all the violence of to contain the whole of the destined earth, nor all the power of hell, can crew. There were appropriate possibly pluck the believer from the stories in it for perfect accommo- Saviour's hands, nor cause him to dation. So Jesus the true ark is an alter in his purposes of grace all-sufficient Saviour, able as very towards him ; nor shall any thing God, able as God-man, to save to extinguish the principle of love in the uttermost all them who through the believer's heart, nor deceive faith come unto God by him. The him into endless ruin. Noah's ark perfection of his humanity, the was divinely appointed. Jesus came essential glories of his deity, form into the world at the express apan all-sufficient foundation to sup pointment, and according to the port the everlasting hopes of the predetermined purpose of his eternal whole Church of God. It hath Father; he was called of God to pleased the Father that in Him, in his Mediatorial office, as was Aaron whom dwelleth all the fulness of the to the priesthood; he was set up Godhead bodily, should all fulness in the counsels of eternity, and dwell. In Him there is a suf sanctified, or set apart for his most ficiency of wisdom, righteousness, exalted office before the foundation and strength, of pardoning grace of the world ; he was most emiand salvation for all that come upto nently qualified for his office at his him, are found in him, and desire public baptism, when Jehovah the nothing but him. But in Christ is Spirit descended like a dove upon also infallible security. Noah's ark him, and the everlasting Father was so constructed that it provided owned him in a voice from heaven, safety for all that were in it. It saying, This is my beloved Son; was pitched within and without with in whom I am well pleased. Jesus pitch. But all this would have was constituted of God unto us availed nothing, if Jehovah's eye wisdom, righteousness, sanctificahad not watched its movements, and tion, and redemption; the Father directed its course; if Jehovab's arm constituted him to be sin for us had not closed the door, and shut who knew no sin, that we might be within the chosen few. So in Christ constituted the righteousness of is perfect security to all the people God in him ; he is the Lamb slain of God, All the perfections of from the foundation of the world, deity, all the purposes of infinite he verily was preordained before the grace, all the promises of redeeming foundation of the world; but was mercy, all the fulness of Christ, bis manifest in these last times for atoning blood, his law-fulfilling us. Noah's ark was so conrighteousness, his unchangeable structed, that it rose above and priesthood, his all-prevailing inter- rode upon the mighty waters. cession, form the inviolable defence, It could neither overset nor sink. the impenetrable fortress of all his So neither can that antitypical faithful people. Jesus is our strong ark which conducts the whole of habitation, whereunto we may con. the election of grace through the tinually resort, he has an unerring troublesome waves of this mortal eye to guide us, an omnipotent arm life. The Lord who directs his to protect us, immutable truth to church through all the perils of secure us : underneath his saints time, sitteth above the water-floods: are the everlasting arms, the eternal the billows of this vexatious scene God is their refuge. While en- of things cannot go over the head closed in Jesus, the ark of safety, of Christ, the true ark, nor over the we have nothing to fear. Upon heads of believers, the true church.

They ride, as at anchor, upon the many sons that are to be brought angry waves of a most stormy to glory. In their own apprehenworld; they rest in Jesus as in a sions, they fall short at times of the celestial calm; their faith and hope heavenly inheritance, when their are in him. The human nature prospects are clouded, and in a fit of Jesus, in the days of his flesh, of unbelief, they are tempted to was assaulted with the violence of say with David, misinterpreting earth, and the malice of hell; with some dark providences, • We shall all the vehemence of afflictions, surely one day perish by the hands with all the force of temptation of Saul;' but in reality they shall but it was in vain-be was more never perish, neither shall any one than conquerer over all; the divine pluck them out of his hand. . nature supported him amidst all his Let us consider, secondly, the pressures, and raised him superior condescending invitation addressed to all his trials. It was the rock by God to Noah and his family upon which his humanity was built, “Come thou and all thy house into and by which, in virtue of his Om- the Ark.” When all things were nipotence, it was preserved from ready for a most signal display of the ruins of an abiding death, and Almighty vengence, and the whole from the dominion of the grave. antidiluvian world had filled up the And know thou, O believer in Jesus, measure of their iniquity, and were whatever storms of sorrow rise ripe for ruin ; when the fountains upon thee without, whatever cor- of the great deep were about to be ruptions strive, but in vain for the broken up, and the windows of mastery within ; whatever perse heaven to be opened ; Noah and cutions from the ungodly, or tempt. bis house were called into the ark. ations from Satan prevail against So my friends, in the present day, thee, they shall not overthrow thee; these last ages of the world, when greater is He that is for thee, than the love of many waxeth cold, and all that can possibly be against thee; the whole world lieth in wickedness; the ark in which thou art hid shall and when we are approaching that bear all weathers; nor can it pos- period when time shall be no lonsibly be dashed against the rocks ger,—God invites poor sinners to of opposition, nor sink in the come into the ark of safety. “Ho ! depths of Satanic rage. Noah's every one that thirsteth, come ye to ark in due time touched on Mount the waters; and he that hath no Ararat, and landed all the crew in money, yea, come, buy wine and safety and in peace. So shall milk, without money and without Christ, the true ark, at last land all price. And the Spirit and the bride his peoples' souls on the eternal say, Come. And let him that hearshore of heaven. Not one sball eth say, Come; and let him that be missing there; they cannot suf- is athirst, come. And whosoever fer shipwreck, for Christ is in the will, let him take the water of life vessel. As of the crew which freely. I am Alpha and Omega, the sailed with St. Paul, it was said, beginning and the end; I will give that though some on boards, and unto him that is athirst of the some on broken pieces of the ship, fountain of the water of life freely. yet so it came to pass that they come unto me all ye that labour and escaped all safe to land; so shall it are heavy laden, and I will give you be of every one, even the least of rest. Look unto me, and be ye Christ's disciples. They cannot lose saved, all the ends of the earth; the immortal crown, for Jesus has for I am God, and there is none secured it for them, nor shall their else! Behold the Lamb of God seats be vacant in heaven, for these that taketh away the sin of the are the many inansions for the world.” Jesus invites sinners to


JULY 18 29.

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