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COLLECTS, insert the Collects now appearing on pages 239 and 240, together with the following, which shall appear first in order:

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For Unity

LORD Jesus Christ, who saidst unto thine Apostles, Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you; Regard not our sins, but the faith of thy Church; and grant to it that peace and unity which is according to thy will; who livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. Amen.


of Brings

ESOLVED: The House of Bishops (the House of Deputies) concurring: That the following change be made in the Litany, and that the proposed alteration be made known to the several Dioceses in order that it may be adopted by the next General Convention in accordance with the provisions of Article X of the Constitution.

(1) Substitute for the rubric on page 30 the rubric following:

To be used after the Third Collect at Morning or Evening Prayer; or before the Holy Communion; or separately.

(2) Substitute for the four opening invocations of the LITANY, the following:

O God the Father, Creator of heaven and earth;

Have mercy upon us.

O God the Son, Redeemer of the world;

Have mercy upon us.

O God the Holy Ghost, Sanctifier of the faithful;

Have mercy upon us.

O holy, blessed, and glorious Trinity, one God;

Have mercy upon us.

(3) In the second suffrage, page 31, insert after "tempest" the words "from earthquake, fire and flood."

(4) Insert before the suffrage for Rulers and Magistrates a new suffrage, viz.:

That it may please thee so to rule the heart of thy servant, THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, that he may above all things seek thy honour and glory;

We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord.

(5) In the suffrage beginning at bottom of page 32 of Prayer Book, omit the words "the perils of."

(6) Transfer the rubric on page 33 to a place immediately after the Lord's Prayer on page 34. (7) Insert response Amen after prayer, "O God, Merciful Father," page 34.

(8) Insert Minister and People before antiphon, "O Lord, arise," etc., in both places, pages 34 and 35, and Minister before Lesson, “O God, we have heard,” etc.

(9) Omit the General Thanksgiving, the Prayer of St. Chrysostom, and 2 Cor. xiii. 14, and insert after prayer, We humbly beseech thee," a rubric as follows:

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¶The Minister may end the LITANY here, or at his discretion add other Prayers from this Book.



ESOLVED: The House of Bishops (the

House of Deputies) concurring: That the following change be made in the Order for the Administration of the Lord's Supper; and that the proposed alteration be made known to the several Dioceses in order that it may be adopted by the next General Convention in accordance with the provisions of Article X of the Constitution.

(1) Change the title to read as follows:






(2) Tranfer the first and second rubrics, page 221, to follow the rubric, ¶And if any of the consecrated Bread and Wine remain, etc., at the end of the Office.

(3) Make the third rubric, page 221, to be the first

rubric, and change the same so that it shall read as follows:

¶At the Communion-time the Holy Table shall have upon it a fair white linen cloth. And the Priest, standing humbly before the Holy Table, shall say the Lord's Prayer and the Collect following, the People kneeling; but the Lord's Prayer may be omitted at the discretion of the Priest.

(4) Amend the rubric after the Collect so as to read as follows:

¶Then may the Priest, turning to the People, rehearse distinctly THE TEN COMMANDMENTS; and the People, still kneeling, shall, after every Commandment, ask God mercy for their transgressions for the time past, and grace to keep the law for the time to come.

And Note, that in rehearsing the Ten Commandments, the Priest may omit that part of the Commandment which is inset.

(5) Omit the second rubric on page 222.

(6) Make the Ten Commandments to read as follows:


spake these words, and said:

I am the Lord thy God; Thou shalt have none other gods but me.

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