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ruin; but David prospered, because dog."--The preacher next touched he neither neglected nor confided on the Queen's marriage, which he in ordinary and reasonable means, recommended, as well from the but put his trust in God. The consideration of the general sorrow, words, spoken by a prince, are a when her Majesty was lately afficted monition to princes and to others with sickness; as from the common in authority, to excel in wisdom uncertainties of human life : to and virtue as they do in station; which latter reflection he was led suggesting to them, that according by a walk, which he lately took in as they imitate the irreligious son, the church where he was speaking, or the pious father, they may ex- surveying the tombs of her Mapect the success of the one or the jesty's most noble ancestors, those other. He then noticed some pre- of the longest and those of shorter vailing evils, as pride of apparel, reign alike laid in the dust. Muexcess of diet, neglect of divine sing on these things, and foreseeing worship, and profanation of the in his judgment the ruin of his Lord's day. The natural clemency country, he had been disposed “ to of the Queen was very evident; pass away these his old years, medifor never, in this realm, had been tating himself in the Lamentations seen a change so quiet, and so long of Jeremy.” But then again, when a reign without blood. But now he heard of the calling of this royal clemency should be converted parliament, he was thereby encouinto justice, not for the sake of raged, hoping and not doubting, punishing any man, who kept his but there would be such order taken, opinions within his own breast, but and good laws established, as should to restrain such as disseminated again erect up the decay of the mischief, whether against the safety common weal. And thus beof the Queen, or the truth of reli. seeching God, that this assembly gion. He recommended severer of the two houses may wholly laws against the crime of adultery, together offer up a sacrifice of and greater punishment in the case righteousness and thanksgiving, of murder, than for simple felony. and proceed forward with making The happiness of Britain, compared of good laws, then I doubt not but with the misery of France, then your Majesty sball to our comfort suffering from the united scourges long reign over us, and the Nobles of civil war, pestilence, and famine, with their issues continue.” called for grateful acknowledge “ If the preacher (says Churton) ment; and as the Queen, greatly in this discourse, should be thought to her honour as well as cost, had to encroach a little on the province aided her neighbours the Scotch, of the senator, it will be recollected, though they had been her enemies, that though the times were now against the French, the inveterate past, when the clergy, as almost adversary of their common pro- the only competent persons in point testantism, the war should be pur- of learning, generally filled the sued with vigour and determination. chief offices in the state ; yet the As to the scarcity of provisions and examples were recent and approved, the high price of corp, it was no when Latimer and others recomwonder, wben it was considered, mended from the pulpit such matters, that the good laws in the mainte- especially touching religion and nance of tillage were not executed; good manners, as seemed to require and by the increase of pasture, legislative redress and regulation; where there used to be “twenty and of the particular points, to several houses for the Queen's which Nowell adverted, there were subjects to inhabit in, now there not a few, which soon afterwards, remaineth only a shepherd and his and partly perhaps in consequence of bis suggestion, actually engaged which requires qualification. Those the deliberative wisdom of parlia- who are called to speak before ment.”

princes, must give honour to whom “ It is not likely that Nowell honour is due, and there is a pecuwas taxed, as he is reported to liar character of deference and have been sometimes, with flatter- courtesy attaching to their situation; ing the Queen in this sermon; in some allowance also may perhaps which, if he praised her well-known be made for a general tone of ser. and princely clemency, he at the vility which marked the addresses same time, in her royal presence, to the Sovereign at this period of superbly as she was attired, did not English history: but the minister scruple to censure excess of apparel. of Christ must remember that in We may however mention here the all cases, and before all persons, he plea, which, when he was thus is bound to deal honestly and faithaccused, he was wont to urge in fully; to show the whole house his own justification ; that “he of Israel their sin and their transbad no other way to instruct the gression; to act as one bearing the Queen what she should be, but by high commission of the king of commending her," as if she already Kings; to reflect on the import was what he wished her to be. of that proverb, “A man that And of this allowable practice and flattereth his neighbour spreadeth address, which her Majesty wanted a net for his feet;” and to copy neither discernment to interpret, the example of the Saviour, the nor ingenuity to acknowledge, we prophets, and the apostles, who perhaps have an instance in the never preached by inuendoes. It foregoing discourse; when noting is possible that Queen Elizabeth, the care and anxiety of a man notwithstanding the deceitfulness dying before he has made his will, of the human heart, might perceive and set all things in good order, he reproof lurking under the expresadded, “ even so, no doubt of it, sion of commendation; but so far was and is the Queen's Majesty as Dean Nowell departed from the much troubled for the succession simplicity and veracity of the of this crown.”—The partiality ambassador of heaven, he was to of the biographer for his subject be censured, however estimable in has betrayed him into an apology, other respects.


“We wept when we remembered Zion."-Psalm cxxxvii.

Ou! weep for those that wept by Babel's stream,
Whose shrines are desolate, whose land a dream;
Weep for the harp of Judah's broken shell;
Mourn—where their God bath dwelt, the godless dwell!

And where shall Israel lave her bleeding feet?
And where shall Zion's songs again seem sweet?
And Judah's melody once more rejoice
The hearts that leap'd before its heavenly voice?

Tribes of the wandering foot and weary breast,
How shall ye flee away and be at rest !
The wild dove hath her nest, the fox his cave,
Mankind their country-Israel but the grave!

B. R. N.


MY DEAR FRIEND—I have now cessful, and without the use of taken my pen with a view to fulfil them we have no good reason to my promise of answering, as far expect the end proposed. But we as I am able, the important in- are not to make a God of the quiry – What is the best method means, looking for that from the a Christian can pursue to be most instrument which is alone to be weaned from the world, enjoy spi- . obtained from the agent. rituality of mind, and make sensible Among many other things that progress heavenward ?'

might conduce to the desired end I believe this takes in the compass the following particulars appear to of your question; which may be me essential. reduced to a simpler form--thus, First. He that would be weaned what are the best means of growth from attachment and love to this in grace? For a full reply to which world, and enjoy spiritual-mindedI might refer you to a treatise I ness, should seek to have a deep have lately read on this subject, and an abiding conviction at heart, together with many other valuable of the vast, the infinite difference pieces by different authors; I would and disproportion there is between now, however, suggest two prelimi. spiritual and temporal objects-the nary remarks, and then add a few superiority, high value, and durabiplain and brief thoughts on the lity of the former-the inferior subject.

nature, meanness, and transient 1. Many inquiries of this sort continuance of the latter. I scarcely proceed not so much from want of know a more effectual or happier knowledge or information of what method to obtain these desirable is fitly adapted to the end, as from ends than a comprehensive and a want of disposition or will to be devout reflection on Earth and found in a devotional observance of Heaven-the vanity and insuffithose means which Scripture and ciency of the creature to give solid, conscience suggest as proper in the permanent, satisfaction to the imparticular instances of the inquiry. mortal mind ; and its effects, on Questions are often multiplied need many occasions injurious to the best lessly, and, as one of our familiar interests and happiness of the Christbut pious poets sings

ian, will, if duly considered and felt, “ Were half the breath thus vainly spent,

greatly contribute to disunite the To heaven in supplication sent ;

heart from the present world. On Your cheerful song would oftener be, the other hand, a deep sense of the Hear what the Lord hath done for me." sufficiency, value, and importance

2. There are not any means of divine things, will much promote (however excellent) the use of whicb spirituality of mind. Thrugh we simply considered in themselves are not able to form adequate and will be found sufficient to effect a accurate ideas of the one or the change of heart, or produce one other, yet the faint and imperfect spiritual disposition, independent conceptions we can form, will of divine influence. I need not furnish us with sufficient reason surely stay here to guard this ob- why that should be forsaken, and servation with a thousand cautions, this pursued. Hence if we confearing you should mistake its trast the nature of our present import. Means, in their own place, engagements, pleasures, company, are highly proper, and as of divine prospects, &c. with the business appointment under God are suc- and blessedness of heaven, we • Scott's Growth in Grace.

shall soon be led to conclude, that OCT. 1828.

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there is nothing worth living for but shame, and has entered a state of to enjoy and glorify God; our highest unutterable glory as the great felicity will arise from anticipations representative of his faithful foland foretastes of heaven and our lowers. Who can fully describe greatest grief from that which is what contempt of this world, his earthly and carnal. If fully con- doctrines, precepts, and holy life vinced of this, the motives of interest inculcated! How often and patheand pleasure would powerfully draw tically was he directing his disciples our affections from earth to hea. to set their affections on things ven. Aim therefore to possess above; how emphatically did his your mind of a thorough conviction whole deportment and doctrines and an habitual sense of these things declare, “My kingdom is not of

- dwell on them in your meditations, this world.” and seek to partake of the happy Think also of the nature and effects.

tendency of the divine declarations Think also of the character of a and instructive precepts which were Christian : he is a pilgrim and delivered by our Lord relative to stranger in the earth-a sojourner this subject. They caution the who tarries only for a short season Christian against an anxious and - here he has no continuing city- inordinate care for the things this is not his rest, it is polluted of this life, and point out the dread. he professedly seeks a better and ful consequences that will follow more enduring substance, a city upon an immoderate concern about, which hath foundations whose ma and attachment to earthly objects. ker and builder is God. Now how “ What shall it profit a man if be unreasonable and inconsistent it is gain the whole world and lose his for a traveller to be so charmed own soul?” Consider also the with a trifling accommodation at an import of the promises in general Inn as to take up his constant respecting the present portion of the abode there, while he has a palace Christian's life. These only ensure ready for his reception ; or suffer a competency; many of them do himself to be detained on the road not go beyond necessaries : bread in low pursuits far beneath his shall be given them, and their water rank and station. These similies shall be sure,” &c. None of them may well point out the incon- appear to countenance an abunsistency of such conduct in the dance-from which we may well Christian course; but magnified in infer that the present world with the latter a hundred fold!

all that it proffers is not the Secondly. He that would be Christian's portion. A due conweaned from this world and enjoy sideration of this will surely tend correspondent blessings, should to disunite the heart from the world mark the conduct and imitate the and enable a good man to look on example of those who have emi- it with a holy and becoming connently obtained and enjoyed this tempt, and rise in affection rapidly happy state ! of these a cloud of towards his heavenly home. witnesses are recorded in Scripture, Next I would remind you of the who, amidst sore temptations and secondary means by wbich those trials triumphed over the world, and holy worthies recorded in Scripture evinced great spirituality of mind. obtained their desired end. That Here you are ready to anticipate which has actually been effective my pointing you primarily to the in others, may well be adverted divine pattern and bright example to in similar circumstances, and with even the great Captain of Salvation, the same aim in view. Contemplate who for the joy that was set before now that train of happy sufferers him, endured the cross, despised the referred to in the eleventh of Hebrews, who through faith ob- ed contagion; hence the necessity of tained the conquest. Hear the keeping the heart with all diligence, affectionate and venerable John of restraining the tongue, as the declare, “ This is the victory Psalmist, who, when the wicked was that overcometh the world, even before him, was dumb, and opened our faith.Then frequently let the not his mouth. aspirations of Luke xvii. 5. arise Fourthly, As the objects of time for an increase of this celestial grace, and sense will, through our perpeby which you may win the triumph tual intercourse with the world, and wear the honour with such gain imperceptibly on the mind, holy victors, Think next of that and tend to make us slothful in eminent example, the Apostle Paul, religion, it becomes us habitually who was not only weaned from to cultivate the spirit and practice this world and every thing in it, of prayer. The more frequent and but counted not his life dear to intimate your intercourse with heahimself, that he might win Christ ven is, the more will the world and and be found in him. Through the all its varied objects recede from influence of the same grace he had your view and esteem. "Tis imalso learned in whatever state he possible to be in love with both at was, therewith to be content, Let the same time; the one will preus then seek a portion of the same ponderate, and the other be in prospirit, and an acquaintance with portion lightly esteemed. When the same doctrine which produced approaching God in prayer, particuthose glorious effects—then shall larly mention that which lays nearest we not only be weaned from the your heart. If the world seem to world and enjoy spirituality of mind, gain an ascendancy over your but diffuse that knowledge to others thoughts and affections, make your by which they may partake of the request known unto God-plead same blessings.

for grace and strength to overcome, Thirdly, He that would be wean and firmly believe that praying ed from the world should be careful breath shall not be spent in vain. not to mingle and have unnecessary Be careful also to maintain a conintercourse with it, There is a stant, practical devotional regard to possibility of being in the world the doctrine of Divine influence, and not of it. The Christian is by This is of great importance, yea no means to neglect his lawful essentially necessary. A cordial calling in life, or be inattentive in belief of, and hearty dependence any measure to relative duties upon the promised aids of divine This would be utterly inconsistent grace, will more effectually prowith a religion, whose comprehen, mote vital piety than all other sive injunction is, “Not slothful in means. Remember, all your atbusiness, fervent in spirit, serving tempts will be vain and fruitless the Lord.” But we are not to without this; therefore “ grieve be governed by the manners, max- not the Holy Spirit of God.”— ims, and spirit of the world; and Crave and cultivate his sacred there is a sense in which we must agency in your own heart; in a come out from among, separate rich and constant enjoyment of from sinners, and have “no fellow- which may you make rapid advances ship with the unfruitful works of in faith and holiness! Frequently, darkness, but rather reprove them.” diligently, and seriously read the We should not plunge ourselves holy scriptures, and meditate on. Deedlessly into company and con- their sacred contents. This will Versation; nor go to the extreme - powerfully tend to wean you from borders of that which is even lawful the world, to direct you in the path and expedient, fearing we may be of duty, and promote in you all tainted insensibly with the unhallow- holy and spiritual affections. En


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