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and especially where they are so be independent of any apparent told as to leave an uncertainty reason for it. whether they must be severed from, And when, on her return, she saw or joined to the rest.

two Angels in the Sepulchre, she I think, therefore, we must un- still entertained her peculiar opinion. derstand St. Matthew, that the If she did not stay to hear what women did witness the wonders the Angel said, it may account, in which he relates, if the history some measure, for her erroneous itself did not contain such evident fears. And this does away too with proofs of the fact.

the necessity of supposing her first St. Mark, therefore, may relate visit to have been made alone. what had passed among the women If we may not suppose the expresan instant before: They said among sions of St. John, xx. 1. She seeth themselves, who shall roll us away the stone taken away, to mean that the stone, &c. Mark xvi. 3. They she only waited to see it removed, were very near the sepulchre, be- and then ran to the two Disciples ; cause they could see that the stone neither need we conclude those of was not removed; and observe the Luke, They found the stone rolled alarm of the guard, when the angel away, to mean that it had been descended and removed it from the displaced before they arrived. They door.

found the stone rolled away, when The women might be alarmed by they looked, as St. Mark says, after these wonderful events, and would their first alarm at the prodigies not be less alarmed, perhaps, on related by St. Matthew. seeing the panic of the military If it be supposed that Mary keepers of the tomb.

Magdalene left the women so soon St. Mark's account seems to be as she had heard the Angel declare, explained by supposing that Matt. He is not here, Matt. xxviii, 6. there xxviii. 2-4. come in after Mark is the-improbability of so abrupt a xvi. 3. then Mark xvi. 4. explains departure in the midst of an Angel's both, Luke xxiv. 2. and John xx. 1. address. when all the accounts harmonise I think, therefore, that the hiswith the supposition of Mary's tory of our Lord's resurrection, and separation at that moment, to go of the events connected with it, to Peter and John.

may be this. And when they looked, -doubt Mary Magdalene, with other ful, perhaps, at first, if these were women, arrive at the sepulchre as real events, they saw that the stone the first streak of day appears. was rolled away.

They ask one another how they But, it may be asked, if Mary shall get the stone removed, and Magdalene would not be more likely obtain access to the body. to infer that the Angel came to At this moment an earthquake prepare for our Lord's Resurrection, announces a messenger from than that the body had already heaven, who removes the stone been surreptitiously removed ? from the door, and sits upon it.

Whether St. John relate her The women are greatly alarmed, visit as made alone, or with others, especially when they behold the the fact that she did come to such a soldiers swoon away. conclusion is plain.

They recover so far as to look at The Disciples, John xx. 9. as the sepulchre again, and find that yet knew not the Scripture, that He these are real events and not vision, must rise from the dead. It does for the stone is indeed taken away. not appear that any thing short of Instantly Mary Magdalene conseeing our Lord did convince any cludes, either under the influence but St. John,

of her own terror, or from the But the certainty of a fact may appearance of conscious guilt, which

the excessive alarm of the guard seated, one at the head and the other betrays, or from what she sees by at the feet, where the body of Jesus the illumination cast around the had lain. scene by the presence of the Angel, They inquire, and she tells them that the body has been clandestinely the cause of her sorrow. removed ; and she flies to tell her B ut hearing a footstep behind fears to Peter and John. Whilst her, she turns, unconscious it was the other women, equally alarmed, her compassionate Lord, until his seem inclined to follow her steps; well-known salutation assures her the Angel says to them, Fear not of the fact. Entrusted with a yeyour companion is gone, but message by her Lord, she hastens not for the purpose of security as again to his followers, whom she you suppose ; whatever cause of finds absorbed in grief, and still alarm these soldiers and their em- ignorant that He is risen from the ployers may have, there is none for dead. Mark xvi. 10. you. I know the object of your When Jesus had left Mary, He visit. Jesus of Nazareth, whom appears to her less prompt com. you seek, is not here. He is risen, panions, now fearing to follow the as He said. Come and see the guard into the city, and not knowplace where He lay.'

ing what might be their report. The women follow him into the They embrace the Lord's feet, sepulchre, and are convinced that and worship Him, feeling no fears the body is gone.

in His presence. He tells them But they see a second Angel sit not to be under apprehensions of ting at the right side of the con any thing, but to go and tell His secrated spot, who now rises up disciples to meet Him in Galilee. and addresses them in terms similar They go and confirm the tidings tu those in which their guide had which Mary Magdalene had just spoken, who now stands reverently conveyed to the disciples who still at the place where the feet of Jesus consider them as idle tales. had been.

On the same day our Lord They leave the sepulchre in haste, appears to two disciples as they very joyful and yet afraid to tell go to a neighbouring village. the Disciples what they had seen He appears also to Peter, whose and heard, as the Angels bad tale seems to have obtained credit desired.

with the apostles, who had just From some cause they loiter and listened to it, as the two travellers hold their peace. Mark xvi. 8. come to Jerusalem to declare what

Whilst these events take place, had occurred to them Peter and John come hastily to the He then appears, the same evensepulchre, followed by the affec. ing, when all the disciples but tionate Mary, who stands without Thomas are present. Thomas had until they satisfy themselves that been there at an earlier part of the the body is gone, and that the evening, when the two came in removal has been made in the most from Emmaus, but he was not deliberate manner.

present when Jesus came. Luke John believes at once, and with xxiv. 33. Johd xx. 24. Peter, who wonders at what he sees, This was His first appearance goes to his home.

to the disciples in a body. Whilst Mary Magdalene stands After eight days He appeared to weeping at the door, stooping down the disciples a second time, when as she indulged in her mistaken Thomas was present, and he was sorrows, to look, with affectionate convinced. veneration, at the place where they Shortly after, perhaps in the laid Him, she sees the two Angels next week, was His third appear


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ance to the disciples, seven of 4. That as angels ministered to them being present, at the sea the Saviour after his temptation, of Tiberias. John xxi. 14.

and after His agony in the garden, The disciples then go into Galilee, so it seems likely that the heavenly and there His resurrection being Centinel, seen by the women sitting now notorious to the brethren, He at the head, had watched there is seen of above 500 at once, from the moment the body was After forty days was His last interred. public appearance to the disciples. 5. That the minute manner in

He then had much discourse with which the time of the women's them, on the fulfilment of prophecy visit to the sepulchre has been noted in Himself. Having led them out is not merely to facilitate a harmony to Bethany, He declared the last of the different accounts, but to charge, blessed them, and ascended suggest, that at the very instant to the seat of glory, where He still of the appearance of the third day, carries on the work of redeeming the Saviour arose. It was not love.

possible that death's created power, I have only to add a few obser could detain the Omnipotent, and vations to what I have written. hold Him a moment against His

1. I think that John xxi. 14, own will. He took the body prerefers to our Lord's more public pared at the fulness of time; He appearances to the disciples, after laid it down according to His own He was risen.

determinate counsel and foreknow2. It appears probable, that the ledge; He resumed it at the very cause why Mary's companions moment which He had pointed out ; loitered on leaving the sepulchre and He will retain it, for all the might be that the soldiers either purposes of His mediatorial office, passed them in great haste into the the subjugation of all things to city, or that the women were so Himself, that God may be all in all. close behind them, as they had fled 6. I was not aware, until my when the women were in the tomb, mind was somewhat at ease on that they saw them enter the gates. these points, that the subject had For it is evident that they felt no occupied so much of the attention alarm, when our Lord met them, of such able men. Vid. Blomfield's at the appearance of Jesus; and Recensio Synoptiea on St. Jobn xx. yet his first words were, be not Vol.iii. But I am not wedded to any afraid. “Let not any fears of opinion which I have expressed, what the soldiers may say deter and think with unfeigned timidity you from your purpose any longer, on the points of difference with but go, as the angels said, and some of the writers to whom I tell my disciples I will meet them allude. in Galilee.

If any of your Readers will take 3. That, as our Lord certainly the trouble to examine the Scripture appeared to Peter when he was Histories of the Resurrection, for alone, Luke xxiv. 34, and 1 Cor. themselves, and endeavour to make xv. 5, whose testimony seems to up their minds before they refer to have been the first to influence the commentators for help; they will disciples' minds; he might have see, perhaps, reason enough to gone a second time to the tomb; desire every hint which can be after Mary Magdalene's second given. tidings had been confirmed by those I shall be thankful for any sugof the other women, and that our gestions which Biblical Students Saviour was pleased then to give may offer: And am, Sir, hiin undoubted proof of his resur

Your's faithfully, rection from the grave,

Rectory, Westaston.


MR. EDITOR, —No one could hail with higher gratification than myself, the abolition of that objection. able and unproductive mode of obtaining assistance in rebuilding and repairing churches and Episcopal chapels, by briefs : though it should be observed that this unproductiveness, as to their available amount of the total sums collected on them, arose from no other cause than the great expense in obtaining and collecting them.

No less gratifying was it to me to hear our diocesan, in his excellent charge delivered to his clergy at his last visitation held at Chesterfield, notice, that his Majesty's Letter had been granted to the Incorporated Society for Building Rebuilding, Enlarging, and Repairing of Churches and Chapels throughout England and Wales, for public collections to be made, in all churches and chapels, for the above-said purposes; free of the objections attending the former method of collections, obtained by briefs. From the statements of the collections made under this new method, that have come to my knowledge, I think it may be inferred that the call on `the public has been liberally met and answered.

On the receipt of his Majesty's Letter, &c. from our diocesan, you will suppose how eagerly I perused it, and the other letters and papers contained in the same packet. On reading them, one thing struck my mind with no little surprise, which I should suppose has alike arrested the attention of my reverend brethren and others. The King's Letter informs us that the society has been chartered by royalty, and empowered by royal authority to make public collections for the

express purpose of building, rebuilding, enlarging and repairing churches and chapels,' &c. and all communications to the society are directed, by their printed report accompanying the King's Letter, to be addressed to the Society under the same denomination. How happens it, that the instructions of the bishops' letters command their clergy to excite their congregations to contribute towards a part only of the purposes for which the society was chartered, and the Letter granted to it? In the printed return to the society of the sum collected, the clergyman states (by affixing his signature to that printed return) the collection was made only for that purpose, viz. a part of the intention for which the so. ciety was chartered. It is stated to be a 'collection for the purpose of enlarging and building churches and chapels in England and Wales.' In addition to these we find, both in the charter and King's Letter, the word ' repairing;' but this is left out of the bishops' letters and printed returns. This omission appears to me the more singular, as it occurs in all the letters and returns sent out in England and Wales.

Whether this was an oversight, or intentional, remains to be known. The observations of any of my clerical brethren, better informed than myself on these points, will oblige


We apprehend that the term adopted in

the instructions is merely an abridgment of the expressions inserted in the King's Letter; and that the proceeds of the collection will be applied, in certain proportions to the rebuilding and repairing, as well as the building and enlarging of Churches.-E..


PERSON. MY STILL DEAR FRIEND.-The off from him-flattering delusions regard I feel for you, the Christian have surrounded and veiled the friendship which has so long sub- glories of your Immanuel from sisted between us, seems not merely your eyes—you have so often tasted to warrant, but to demand the of the cup of worldly administrafollowing observations upon the tion, that you have become inconduct you have lately pursued. toxicated by it. But O, my friend

I viewed you with tender anxiety where is that peace of conscience ? when you were ignorant of divine —where are thy fair prospects things, and trembled and prayed of dwelling with Jesus for ever? for you. I saw you awakened, led where is thy weanedness from the

where is thy wean to the foot of the cross, and placing world ? Caressed by those who all your hope on Him who suffered are of the world, have you not there. You came forth in the imbibed its spirit, and become wilspirit of your mind from an ungodly ling to enjoy its pleasures, in preworld, and fought under the banner ference to suffering affliction with of Christ crucified. Year after the despised people of God ? year rolled on-and still upheld and Had I been called to follow you comforted of God, you could sing to an early tomb, over your grave of the riches of redeeming grace,

my tears indeed would have flowed your language was

freely, but I could have looked

beyond the grave. I should bare I think but not as once I did, The vain delights of earth to share;

seen you clothed with immortality, Thy wounds Immanuel all forbid,

drinking of the river of pleasureThat I should seek my pleasure there.'

praising the God of your salvation,

the Lamb slain for you. But with But, alas ! it is not thus with you far different feelings I now behold now. The tempter has not vainly

you, and sometimes your averted spread his net. Ensnared in your eye leads me to hope, “the monitor affections to one who knows not within” is not quite silent, О hear God. I see you, an easy prey its admonitions, a sad proof of the danger of heark And tread the tempter down.' ening to the Father of Lies. What May God be more merciful to you, real comfort, what edification can than you are to yourself. May he arise from your alliance with a man put an earnest cry into your heart of the world ? will he participate in for heavenly guidance, and heavenly your spiritual joys ? will he sym wisdom before it be too late. pathise with your spiritual trials? My heart aches, my tears flow will he urge your footsteps heaven on your account. And while your ward ? will he strengthen your worldly friends congratulate your bands in God? O no, you are too choice, I and your sisters mourn well instructed for a moment to in secret. We who once rejoiced imagine this. Return then my over you, we who once hailed you backsliding friend to the path of as a debtor to covenant mercy, now duty. Evidence to an ungodly mention you with painful emotions. world, that there is a reality in your O be wise! be wise, and remember religion, and that you can part with this solemn warning will rise up the dearest idol, for the sake of him against you, if you persevere in who loved you unto death. O look following the devices and the vain to Jesus for strength, and he can, desires of your own heart. and will make you more than con

Your's affectionately, querer. You have been looking

C. M.

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