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tune? Do not friends make it a matter the gulf may be passed. But not so of condolence? Why do we see all the hereafter. That point the patriarch family sad ? Have they suffered any determines for us. “They which would bereavement ? Has one of its members pass from hence to you cannot; neither committed some atrocious crime? No: can they pass to us, that would come but he is become serious; he is become from thence." Then, on which ever side religious; he is lost to his friends and of the gulf we find ourselves, our lot relations! What shall we say to these will be determined' for ever. Blessed things? What but this; that they prove be God, at present our lot is not deterthe strong aversion to religion, existing mined. That is, we may now find ourin the human heart : that they prove, selves on the worse side of the chasm, moreover, the division which we allege, and cross over to the better. But then as already existing Christ, indeed, the eternal limits will be fixed. The said hiinself, “ there shall be five in one line will have been drawn. Irrevocable house divided, three against two, and justice will have uttered its decree. two against three."-But this division The gulf, that we refused to pass before, is especially illustrated by a similar will be impassable to us. And not an division, existing, as in the case of the angel, nor an archangel, nor all the host rich man and Lazarus, between the of heaven, can come over to our rescue. prosperous and the wretched. Those What then is the inference ;—That, who abound in this world's goods, ought if we would ever pass this gulf, we must to be reminded of the awful distance pass it now. Behold an eternal division that there is, even in the present life, to be made at the last day. Behold the between prosperity and misery. If the tokens of that division already comwealthy, moved with compassion, desire mencing and existing. It is in the to draw nigh to the distressed, in order world to come that the division is to minister to their distresses, they often fixed : but it is in the present world, find almost insuperable bars; as those that it begins. It is as if the earth best know, who, on enterprises of bene- were even now opening, to bear us volence, have made the most frequent away with it in its removal, and our attempts to cross the gulf. And on only hope lay in leaping the chasm, ere the contrary, if the wretched desire to it become too wide. Oh let us force come nigh to the wealthy, in order to ourselves across this opening gulf; at make known their wretchedness, they, whatever cost, at whatever risk! Must too often, find no way. They can reach a right hand, a right foot, a right eye the gate; but further they cannot pene be sacrificed ? It is worth the loss. trate.-The lofty mansion rings with the Better that one of our members should voice of mirth and melody. The tall perish, than that our whole body should warehouse groans with ascending bales. be cast into hell.-Christ is the way. The manufactory vibrates through its He has already crossed the gulf, between many floors, from its vaults to its roof, heaven and earth, for us. We, in his with the jar of machinery. But in the strength, may cross it from earth to close and unwholesome court, so near heaven. By the sacrifice of himself, he at hand, perhaps, that those tall edifices broke down the separating wall, between shut out from it the light and air, and Jew and Gentile. By the same sacrihem in its sluggish and infected vapours, fice, he rent in twain the separating like Lazarus at the rich man's gate, lies veil, between the outer and the inner misery unpitied and unknown. Thus sanctuary. By the same sacrifice, he often, in the great metropolis, poverty closed for his people the separating gulf, and prosperity dwell neighbours to each between eternal death and eternal life. other, yet between the two is this great gulf, which neither can pass. It reminds

Mr. Williams's Cottage Bible us, then, of that other great gulf, the division between the ungodly and the

contains practical reflections on the wicked, which exists already, in this

Old and New Testaments, critical life, though it will not be manifested till and explanatory notes on difficult the life to come.

and obscure passages, prefaces and In the life to come, this same division introductions to the Old and New will be described by the whole of the Testaments, and the principal words in the clause before us : “ between

Books, with indexes, chronological us and you there is a great gulf fixed." This is the point to be remembered ;

tables, maps, &c. It displays conthat, in the life to come, the gulf will be siderable reading, though the mafyred. Now, if we seize the opportunity, terials are somewhat imperfectly. digested and arranged, and the the most distressing circumstances to whole appears to have been com- which sin nas subjected human nature. posed and published hastily. Mr. W.

Naaman was a mighty man, and honourhas fallen into the same error as

able, and a great man with his master,

“but he was a leper," afflicted with one Mr. Keyworth, in confining his

of the most loathsome and disgusting comments to the first passage which disorders that our “flesh is heir to.” 3. occurs, and leaving the parallel God has so constructed society, that the passages without observation. He lowest and the meanest may render the has however gone farther than most important services to the highest Mr. K. in printing these parallel

and the greatest-a little captive maid

is the first means of Naaman's cure. passages in a smaller type, and

She was taken into the kitchen, and, recommending that they should be

while employed in waiting on her misomitted in family reading. Thus tress, she hears her, perhaps, lament the after the title of the Second Book painful circumstances of the general.inof Chronicles, the Author prints as chief, and in her simplicity she says, follows

“Would God my lord were with the ** Much of this Book also being

prophet in Samaria, for he would recorepetition, we do not begin our family

ver him of his leprosy!" One of the course of reading till the thirteenth servants probably went and told my lord chapter.

Naaman, Naaman told the king his

master, and Ben-hadad writes to the thus the 36th, 37th, part of the

king of Israel on his behalf. 4. It is by 38th, and 39th chapters of Isaiah a divine interposition, however, that are printed in small type, that they our conflicting circumstances are harmay be omitted in family reading, monized and made productive of the &c. a recommendation wbich seems great designs of providence. Every almost to intimate that the inser- thing seems now in a train for Naaman's tion of such passages is to be

cure; but the king of Israel is offended,

and thinks the letter of the king of Syria regarded as a vain repetition, an

was only designed to pick a quarrel. A intimation which we are sure Mr.

prophet must therefore interfere, to harWilliam's piety would lead him to monize these hostile feelings. “Let reject.

him come now to me, (says Elisha) and While however compelled to

he shall know that there is a prophet in make these remarks, we are happy to add that the whole work is writ

Naaman now comes with great pomp ten in an excellent spirit, and con

and splendour, expecting, as he contains much well calculated to

fesses, that the prophet would come out

to meet him, and perform some solemn instruct and edify Christians of every

ceremony; instead of which, he only denomination. Mr. W. is, by prin. sends out a message by his servant ciple, as Mr. Keyworth, a dissenter ; “Go, and wash in Jordan seven times." but he so cautiously avoids touching Naaman, in his turn, is wroth also, at on disputed points, as to leave it

being treated with such disrespect : somewhat doubtful as to what deno

“ Are not Abana and Pharpar, rivers of

Damascus, better than all the waters of mination he belongs. We recom

Israel? So he turned and went away in mend the following extracts to the a rage.” “But a soft answer turneth notice of our readers.

away wrath;” and “a word spoken in 2 Kings v. 1—16. Naaman cured of due season, how good is it?His serhis leprosy,–From how small circum- vants (wiser than their master) venture stances do great events sometimes arise ? to whisper in his ear—" My father, if In some of the predatory excursions the prophet had bid thee do some great of the Syrians, either Naaman himself, thing, wouldest thou not have done it?” or one of his captains, had taken the tempest is instantly a calm : he captive a little girl, who was given washes in Jordan and is clean. The to Naaman's wife as a domestic slave great man comes now back to the from whom nothing farther is ex prophet in a very different temper: pected than manual service : this cured of his idolatry, and overwhelmed child, however, proves to her master with astonishinent and gratitude, he the greatest blessing of his life. 2. No' exclaims, “ Behold! now I know that rank in society can exempt us from there is no God in all the earth but in


Israel;" and he is grateful not only to He began his prayer with an affectation the author, but to the instrument, of his of piety, thanking God that he was not cure, and he adds, “ Now therefore, I like other men, and especially the pubpray thee, take a blessing of thy servant; lican which he saw before him; and he and he urged him, but he refused.” It concluded with boasting of his abstimay be said, that the prophets received nence and charity. The former part of presents in other instances, and his gift his assertion is in direct opposition to is here offered under the delicate terms the character given of this sect by our of " a blessing;” but the prophet had Lord, Matt. xxiii. 14, and elsewhere; substantial grounds for his refusal, as and, as for his good deeds, they his servant must have had good reason to amounted to an ostentatious abstinence conclude. (See ver. 26.)

.on Mondays and Thursdays (their fast Luke xviii. 148. The Parables of days) and a punctilious observance of the unjust judge, and of the Pharisee paying tithes even in herbs : but, this and publican.-The object of these excepted, they included not one moral parables, which appear to have been or religious duty. Love to God, and delivered in continuance of the pre- even charity to the poor (unless when ceding discourse, is stated to be that it could be ostentatiously displayed) “men ought always to pray and not made no part of Pharisaic righteousness. to faint;" which certainly does not (See ch. xi. 41, 42.) As to the spiritual mean that men should be always em- intent of the divine law, as reaching to ployed in exercises of devotion, but that the secret imaginations of the heart; of when they feel the want of any blessing this they appear to have had no idea, from God, they ought never to give up and consequently no humbling sense of praying for it (with proper submission their own depravity. to the divine will) till they obtain it. But we must glance at the character And this duty is enforced by the exam here placed in contrast: the humblem ple of a poor widow, who applied to a the dejected publican (or tax-collector) judge or magistrate for justice between who, conscious of his numerous violaher and one who had injured her; and tions of the divine commands, stands who pressed her cause upon the judge afar off, perhaps upon the steps only of with so much perseverance, that, in the the temple, and, smiting his guilty issue, she obtained judgment, though he breast, with downcast eyes, and in a Deither regarded her nor her cause. suppressed tone of voice exclaims, Now, says our Lord, if this woman pre “ God be merciful to me, a sinner!” Failed with such a man, merely through He who readeth the characters of men, importunity, how much more shall you not in their countenances, but in their prevail with the Almighty, who waiteth hearts, accepts the publican and cononly to be gracious, and delighteth in demns the Pharisee. arenging, that is, in doing justice to the “ The Lord their different language knows, oppressed. Nor is there any inconsis

And different answers he bestows:

The humble soul with grace be crowns, tency in saying, that, though God long

And on the proud his anger frowns !" bears with sinners, yet will be avenge

Warts. his people speedily, or rather suddenly;

Mr. Williams has annexed to his for it is an old proverb, that “ Justice has a leaden foot, but an iron hand :"

Commentary a series of critical, and that is, it advances slowly, but it strikes in some instances curious, Notes, suddenly. So it was with the Jews : which add, of course, considerably their punishment was long delayed, but to the expense of bis work, but struck them like a thunder-bolt when it which are far from being, generally came, and no one saw it coming; for they had no faith in the many warnings

speaking, adapted to the persons which our Lord gave them. This seems

for whom it is written. Some few to be the import of his question, " When

we could wish expunged, as rather the son of man cometh, shall he find calculated to unsettle than confirm faith on the earth?”

the faith of the uninformed. We The next parable represents the oppo hope, however, that the author's site characters of a haughty Pharisee life may be spared to revise the and a penitent publican, in order to

whole, and that the public demand reprove the former, and to justify our Lord's attention to the latter. The

may encourage successive editions Pharisee stood by himself, careful to

of a work, which, notwithstanding receive no contamination from any pub- some detec

some defects, is calculated for exlican or sinner that might approach him. tensive usefulness.


Recently Published. Sketches of Hayti ; from the expul important enquiry, how he accustomed

sion of the French to the death of himself to prepare for his work. These Christophe. By W. W. Harvey, of volumes therefore, are valuable, not as Queen's College, Cambridge. Seeleys. mere sketches of sermons, but as disPp. xvi. and 416.

covering the plan adopted by one of the

most popular and useful preachers of his We have read this volume with con-. day. They are not crude, hasty, impersiderable interest, and recommend it to

fect outlines, but are, generally speaking,

fect outlines but are general notice, as affording a plain and

full, well finished, well supported plans. consistent statement of the actual con

They spring naturally from the text, are dition of the inhabitants of Hayti, and

illustrated by very numerous references as most decidedly refuting the slanders

to scripture, occasionally by critical and which the advocates of Colonial Slavery

philosophical remarks, and sometimes have heaped upon them. Mr. Harvey

by quotations from Milton and other appears to have resided some time in

eminent poets. In recommending these Hayti, and to have derived his infor

sermons, &c. to the attention of our mation from the best sources. In a

readers, it is scarcely necessary to obreligious and moral point of view, there

serve that there are some points on is much to lament, and our author has

which we do not accord with their pious not entered so fully upon this part of

and amiable author, however favourably his subject as we could desire. Ro

we may speak of them as a whole. manism appears to be the only religion

Mr B.'s early education and habits recognized in Hayti, and its rites are however, rendered him more intimately administered through a large part of the acquainted with the doctrines and senisland, under the superintendance of an

timents of our authorised formularies ignorant and immoral Infidel. This is

than most of his brethren, and he will a dark spot in the picture, and though therefore usually be found to speak it is relieved by the view of numerous the language of truth and soberness. schools in active and efficient operation, we own we cannot contemplate the existing state of things without serious

Sober Thoughts on Prophecy. By J. forebodings. Yet after all, morality

W. Niblock, D. D. Hatchards. 1828. appears to have gained ground since the Pp. vi. and 33. revolution, and we suspect that Hayti Dr. Niblock considers that the dates will even in this respect, bear a com- assumed by many modern writers on parison with some of our own colonies,

Prophecy for the origin of Popery are while in a civil and political point of

incorrect. Instead therefore of dating view, the Haytians have gained incon its commencement at A. D. 533 or 606, ceivably by their emancipation.

he considers that the man of sin was

conceived and born in the age of the Sermons and Plans of Sermons on

Apostles, A. D. 34 to 100; grew up many of the most important texts of

to adolescence in the time of the Fathers, Holy Scripture. By the late Rev.

A. D. 100 to 300; arrived at manhood Joseph Benson. 3 vols. 8vo. Cadell.

in the reigns of the Christian Emperors, 1827.

A. D. 300 to 600; and obtained matu

rity or perfection in the dominion of We owe an apology to the Editor

Popes, A. D. 666. of this valuable work for not noticing his former edition. The fact is, we only saw the first volume, and were scarcely Narrative of a Three Years

Narrative of a Three Years' residence aware that the work was completed in Italy, 1819–1822 ; with Illusuntil the second edition appeared. We

trations of the present state of Reliare happy at noticing this expression

gion in that country. Pp. xiv. and of public approbation, and hope that 358. Murray. 1828. still future editions will be called for. A very interesting and instructive

Mr. Benson was generally considered volume, especially to those who medi. during his life, the most eminent tate leaving their native land for the sake preacher in the Methodist connexion; of educating their children abroad. and it is therefore an interesting and They will here see the disadvantages and difficulties to which they will expose To others, the motive of living on the them; the danger to their health is not, continent is the advantage which they perhaps, the least evil to be dreaded: may give their children by a foreign and if they will learn from the experience finish to their education : but it too of one who is affectionately interested in frequently happens, that a stay begun the welfare of her countrymen, they will with this view, is continued till the whole not think the ligbter accomplishments family acquire the habits, tastes, feelwhich they may acquire by a lengthened ings, and principles of France and Italy; residence on the Continent, worthy to or till matrimonial connexions with be compared to the injury which they foreigners still further widen the sepamay there sustain.'- Preface, p. vi. ration from their English homes. But,

The following extract from one of the surely, to a man who has had the priviclosing letters in the volume explains lege of being born in our own favoured more fully the writer's views.

land, it were degradation-for himself, As I journey towards my native land, or for his children,—to become aliens. I cannot help remarking, with regret, I am willing to acknowledge, with the multitude of carriages filled with gratitude, that there are not a few English, (of course I mean by that term excellent and valuable persons to be to include the Irish and Scotch also) found amongst the people of this who are hurrying from their own country, with whom we have now lived pleasant shores. I do not presume to some years, by many of whom we have say, that the motives of many of these been treated with much kind feeling; travellers may not be blameless, or even and some, indeed, there are, with whom laudable. The single desire of many we have become acquainted, even in may be, to live every where alike to the this benighted land, who, I would hope, glory of God; and, more immediately, though amidst many errors, yet know to benefit others also, by diffusing the the truth as it is in Jesus; but nothing knowledge of the Gospel, in whatever less then a residence so long as ours, region they may visit. But to those of can show the general want of uprightmy own country-people especially, who, ness, of morality, of dignity, and of all without some Christian and conscien- those qualities which, arising chiefly tious reason, are now meditating a from the blessed light of the Reformaforeign residence, I cannot help some- tion, have raised England to its happy times longing to appeal, and to entreat pre-eminence over other nations. And that, before they settle themselves abroad, is it possible to dwell amongst them they will reflect, whether, in their case, without catching some contamination ? there are not some peculiar, and almost To those travellers who are sent personal objections, to their so deserting abroad for their health, I can only say, bome; whether they are not leaving a that, from what I have had an opporwretched tenantry to groan under the tunity of observing, the benefit seldom pressure of absenteeism, while they dis- answers their expectations : and, unless sipate their time and their money in the invalid travels with the utmost distant climes.

caution, and with every comfort and There is, I must allow, something so convenience, the risk is very great. fascinating in the pleasures which all Surely it is cruel in medical men, when travellers find in this country more every reasonable hope of recovery is particularly, in the contemplation of its precluded, to send their patients abroad, exquisite scenery, and of its classical in fact, to die there, deprived of all the ruins, and in the freedom which they soothing alleviations which domestic enjoy, every where on the continent, solicitude provides, and of the still from many of the restraints of their own greater supports and consolations of country, that I can hardly wonder that religious intercourse.—Pp. 327-330. some, who have not thought enough of The narrative contains an interesting their duties at home, or of the dangers account of the illness and death of Sir abroad, are induced to take up their W. S. and of his eldest daughter, from abode here, though, at first, they merely which we should rejoice to extract intended to make a tour. To some, largely, would our limits allow. It economy is the object : but the expenses exhibits also many instances of the of removal render its attainment doubt folly, superstition, and idolatry, preful, unless the residence be much vailing at Rome, Naples, &c, which lengthened ; and a lengthened resi- will well repay the serious perusal dence, whatever be the motive, is, in of every British Protestant, at the present my mind, open to very great objections, juncture.

APRIL 1828.

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