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AND REBUILDING CHURCHES AND CHAPELS. “ Then the people rejoiced, for that they offered willingly; because that with perfect

heart they offered willingly to the Lord: and David the king also rejoiced with great

joy.”—1 Chron. xxix. 9. Mr. S. dwelt, in the commence. Society, formed ten years since, ment of his discourse, upon the under the immediate patronage circumstances which preceded the of the King, and now incorporated erection of the temple at Jerusalem by Act of Parliament, “ for pro-the gifts and preparations of Da- moting the enlargement and revid--the splendid offerings of the building of Churches and Chapels people,--and the spirit with which in England and Wales.” This these offerings were made by both, Society has no connexion with the -as exhibited in the passage of the parliamentary grants which have text. He characterised the whole been made for the building of new of this interesting history, as one Churches, but is supported by of the most splendid instances, not voluntary subscriptions and cononly of munificent liberality, but tributions. In the ten years of its of the true spirit of charity founded existence it has, at an expense on piety. 'Nothing,' he observed, of somewhat less than £109,000, . but the principles of divine re- "assisted 577 parishes in increasing velation,-nothing but the glorious their church accommodation ; by gospel of God our Saviour,-ever means of which 154,680 additional elevated men to this spirit-thus sittings have been obtained, whereof raised them above selfishness and 116,503 are free for the use of the love of the world—thus inspired poor.” In other words, “ during them with ardent piety and un- each year of its existence, the limited benevolence.' He enlarged Society has been instrumental in on the happiness arising from providing church-room for nearly acting in such a manner, and on 16,000 persons,” and each sitting such principles ;-pointed out the has been provided permanently for evil consequences of a narrow, less than 15s. from the Society:selfish, worldly policy;---and ex- not 15s, a-year, but 15s, once for pressed his conviction, that not all. withstanding all that was done in You must therefore consider the the town (and he admitted the calls Society as having been both active were numerous) yet the scale of and economical. charity fell considerably short of the “I have moreover to state, that, Christian standard....... He then as might be expected from our continued

rapidly increasing population, and · But I quit this general subject, from, I trust, a reviving attachment and shall employ the sequel of my among our people to the Estadiscourse in pointing out the blished Church, the applications grounds on which I think we made for the Society's assistance ought willingly and gladly to are becoming more numerous ; contribute, with liberality, to that and it has at this time “ 10 object which our beloved King, disposable balance” whatever in and the chief authorities in Church hand. and state, now call upon us to Such is the Society which the assist.

King's Letter, and that of our • The object is, in obedience to Archbishop, require that I should the Royal Letter, to assist the "excite you" to assist, by a "liberal


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contribution"-a call which I must when shall I come and appear before gladly obey.

God?” “A day in thy courts is You have heard of the conduct better than a thousand.” Such an of David and his people in contri- one knows, that “by the foolishbuting so largely and so willinglyness of preaching," as worldly-wise to the building of the temple : and men may esteem it, “it pleaseth you must perceive the appropriate. God to save them that believe." ness of the passage to the case Here the careless is awakened to before us. Only I would observe, attend to the things that belong to that the call made upon us is not his everlasting peace-here the sinto contribute large sums to raise ner, by God's blessing upon the one splendid national edifice, like neaps of grace, is “converted from the Temple of Jerusalem, which the error of his ways"--here the was in great part overlaid with pure inquirer has his feet directed into gold; but to raise, or to open to our the paths of salvation_here the poor, plain but substantial buildings disconsolate is comforted-here the all over the land, in which the negligent is quickened-here every population at large may assemble spiritual blessing is dispensed. “In continually to worship God, and to all places where I record my name,” hear his holy Gospel. Oh may the the Lord hath said, “I will come same spirit of love to the house and unto thee, and I will bless thee.” the ordinances of God influence us, Not a pious humble Christian but has as influenced David and those who found it so on many an occasion. acted with him, and we shall feel •Suppress public worship, or let that our object, being more con- it expire through neglect, and God formed to the character of the dis- is disowned and becomes unknown in pensation under which it is our hap the land, and religion must become piness to live, and which provides almost, if not entirely, extinct. that “ to the poor the Gospel should • Even with respect to the good be preached,” is even vastly more order of society, and the temporal interesting than theirs.

welfare of mankind, the effect of Consider then, brethren, the im- public worship is greater than we portance of public worship--the can well conceive. Only compare excellence of the Church of Eng. the two classes, I will now say espeland and her services--the necessi cially of the poor- though I might ties of our increasing population- extend the observation to others and the circumstances in which we also--the two classes of those who ourselves stand with reference to regularly attend divine worship, the existing churches of the country and those who neglect it. How

and those circumstances also different will the former be found under which the present call is made from the latter, in orderly, decent upon us--and all these topics must behaviour, in honesty, industry, surely influence you to a liberal sobriety, cleanliness, in subdued contribution on this occasion. passions, in the regulation of their

1. Consider, I say, the importance families, in every thing conducive, of public worship. To no pious to say no more at present, to the mind need I at all enlarge on this temporal welfare of themselves and topic. Every such mind enters in those around them. I say not that some degree into the sentiments there are no exceptions on the one which the holy Psalmist so fre- side or the other ; but such a differquently expresses. “I was glad ence will there be found in the when they said unto me, Let us character of the two classes-as go into the house of the Lord.” classes. “My soul longeth, yea, even faint- 'So strong an impression has this eth, for the courts of the Lord; made on the mind of one of the

present Judges of this land, that he made us; and made us, I doubt deliberately ascribes the increase of not, after all abatements are allowed, crime among us (of which so much very much through the medium of bas been said) to the neglect of our national religious establishpublic worship, by the lower orders, ment. as one principal cause; and actually •Then consider, again, the docproposes to meet it, by enforcing trines which this great institution, the old law which imposes a fine the Church of England, upholds upon every person not attending among all her population, and in public worship on the Sabbath.* I the eyes of the whole world. They speak not of the expediency or the are the genuine unadulterated practicability of such a measure; doctrines of God our Saviour, in I believe it not to be practicable at all their purity, all their energy, present; but both that law, and all their application to the heart this opinion of a learned and expe- and conscience. With no human rienced living judge, attest the sense writings am I acquainted, in which which wise and practical men have the pure, life-giving doctrines of ever entertained of the importance the gospel, in all their parts, are so of public worship to the well-being scripturally, so wisely, so patheof Society.

tically, set forth, as in the Articles 2. Consider, again, the excellence and Homilies of our Church, And of the Church of England and her this is acknowledged not only services.

among ourselves, but even by those Imperfection will, indeed, ever who, on minor points, and for find its way into the administration various reasons, dissent from us. of all human institutions. But Oh, what do we owe to Almighty reflect what the Established Church God for causing bis holy truth to of this country is in design, and in be thus held forth, and supported act also, as far as ever her designs in honour amongst us, by public are carried into execution.--Con- authority, for now nearly three sider the provision which, accord successive centuries ? It is true, ing to her system, is made for the such is the weakness and depravity instruction of the whole population of fallen human nature, that these in the gospel of Christ, and for great doctrines may still, in many rendering them a truly Cbristian places, have fallen into neglect and people. She divides the whole comparative oblivion among us; country into parishes; in every but still the Church of England parish she raises a church for the carries within herself the principle worship of Almighty God, and the of revival, which God, from time instruction of the people; and to to time, mercifully calls into action; every church she assigns a minister, and when reformers arise, they who, if her designs and most so have to draw men's attention, not lemn exhortations and injunctions to something out of the church, are complied with, will not only and something which she discounregularly and frequently celebrate tenances, but only to her own the ordinances of religious worship acknowledged and sanctioned docamong them, in its various parts, trines. And through this medium, but will be their pastor, their in- especially, has the now wide-spread structor, their monitor, their friend and widely-spreading revival of late in private as well as public. Oh years been principally effected. what a noble and Christian design •Once more, think of the Liturgy is this, to pervade a great and which our church has provided for mighty nation, such as God has constant and universal use, and

which must ever tend to lead sin• Chief Justice Best.

ners in the prescribed way to God-

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" by one Spirit, through the one prayers, and praises, and thanksMediator, unto the Father"_even givings, which we profess to offer. where other instructions may fail. Then should we be blessed in our Of that Liturgy, what shall I say ? deed! Then should we feel how It is the very spirit of the gospel, great is the privilege which we breathing itself forth in the form enjoy as worshippers in our Estaband language of devotion. Does lished Church. Then should we the awakened burdened conscience be ready to contribute liberally to desire to relieve itself by pouring extend that privilege to all who out confessions urto God ? How now want it. can it possibly do it better-in "3. I begged you to consider words more consonant to its feel- further the erigencies of our popuings-than in the forms wbich the lation, which has almost every church has provided, both in the where increased so much as to ordinary service and in that of the render additional church room inHoly Sacrament? Does the re dispensably necessary — in many joicing triumphant Christian desire places increased to such a degree, to give vent to his adoring joyful that not more than one-fifth or praises ? With what sublime words perhaps one-tenth of the people does the Te Deum furnish him in could be accommodated. Much which to do it? Does he, in the indeed has been done, much is pious benevolence of his heart, de doing to remedy this : but little has sire to present before the throne yet been effected compared with of the heavenly grace, his supplica- what needs to be done. tions, prayers, and intercessions for •4. I mentioned also the circumall men? Where will be find such stances in which we ourselves stand a guide to his devotions as the with regard to the existing Churches Litany?-Would he celebrate the of the country-at least, all the Holy Communion with all the ancient churches. They have come penitence, faith, love, confidence, down to us as freeholds : our fore. and thanksgiving which become fathers were at the expense of pro. that sacred ordinance ? What a viding them for us : we are encum. service has the church provided for bered with nothing beyond the that occasion!

charge of simply keeping them in 'Indeed, for all special occasions repair. Let us not receive so great through which a Christian family a boon from those who have gone can have to pass, from the cradle before us, without showing some to the grave-childbirth, baptism, like consideration for those who are confirmation, marriage, the holy to come after us. communion, the sick-bed, to that I might add, in this town partime when we commit the body of ticularly, the small charge to which the departed saint to the ground, the people are in any way subjected “in sure and certain hope of the for the maintenance of the Estaresurrection to eternal life”-the blished Church. No tenths of your Church has provided a series of produce or your rental are exacted services which, for solemn and from you, brethren. I wish it not impressive matter, for rich and to be otherwise : but I may be evangelical instruction, for piety allowed to urge this as an arguand pathos, are unrivalled. -Oh ment with you for liberality on that we did not, by our coldness, such occasion as the present. and negligence, and worldliness, Finally, I alluded to the circumand unbelief, so often turn them stances under which the present call into mere form and ceremony! is made upon us. It is with reluc. Oh that our hearts rose with our tance that I even mention the name words in all the confessions, and of Briefs; so utterly unpopular and

14 Unlawfulness of the practice of sending Letters in Parcels. unproductive had they become. I cumstances under which this call is may, however, congratulate you made upon us; and specially call on their being abolished. The pre- to mind those great, and liberal, sent King's Letter comes in lieu and heart-expanding principles of them : and it is understood that which the passage of the text preit is not likely to be repeated more sents to us and act as united than once in three years. It will piety and benevolence would prompt stand, therefore, instead of twenty you. I would hope, that those who or thirty Briefs. And, whereas a can afford it will not confine their distrust used to exist respecting contributions to this occasion-but them, that much of the money will regularly subscribe to so good contributed did not reach its des- and noble a design. “ Urge the tination-a suspicion so far but no more opulent," says the excellent further well-founded than this, that bishop of Lichfield and Covedthere were considerable expenses try, in his charge—" Urge the charged upon them-instead of this, more opulent by the example I have the satisfaction to state to of Solomon, who, amidst all his you, that the whole of the money wealth and magnificence, made it now collected will be remitted, the chief object of bis care and without deduction, and even without expense to raise a Temple, worthy, the expense of postage-directly in a human sense, of his God; and to the Treasurer of the Society. to prepare a Sanctuary in which You may rest assured, therefore, his people might unite in the serof its being all applied to the object vice of the Most High. Secure for which it is given.

the most ample source of contriCall then to mind the several butions by pressing upon the lowest, considerations which have been laid who can give, the pattern of the before you---the importance of pub- Widow's mite-dropped into the lic worship—the excellence of our Treasury of the Temple, with the Established Church-the exigencies highest meed of praise from her of our population-and the cir- Divine Master.” .


LETTERS IN PARCELS. Sir,- In a late number you pub- carriers; or, at the utmost, such lished a communication asserting letters should, I conceive, bare the lawfulness of transmitting letters reference, simply and solely, to the by private hand. Allow me to goods so sent by carriers. It is observe, that there is another prac- clear from this law, that the inclostice, very nearly allied to the above, ing of ordinary letters in coachwhich is not lawful; namely, the parcels is illegal. A penalty of sending of letters in PARCELS CON- £5. attaches to each offence. veyed otherwise than by the Post;' As all of your readers may not be that is, by coaches and other pub- aware of this; and as nothing which lic vehicles. The only exception respects Cbristian obedience can be to this law (42 Geo. III. c. 81) undeserving the attention of wellis in the case of letters which ordered minds : perhaps you will concern goods sent by common publish this communication in your carriers, so as they are sent with valuable Miscellany. and for the purpose of being deli

AMICUS. vered with the goods, without hire, reward, or advantage.' This I in

* Under this law, a person carrying a terpret to mean what are called in- letter may inform as

letter may inform against the person wbo voices of the goods sent by common sends it by him.

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