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the word of God, God's own words in entering into holy orders, to the public congregation, “Re- and their constant end and aim member, that thou keep holy, the in all their ministrations, is to Sabbath-day ;” and who ought to win souls to Christ; they will utterly enforce from the pulpit, “ Thou abhor the very thought of being shalt keep my Sabbaths, and re. any-ways instrumental in encourverence my sanctuary; I am the aging such a profanation of the Lord :” to discountenance and set sabbath day. their faces against such a practice ? But to palliate the nausea of the

I will leave you, Sir, to judge, thing, this religious paper proposes how greatly surprised I was the to furnish the clergy with abundance other day, at receiving a printed of prompt and correct intelligence circular, inclosing the printed on all matters of a religious nature. prospectus of a proposed religious But surely the clergy stand in paper, both for the use of those no need of such assistance, when who are in the habit of thus the press in this day literally teems wasting the precious hours of the with yearly, quarterly, monthly, Sabbath, and to supply the place yea weekly publications, on all of those unblushing vehicles of kind of subjects, of all sizes and immorality, Sunday newspapers ! prices, suited to the inclinations, But I leave you to judge how much wishes, capacities, and pockets of greater was my surprise to find, on all classes. The paper appears to be looking over the papers I received, purely for the better educated porthat they came, or purported to tion of society; for both the lancome from, and to be sent by guage and the price render it unfit a Reverend gentleman !!!-I was for those of the lower classes ; it startled into the exclamation : Is it requires therefore but a slight knowpossible that such a thing can ledge of the world and mankind, originate with a Reverend ? “O to be assured that it will scarcely tell it not in Gath, nor publish it in even find its way into those haunts, the streets of Askelon,” 'tis even where Sunday newspapers are so; Yes--a Reverend !!! From taken in; or, if it should, it is much my inmost soul I say

to be questioned if it would either be

sanctioned, or even read; for those "Go, send your gown to Monmouth Street,' whose notions of spending the SabAnd lay your orders at your Bishop's feet.

bath rise no higher, are in pursuit

of different information from that From the contents of the circular, which is here proposed. Besides, is and some parts of the contents of there not a too well-grounded fear the prospectus, I conclude that they of its giving rise to a still greater have been sent to the clergy of the evil? There are gradations in vice Established Church generally; and as well as other things. And who that they are solicited to become shall say how easily persons may contributors, subscribers, and re. imperceptibly slide from the read. commenders of it. But how such ing of one newspaper on the Suna practice can possibly accord with day, to another. Will it not opetheir high and holy function of rate with some as an excuse for teaching their hearers to turn away neglecting to read God's word? their feet from the Sabbath; from Will not the careless deem it an doing their pleasure on God's holy excuse for their non-attendance on day, and to “ call the Sabbath a public worship? And may not delight, the holy of the Lord, many look upon their sitting at honourable,” &c. I leave them to home by the fire-side reading acreconcile. Of one thing, I am counts of religious events passing certain, that if their main view in the world, polemic discussions, and doctrinal theology, an equiva- knowledge puffeth them up, seeing lent for neglect of more self-im- it is not sought in the right way? portant duties? would it not be far namely, in the serious study of those preferable to place in the hands scriptures, which are able to make of the careless and unthinking part men wise unto salvation; and in supof mankind, some little interesting plication for that teaching of God's religious tract, which treats on some Holy Spirit, which can alone guide one or other of the Christian duties? them into the knowledge of divine

As to those, the eyes of whose truth? But if, instead of wholesome understanding have been enlight- solid reading, and an attendance on ened by the Holy Spirit, and whose the public means of grace to implore hearts have been renewed by divine the divine blessing on their own grace; and who are desirous to souls, Reverends are to furnish be well-grounded in the knowledge them with a newspaper for the of God's will, confirmed in the Sunday ; then we need no more belief of all the essential funda wonder at the decrease of the mental doctrines of the gospel, sacredness of the Sabbath, and a and to grow and increase in hea. decline in all suitable feelings of venly and spiritual-mindedness;• the sacred obligation of that holy such persons will always decidedly day. As said the prophet in prefer the fountain of living waters, olden days, “Like priest, like to the dribbling stream, however people." excellent that stream may be.

Who does not know that example As to the middle and working is better than precept, and that the classes of society, they are so much former carries more weight along occupied in trade, commerce, and with it than the latter? In vain daily avocations, as to leave them then will it prove for the ministers little and indeed scarcely any time of the sanctuary to declaim against for reading. And surely that little vice, to exhort, to entreat, to per should be spent in the perusal of suade to any good practice, when the word of eternal life, before they themselves set their flocks a any other kind of reading. Espe. contrary pattern by their own excially, if they are at all consci. ample. The late Rev. Mr. Foster, entious in attending public worship of St. James's, Clerkenwell, used on the Sunday, and in instructing frequently to say, in converse with their families and domestics in his clerical friends, “It is not Christian knowledge ; they will preaching the gospel, but living it, have so little time remaining to that does the greatest execution them for private reading and medi among our people, and he that tation of God's word, as to be too would impress others with a belief valuable, too precious, to be wasted of those truths he preaches to them, on secondary objects.

must exhibit in his walk and converThat the rapid increase, of reli- sation an evidence of his believing gious knowledge is not attended them himself: Therefore, in this with an equal increase of real piety, day of lamentable amalgamation of may, in a great degree, be attri. religious profession and worldly buted to the want of attention to the conformity, both in spirit and pracsacred scriptures, and a comparative tice; it surely behoves those whose neglect of meditation and secret office it is to bear the vessels of the prayer. Men are athirst for religious sanctuary, to be clear from sancknowledge in the present day, and tioning any thing that may have critical and religious knowledge too, the most distant tendency, to deteand abundance of facility in obtain- riorate from a right observance ing these is afforded; —but is it of the Sabbath day. at all to be wondered at, if that



The following observations on have, however proper the object Education, from the pen of the may be in itself ; because otherlate Mrs. S. Huntington, of Boston, wise an association would immeN. America, appear to me so im- diately be formed in the mind portant, that I shall be happy to between importunity and success, see them occupying a place in the Were a child always told, when he Christian Guardian ; and am your's cries for a thing, · You shall have most truly,

H. O. it when you show a proper temper,'

it would soon teach him to be "You inquired, what is my me reasonable. I think it the destructhod with my children at prayers, tion of government to be capricious, &c. I am ashamed that you should to refuse one day what, in circumask advice of me, who need coun- stances not seen by the child to be sel so much myself. But if I can different, is granted on another; to suggest to you any new thoughts, let fretting and teazing carry a I shall be very glad; and expect .point at one time, when at another the same friendly office from you they would bring punishment, Chil. in return. I begin to have my dren very soon see whether we are children in the room at prayers, consistent ; and little deviations within the month after their birth; from an established rule, afford and they always continue to be pre great encouragement for the next sent, unless they are sick, or are time. These little deviations do excluded the privilege as a punish- great mischief, and are often slidden ment for having been very naughty into very imperceptibly by the paIt is difficult, when they are quite rent, though the child is quickyoung, to keep them perfectly still. sighted enough to observe them. But the habit of thinking they are • One thing, my dear friend, I too young to be present at family think of the greatest importance, devotion, is a bad one. And be- and that is, that children be made sides, if they do not come in, some always to mind, and consider the one is obliged to remain out with parent's word as their law. Giving them, and is thus deprived of a up once after a command has passed, precious privilege, and an impor may lay the foundation, and lead to tant means of grace. After they the establishment of a principle of get to be two years, or more, old, insubordination, as troublesome as and are able to understand the unconquerable. For this reason, meaning of your conduct, if they absolute commands should be as play, or in any other way make a few as possible. I also think it disturbance, they may be taken out, dangerous to play with children in and compelled to remain by them- the way of command, saying, .Do selves till the service is over; which this or that,' when you do not mean will generally be felt by them to that the thing must be done. It be so great a punishment, that they weakens parental authority, -I will not soon commit a similar never like to tell very small chiloffence. I would not do this, how. dren to kiss strangers, as they often ever, on every slight deviation from feel a degree of backwardness very perfect order, as children cannot be difficult to overcome; and if they expected to conduct themselves like refuse, it is necessary to pass it men.

over without compelling obedience, · Astogovernment, I have always which should not be, or to have a made it a rule never to give a child combat with them before the comwhat it is passionately earnest to pany, which hardens them to re. proof. It is better to say, if a have alluded, severe measures need stranger offers to kiss them and to be resorted to very seldom.' they refuse, and it is thought best How deeply Mrs. Huntington to say any thing, · Your kisses are felt, and how earnestly she prayed of no great consequence, they may for her own children, may be inferbe dispensed with, I dare say. This red from the following extract from leads the child to think he is not her Journal of so much importance, as he might • I was enabled, in secret prayer otherwise be led to suppose.

this morning, to plead, with some • It is also very necessary to degree of fervour, and I hope in good government that punishments faith, for my dear children. May should be proportioned to offences. I be enabled to continue wrestling If we make no distinction between mightily with God for them, as one intentional and complicated offences, that hath power with him to preand careless inadvertencies, the vail. May I be enabled to lay up child, by the frequent recurrence of for them a stock of acceptable these latter faults, and the sharp prayers, to be answering when I rebukes they bring upon him, will am in the dust! Oh that, having become so accustomed to severe · been the instrument of their natu. reproof, that he will not mind it.. ral, I may be the blessed instruTenderness of heart is the most ment of their spiritual life! Why powerful human engine of parental were they given me, but that I government; and when this is lost, might train them up for God ? it seems to me all is lost, unless the This blessed hope sustains and grace of God interpose. The in- comforts me. What an honour to evitable consequence of frequent prepare gems for the Redeemer's reproof is, a heart blunted in its crown! And shall my expectasensibilities, and unmoved by the tions be blighted ? God forbid. parent's displeasure. Of course, Oh that every breath might be a all temptations should, as much as breath of prayer! Holy Spirit possible, be put out of the way of quicken my sluggish soul.' children. Many little tbings should not be observed, which, if you were conscious the child knew you had These Memoirs of the late Mrs. observed, ought to be reproved. A Huntington, of Boston, N. America, harsh and angry tone should never by B. B. Wisner, have been repubbe used, unless a gentle one has lished in this country, with an Intropreviously failed. And, I believe, ductory Essay and original Poem by where the authority of the parent is James Montgomery, and may safely early established, by the mild and be recommended as at once instrucgentle means, to some of which I tive and interesting-Ed.


Your Correspondent, “An unprejudiced Inquirer,' has furnished in the Christian Guardian for November last a list of Scriptural proofs of the Divinity of our blessed Saviour, and justly concludes that the Socinian Creed is therefore erroneous and unscriptural.' As however some of your readers may not be

acquainted with the general character of that Creed, I beg leave to present them with the negative catalogue of its Articles as laid down by the late Bishop Horne, though materially enlarged since his days. No Redeemer, nor Intercessor, no Incarnation, nor Atonement, no sanctifying, nor comforting Spirit, is to be found in their Creed; both distinct. Miserable Eutychian! Heaven and Hell, Angel and Devil, acknowledge this distinction. Conare equally banished from their sider Jesus Christ attentively, and consideration.

thou wilt evidently discern in His It has been well observed, that person a God and a Man; and that as the Socinian Creed is necessarily in Him the God has lost nothing infallible and unchangeable, it can- of His divinity, the Man is in no not be made to conform to Scripture, respect alienated from true huthe alternative is obvious, Scripture manity. At His birth thou wilt must be made to conform to it.' see a Man persecuted by Herod, Instances however have occurred, and a God adored by the sages wherein gainsayers have been put of the east : at His baptism thou to silence by the force and evidence wilt behold a Man immersed in of Scriptural truth. About seventy Jordan by the hand of John, and a years ago the Unitarian or Soci- God proclaimed from heaven by the nian controversy ran high in majestic voice of the Eternal Father, London, and in the progress of wbicb cries, “ This is my beloved the controversy, a minister, who Son in whom I am well pleased." had proved himself an able De- In the ship thou wilt perceive : fender of the Divinity of Christ, Man who slumbers, overwhelmed was challenged to a public disputa- with sleep, and a God who aftertion in the city. When they met wards calms the winds and waves, the Gentlemen of the opposing and imposes silence on them by a party desired him to open the single word. Over the grave of debate by producing an argument Lazarus thou wilt behold a Man in favour of Christ's Divinity. Upon who weeps, and a God who by a this he read Isa, vi. 1-5. This,' single word restores to life His said he, 'I compare with John xii.37 friend, who had been dead four --41.“These things said Isaiah when days. In the garden of Gethsehe saw his glory and spake of him.” mane, thou wilt see a Man taken

Now, Gentlemen,' said the minis- by the soldiers, and a God who, by ter, ‘I wait for your answer.' The the breath of His mouth, strikes all application of the above Scripture those insolent soldiers to the ground. however so confounded his oppo- On the cross thou wilt bebold a nents, that they went out one by Man who dies, and a God who in one, and left the good man with his dying agitates universal nature to friends.

such a degree that the earth · It were easy to produce a great trembles, the air becomes darkened, cloud of witnesses in behalf of this the sun loses his light, the rocks most important subject, by the are rent asunder, the whole world opinions of Fathers, Councils, and is shaken, as if aroused to emotion Divines of all denominations, but by the death of its Creator and I will only add a translation from Governor. Alas! were not Jesus the French, of Du Bosc, which indeed very God of very God, where I conceive, to every candid and could a guilty sinner flee! On what ununprejudiced mind, cannot fail sure foundation could his hopes of being decisive.

repose! Blessed be God for the It must be allowed,' says he, gift of his own Son, who died that that the Word being made flesh, we might live, who lives that we there is neither conversion nor may never die, and who is thereconfusion of natures : that Divinity fore able to save to the uttermost was not changed into humanity, them that come unto God through that humanity was not transformed him.' into Divinity, but that both the one

ZELOTES. and the other remained completely .

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