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a captious sophister, who gathereth to too great an extreme. It is not the worst out of every thing in easy to conceive his Pope or Carwhich you are mistaken.

dinal, “ filled with a love of Christ “ But it will be said, “The ad and his gospel; whose eyes are mittance of merit in any degree, willingly open to see the truth, and overthroweth the foundation, ex- his mouth ready to renounce all eludeth from the hope of mercy, error; and having in some measure from all possibility of salvation.'- all the virtues and graces of the What? though they hold the truth Spirit.” It is not easy to conceive sincerely in all other parts of that love of the brethren, whereby Christian faith ? Although they we know that we have passed from have in some measure all the virtues death unto life, existing in the and graces of the Spirit ? Although heart of one, whose head, wearing they have all other tokens of God's a triple crown, or a red hat, inculchildren in them? Although they cates the damnation of all such be far from having any proud heretics as British Protestants. opinion, that they shall be saved by Especially, when even religious the worthiness of their deeds ? sincerity is a quality of very spurious Although the only thing that character, unless the senses are troubleth and molesteth them, be a spiritually exercised, and scripturally little too much dejection, somewhat informed; and when men may be too great a fire arising from an judicially given over of God, to erroneous conceit, that God will believe a lie! At the same time, require a worthiness in them, wbich it is delightful to believe that a they are grieved to find wanting in Pascal, a Quesnel, and a Fenelon, themselves ? Although they be not have washed their robes and made obstinate in this opinion ? Although them white in the blood of the they be willing, and would be glad Lamb; have had their Romish to forsake it, if any one reason were ideas neutralized by others virtually brought sufficient to disprove it? Protestant; and that they held the Although the only cause why they foundation, while building upon it do not forsake it ere they die, be such combustibles as wood, and hay, their ignorance of that means by and stubble! And assuredly, there which it might be disproved ? is the strongest inducement for Although the cause why the igno- hope, in the supposed cases, where rance in this point is not removed, neither Pope nor Cardinal had be the want of knowledge in such heard evangelical truth stated in as should be able, and are not, to all its purity. remove it? Let me die if it be The answer to the petition of ever proved, that simply an error Travers gained its author much doth exclude a Pope or Cardinal in reputation among a large majority such a case utterly from hope of of reflecting characters; but in the life! Surely I must confess, that Temple itself it gave offence to if it be an error to think that God many who had great personal may be merciful to save men, even regard for the Lecturer, as well as when they err; my greatest comfort approbation of his doctrine, and is, my error : were it not for the zeal for his system of discipline. love I bear to this error, I would They felt themselves aggrieved in never wish to speak or to live !” bis dismissal, and would not join

While such passages as these may the principal benchers in showing be, and are adduced, in evidence of the master reverence and attenHooker's charitable feeling and tion. To a person of Hooker's distance from bigotry, it may be mildness and amiableness, this doubted, whether the Master of the division of feeling among his conTemple did not carry his argument stituted flock could not but occasion deep concern. He judged that the valuable work is constrained to best method of conciliation would subscribe to the testimony borne by be to make a sober appeal to their Dr. Spencer, after the author had understandings on the points at issue been removed to a better Temple between the Episcopalians and Non- and a heavenly Sanctuary : “What conformists, by composing a sober admirable height of learning, and treatise on the Church's power to depth of judgment, dwelt in the make canons for the use of cere- lowly mind of this truly humble monies, and by law to impose an man, great in all wise men's eyes obedience to them on her children. except his own! With what gravity This was the origin of his great and majesty of speech his tongue work on “ Ecclesiastical Polity," and pen uttered heavenly mysteries; which has continued to the present whose eyes, in the humility of his day, and will be handed down to heart, were always cast down to the posterity, as the standard of appeal ground! How all things that profor all advocates of the English ceed from him were breathed as establishment; while every un- from the spirit of love; as if he, prejudiced dissenter must acknow- like the bird of the Holy Ghost, ledge it an astonishing product of the dove, had wanted gall! Let the human mind, abounding with those that knew him not in his solid sense, genuine piety, and holy person, judge by these living affection. The reader of this in- images of his soul, bis writings !".

Group after group are gathering—such as prest

Once to their Saviour's arms, and gently laid
Their cherub heads upon his shielding breast,

Though sterner souls the fond approach forbade ;-
Group after group glide on with noiseless tread,

And round Jehovah's sacred altar meet,
Where holy thoughts in infant hearts are bred,

And holy words their ruby lips repeat,
Oft with a chastened glance, in modulation sweet.
Yet some there are, upon whose childish brows

Wan poverty bath done the work of care ;
Look up, ye sad ones! 'tis your Father's house

Beneath whose consecrated dome you are:
More gorgeous robes ye see, and trapping rare,

And watch the gaudier forms that gaily move,
And deem, 'perchance, mistaken as you are,

The “coat of many colours” proves His love,
Whose sign is in the heart, and whose reward above.
And ye, blest labourers in this humble sphere,

To deeds of saintlike charity inclined,
Who from your cells of meditation dear

Come forth to guide the weak, untutored mind,--
Yet ask no payment, save one smile refined

Of grateful love-one tear of contrite pain !
Meekly ye forfeit to your mission kind

The rest of earthly Sabbaths.-Be your gain
A Sabbath without end, 'mid yon celestial pain.

: G. W. Doane.



In the present age, partial infidelity no respector of persons, with the frequently lurks under the specious article on predestination ? My form of willingness to admit and answer is, If I could reconcile all apply the plain and intelligible parts these things, where would be the of Holy Scripture; and at the same trial of my faith in the mystery time, of unwillingness to see the of godliness? importance of attention to what Am I asked, whether I do not we do not understand, in the entire contradict myself in preaching two word of God, if it be presented to such irreconcilable doctrines : I us in the form of Mystery. Of answer No; because I do not atnecessity then, the Church which tempt to explain these doctrines is the ground and pillar of the mys- in my own words. God will make tery of the faith, is undermined; it plain in due time, and the Judge and may, by such a spirit, for a of all the earth will be found wiser time at least, be eclipsed, unless than his creatures, by reconciling uilerance be given to us, that we declarations above their reason. may open our mouth boldly to make Again, would it not be better and kaoun the mystery of the gospel. more charitable to require no such

The Corinthians, like the present test of faith as this article requires ? generation, were eminently disposed I answer, it would not be better to to desire a reason for every doctrine take away from the whole counsel preached to them. Hence St. of God, and permit Christians to Paul, declined reasoning with them. lop the tree of faith to their own 1 Cor. ii. He appealed to the narrow reason and apprehension. miracles, which he performed as The Bible humbles the pride of evidence of his divine appointment; man, by asking. Who made thee " that their faith should not stand to differ ? You have not chosen in the wisdom of men, but in the me, but I have chosen you. By power of God," that is, that being grace are you saved, through faith, convinced by divine miracles that and that not of yourselves : it is the message was from God, they the gift of God, not of works, lest should believe that the wisdom of any man should boast; for you are God conveyed in that message was his workmanship, created in Christ to be received, whether it coincided Jesus, unto good works, which God with their reasonings or not; for hath before prepared that you should the foolishness of God is wiser than walk in them. the wisdom of man. Compare If indeed it can be shown that John x. 37, 38.

there is a single expression in the I do not hesitate then to assert seventeenth Article, which has not that the gospel is a mystery; and as this confirmation, Thus saith the such I wish to receive it whole and Lord; any clause not immedi. entire.

ately connected with the glory of Am I asked, why I believe the God, and the abasement of the seventeenth Article of the Church creature, I should cease to justify of England, my answer is, that the the bringing it forward as an article wording is scriptural, and that if I of faith. But let it be our prayer believe the Scripture, I cannot dis- not to be wise above that which believe the Article.

is written, nor to keep back any Am I asked, But how can you part of the counsel of God. reconcile the positions that Christ The following extract from à died for all men, and that God is Sermon preached sometime since

2 E

JUNE 1828.

310 Remarks on the Seventeenth Article of the Church of England. at St. Mary's, Oxford, appears to “ As to the secret counsel and me at once accurate and wise, original destination of that God and also strictly agreeable to the who seeth from everlasting, who scriptural statement of the church giveth not account of any of his of England.

matters, whose wisdom, as well as “The text (Heb. ix. 28) seems to truth and mercy, are infinite ; it represent the blessings of the gospel is abundantly more becoming to as partial and limited. Christ was confess our ignorance, than to once offered to bear the sins of many. hazard proud and precipitous This is also his own representation. conjectures. For he tells his disciples, at the “To make the plan of salvation celebration of that solemn supper consistent with all the attributes which he made with them the night of the Deity, and the faculties and preceding his death, that the cup powers of man; to reconcile the of blessing which he then adminis- Divine prescience with human tered to them, was, in figure and liberty ; to ascribe without contraemblem, the blood of the New diction the salvation of the faithful Testament, which was shed for to the peculiar grace of God, and many for the remission of sins. In the perdition of ungodly men to other passages, the redemption their own wilful choice; to take which is by Jesus Christ is described away every pretension to superior as a benefit of the most universal merit from those who obey the extent. St. Paul affirms, that, “ As gospel of Christ, and every excuse by the offence of one, judgment of their guilt from those who obey came upon all men to condemna. it not, is an attempt which has never tion, so by the righteousness of one, been successful, though it has exthe free gift came upon all men to ercised the best talents and the justification of life.” “ Jesus Christ deepest wisdom. is the propitiation, not for our “Metaphysical Disquisition, the sins only,” says St. John, “but origin and vehicle of the greater also for the sins of the whole part of the infidelity in the world, world.”

has been supposed by its admirers “ As we cannot, if the scriptures to be adequate to this important be true, in the judgment of the task. It may indeed artfully conmost boundless charity, believe that ceal difficulties behind a veil of impenitent sinners are saved, may words; and by dextrous subtleties we not account for the former of and evasive distinctions, so perplex these representations, by considering the mind as to preclude the discernthe final issue of the state of pro- ment of truth for a moment. But bation? They who continue in this is not to produce satisfaction in sin, and reject the mercy of God an inquisitive, nor to impress conand the blood of the atonement viction upon a pious mind. When will assuredly perish. And thus calm reflection returns, the questhe event proves, that for such the tion appears as before, clogged with death of Christ hath been ineffectual. invincible objections; and if our But as the offers and invitations faith bath not suffered by so ineffecof mercy are made to all men, and tual an attempt, we shall be glad the condemnation of the wicked to rest in general conclusions, as for despising this mercy will be upon most friendly to real piety. That their own heads, we may also con. the judge of all the earth will infalsider the Saviour of men as no libly do right—that every good respecter of persons; and the bless. thing in us, or in our lives, is from ings which he hath obtained by bis God-and that every evil thing is death and sufferings, as alike ac. from ourselves." cessible to all.




We rose this morning (Cologne, people of God, who are scattered Sunday Sept. 30) at a little past abroad in this naughty world were five, and shortly after six were then around me;—and wherever among the worshippers in St. the sheep are, there is the shepherd: Gereon's church: I say among the for he never leaveth nor forsaketh worshippers, for our own books them. of devotion accompanied us. The Subsequent reflection has brought Archbishop was celebrating mass me to view these early sacraments according to his custom; the first as extremely useful, and I am permass every Sunday morning being suaded that were they more comperformed in this church by the mon in our churches, we should prelate himself. The singing was find more of the divine presence without music, and both good and amongst us. It is not necessary general. I could not get near that they should be celebrated so enough to the altar, owing to a full early, either as six or seven o'clock; attendance, to distinguish the fea- but if the clergy who reside in tures of the Archbishop : be bears towns, or in large country parishes, the character of an able man, who and dwell near their churches, would is somewhat a friend to light, and is hold communion at eight o'clock endeavouring to raise the standard on the first Sunday in every month, of clerical attainments: he is about and also celebrate it at the usual fifty-six years of age, has not filled time after morning service, they this see above three years, and was would afford sweet seasons of reformerly Dean of Munster. He is freshment to some among their of noble birth, and of the rank of Alock, and secure the Lord's holy Count. About eight persons com- presence more generally. By municated at this hour. The cele, this means many young persons, bration was over in about five and who have recently been conthirty minutes, when other priests firmed, might be trained to an succeeded the prelate : these masses early and frequent participation of continue for several hours, so that the pledges of a Saviour's love to the in the Romish Church there is faithful. It appears to me that constant opportunity of communi. neither clergy nor people commucating. The number of worshippers nicate with sufficient frequency. at this early hour might be about We fall far short of the practice two hundred. In our way back of the primitive churches in this, to our Inn, we looked into St. as in other godly matters : and Columba, which is another parish consequently many among us church. The interior presents languish. The spiritual eating of much more than the exterior Christ's body, and the spiritual promises : it appeared to me to be drinking of his blood sacramentally, strikingly neat. The congregation is so divine and holy a thing, that was not small. Some were engaged it should be more highly prized near the confessional chair, and among such as believe amongst us, about twenty persons were receiving than I fear it is ; many therefore, the communion : the organ assisted that ought to be merry-hearted, the voice in the singing. I sat do sigh. down with my little book in my Soon after nine o'clock we set hand, and quite forgot for a few out for the Protestant church, where moments where I was : nor indeed I intended to communicate, and can I doubt but that some of those therefore thought it right to repair

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