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not willingly pass one day of myers are equal to them. But at this life without comforting a sorrow. time, I beg of you to pray only the ful soul, or showing mercy; and I Litany, for I am weak and faint.' praise God for this occasion—and Mr. Duncon leaving him next now let us tune our instruments!' morning for Bath, with a promise

He continued thus actively of return in a few days, he said, employed in that service of his "Sir, I pray you give my brother Master,' which was his delight, till Farrer an account of the decaying the consumptive malady, to which condition of my body, and tell him he had been long inclined, had so I beg him to continue his daily much reduced him, that he found prayers for me: and let him know it necessary to confine himself to that I have considered, that God his house or the church, to which only is what he would be; and that a few paces conducted him. He I am, by his grace, become now so still persisted however in reading like him, as to be pleased with what prayers twice every day, till Mrs. pleaseth him: and tell him, that I Herbert remonstrated with him; do not repine, but am pleased with when he confessed that this duty my want of health : and tell him, weakened him, but added, “My life my heart is fixed on that place cannot be better spent, than in the where true joy is only to be found; service of my master Jesus, who ạnd that I long to be there, and do has done and suffered so much for wait for my appointed change with me. But I will not be wilful; for hope and patience.' though my spirit be willing, yet I Bowing then with Christian find my flesh is weak; and there- meekness and courtesy, he put a fore Mr. Bostock shall read prayers manuscript into Mr. Duncon's hand, for me to-morrow; and I will now saying, “Sir, I pray deliver this be only a hearer of them, till this little book to my dear brother mortal shall put on immortality. Farrer, and tell him he shall find

Mr. Bostock was an exemplary in it a picture of the many spiritual divine, who had been on intimate conflicts that have passed between terms with Mr. Herbert for many God and my soul, before I could years, was his curate at Fuggles. subject mine to the will of Jesus tone, and had been in the habit of my Master, in whose service I have supplying at Bemerton, when his now found perfect freedom. Desire principal was at Salisbury.

him to read it; and then, if he can About a month before his death think it may turn to the advantage his friend Mr. Farrer sent the Rev. of any dejected poor soul, let it be Edmund Duncon, from his resi- made public; if not, let him burn it, dence at Gidden Hall, near Hun. for I and it are less than the least tingdon, to see him, and to assure of God's mercies.' This was his bim of his daily prayers for his celebrated volume of poetry, called recovery. At the sight of this The Temple.' gentleman, though exceedingly The affection entertained for him weakened, he raised himself from by Mr. Woodnot was too strong to his couch, and earnestly enquired suffer him to remain in London after the health of his brother after hearing of his serious illness. I Farrer. After some discourse on now look back,' said he to this kind the holy life of their mutual friend, and tried friend, his wife, and neices, he said, “Sir, I see by your habit ! upon the pleasures of my life that you are a priest, and I desire past, and see the content I have you to pray with me.' "What taken in beauty, in wit, in music, prayers ? ' asked the stranger. '0! and pleasant conversation, are now Sir, the prayers of my mother, the all past by me like a dream, or as church of England ! no other pray- a shadow that returns not, and are now all become dead to me, or I put a period to the latter ; for to them; and I see, that as my I shall suddenly go hence, and be father and generation bave done no more seen, Mr. Woodnot, before me, so I also shall now reminding him of the building suddenly, with Job, make my bed of Layton church, and his many in the dark; and I praise God, I acts of mercy, he answered, as am prepared for it; and I praise became a humble believer, · They him that I am not to learn patience be good works, if they be sprinkled now I stand in such need of it; with the blood of Christ-not and that I have practised mortifica. otherwise!' tion, and endeavoured to die daily, He now became restless, and that I might not die eternally; and after a time breathing faintly, and my hope is, that I shall shortly being much agonized, his wife enleave this valley of tears, and be quired how he found himself ? He free from all fever and pain ; and, replied, “I have passed a conflict which will be a more happy con- with my last enemy, and have overdition, I shall be free from sin, and come him by the merits of my Master all the temptations and anxieties Jesus.' Seeing Mrs. Herbert and his that attend it: and this being past, nieces weeping, he charged them, if I shall dwell in the New Jerusalem; they loved him, to withdraw into the dwell there with men made perfect; next room, and there pray every dwell where these eyes shall see my one alone for him : for nothing but Master and Saviour Jesus ; and their lamentations could make his with him see my dear mother and death uncomfortable.' The females all my relations and friends. But retiring, he said to Mr. Bostock, I must die, or not come to that “Pray, Sir, open that door; 'then look happy place. And this is my con- into that cabinet, in which you may tent, that I am going daily towards easily find my last will, and give it it; and that every day which I have into my hand.' As soon as he had lived hath taken a part of my ap- received it, he gave it to Mr. Wood. pointed time from me; and that I not, saying, "My old friend, I here sball live the less time, for having deliver you my last will, in which lived this and the day past.'

you will find that I have made you The Sunday before his departure, sole executor, for the good of my he suddenly rose from his couch, wife and nieces; and I desire you and calling for an instrument, said, to show kindness to them, as they • My God! my God! my music shall need it. I do not desire you sball find thee,

to be just; for I know you will be And every string

so for your own sake; but I charge Shall have his attribute to sing.'

you, by the religion of our friendsbip, And having tuned it, he played

to be careful of them.'

After a promise from his friend and sung.

faithfully to perform all his wishes, “The Sundays of man's life,

he added, “I am now ready to die. Threaded together on time's string,

Lord forsake me not, now my Make bracelets to adorn the wife Of the eternal glorious king.

strength faileth me; but grant me On Sundays heaven's door stands ope; mercy for the merits of my Jesus! Blessings are plentiful and ripe,

And now, Lord, Lord, receive my More plentiful than hope.'

soul!' His prayer was heard. He On the day of his death, he said departed in peace. On the third to Mr. Woodnot, ‘My dear friend, of March 1632, his remains were I am sorry I have nothing to pre deposited under the altar of Besent to my merciful God but sin merton, on the spot where less than and misery; but the first is par- three years before he had vowed doned, and a few hours will now to dedicate his incumbency to God. PAROCHIAL DUTIES.

MR. EDITOR,-I have lately been den) may be explained. A similar very much pleased with a small bill, varying in any new suggestions tract bearing the above title, pub- or circuinstances, that may arise lished by the Rev. Mr. Ridley of during the year, is annually sent to Hambleden, containing an account every house in the parish, on the of various plans of benevolence and first Monday in November.” usefulness adopted in that parish. I shall not trouble you with the Mr. R. it appears, publishes annu- bill itself, since my extracts will ally a hand-bill containing informa- probably be larger than it may tion to his people, of the various be convenient to you to insert, but objects to which he wishes to call shall merely transcribe a few paratheir attention, and this painphlet graphs with Mr. R's illustrations, is a kind of commentary on the which I hope may not be in vain. bill published in November last. The band-bill begins with a notice I forward a few extracts, and hope about Bibles, Prayer Books, &c. that many of the clergy who it next announces that subscriptions read the Christian Guardian may be to the Society for promoting induced to purchase this threepenny Christian Knowledge, the Church tract, and seriously consider how Missionary Society, &c. will be far the adoption of similar plans in received. Then comes the followtheir several parishes may be rea- ing paragraph, and its illustration.' sonably expected to produce a bene- The quarterly papers for the Church ficial result. Mr. R. observes in the Missionary Society and the Society for commencent of his tract.

promoting Christianity among the Jews, “There are a few preliminary

will be delivered to the subscribers on observations to be made. The first

Thursdays, 15th of January, 16th of April,

9th of July, 8th of October, at Hamis, that every pian nerearter named, bleden School-Room, at six o'clock, and is not only practicable, but has been information respecting the above Sotried for a length of time. The cieties will then be given. Any person second is, that all parishes may not who please may attend. be so favourably situated in many “These quarterly meetings are respects as Hambleden, and there intended to keep alive the spirit of fore no clergyman need be dis- charity towards unenlightened napirited, if equal success seem not tions, and are well attended. There at first to attend his exertions. is nothing it is hoped, to which the

"Let this one remark however be most rigid observer of due order made, that every minister is, by his could object. They are solely own choice, the servant of God, meetings of the minister and his and the servant of that flock to flock. No strangers either to which he is appointed ; and as such address, or to be addressed, are he is to devote his whole time and invited. They are opened with strength to those services, which he the evening hymn and a short has chosen. A clergyman's family, prayer, and also closed with a psalm house, occupations, and every thing and a prayer. The simple detail connected with him, should be con- of Missionary progress occupies sistent, and all family arrangements about one hour and a half, and such made subordinate to his parochial articles of natural curiosity, conduties. There should be an unity nected with scripture history, or throughout.—The hand bill which with the missionary labours, are follows is to act as a sort of text introduced, as may tend to enliven by which the arrangement of the and instruct those who are present. different plans, (adopted in Hamble. Pomegranates, olives, dates, the

Esquimaux works, Moravian bas- infant mind) are often for a great kets, Indian bows and arrows, New portion of their lives, excluded from Zealand dresses, idols, myrrh, aloes, the public service of our church. and cassia, or any thing else that A young wife, to whom we can elucidate the subject, are occa- naturally look as the instructress sionally produced. There is no of her children, finds herself soon collection made for the Missionary encumbered with a family: she cancause, but the quarterly subscrip- not bring them to church, for the tions are received, and any trifling infant will seldom allow her or the donations that may then be offered, congregation to attend. And the are accepted.”

consequence is, that for ten or The next paragraph relates to a twelve years, we frequently miss lending library, which has been mothers altogether from church twenty-three years established at service. They come when their Hambleden, and is succeeded by the infants are baptized, and that is all. following important notice, and Now at these cottage readings, observations

they are able to attend, and many · The Holy Scriptures are read and eagerly take advantage of them. explained in Hambleden School-room, Tuesdays, eleven o'clock; Skirmett, at

It is by no means unusual to see Sam. White's, Fridays, one o'clock, &c.

eight or ten children in arms, and Any person who pleases may attend.'

if one is restless, the mother can The foregoing notice forms the easily retire, and, being near her most important feature in the hand

own home, the fatigue of carrying bill. It seems to be an engine of the infant is not regaraca. great utility, and has been now for with the aged and infirm : To walk so many years in constant exercise two or three miles to church and as to bear the recommendation, not

back, is no easy matter, and for the of experiment, but of experience.

minister to wait on each sach indiWhen the ministers of the esta

vidual is altogether impracticable. blished church, look minutely into

Thus the declining years of many the state of their flocks, they can

of our people are not cheered by the not but feel considerable pain .at lamp of life, and when they require the consciousness of the responsi

the sinking eye of mortality, if not

the sinking, eye of mo bility that exists, of giving in daily, at all events weekly, to be dividual spiritual food to alī their raised to the cross of the Saviour, sheep. Time and strength can there is no kind voice to direct never be found for rendering it, and they are not kept in that

it, and they are not domiciliary visits of any great use watching, and praying state, which in explaining scripture (at all events their appointed Shepherd, and the to a large number), and the pulpit

church to which he belongs, would will not allow of that familiar ex- most earnestly desire. The plan position which necessarily must be adopted at these readings is very used to convey correct ideas to an simple. The time fixed in the handuneducated mind. No one but

bill is always punctually observed, those accustomed to question the and before the bell is rung, the little poor, or to be questioned by them,

flock may be observed preparing can form an idea of what, by way

for the summons. The clergyma of explanation, they require. It is rings the bell himself, and on not only line upon line, and precept entering the room, a short prayer is upon precept they need, but it is offered up. The portion of Scripalmost word by word, and letter by

ture is then begun in continuance letter. Nor must it pass our ob with the last reading. From ten to servation, that the most valuable thirty verses are gone througe, part of our flocks (because to them almost word by word, with the disis committed the teaching of the tinct meaning of every passage and


its reference to others, and ex- out-door labour, often increases plained as simply as possible. The their number. The little congrewhole passage is then repeated in a gations do not now vary much in sort of paraphrase, and lastly, the number. Of course these readings practical duties arising from its are not intended to supersede the consideration are summed up under minister's visits to separate cottages, three particular heads. This, with or attendance on the sick indivithe Lord's Prayer and another, dually.' comprising any prominent features Then follow notices about Sun. of request, suggested by the portion day and Adult Schools, the Holy read, occupies one hour, after Communion, &c. which, the little party retires. The Such parents as wish to send their portions of Scripture at present children to the Sunday-School, may under reading. are. at two houses, apply to the Rev. 1. C. Ridley. The the middle chapters of St. Mark present number of Scholars is 131 girls and at Hambleden School-Room

and 109 boys.' and Skirmett, the Book of Genesis. • It is thought better to give this At the hamlets, where there is general notice, than individual invionly a monthly reading, the subject tation, as in this, and every other is not always taken in continuance privilege, it is desirable that the with that of the former month, but parishioner make the request to the is a Parable, or any other instruc- minister, not the minister to the tive passage in the Old or New parishioner. Of course in so exTestament, which may be begun tensive and scattered a parish as and concluded in one reading. The Hambleden, there must be many attendance, considering the hour Dame's Schools on the week days (which is never later than two (seven or eight) besides a Laceo'clock) is very good. In general, School in Hambleden for thirtywhen there are four readings in the six girls, and a School for nearly as week, there will be from eighty to many boys; but on the Sunday ninety persons present at the four it is advisable to bring all the pupils cottages. Let it however be named, together, to examine their profithat at the commencement of this ciency, and to bring them up in the sort of parochial instruction, the nurture and admonition of the attendance was very scanty. There Lord. The Sunday-School opens have been sometimes not more than at nine o'clock in the morning, and four or five hearers. During har closes immediately after evening vest time the reading is necessarily church. It is divided into twentysuspended, but that is the only seven classes, or occasionally more, intermission. The following are and taught by a very large proporthe appendages requisite to these tion of gratuitous teachers. The Cottage Lectures :~About eight School began with fourteen girls, Pica Bibles or Testaments, a din- twenty-two years since. The in· ner bell, a door scraper, a door rug, struction is similar to that of other some matting, a few benches, and a Sunday-Schools. Soon after the little fuel. And in the selection of church bells announce the hour for the house, attention to our Lord's public worship, the children prepare direction, St. Matt. x. 11. so as to start, and in arder to prevent to meet at the dwelling of the talking by the way, they sing a most respectable cottager, by whom psalm from the School door to their you are bid welcome. Of course seat in church. The 95th or Sith the male attendants bear a small Psalms, are generally selected. proportion to the female, about The number of scholars is now 240, twelve or fourteen weekly; but and it is gradually increasing. The sickness or weather interfering with children from a distance, bring JUNE 1829.

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