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“Forsake not the assembling of bless his instructions. You know yourselves together, as the manner how strongly St. Paul speaks on of some is.” I know in general this subject, “ Though ye have ten cases when a difficulty is once sur thousand instructors in Christ, yet mounted, it is surmounted for ever. have ye not many fathers." I could illustrate this most forcibly, “In what I have said, I have were any illustration necessary. principally, though not exclusively, With respect to the individual to in view, those who leave the Estawhom you allude, much as I value blishment as well as their own ministhat person's society, I should sus- ters; some of your dissenting friends, pect the evil tendency of any con. I am aware, may charge me with nexion, if it led to the dissolution bigotry, and perhaps think that my of that tie which I have heard des- zeal exceeds my charity ; but though cribed as stronger than that of I can regard with Christian affection friendship or of blood, I mean the all those whom I consider to love bond of union which subsists, or the Lord Jesus Christ, the interests ought to subsist, between the faith of the Church of England are, and ful minister of Christ, and the peo. I trust ever will be, dear to my ple to whom it has pleased God to heart,


A LADY, formerly governess to my celebrated, the spell was broken, children was some years since pre- and she is now comfortably set. vailed upon to have her fortune told tled. It however, proved a most unhappy Let those then, in similar circumone. The young man to whom stances to the above, repent, cast she was attached, and in whom all themselves on the mercy of God, her earthly hopes centered, she was and be encouraged. told " would never marry her,” but Let those who may be hereafter ". would be killed by a fall from a tempted to apply to fortune-tellers, horse ;” and what rendered the be warned by the above case of prediction more distressing, he re- suffering, which is by no means a sided at a great distance, and a part singular one, nor the worst that of his employment was riding might be selected for admonition. round the country; consequently, Let the ministers of the gospel in addition to the painful impres. not think it needless or unworthy sion being constantly present to her their sacred functions, occasionally mind, a day's delay of his letters to denounce the heathenish practice beyond the period they were ex- of fortune telling, and the criminality pected, would produce the most of persons seeking to know their agonizing suspense and apprehen- future destiny by such means :' a sions. In fact the impression be- practice which is not confined to came so deep at length, that even the ignorant and illiterate, but after the day was fixed for the resorted to by the middle and higher wedding, she could not believe it classes, to an extent little suspectwould ever take place, but that the ed by the clergy in general ; prediction would be verified as a thousands put more faith in one just judgment upon her. But God, communication thus made to them, who is “rich in mercy,” after than they do to the truths of God's suffering ber to be chastised, was revelation, a thousand times rebetter to her than her fears. The iterated from the pulpit. day arrived, the nuptials were



SIR-Among the numerous readers they will hereafter fill; not from of your valuable publication, there homes, where order, regularity, are very many whose Christian and cleanliness prevail; but from love and disinterested benevolence society, and babitations the most are actively engaged in administer- unfitting. Numerous are the cases ing to the wants of others, and where one room alone contains who feel a constant desire to em- father, mother, and children of all brace every opportunity of glorify- ages. ing God, and promoting the welfare The parents out all day (if in of their fellow-creatures. . employ at all) working to obtain

Allow me, therefore, through the food for their starving offspring ; medium of the Christian Guardian, unable, from want of time; unfit, to call their attention to a class of and too frequently unwilling to society, hitherto but little noticed, instruct them in good, or guard except as causes of complaint, or them from evil. sources of evil; but whose improve- Let it then be supposed, that ment would greatly increase our one of the girls out of such a comfort, and benefit society at family is of an age to do somelarge. I mean the Female Ser thing towards her own support, vants—more especially those, who For what is she fit? from their age cannot possibly Objections reasonably arise to have had time or opportunity to the taking her as a servant into a learn, from their own observation family. She has all to learn except and experience, the best method evil habits. Few possess either of fulfilling the duties of their time or patience to teach one in station, who have never been whom they feel no particular intaught, and yet, who are expected terest. to understand and perform what The poor girl therefore must they too often undertake, . more either continue at home a growing from the urgent inducements which burden to her family, or seek some poverty and distress at home hold other employment. out, than from any knowledge of Almost the only things which their own capability

offer are straw bonnet making, Although this deficiency is almost artificial flower manufacturing, universally lamented by every miss stitching for bookbinders, or such tress of a family, yet the evil is like; the general results of which generally considered irremediable. are, love of dress, evil company, Doubtless, to a certain extent, it and utter ignorance of every domesis; but surely the attainment of so tic duty. great an object as that of the im. Such cases are not uncommon. provement of a class upon whom Every one who is in the habit of so much of our domestic peace visiting amongst the poor and depends, is at least well worth an labouring classes in London, will effort.

agree that this is no exaggerated From whence, let it be asked, statement. La do the majority of London-born It is with a desire therefore to servants come?

prevent, if possible, some of these Not from the families of decent attendant evils; and, with a view and respectable parents, who, feel- to general usefulness, that a few ing the true interest of their children, individuals have become anxious have endeavoured to train them up that an institution should be formed and fit them for that station of life for the removal of those difficulties which now present themselves in to assist in defraying the expences; the way of many poor girls, who, and in cases where the parents can if properly trained, might become afford it, a small weekly sum useful members of society.

should be required from them It is proposed, that, according to towards the support of their child. the extent of the funds, a certain The object of such an Institution number of girls should be placed is not to make the girls under its under the care of a matron, chosen care finished servants, for that by a Committee of Ladies, posses- would indeed be a fruitless effortsing as far as they can obtain it, time and experience can alone every qualification requisite for so complete that work; but it is to use important a charge.

means at least to teach them That these girls shall be taught method and principle, and to prereading, sewing (mending as well serve them from the dreadful evils as making) washing, ironing, which surround them on every side. writing, and arithmetic as far as Similar plans in the country have may be thought necessary.

been found to succeed beyond the That they in turns undertake the most sanguine expectation;* but work of the house, and in order how few are the miseries of the that they may be made more ac- poorest there in comparison to quainted with general work than those in London, where bad exthey can be in the house in which amples, and evil communications they live, it would be desirable, abound, and daily increase; for ignothat for six or eight months before rance begets idleness, and idleness they go into service, each girl vice, in all its forms. should be allowed to go for a week Several friends have met to con at a time, when convenient, or sider the best plan to pursue towards required, to the house of the seve the accomplishment of the great ral Ladies forming the Committee, end in view ; but the completion or their friends, when they shall be of the project, must of course expected to do any description of depend upon the benevolence of the work the mistress of the house public. Your inserting the foresees fit; bringing back, at the end going remarks in your much valued of the week, their certificates of work may tend to make it more conduct, &c.

generally known. That moral and religious instruc

W.S.S. tion, mutual forbearance, and selfcontroul, be most particularly ut We cheerfully comply with the retended to, and that rewards should quest of our correspondent, but be liberally dispensed to those girls, think it possible that the object who in their several duties mani aimed at may be attained, as far fest the best management, by ap as practicable, by a more vigilant propriating every thing to its best superintendance on the part of use, accomplishing their work pro benevolent females of our Paroperly in the shortest time, and chial Schools, Schools of Indusevincing by their uniform conduct try, &c.-Ed. that spirit which is most becoming their situation in life. The internal management would,

* The Tunstal School for training girls

for Service; commenced by the Rev. of course be under the superinten

William C. Wilson M. A. the highly dence of Ladies; but the whole esteemed Vicar, under whose continued should be under the direction of a auspices and superintendence it proves Gentleman's Committee.

most useful in that neighbourhood, deserves Washing, ironing, making, and

especial notice. A plan of this School may

be seen at No. 25, Spencer Street, Northmending will be taken in, in order ampton Square.

ON SELF-EXAMINATION. There are few subjects presented the whole with firm determinations to the public in the present day to rise on the morrow to a newwhich seem to have excited even a ness of life, and conversation more comparative degree of interest, to agreeable to the word of God, and that of prophecy; and the minds of to their own consciences. Do not men seem to be so fully occupied suppose, Mr. Editor, that I have with its details (it may be justly) the least inclination to condemn that I fear matters of more imme- such a practice! far from it! I diate and personal interest will not respect it when I perceive its useful be very likely to receive a warm effects upon others, and more so as reception at the bar of public i feel my own deficiency in that opinion. I have been induced, way. It may be, that a mind too however, to offer a few remarks much addicted to desultory thought upon a subject of deep and essential and fights of imagination, has importance, from observing the hitherto interfered with my performapathy and indifference with which ance of that duty in the manner even true and sincere Christians and to the extent that I should ; view the duty of self-examination, but my deficiency is no reason why and from a conviction in my own it should be laid aside by others. mind that the extent of the evil And, Sir, it is very possible, that from whence such indifference arises to those who are in a situation simiis but little known,

lar to mine, a steady adherence to The very name of self-examina. the practice, and to the exercise tion wears somewhat of an awful of the mind in that way, may appearance, and a duty which leads hereafter afford proofs of the inman to self-condemnation, is not correctness of my opinion. But, very acceptable to every mind. Sir, let us take another view of But, Sir, it strikes me that a great self-examination ! let us look upon deal of the awfulness is imaginary, it, not only as the daily, but hourly, and a task which most seem to continual work of the soul. It avoid with carefulness, or at least should be the constant office of the with a mind not too anxious to Christian's mind to dwell upon pursue the work, may by a little itself, with the object of investiconsideration be made an useful gating the movements and motives and delightful source of religious of the will and affections, as regards improvement. I do truly believe, his walk and conversation ; to ex. especially among young Christians, amine how far the glory of Christ that self-examination is a painful is promoted, how far his motives office! They deem it necessary to · are pleasing to God, and how far appoint set periods for such engage. he is willing to sacrifice his own ments; they fix the close of the interest to the will of his God. day for a scrutinizing investigation We are frequently deceived, as to into all the sins which during the the source from whence the motives past day they bave committed, and of our conduct proceed; we underafter a long and perhaps ill-per- take engagements with the appaformed, and but partially finished rent desire of promoting our heawork, commit themselves into the venly Father's glory; we pursue hands of their heavenly Fatber, with these engagements with all the a mind more pleased with itself than ardour of sincere devotees to the it had been before the work was cause we love ; and we rejoice in begun; first, because an incumbent the prospect of success. But when and painful duty was finished ; and, failure succeeds to our anxious secondly, because they have closed hopes, then, and not until then, do MAY 1828.


we discover how much, and to Lord continually;" checking that what extent self-love, pride, the which is unseemly, being sincere hopes of exciting an interest in the in our expressions of love, gentleminds of others towards ourselves ness, and kindness, doing all we have heen the principal, although do in word and deed to the it may not be the main-spring of glory of God; we have then, I our actions. How different should conceive, reached the road which our proceedings have been, had must infallibly lead us to a deep and there been a total indifference experimental acquaintance with our as to the result, provided that own hearts. But, Sir, there is one God's glory was increased by office more, and by far a more the work, and to the Christian's important one, and that is, to carry mind His glory is as apparent in that self-examination into our acfailure as in success, where man is tions, when in the more immediate concerned. It is seldom that men presence of the Most High-to bring give themselves the habit of search- under its review our addresses at ing deeply into the internal recesses the throne of grace, our use of the of the heart, when about to engage written word, our converse on holy in their respective duties! were it things, and even our meditations more habitual, much less of worldly on these and other subjects. This feeling would be found to influence may be difficult, but the difficulty our conduct, and instead of betray- vanishes in proportion as we proing to others and to the world at ceed, and it becomes a work which large, that our eyes are not single, involuntarily accompanies our readwe should be found walking in all ing, speaking, thinking, or acting, the ways of the Lord blameless. It teaching us more and more each is easier to preach than to practise day, of the extent of His love and self-examination; but when once mercy, who spared us when, from the rule is formed, to search the all eternity, he saw not only our motions of the mind, and to watch present state and evil dispositions, its waverings in our daily convere but also all we have been, and all we sations, when once we have under shall be. Very much more might be taken the office of finding out our stated upon this subject, but I fear own characters, of endeavouring that I have engaged too much of your to "see ourselves as others see us,” attention already, and must thereand to feel for and towards others fore conclude with this feeble stateas we should feel ourselves if in their ment of one of the most important situation ; to consider (as far as of all Christian duties! “ Judge possible) the motive by which every yourselves, Brethren, that ye be not word and act is directed, and above judged of the Lord.” all, to “walk in the fear of the


“Suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not.” SAVIOUR thy precept is not bid,

Oh! with the seed thy sowers sow
Nor is thy love forgot-

That early dew distil,
We come, whom thou sidst not forbid,

By which we may not only know,
And man forbids us not;

But iove, and do, thy will.
To thee we come, the Guide that brings

So shall its rooted strength defy 'The erring strays of sin,

The storms of life, and spring
Back from their early wanderings,

With ever-lifted head on high
Thy fold to enter in.

In ceaseless blossoming.
To us thy heavenly grace impart,

Though feeble is our faith and weak,
And let the words of truth

Yet do not Thon repress
Be inly grafted in our heart,

Their near approach, who early seek
And nurtured in our youth;

Thy love and holiness,
So shall its strong and thrifty shoots

Oh hear us as with one accord,
From year to year increase,

Our grateful song we raise,
And, with thy blessing, yield the fruits

And out of children's mouths, O Lord,
Of righteousness and peace.

Again perfect thy praise !

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