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coming from Bishop Alymer's home after a tour of several years palace, he was beset by a crowd in a fantastical suit of clothes. of paupers, some of whom probably “Who are you ?” said the old man. recognized an old benefactor, on “ Sir, I am your son Samuel.” which he went back and borrowed “Oh! my son, who hath taught of the prelate five pounds, which thee to make thyself so ridiculous ? ” he distributed among them. The The reproof was probably not withworthy Bishop some months after out effect, for the giddy youth asked him for the money. “I became a serious man. In 1610 have laid it out for you, and have he wrote the life of his father, prepaid it where you owed it, to the fixed to the Martyrology. Thomas poor people that lay at your gate.” was fellow of King's College, Cam-" Thank thee, father, for that bridge, and became an eminent thou art so good a steward !”-As physician in London. he was walking along the street, Mr. Fox published in 1578 a and discoursing with a woman of Latin discourse on “the Gospel his acquaintance, she pulled out a olive-tree,” with a comment on the Bible, telling him she was going eleventh chapter of the Romans, to hear a sermon; on which he occasioned by the baptism of a Jew : said, “ If you will be advised by which was followed by a Treatise on me, go home again." But then Man's election to Salvation, and (said she) when shall I go to Notes on Election, added to Beza's church?When (he answered) tract on Predestination; a work on you tell nobody of it."

Justification against the Jesuits ; He had two sons, Samuel and Meditations on the Apocalypse ; a Thomas. The former was fellow Confutation of Popery; &c. &c. of Magdalen College, Oxford, but He died with great composure, expelled by a puritan party, on a April 18, 1587, aged seventy, charge of popery, which grieved and was buried in the chancel of St. his father who knew the charge to Giles's, Cripplegate, of which he be unjust, and produced the letter had been for a short time Vicar, to a Bishop quoted above. He in the beginning of Queen Elizawished to go abroad, against his beth's reign. father's inclination, and returned



SIR.—Rubrort, so called from the river Ruhr, is a thriving little place; an artificial harbour has recently been excavated, which bespeaks commercial activity. The steam packet anchored in the middle of the stream, and a boat came off to land the passengers: and now an interesting scene occurred. Among the passengers was a little girl, about ten years of age, who had been on a visit lower down the river, and was returning, after an absence of some time, to her bome. Some one had intimated to her MAY 1828.

that possibly she might see her mother at Ruhrort, who expecting her return might be come to meet her. It was now dark, and the boat was approaching the shore, but before we had touched ground, I discerned on the river's brink a female figure; and a child was hanging around her neck. It was the very little girl in question, who, though it was night, had recognized her anxious parent, and who unperceived by us, had leaped from the moving boat to fly to her mother's arms. Such tender feel

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ings as the mother too exhibited Lehner. He was by profession a on this occasion, could not easily painter, whether of portraits or be exceeded. I felt deeply affect- landscapes I did not learn, and ed at seeing her walking to and resided in Dusseldorf for profesfro in almost convulsive motion sional purposes. I never remember with her precious burden still to have seen a human being, whose clinging to her, unable to give appearance was more calculated vent to the mighty feelings which to excite curiosity. He appeared filled her heart. Oh that we did to be about eight and twenty but realize more and more the love years of age, and very lively; of Him, who loves his people with his flaxen hair fell in ringlets more than a mother's tenderness! on his shoulders : his person was Our God gives life, breath, and all erect, and not out of proporthings, and our Lord died that tion, but so small, that while that life might be redeemed from conversing with a young lady destruction. Let, then, the love about his art, he mounted the of Christ constrain us.

bench on which she was seated, By ten o'clock on the following and then did not appear to be morning, which was Thursday, we higher than her head. When were moored at Dusseldorf. This walking the deck, he was shorter is a considerable place, being the by a head than a little boy of our capital of a district, and contains party who was eight years old. It about twenty-six thousand inhabi. was pleasing to observe that the tants. According to its civil peculiarities of his person did not government, the kingdom of Prussia appear to trespass on the calmness is divided into ten provinces. of his mind. There was nothing Dusseldorf and Cologne belong to to indicate that he did not enjoy as the ninth ; so likewise does Elber much of the kindness of providence feld, a very flourishing place of as the rest of mankind. It was trade, where I was informed that only this persuasion, which allowed seven or eight faithful ministers me to look with any composure, of the Lord, dispensed the word on what might be called an extra. of life. We had scarcely time to ordinary sport of nature. land and hurry along the quay to Night had set in when the packet the city gate, where we found the reached Cologne : we had thus market thronged, and presenting spent three full days on the waters a very lively scene; some very of the Rhine and Wahl. The good grapes, at a moderate price, tedium which might have been rewarded us for the baste we were expected was greatly relieved, inobliged to use to catch even a glance deed entirely removed, by the at what was going on within the society which this mode of conwalls. It is within a mile of veyance allows you to enjoy, For Dusseldorf that the excellent Count a very considerable number of Von Der Raka has his charitable persons now avail themselves establishment. We should have of it, and as a good education is been happy to have visited Dussel. very common in Germany, and thal, but our mode of travelling conversational habits are every forbad it: on my return, I was where cultivated, the inquiring entrusted with a remittance of stranger will certainly be abundantly inoney for that charity, but could compensated. Cologne is in every not deliver it in person.

point of view an interesting spot. Among the passengers who joined My brief observations will be us at Dusseldorf, was an exceed. directed to three points; first: to ingly diminutive person, whose its foundation by the Romans; next name I understood to be Jacob to ecclesiastical circumstances under

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its own Archbishops, as Princes of churches, forty nine chapels, and the German empire; and lastly, to sixteen hospitals. If, says a French its present Protestant population. traveller, we allow for each chapter The traveller will find ample details forty persons, and for each nunnery of its early history in Schreiber's twenty, for each convent thirty, well known work on the Rhine and ten for each parish church, countries. It is, as its name im. there will result a sum of nineteen ports, a Roman colony, and that hundred and eighty. If to these, of the first century of the Christian we add the number of those who æra; having been founded by remained unattached, and without Claudius, in honour of his wife any specific function, and also of Agrippina, and therefore anciently those religious women who devoted called Colonia Agrippina. She themselves to the service of the had been born there, while it still sick, it will appear that not fewer remained in the hands of the Ubii, than two thousand five hundred and when her father Germanicus ecclesiastical persons inhabited was in command in these quarters. within the walls of this second There are still several parts of the Rome. city which retain the names of these One third of the space enclosed celebrated persons. I noticed in within the walls is occupied with an old map of the city, which hung vineyards and gardens. The preup in our hotel, one place called cincts of the former abbey of St. after Agrippa, and another after Pantaleon were as extensive as the Agrippina ; and observed that the little neighbouring town of Muhlnames of Cesar and Germanicus heim. I was happy, in a letter had been given to two wharfs near of introduction to the excellent and the Rhine. Vitellius was pro- now aged wine merchant, Mr. E.M. claimed Emperor at Cologne, and At the back of his house is a valuTrajan commanded here when able garden, the walls are covered Nerva appointed him his successor with vines, and he pointed out to In the middle of the fifth century, me one branch of muscadine, from Cologne passed into the hands of which upwards of one hundred the Franks : but in the tenth, Otto bunches had been gathered. How the Great reunited it to the German valuable, therefore must have been empire, and made it subject to his the property of the church! But brother Bruno, as Archbishop a very natural consequence of this Towards the close of the twelfth vast dedication of means for the century, its ancient walls were use of religious persons, was the taken down, and the present increase of mendicity. The poor raised in their stead. To these knew that the clergy had much to walls belong eighty three towers bestow, and that some thought there and thirteen large city gates. Of was merit in bestowing it. Hence these gates, none pleased me more, the doors were beset with multithan that of St. Severin, which tudes, and the streets literally leads to Bonn. The present popu- infested with them. These things lation of Cologne is about 50,000; obtained for Cologne the name this is a great diminution from its of the Holy City : but I could ancient power, for once it could not learn that it had any real send forth thirty thousand armed title to this most honourable apcitizens to battle. Such was the pellation. It is to be feared, that religious zeal and wealth connected both its enormous ecclesiastical with Cologne, that in the dark wealth, and also the mode of its ages there existed here eleven distribution, had their origin in that chapters, thirty nine nunneries, too general notion, that it is by nineteen convents, nineteen parish works of righteousness which we do,

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Christ's Presence, the Source of Joy. as well as by the renewing of the broidered with velvet and gold. Holy Ghost, that men are saved. Tradition reports them to have But it cannot be doubted, that God belonged to part of a band of ten has every where them that are his, thousand virgins, who were slain and that if these err in any matter, here by the Hunns, for their adheit is not from a self-justifying rence to Christianity. These skulls spirit, but merely in the notion; are kept as relics of martyrs. In which notion they would gladly the cathedral is a tomb, in wbich, cast away, as they do the other it is reported that the bodies of the things of darkness, if the true light wise men from the east are depodid but fully shine. I am persuaded sited. I copy the Latin inscription: that tens of thousands of the Ro- Corpora sanctorum recubant hic mish church are saved, because the terna magorum ; ex his sublatum kingdom of God exists wherever est nihil, alibive locatum. Here there is righteousness, joy, and repose the bodies of the three holy peace in the Holy Ghost; and we wise men; no part of them has know that this wind bloweth where been removed, or placed elsewhere. it listeth. Personal converse with How suitable are such possessions, papists, convinces me that there to lure the weak beart of man are among them, those who walk from the worship of him who rein the Spirit, and rejoice in Christ gards neither place nor person, but Jesus. The wood, the hay, and is a spirit, and seeketh for such to stubble, are not their own, but the worship him, as do it truly, that he accident of their circumstances : and may abide with them and refresh they shall not be iinputed to the poor them : nothing but a view of the in spirit, by that righteous God, who length and breadth, the height and trieth the hearts and reins. Never- depth of the love of God in Christ theless we, who have the full and can satisfy immortal cravings, and glorious Apostolic light, are to implant a hope full of immortality. walk in the brightness of that light, 'Oh, that the God and Father that we may be children thereof: of our Lord Jesus Christ would and not merely Christians, but such shine upon the Romish church: as are thoroughly furnished unto then would every idol be thrown all good works : and abound in to the moles, and to the bats, and hope through the power of the her obedience come abroad as in Holy Ghost. Our wine may not ancient days, to all men, and her be mixed with water, nor our fine faith be spoken of throughout the gold receive any alloy of tin, for world. Let every branch of Christ's to us the darkness is past, and the church, and every member of the true light now shineth.

same, purge out all the old leaven, The church of St. Ursula exhi- that nothing may remain but the bits an extraordinary sight. It unleavened bread of sincerity and contains, ranged in cases, four truth. thousand human skulls, each em



FROM DEVOTIONAL HYMNS BY THE REV. J. BULL, M. A. How blest were they who dwelt around Thrice happy they who near him dwell, Soft Jordan's flowing streams,

Within his house of pray'r, Where Jesus, Israel's joy, was found, Where hymns of praises often swell,

And shone with heav'nly beams. His goodness to declare. He heal'd the blind, restored the lame, Still happier they, who near his throne, And cheer'd the widow's heart;

Dwell always in his sight; He shed his grace where'er he came, To these he makes his glory known, Sweet comfort to impart.

And shines in purest light.



Sir—Through the great goodness not profess to have any objection, of God, the gospel has been faith- merely from the love of novelty ? fully preached in the Parish Church I do not know whether you will to which I belong for more than think this evil of consequence suffitwenty years; our present minister cient to be publicly noticed, but if has been settled among us for more you do, and should consider the than half that period, and it was following extract from a letter, under his instructions I was first written to a friend who advised me brought to think seriously on the (merely for the sake of my health) important subject of religion. to attend some other place of worWhen my mind was in some mea- ship during the winter season; at sure enlightened, I was led to all likely to check this growing evil attend bis ministry on Sunday in any one who has begun to inEvenings, at the Chapel of Ease, dulge in it. I shall deem myself which was rather more than half a obliged by its insertion. mile's distance, and there I enjoyed

ThomasINE. such happy seasons as have left “I cannot consent to take your an impression which I trust will advice respecting my Sunday Evennever be erased. At that time the ing attendance at - Precedent congregations which there assem- I know goes a very great way with bled were not only large but me, and experience shows it does crowded; but since then several with others; and if I were once to places of worship have been opened admit the weather as a sufficient in the neighbourhood, both in and excuse, perhaps in time I might out of the Establishment, and many become careless whether I went at have turned aside to the right band all; and would it not be foland to the left. In all of these lowing a bad example to forsake places (so far as I have been able to (as many have done before) a ascertain the fact) the Gospel is minister whom God has so emipreached, though not in all with Dently blessed to my soul ? Far be the same simplicity and consistency. it from me to confine the blessing

Our minister is one of those dis- of God to any place, but I think I interested characters who can unite ought to seek it, if possible, in that with St. Paul when he says, way in which he has hitherto “Nevertheless, every way, whether vouchsafed it. in pretence or in truth, Christ is I have known more than one preached, and I therein do rejoice, instance in my short life of persons yea, and will rejoice.” So far as he leaving their own places of worship has been concerned in providing to hear preachers of various denoministers for such of those places minations, wandering about from of worship as are connected with one place to another, till at length the Establishment, he has not only they have given up all profession, selected useful but popular minis. and gone entirely back into the ters, though he has thereby lessen. world. And I think with reference ed his own popularity. But is it to those who are really converted, not lamentable that even those who there cannot be a greater instance are not only professors, but we of inconsistency, and none more have reason to hope possessors of common in the present day. To such real religion, should leave a minis persons, I imagine, though in a ter whom they have attended for secondary sense, the exhortation of many years, and to whom they do the Apostle may be addressed,

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