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lifted up. Thou art his, and none shall law, but when the commandment came, pluck thee out of his hands! Remem. sin revived, and I died.” Our Saviour ber this, and the glow of moral activity, taught his disciples to expect the influshall enter afresh into thine heart; the ence of the divine “ Comforter," in the healthfulness of obedience shall put first instance, to be disturbing and forth all its high pulsations, and thou afflictive to the heart. « When he is shalt become a servant, not cold, and come, he shall reprove the world of sin." calculating, and reluctant; but a servant, The influence of converting grace may courageous, and free, and faithful, even for a time resemble that of natural conunto death! Thou shalt abound in his science. Indeed I know not but that work, and toil shall become thy rest. natural conscience may be the voice of But, disciple of low-born pleasure, and the Spirit, in relation to the eharge bond-slave of sense, what voice of of guilt, to the revelation of truth as to humble intreaty shall be addressed to any act or series of acts, the results of thy soul? Hast thou not mistaken thy ingratitude and rebellion. The remorse true interest ? Hast thou not miscal- of an ungodly man may thus be the culated the designs, and overlooked the discovery of the Spirit to his soul, as to glorious character of God? Canst thou the quality of certain deeds perpetrated be happy without his love, or virtuous and now remembered. Hence, although without conformity to his will? Oh contrition may contain other qualities yet listen to the compassionate accents which make it wholly dissimilar to natuof his kindness. He is still thy Father, ral remorse, it may yet lead to certain although thou hast cut asunder the effects in themselves very similar to sacred bonds of filial attachment. those of remorse. Contrition may place Receive at length his urgent assu- before the view, warnings neglected, rances, and meet with gratitude the mercies abused, laws violated, obligalongings which he hath to make thee tions broken, and penalties incurred; happy! Oh! ere the period of his and the result of this moral spectacle to clemency be passed, spring up into his the mind may be distress, agitation, arms, and say, “ Pardon my iniquity, regret, fear, horror. And this is in fact far it is great.”—Pp. 188, 189.

the very result of remorse, or the dis

covery to the mind of evil perpetrated, The Second Volume of Mr. N's and of retribution merited. Sermons is, we think, more valua. Thus the Spirit of God in its first ble than the first, though both are

suggestions, even to the soul towards eminently calculated for usefulness.

whom it will ultimately manifest un

speakable tenderness, may be the severe They would be still more useful

and rugged spirit of bondage. P. 390. did the subjects embrace a wider

and he goes on to illustrate this by range, and were the divisions and

referring to the conviction, alarm, subdivisions more simple and more

&c. which the newly awakened sinaccurately defined. Simplicity and

ner experiences. The fears, &c. accuracy of division enable hearers

of the new convert are indeed a sore to remember discourses with much

bondage, but that bondage is not, greater facility. They are not in

we conceive, to be attributed to the general favourable to eloquence,

Holy Spirit, but is the result of though less injurious in this respect

that opposition to his divine inthan many suppose.

fluences which naturally springs In one or two instances we have

from an ignorant, legal, unsanctibeen somewhat surprised at the fied heart and affections. view Mr, N, entertains of some

From these brief animadversions particular texts. Thus in discour

on Mr. N.'s valuable productions, sing from Rom. viii. 15, he exa.

we proceed to the more agreeable mines

part of our duty, the insertion of a THE CIRCUMSTANCES UNDER WHICH few extracts, deeply regretting the THE HOLY SPIRIT IS A SPIRIT OF number of admirable passages we BONDAGE, IN ALL ITS ADMONITIONS

are compelled to omit, TO THE SOUL. " Ye have not received again the spirit of bondage.” They

The following observations on had once received it. "I was alive, Balaam's Wish deserve serious says the same apostle, “ without the consideration.

III. Such is the last end of the worldliness and vanity, a cold approbarighteous! We have yet to notice ThE tion of virtue, which mocks the heart WISH OF THE PROPHET TO PARTAKE even while it utters its applause, all this BOTH THIS PREVIOUS DEATH AND THIS is delusion and death. Sincerity and HIS AFTER RESURRECTION, “Let me truth can alone prevail. When these die the death of the righteous, and let are found, the remedy is sure, the my last end be like his.” It is utterly succour is adequate. Guilty as may be impossible that a single sentence should the conscience, polluted as may have comprise a loftier wish. It is the been the affections, inveterate as may choice of the noblest good, the desire have been the disease, the gospel record after the richest gain. As if he had is yet unlimited and clear, “ Ho every said, “ Since death is my allotted one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, portion, let me sleep at least in the come and buy without money and sepulchres of the righteous. Since without price."-Pp. 137—139. eternal life is his destined gift, let me Are we then conscious that we are awake from the dust cheered by the morally defiled, and do we feel oursame accents which shall denote his selves to be miserable, and weak, and slumbers passed, and his resurrection inconstant ? Are we conscious that we to immortality accomplished !And cannot come into contact with the Oh, that every soul who may know the thought of death and eternity, without prophet's history, may at length breathe some degree of dismay and alarm? Do forth the prophet's aspiration!

our affections, clinging round the sordid There are, however, religious feelings and low objects of sense, fall back upon which rise to a certain point and then themselves wounded, and torn, and die away for ever. There are convic disappointed ? Have we sought peace tions which make a man tremble, and and joy on earth, and have we found are then drowned in the vortex of in their place vanity and vexation of passion. There are anticipations of spirit? Oh let us survey this heritage celestial blessedness, keen, bright and of the righteous, his life of peace, his blissful to the soul, which are exchanged death of hope, his resurrection to endfor the perturbations of sense, and for less glory! And let us remember, that the delirium of the world ? Such to us, even to us, is all this good profeelings, such convictions, such antici- posed. The “ righteous" are not the pations touched the imagination of innocent, but the guilty pardoned, the Balaam as he pourtrayed the spiritual “ righteous” are not the spotless, but glories of Israel. But the world clung the polluted cleansed in the Saviour's around his heart, and dragged him blood, the “ righteous" are not the down to perdition! The man whose perfect, but the erring restored and the eyes were open," the man to whom diseased healed! the “ visions of the Almighty" were Say then, is not Christianity the vouchsafed, the man who instructed medicine which our case requires, the others in the estimate of life, himself balm which our lacerated bosoms seek ? practically chose death, and perished Let us accept the mercy, let us yield to amidst the light which blazed upon his the grace, let us contemplate the love path! Oh, what is the value of of him who speaks to us from the cross, knowledge without sentiment, what is He longs to make us happy. He speaks religious impulse without sincerity and to our hopes and to our fears, to our without love? It is the conversion of affections and to our sympathies. He the heart to God, it is the recovery of the tells us there are principles of evil which affections for God, it is the choice of an exclude their possessor from the apinfinite good in preference to transitory proach of good, while there are prinobjects, it is the return of the forlorn ciples of good, which will protect their and the outcast to the bosom and the possessor from the assault of evil. Oh home which they had quitted, it is the what is the gospel but the anxious voice pursuit of holiness as the basis and of warning to forsake the one, and the superstructure of happiness, it is the generous voice of invitation to pursue intercourse of the soul with Christ, and the other! Let us listen and live for the hourly preparation for his fuller ever. Is not the cause high and holy? friendship, it is the conformity of the Is it not associated with eternity? We will to the immutable will of God, it is shall soon die, we shall soon descend this, and this alone, which constitutes into the solitude of the grave, we shall religion ! Dull wishes, feeble resolu see no more the face of man, or the tions, indolent efforts, which end but in glitter of the world! Oh, will the beams of hope fall upon our tombs? ferent kind. A stranger is not necessawill the dust there enclosed be the rily without sympathy, though unknown sacred deposit which a Saviour is en to those immediately around him. It gaged to protect? And will it one day may be that he can retreat from the inrise at the bidding of that mighty voice different throng and give vent in soli“ incorruptible and undefiled ?” Saytude, to large and generous and kindred who can hear these questions thus emotions. His memory may be active, touching his eternity unconcerned ? and his imagination fertile in its re

Everlasting Saviour ! give us wisdom, sources. His eye may rest upon a spot give us feeling, give us courage, give where many an inmate would fondly us grace, give us pardon, give us life; give him welcome; where many a look form us to the character of thy children. would respond to his; where many a Break all our bonds, remove all our smile would tell him that his person doubts, heal all our wounds, comfort and character were not strange. A all our sorrows, and amidst the wreck kipdling of tender sympathy would glow of earth, given us to discern the felicity upon their countenances, and he would of heaven! Amen, Amen.-Pp. 139 feel that he was there a husband, a 141.

father, and a friend. And when from Mr. N. introduces a Sermon on

such recollections he should go back to Heb. xi. 13, with the following

the scene of resort where every look

told him he was a stranger; he would striking exordium,

at least be solaced by the memory of • A stranger is a man who is unknown that distant home. And if he were to the persons around him. To them besides a pilgrim, travelling in the his character, his habits, his aims, his direction of his native land, his affecinclinations are matters of speculation, tions would then bound over every and not of knowledge. He is homeless obstacle, aud would bring him in sacred amidst a thousand homes. He stands anticipation to that well known spot isolated amidst the world of sympathies where his wanderings would cease, and by which he is encompassed ; and meets the movements of his heart be met and no single heart that is in contact with understood.-Vol. II. Pp. 211-213. his own. He encounters many eyes, His remarks on the import of but they beam not with complacency upon him. He is scanned but not

their confession are also deserving recognized. And if his language should of notice. be different from theirs; if his accents « And confessed that they were stranshould be foreign as well as his person gers and pilgrims on the earth." There unknown, then he is emphatically a is a very cold and philosophical method stranger. Ten thousand barriers are of admitting that which none can deny; erected between him and the mul- viz. that in this world we have no contitude, who walk on every side in tinuing city. No man is so careless of the din and energy of familiar con- his circumstances, and so ignorant of verse with each other. A Pilgrim events around him, as to be surprised at is a man who wanders from place to the confession, that we are but sojournplace. He is a stranger who tarries too ers upon earth. No man expects to short a time in any one scene to make it live longer than during the average term familiar to his sight. He is a stranger, of human years. But there is, I repeat, but in perpetual movement. He has a a cold and philosophical mode of makdistant object in view, and through ing this confession. It is made without every intervening space he seeks no rest. consideration, without any fair reference He has no anxiety to throw off the to the results of death, or to the responstranger's garb and to be naturalised sibility of life. It is made with levity, amidst the men around him. He roams or with apathy. It implies no detachthe wilderness, and makes no immediate ment of the affections from earthly effort to find a home.

things; no sense of relationship to the Now these are the terms under which providence of God, and to the great the apostle characterises those servants dispensation of Christianity. It is the of God who lived in the elder times. reluctant accordance of the understand“They confessed that they were stran ing with the visible demonstrations of gers and pilgrims upon the earth.” The mortality; but it implies no conformity description in itself is sufficiently cheer- of the moral feelings with those awful less. But there may be other ideas and a ffecting demonstrations.. connected with their case of a very dif. The confession of the text however is


a confession of the heart, as well as of tudes of the world. It is the same wisthe understanding. It is the result of a dom leading to the same salvation to peculiar state of the affections. The you as to the young disciple of the aposcircumstances under which the patriarchstle. The ruin wrought by sin is the made this concession were remarkable. same in every age, and the remedy pro

They saw afar off certain promises of posed by the gospel is equally adapted God; and they were persuaded of them, to every age. The discoveries made by and embraced them: and in conse- the Scriptures are never contradicted by quence, they confessed themselves to fact and experience. The depravity of be strangers and pilgrims on earth. In the human affections, the guilt lying like manner, it is said of Moses," that upon the conscience, the fearful expohe endured as seeing him who is invisi sure to the wrath of God; the inadeble ;” that “he chose rather to suffer quacy of earthly objects to fill the affliction with the people of God, than dreadful blank in the heart-these to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season, truths unfolded on the page of the because he had respect to the recom Scriptures are confirmed by each sucpense of the reward.”_Vol. II. Pp. cessive day's history of mankind. These

truths in fact meet us at every turn, and Mr. N's. affection and sympathy

mark out the Scriptures to be from him

who knew what was in man." On render him a highly acceptable the other hand, the history of redeemPreacher to the Young. The fol- ing love; of the high and generous lowing is from a Sermon on 2 Tim. compassion of God; of the sufficiency iii. 14, 15. addressed, we appre of the everlasting atonement; of the hend, to young persons who had satisfying nature of heavenly objects ; been recently confirmed. After

of the renewing efficacy of the mighty

Spirit; this history in considering the sources of Instruc

its results, is

suited to the daily acknowledged wants tion which Timothy enjoyed, Mr.

of the human soul. These truths overN. breaks forth

take the object which they pursue. They Dear and youthful fellow Christians ! effect the cure which they attempt; they You have a fuller revelation of God's elevate the heart which they address; will than Timothy enjoyed in his early they cleanse the conscience which they life. The Old Testament was in his console; they satisfy the high curiosity hands but not the New. You have the which they excite, and enable the once union of the two Testaments; the his ignorant and benighted wanderer to tory alike of the fulfilment as of the pre- find again the road to security and rest. diction of the manifested love of God. 3. It is interesting to remark likewise In the plain statements of Christ and the early access which may be had to his apostles; in the recorded facts and this saving knowledge. “From a child interpretation of Christianity, you have thou hast known the Holy Scriptures." a view of the real character of God The great objects of earthly ambition which though understood by Timothy in or the attainments of human science, his maturer years, was yet obscured to require more or less the maturity of inhis perception in those of youth. To the tellect, the favourable conjuncture of cirpoorest and the meanest, the entire re- cumstances, the wisdom and policy cords of Christianity are now accessible. which a varied intercourse with the While the Jewish records were pre world alone can give. These sources sented in much obscurity to the child of eminence and of enjoyment lie behood of Timothy, the Christian records yond the range of childhood, beyond have been given to you in all their bright- indeed the ordinary reach of talent and ness, and under the clearest evidence, of success. But the Scriptures carry

2. The full value of these sources of their holy lessons to the earliest sympainstruction it were difficult to ascertain thy and to the first wants of the soul. The apostle speaks of the Holy Scrip- “ Suffer the little children to come unto tures as able to make wise unto salva me and forbid them not, for of such is tion through faith in Jesus Christ.” the kingdom of heaven.” The spiritual Other knowledge may justify your medicines which heal the heart; the curiosity, or promote your worldly inter submission of the will to God; the parests; but these records refer to your don which purifies and secures the affecspiritual and eternal felicity, while the tion for Christ; the holy ambition worth of this knowledge is undiminished which links its lofty hopes to the favour by the lapse of time, or by the vicissi- and friendship of God; the expecta

tions which are satisfied with no enjoy approbation of God! But be resolute ment short of the very felicity and eter- --still take the side of God and truth; nity of Jehovah; these blessings apply survey the result of things—there are to the human spirit in its weakness as principles of evil which lead to wretchedin its strength. They communicate ness; there are principles of good which their healing influence and address their lead to honour and peace. Follow then active arguments to the first and fresh the counsel of God and dare to be happy est emotions of the soul. They speak in his friendship and care. Cast away to the hopes and fears, the joys and the husks of the world and feed upon sorrows, the sympathies and the delights the bread of heaven! Give your early even of infant days. The discipline of and warm and generous affections to holy mercy disdains not to cultivate the God your Saviour! take the direct contracted heart of a child, and to ex- course of virtue, ere habits of sin erect pand its growing faculties for truth, for ten thousand additional barriers to your eternity, for God! Ere the active prin- peace! Would you escape the more ciples of evil have possessed themselves bitter pangs of remorse ; would you be of every access to the conscience and

sheltered from the harsher struggles the heart; heavenly wisdom rejoices with iniquity, and avoid the infliction to seize the comparatively vacant bosom, of wounds never perhaps to be healed and to fill it with all the pure and enno- on this side the grave, commence your bling truths of salvation. “From a active life in the holy and dauntless fear child thou hast known the holy Scrip- of God! Recall often the day wben tures."-Vol. Pp. 202—205.

under deep convictions you pledged Dear and youthful servants of Christ ! afresh your allegiance to God, and reallow me to pass from the anxiety of newed as it were with your own hand the apostle for Timothy to my pastoral the sacred impression of the cross upon solicitude for you. “ Continue you in your foreheads! Ah! let not unhalthe things which you have learned," lowed intercourse with the world erase remembering from whom you had learned that sacred symbol of devotedness to them. You have enlisted under the Christ! Connect henceforth all sin with banner of the cross, and the great Cap- the shedding of your Benefactor's blood; tain of Salvation has himself received and all virtue with gratitude to your your vows. He now looks to the future first and most generous Friend! If you and expects your fidelity even unto love nobility of aim, dignity of purpose, death. Consider the worth of that the courage of enterprise, the ardour knowledge which you have received. of hope, the elation of victory, seek You might have had your lot where them all in the service of Christ. His men bow down to idols as to their Gods. service is great, and beautiful, and good, No holy page of truth and of love might adorning him who engages in it, with have been opened to your sight; or living all the ornaments of sincerity and canin a Christian land you might have been dour; and refreshing the spirit with all among those, over whose souls' welfare, the high anticipations of eternity and no fond anxiety ever watched. No truth! Dear young friends! make that dying Saviour's grace might have been service your own! I bid you good presented to your thoughts! But “the speed in the name of the Lord! You lot has fallen to you in pleasant places, have no strength of your own, but He and you have" in Christ Jesus “a is the mighty One. Cleave to him in goodly heritage.” From childhood you faith and prayer. Take his counsel in have known the Scriptures. Blessed all the circumstances of life. Expect privilege, high and holy distinction! little from this world, but expect much Oh may you feel it to be such, and may from the next. Be grateful for mercies you adore God for the grace which countless as the sands, but expect trial, separates from a vain and ungodly wounds, and sorrows. Often break world ! But the future the future from the shackles of the present, and The world is still before and around you forget the world in the anticipation of

-temptation from ten thousand quar- eternity! A little while and the dream ters will spread its cruel snares-the and delusion of sense will pass away! glitter of external objects, will suggest But there remaineth a rest. The Savithe preference of joys that are seen to our comes. The voice of his approval those which are hidden in the quietness will thrill to your soul. “ Well done, of the heart! The immediate applause good and faithful servant, enter into the of men may be placed above the distant joy of your Lord !”.

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