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tant parts, than could by ordinary men will cease from full and parreaders be obtained from the ticular communication, and will perusal of the whole correspondence. write for the public what they choose It seems therefore to us that both the public shall know. There will the example of scripture and the be an end of that private and concircumstances of the case, render a fidential intercourse which has selection from the journals, &c. of hitherto been maintained, and the a missionary more adviseable than correspondence will become merely the publication of the whole

official and documentary. The communications of a Mis- In proportion to the extension sionary to his employers can scarcely of Missions, a practical termination be too minute, for this minuteness will be put to any improper con. very much contributes to their more cealment, or any garbling corresexact information. The Journal pondence. The Missionaries in of a Missionary must, in order to Palestine will write to the Jews' be correct, be written under the Society, to the Church Missionary vivid impression of recent events. Society, to the London, the AmeWhile men feel deeply they will ex- rican, and various other Societies, press themselves with warmth, and and also to their private friends and often with considerable prolixity and connexions; extracts from the Letrepetition. Many of these passages ters will be forwarded to different they would, on more mature deli. Publications and Journals, not under beration and fuller information, the control of the Societies, by whom very materially soften and moderate these Missionaries are employed. in justice to themselves as well as Thus facts and characters will be others; and we think they ought fully developed, and the exact situnot to be precluded from such cor- ation and progress of the work, rections and modifications, by the with the intrinsic merits of the premature and indiscreet publication instruments will be more correctly of every thing which they may estimated than they could be by the have in a moment of haste, in- Journals of any one man. Errors consideration, or irritation trans.. have, no doubt, been committed, mitted to their employers. We and unreasonable expectations cannot but feel that there are some formed ; but impartial observers sentences in the second volume have declared that the error has not which Mr. W. would not on re- always been that of exaggeration, consideration justify; which might ‘I have been disappointed,' said have been suppressed without any one who was perfectly unconnected impropriety, and the publication with any society, 'I have been disof which is calculated to convey appointed in several instances, when an incorrect impression, both of comparing what I witnessed with the Mr. Wolff himself and of some printed reports; but the state of highly estimable, valuable, and things at Sierra Leone, and in the generally approved characters. Con- Brethrens' Missions at the Cape, cealment may, in some instances, very far exceeded all I had expected have been carried farther than either from the Letters of Mr. Johnson, necessity, policy, or justice would or the Narrative of Mr. Latrobe: require ; but the confidence which I felt the half had not been told me.' a Missionary has in his employers, We trust that other witnesses would very much be shaken if he may be able to give a similar tesfound that every unguarded ex- timony, and are fully satisfied that pression he might use was pub- the conductors of all our missionlished to the world; and if once ary institutions are perfectly incasuch a system as is advocated in the pable of intentional misrepresentaabove extracts is generally adopted, tion.


Recently Published. The Parish Priest, containing Sermons Waltoni in Biblia Polyglotla Prolego.

preached in the Parish Church of mena, Edidit Wrangham. 2 Vols.
Monkwearmouth, in the County of

By the Rex
By the Rev. Benjamin

Beninmin A reprint of the valuable and extensive Kennicott, A. B. Seeleys.

stores of biblical information contained

in Bishop Walton's Prolegomena, at a The name of Kennicott, as connected price within the means of every student, with Hebrew Roots and literary re and condensing into one view the numesearch, is well known to many of our rous annotations on the original work, readers. Such must be gratified in find had long been a desideratum in the ing that a near descendant of the indi- republic of letters. But to render a vidual who brought that name into new edition of the Prolegomena comrepute, has just sent forth a work plete, more is required than the care not indeed (in imitation of his learned attendant upon a mere reprint. Though Ancestor) to establish abstruse and in the execution of his work, Walton difficult points, but to lead the lambs could boast of the aid of Castell, Usher, and sheep of Christ's flock in green Pocock, Clark, and a long list of other pastures, and beside still waters. Both celebrated scholars; yet, since its the occasion and title of this pub publication, many valuable philological lication will be best explained by a discoveries have been made, and much sentence or two from the preface.

light has been thrown on several par" I purpose, if it please God, and I ticulars connected with its subject matter. meet with sufficient encouragement, to These it was necessary to investigate publish three or four Volumes of Ser- and apply to Walton's deductions, in mons, some Letters on the Work of the order to confirm them when correct, or Ministry, and perhaps an Analysis of refute when erroneous. Nor is it an the principal Homilies. I make this easy achievement judiciously to select, mention of my plan, to justify the title what is worthy of being retained, from the given to the volume. Presiding over a works of so many authors as have written population of 10,000 souls, of which on these topics. Archdeacon Wrangham number only eight hundred can be however, the present editor, has enaccommodated in our venerable parish tered upon this task with all the zeal church, I may be permitted to attempt requisite for such a work, and has brought to execute through the medium of together much interesting and important the press, wbat no physical powers, matter which he arranges in the form of however great, could enable me to do Notes and Excursus appended to each by means of personal visits, and oral Prolegomenon; and he has further communication.”

illustrated his volumes by Plates of These Sermons, of which the Volume Coins, Fac-similes, &c. contains twenty-one, discover a happy Mr. Wrangham's Researches are laid blending of Doctrinal and Practical before the reader in the Notes and Extruths, and are well adapted by their bre- cursus, which display great skill and vity for family use. Directing the mind patient investigation : in those of the to a holy contemplation of God as the third Prolegomenon we find an account source of spiritual life, they draw from of the opinions of the learned for and such contemplation most cogent reasons against the antiquity of the Hebrew why every thing that is lovely, and of Vowel Points. That these were essengood report should be studiously culti- tial and primary parts of the Hebrew vated by the professed follower of Christ. language is denied on the ground that They contain many happy and some those copies of the Scriptures, which are beautiful ideas, clothed in language so kept with particular care in the Jewish unaffected that the most unlearned can Synagogues are invariably without readily understand the intention of the points. Still the utility of the vowelwriter. On this account and especially, points is evident. When a language because Scripture truth is exhibited in its ceases to be spoken, every aid is to be prominent outlines, we cordially recom- sought, whereby the acquirement of it mend the introduction of the volume may be facilitated ; and we therefore into families, as likely, with the Divine strongly recommend to those who are blessing, to be made exceedingly useful. commencing Hebrew, the adoption of JULY 1828.

2 N

grammars, lexicons, &c. which contain Pilgrims of the Nineteenth Century, a points.

continuation of the Pilgrim's Progress Walton's Ninth Prolegomenon is upon the plan projected by John much valued by scholars, as entering Bunyan. By Joseph Ivimey. Simplargely into the authority of the several kin. Pp. xii. and 203. 1827. Greek versions of the Old Testament, He undertakes an arduous task who and its value is enhanced in the present

attempts a continuation of the Pilgrim's edition, by no less than seven Excursus, Progress; and highly as we respect our and numerous Notes. Subjoined to

author we are compelled to pronounce the Eleventh Prolegomenon is an that the mantle of John Bunyan has not analysis of Houbigantii Prolegomena.' descended on the shoulders of Joseph and much information on the substitu

Ivimey. tion of Gerizim for Ebal, by the Samaritans, in Deut. xxvii. In this part of his

Introduction to the Critical Study and labour, Mr. Wrangham has availed himself of the aid of Mr. Vernon,

Knowledge of the Holy Scriptures.

By the Rev. T. H. Horne. "Sixth Chancellor of York, and Professor Lee

Edition, revised, corrected, and enof Cambridge.

larged. 4 vols. 8vo. £3. 35. Elements of Mental and Moral Science ; · designed to exhibit the original sus Farewell to Time ; or, Last Views of ceptibilities of the mind, &c. By Life and Prospects of Immortality.

George Payne, A. M. Pp. xx. & 529. By the Author of the Morning This is a course of Lectures delivered and Evening Sacrifice." Edinburgh. by the Author to the Students at Black Pp. xxiv. and 410. burn Acadeiny, intended to convey a statement of the sentiments of our most The Lord's Supper. Two Discourses approved writers on metaphysics. Mr.

delivered at Tavistock Chapel, Drury P. adheres principally, though not

Lane, March 4, and April 1, 1828. entirely, to the system of Dr. T. Browne,

By Thomas Webster, M. A. P. 56. and notices the leading views of Messrs. Locke, Reid, Stewart, &c. This volume

Seeleys. may be regarded as an useful manual to those who are desirous of entering on Romanism and Protestantism. A Disthis branch of science; the importance course delivered at Tavistock Chapel, of which, however, appears to us very Drury Lane, April 15, 1828 ; at the much overrated.

conclusion of a Series of Discourses,

on Points of Controversy, between Minor Poems. Longmans. 12mo. pp.

Romanists and Protestants. By xii. and 178. 1828.

Thomas Webster, M. A. P. xvi. This neat and pleasing Volume is the

and 30. Seeleys. production of Mr. Snow, to whom we To this concluding discourse is annexed have not unfrequently been indebted a title page, intended to be prefixed to the for poetical communications, some of six discourses delivered by Mr. W. in the which are here reprinted. We may series of Lectures on Roman Catholic refer as specimens to our last Number, points; a list of the whole series of p. 218, and to our Vols. for 1824, pp. Lectures; an advertisement detailing 10. 98.- for 1825, p. 18—for 1826, various points concerning their origin p. 471—and for 1827, p. 328 and 344. and progress; and a Translation of the

Creed of Pope Pius the Fourth. The Process of Historical Proof exem

plified and explained, with observations on the Peculiar Points of the Chrisa

Exposition of Psalm CXIX. as illustian's Evidence. By Isaac Taylor.

trative of the character of Christian Pp. viii. and 338. Holdsworth.

Experience. By the Rev. Charles This is a very ingenious and sensible

Bridges, B. A. Vicar of Old Newpublication, in which the Author illus

ton, Suffolk. 12mo. 6s. trates the general nature of historical proof, with reference to the writings of Sermons Preached before a Village Herodotus, and applies his argument Congregation. By the Rev. Joseph with considerable dexterity to the New Jowett, M. A. Rector of Silk WilTestament History.

loughby. Two Volumes. 12mo. 10s.



THE JEWS. The Anniversary Meeting of this So- “The Society's Schools contain 41 ciety was held on Friday, the 9th of boys, and 47 girls. During the past May, at the Freemasons' Hall, Great year, 2481 Hebrew Old TestamentsQueen Street.

2110 Hebrew New Testaments—22,125 Sir Thomas BARING, Bart. President, Portions of the Hebrew Bible-1032 took the Chair, and proposed that the German Hebrew Prophets—1000 copies Meeting should commence with prayer. of the Judeo-Polish, or Jewish Penta

The Rev. C. S. HAWTREY accord teuch—and 627 copies of the New Tesingly sought the divine blessing on the tament in the same language, together Society's labours.

with many thousand Tracts in Hebrew, The CHAIRMAN then rose and ob- Jewish, German, French and English, served, that he considered prayer a most had been distributed. suitable introduction to a meeting like The Report notices the death of the the present, as it tended to give a tone Rev. Peter Treschow, and states that and character to it, and to chastise the the cause of Israel is making steady feelings, an effect which would be progress throughout the dominions of profitable to all, and to none more so the King of Prussia, under the continued than himself. The object of the Society support and fostering care of that was the conversion of the Jews to Monarch. Christianity. To teach this scattered Several hundreds of Jews have propeople that the same Jesus they had fessed Christianity of late years in the crucified was the Son of God, and the kingdom of Prussia, and of these a great Saviour of mankind. Laudable and number in the city of Berlin. Many Christian like as were the objects of of the Jewish proselytes have left other Societies, their exertions were Berlin for Christian employment elseoften affected by difficulties arising from where, and a few who still remain there, the circumstance that their operations are in the habit of assembling together were too general. The Jews, however, for Christian conversation and prayer, were always a distinct people, and God exhibiting the commencement of a had shown them peculiar favour, having Jewish Christian Church. called them his people, and himself “Jewish prejudice is diminishing in their God. They were now scattered Poland, and the Jews come in crowds to over the globe, and were to be found receive the Scriptures, and hear the every where, but, at home no where. Word of God from the Missionaries. As those he addressed, however, had “The Missionaries occasionally meet been blessed with the knowledge of with opposition. Messrs. Becker and Christ, they were bound in the exercise Meyersohn found many Jews strongly of Christian kindness and Christian prejudiced, who scoffed and mocked at duty to extend to others those blessings them, while others listened apparently which they enjoyed themselves.

with attention. The opposing Jews apThe Rev. BASIL WOODD here ad pear to be infected with infidel principles. dressed the Children belonging to the “In general, however, the MisSociety's Schools, in a simple, appro- sionaries meet with a very different repriate, and affectionate manner. The ception. Their labours have at all events children listened with the greatest excited the earnest attention of the Jews. attention.

-A Jew remarked to Mr. Hoff, that as The Rev. J. B. CARTWRIGHT read he observed the whole town coming to the Report.-It stated

them, he had come also, to learn what “ The amount of contributions during news they had brought. Mr. Hoff rethe last year received, to be £12,727. plied, that they had brought no other 7s, 3da sum considerably less than the news, than what had been revealed to total amount of the preceding year. the ancient prophets of Israel. Notwithstanding this diminution in the “There is also a marked change in total amount, there is an actual increase the feelings of the Jews towards their of £184. 13s. 4d. in that portion of converted brethren. Formerly they income arising from regular contribu- spoke of them only with abhorrence, tions. The diminution was under the regarded them with the most inveterate head of Legacies.

prejudice, and refused to hear them

speak on the subject of Christianity, Several Jews have been baptized when they would listen patiently to the at Warsaw, after having satisfied the discourse of a Gentile Missionary; but Missionaries as to their sincere desire to with many amongst them these preju- become followers of the once-despised dices are removed, and they willingly Jesus. receive the converted Jews who are The Report concludes with observing, employed as Missionaries. They bave “That during the past year, many even admitted Mr. Meyersohn to the thousand portions of the Word of God, Sabbath entertainment, and the Rabbies have been distributed among the Jews, treated him with much respect.

by whom they are, in numberiess well" There is an increasing desire among authenticated instances, diligently readthe Jews to receive the Scriptures, that the Gospel has been preached to them They are astonished to find Christians by your Missionaries-in some cases better acquainted with the Word of publicly on Sabbath-day, in others more God than they are themselves, and as privately in the way of friendly interthe Missionaries will allow no other course--and that several hundred Jewish authority, the Jews are led to search children have been receiving a scriptural the Scriptures. The new edition of the education in the schools in connexion Hebrew Bible is principally distributed with your Society, in England, on the among them in small portions, and Continent of Europe, and in the British when they are not able to purchase, the dominions in India. That there is a Missionaries exercise a sound discretion loud call for increased exertion from in a gratuitous circulation. Indeed they almost all the stations already occupied, have sufficient proof that the Scriptures and from many other districts having a are read, in the discussions which after- large Jewish population, to which the wards arise with the individuals who efforts of your Society have not yet been receive them. In one instance when the extended. stock of portions of the prophets was “ Thus encouraged by the positive exhausted; a Jew who had received promises of God respecting Israel, and one portion, offered money to another by His present dealings with them, your Jew to be allowed to copy the portion Committee desire once more to comwhich the latter had received.

mend this cause to your renewed exer“The Jews likewise begin to detect tions and your fervent prayers. British the perversions of the Rabbins, and Christians have access to the Jews to learn to separate the Word of God from an extent far beyond those of any other the abused commentary by which it is nation. There is scarcely a part of the accompanied in their own books. From world, in which they exist, which is not having learned both together, and from accessible to the labours of your Misattaching greater weight to the com sionaries; and it is the will of God that mentary than the text, they are apt to through your mercy they also shall obconfound one with the other; and, in tain mercy. their discussions with the Missionaries, “ How long these opportunities may to quote passages as the Word of God be continued, your Committee know which are in reality the absurdities of not; that they were given to be imthe Talmud. In such a case, the Mis proved, there cannot be a doubt. Were sionary refers at once to the Hebrew your Committee to neglect them, they Bible, and the Jew, after a long and would feel themselves exposed to that fruitless search, is compelled to acknow just rebuke of Israel's God; I was ledge his error.

wroth with my people; I have polluted “ Mr. Hoff writes

mine inheritance, and given them into “ • An old teacher, told us that he had thine hand; and thou didst shew them compared our translation of Genesis with no mercy.” the Hebrew text, and found it quite The Meeting was then addressed with agreeable to it, except that he missed much feeling and eloquence by Sir. R. one verse in the forty-ninth chapter. H. Inglis, the Bishop of Lichfield and We assured him that this could not be. Coventry, Lord Bexley, Mr. WilberThe original was then examined with the force, the Hon. and Rev. G. T. Noel, translation, and the Jew was proved the Rev. C. Simeon, the Rev. Hugh to be wrong. He had confounded M'Neile, the Right Hon. Sir G. Rose, the text with Jarchi's explanation, which the Rev. D. Wilson, the Rev. E. Bickhe mistook for a part of the original. ersteth, the Rev. Mr. Allen, the Hon.

The Report notices also, a similar and Rev. B. W. Noel, and the Rev. J. circumstance with respect to the 53d H. Stewart. The collection at the door chapter of Isaiah.

amounted to £87. 10s.

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