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their dinners with them during the and put by till wanted. Pepper is summer; and those in the village strewed between the layers of cloaks go home for dinner. The re- to preserve them from moth.' inainder of the year, they are pro- "Apy persons wishing to be instructed vided with a thick nutritious soup,

concerning the Holy Communion, are made on Saturday, at the Rectory- invited to attend at the School-room, house, and carried down to the Hambleden, at five o'clock, the evenings school that night. It is warmed of the Sundays on which notice has during church hours, on Sunday

been given at church, of the celebramorning, two children and one

tion of the Communion on the followschool-mistress remaining at home

ing Sabbath. and taking care that every thing

There are seven or eight Public should be ready, table cloths spread. Communion Sabbaths in the course and the soup placed on the tables, of the year, at Hambleden church, in red porringers, with a spoon in and no one can doubt the neceseach, by the time that the morning sity of instruction preparatory service concludes. Each child, to participating in the holy rite. when it has finished its meal, car. On the Sunday preceding the comries the porringer into the scullery, munion, the whole of the invitation and they are all washed and put by in the Prayer Book is read, and in the school-room, on Monday those who wish for instruction are morning. In order to provide that invited to attend that evening in Do soup should be wasted, which Hambleden School-room, at fire in the event of a wet Sunday might o'clock. The number that come, be the case, there are sixteen is from 150 to 200, and the opporblock-tin cans with covers, wherein tunity is taken to explain, in conwhatever remains, is placed, and nexion with the Sacrament of the sent to the distant sick or indigent, Lord's Supper, the great principles by the children that are present. of religious knowledge, the fall of On the Sunday following, the cans man, the consequent corruption are brought back to School of human nature, the promise of a Nearly the whole of the first and Saviour, and redemption through second class of boys are plough his blood, the necessity of the ter boys, or labourers, who have for generating and sanctifying influsome period left the Day-schools.-- ences of the Holy Spirit ; then the A Sunday-school, well conducted, institution of the Sacrament, the is a most important feature in a duties of communicating, and the large parish. It keeps up a con- particular fast and Festival apnexion between the minister and proaching. It occupies about one his flock, and enables him to press hour and a half, and is listened to those solemn duties home to the with great attention. Many are hearts of its members, which at present at four or five lectures ten years of age, when they go to before they become communicants, day-labour, they too often forget. and the increase of numbers at the The girls are all dressed alike, Lord's table is gradual. At Easter in straw bonnets, check aprons, and and Christmas there are about 190 blue check tippets. The boys in communicants. On other occalong white pinners with sleeves. sions, about ninety. After Easter, In the first week of November, there are about eight or nine private the summer clothing is put by, communions at the different ham(viz. the tippets and pinners) and lets or cottages for those whose grey drugget cloaks are delivered age or infirmities present an obstain their stead. These continue in cle to their attendance at church.' use till the first week in May, when The Evening-school for teaching they are returned, repaired, baked, grown-up persons, and those who su to daily labour, to read and write, will quarters of an hour, and sum till open in Hambleden School-room, on eight o'clock. The Evening Hymn, Tuesday, November 11, at half-past five o'clock, and be open from that hour

or a Psalm, is then sung, and two till eight, on Tuesdays and Fridays,

or three short prayers are read. during the winter. The women and The general conduct of the scholars girls will be taught at the Rectory- is most pleasing, and their progress house, on the same evenings, at the in reading, writing, and undersame hours. The number of scholars standing Scripture, most encourlast year, was 131.-It is intended to

aging. When the day lengthens, open the Sewing-school for lace-makers,

ers, so as to call for their protracted soon after the Evening-school closes. Nearly seventy attended last summer.'

labour in the field, the School is

closed. Their copy-books and pens The Adult-school is a most valu- are given to them on the last night, able addition to an agricultural and generally a book is presented parish, and though attended with to each. The females (of whom considerable fatigue, fully repays the greater part are the first class the minister who undertakes it. Sunday School girls, and teachers, Let it be noticed, that at the weekly and some few others, in all about schools of a country parish, and even 32) attend at the rectory house on at the national ones in the neighbour the same evenings. The plan of hood few boys can be retained after their instruction is the same as at ten years of age. From that period the school house. till they reach manhood, they must Any young men desirous of reading be indebted cither to Sunday Schools the Scriptures, and having them ex(which they usually quit at 15) or plained, are invited to attend at HamAdult Schools, for keeping up the bleden School Room, on Sunday knowledge they have acquired. evenings, from six to seven o'clock, as There are many also who have not during the last year,' had the same advantages with The Sunday evening reading has themselves in younger days, who only been tried one year, but prowhen they come to an age to be mises to be of much use in estaable to appreciate the value of blishing in the minds of all the knowledge feel their deficiency. flock, the great truths of Scripture, To them the Adult School is open which they have been either taught They come if they please, but no at school, or of which they are still invitation, except the general one ignorant. The invitation was, in in the handbill, is given. Nothing the first instance, given to the can be more gratifying than their young men alone ; but admission attendance; 108 were on the list was soon so sought by the aged, last year, and the average present, that none are now excluded. A was above 90. There is no limit class of about twelve young men to age,' the going to daily labour' read the portion of Scripture, verse constituting any admissible pupils. by verse, and it is commented on The scholars are divided into nine and explained familiarly as they or . ten classes, according to their proceed; then paraphrased, and proficiency, taking care not to put practical duties insisted on. From quite lads, with men grown up. Easter to Michaelmas, females are The six head classes read the Tes- allowed to occupy one of the rooms, tament, and answer scriptural and the men the other, the class questions arising out of their read. table being placed in a wide dooring, one hour and a half. The way between the two rooms. The other classes read the Psalter or reading is preceded by singing the Spelling-books for the same time. Evening Hymn, and is concluded They then all go through the arith- with a psalm and prayer. The metical tables, write for three attendance is very regular, and great satisfaction expressed. From cipated from a steady adherence to 150 to 200 are usually present. such measures as Mr. Ridley has The bell rings punctually at six, been adopting for the last twenty and the whole is concluded by half years. past seven.'

The next observation I would I pass over the notices about add is, That it is of great importhe Savings? Bank, supply of Fuel, tance that persons desirous of Potatoes, Child-bed Linen Clothing, doing good should not attempt &c. as also those relating to Con- more than they can steadily and firmation, Vaccination, &c. and perseveringly pursue. The stated merely trespass upon you with reading and exposition of ScripMr. R.'s closing paragraph, and ture; the superintendance of Sunone or two observations which the day and Adult Schools; the visiting perusal of the tract has suggested of the sick, &c. will require conto my own mind. . .. siderable time. The young, Min: . In the foregoing little ac- ister therefore will do well, before count, it is hoped that there is adopting such plans, to pause and nothing exceptionable, and that all consider whether he can undertake is done according to due order. The all these plans, without sacrificing simple object throughout, is to that time which private devotion, bring the members of the flock to study, meditation, preparation for know God and Jesus Christ whom the pulpit require. Let him feel he hath sent, and to love their his way gradually, and not attempt neighbours as themselves, and too much at once. It is easy to this through the instrumentality increase, but not so easy to relinof their Minister. His charge is quish, labours of this kind. " to preach the word, to be instant Why, Mr. Editor, I would ask, in season and out of season, to should Scripture reading not be reprove, rebuke, exhort with all undertaken by laymen, and in some long-suffering and doctrine." May cases by females, as well as MinHe who will not overlook the cup isters ? Our pious matrons, who of cold water given for His name's visit poor women at the time of sake, bless the endeavours of the their confinement, might well, I 10,000 Parochial Ministers or conceive, without at all violating the dained to preach the Gospel in this Apostle's declaration; “ I suffer not Island !

a woman to teach," read and explain “Now he that ministereth seed to the some portion of holy writ. Were sower, both minister bread for your such practice adopted, from the food, and multiply your seed sown, first week till the poor woman is and increase the fruits of your righteous able to resune her regular la. ness.”—2 Cor. ix. 10. , , bours, it might prove highly

The first observation I would beneficial. make, is, How exceedingly im . I am, Mr. Editor, portant are the labours of a paro

Yours very truly, chial minister, and what incalculable

VOLENS. blessings may reasonably be anti


R e .
Oh ! let thy Holy Spirit come,

Oh ! let. thy peace pervade my breast, And make my heart his constant home; And hush each rebel thought to rest, Transform my proud and stubborn mind, Nor let the tempter's fatal power, And make me lowly, gentle, kind,

O'erwhelm me in the trying hour, Contented, blessed Lord, to be

Teach me to say, thro' thy dear Son, Despised by all-if not by Thee.

Thy will, my God, not mine be done.


As the truth of our resurrection rests entirely on the fact of our Saviour's resurrection, and our future glorious body will be of the same nature with his, it will be pleasant and satisfactory to dwell upon and examine minutely the subject of Christ's resurrection, which this season of the year brings before us: and thankful we ought to be, that we have so many infallible proofs of that great event. Any over pice and curious speculations we should avoid, but whatever the sure word of Scripture presents to us, we ought to receive and use. Secret things belong to the Lord our God, but those revealed are for the church in all ages. On due examination and comparison of the writings of the Apostles and Evangelists, I think we may establish these truths.

I. That the natural and the spiritual body are essentially different.

II. That our Saviour rose in this natural body.

III. That he will come again in his spiritual body.

That the natural and spiritual body are essentially different, appears from 1 Cor. xv. where St. Paul, having said that the dead is sown a natural body but is raised a spiritual body, remarks, that there is a natural body and there is a spiritual body, as if he said, I would have you make a distinction between the two, and be assured that they do not resemble each other any more than a stalk of wheat resem: bles the grain that is sown. And lest you should be surprized and think it impossible, or suppose that the body must arise the same as it was buried, consider that a simi lar thing happens constantly before your eyes, and God has given you a lesson of this great truth in the ordinary process of nature. The body must die and corrupt in order

to become glorious, so must á corm of wheat. The body that arises is not the same that is sown, no more is the beautiful green stalk the same that you sowed ; you sowed a mere grain to which God gives á plant for a body. And yet the person raised is the same identical person buried, so is the thing growing the very thing that you sowed. God gives to every seed its own body. And think not that God is at a loss to make a new body, consider whát a variety of bodies there is already ip nature, earthly and heavenly bodies, differing vastly in kind, by which God instructs us how easily he can make for us a different body at the resurrection. What the spiritual body will be we cannot tell, because it will be like the Saviour's, which we have never seen: it doth not yet appear what we shall be, but we know that when he shall appear we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is : we must therefore wait till the resurrection, to know by experience this glorious transformation. If a seed were sent to you from China, and you were assured that it would bear a novel and splendid plant and flower, you could not guess what the flower would be from the seed, but you would put it into the ground, and wait with eager expectation for the summer to develope its beauties. This seed is our present natural body, which we have from Adam, earthly like his, and bearing his image, resembling his substance, shape, and features. Just so: will our spiritual body resemble that of our Lord Jesus Christ-new, glorious, and perfect. As we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly. And this heavenly body will be as different from ours of flesh, blood, and bones, which eats, works, and sleeps, as a splendid

plant is different from a dirty seed. at Nazareth before. Jesus therefore

II. Our next position is, that our arose, appeared, conversed, walked, Saviour rose again in his natural sat down, used his hands, and was body. It was necessary that he handled, did eat and drink with his should rise again in that natural Apostles after his resurrection, and body of flesh and blood in the image thus convinced them that he was in of Adam, which he assumed, and the same body that he was in before, which is called by St. Paul the body and which he had by his descent of (His and) our humiliation, in from Adam. With this he ascended order that he might be recognized in their sight: whether this body by his disciples, who were to be was glorified and entirely changed witnesses of his resurrection, Ac- when the cloud received him, or cordingly he did so; the women whether it has even now received after looking in vain for his dead its final change or not, is not for us body, saw it living, they heard him to know; only the Scripture I speak, and held him by the feet. think assures us, The two disciples going to Emmaus III. That he will come again in conversed with him, heard him his spiritual body, “When he shall unfold the prophecies concerning appear we shall be like him.” “Our himself with divine wisdom, in all citizenship is in heaven, from probability they must often have whence also we look for the touched him in that interview, and Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ, who constrained (held him, as the origi- shall change the body of our huminal may signify) and saw him take liation, that it may become conbread and break it, and instantly by formed to the body of his glory, his taking the place of the master, according to the working whereby and using his accustomed solemn he is able even to subdue the whole blessing. they were permitted to unto himself.” Then the Lord discover that it was Jesus. When Jesus, and they who suffered with they were relating this to the eleven him, will be glorified together. at Jerusalem, Jesus appeared, and Then all resemblance of Adam in could scarcely convince them that sin, suffering, and bodily imperfeche was not a spirit-"handle me tion will be lost, and the saints will and see,” said he, "for a Spirit resemble the Lord Jesus in purity, hath not flesh and bones as ye see perfection, and likeness. me have.” Whether they handled The scriptural idea of our resurhim then or not, this shows that he rection is, not that we shall rise had flesh and bones during those with our old bodies, and afterwards forty days of his appearance after be changed, nor that the same his resurrection; and St. John who scattered particles of dust will come records this his offer of handling, together again, so as to constitute afterwards affirms in his epistle, the same body of flesh and blood, that they (the Apostles) did handle (an idea which is a stumbling-block him, from which we may infer that to unbelievers) but that the dead they handled him after his resurrec- will rise, the same in person, the tion; and this, together with his opposite in nature, to what it was eating the fish, were among the before. “ It is sown in corruption, many infallible proofs that he was it is raised in incorruption; it is truly risen in his earthly body. The sown in dishonour, it is raised in doubting and subsequent conviction glory; it is sown in weakness, it is of Thomas brings further evidence raised in power; it is sown a natuof this truth. Our Saviour's vanish- ral body, it is raised a spiritual ing might lead one to suppose that body." he was a Spirit, but this he had done


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