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metal roof, metal gutters, metal downspouts, insulation, utilities, sound attenuation, and metal doors and windows. The facility will be comprised of 250 modules incorporating a ''1+1'' module style, permanent quarters with private sleeping rooms, a shared head, and private closets. The BEQ will include high efficiency central heating/air conditioning, telephones and local area network cable outlets, elevators, fire alarm system, sprinklers with fire pump, and utilities. Provide electrical and mechanical utilities at the site. Provide landscaping with irrigation systems and parking for the new facility. Parking will be provided for 70% of the assigned personnel (700 parking spaces).

A Thermal Node Plant for the area is included in this project and will service all the BEQ's in the area. The plant structure will be sized to accommodate the heating and cooling capacity required. Initially a steam to Low Temperature Hot Water (LTHW) converter and chiller will be installed in the building for the first BEQ constructed with 4-pipe system for heating and cooling. As additional buildings are constructed, the Node Plant can be expanded.

Anti-Terrorism/Force Protection is included. Special construction features include pile foundation. Structural, glazing, and mechanical and utility systems will be designed in accordance with current criteria.

Sustainable Design features will be fully investigated during the Design/Build phase and those items that provide the best return on initial cost will be incorporated into the project. Some of the features to be investigated include: daylighting, use of recycled materials, high efficiency lighting and mechanical systems, passive and active solar heating for hot water, water conservation and energy efficient appliances.

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This project will construct a new multi-story permanent bachelor enlisted quarters for El E4 personel within the secured boundaries of the Naval Station Norfolk and will comply with the Homeport Ashore requirement from the Chief of Naval Operations. (Current mission)

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Adequate bachelor quarters are required at Naval Station Norfolk for shipboard sailors. A deficiency of 10,997 enlisted billeting (E1-E4<4 years) spaces exists at the Naval Station Norfolk based on the latest bachelor housing survey report dated 5 May 2001. This deficiency is a result of the new Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) directive to ''house shipboard sailors ashore.'' Completion of this project will eliminate part of the deficiency by providing a modern facility that complies with current Bachelor Housing construction standards.


Currently approximately 40,000 E1-E4 personnel live aboard ships. The enlisted single shipboard sailors have the lowest quality of life in the U.S. Navy, and shipboard berthing has been singled out as a major dissatisfier. Starting in FY 2003 the CNO has directed shipboard sailors be housed ashore while they are homeported.


If this MCON project and the four future follow-on Bachelor Quarters MCON's are not provided, the Navy will not be able to meet the CNO's directive to house the shipboard sailors ashore. This will result in continued poor quality of life conditions for the El-E4 sailors, and will continue to negatively impact Navy retention rates.

12. Supplemental Data:

A. Estimated Design Data: (Parametric estimates have been used to develop project costs. Project design conforms to Part II of Military Handbook 1190, Facility Planning and Design guide)

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B. Equipment associated with this project which will be provided from other appropriations: NONE.

C. FY 2001 Unaccompanied Housing Real Property Maintenance Conducted: $0

D. FY 2002 Unaccompanied Housing Real Property Maintenance Conducted: $0

E. Future Unaccompanied Housing Real Property Maintenance Requirements: $0

Activity POC: MR. ANDY SAMPSON Phone No: (757)-444-4450


The Deputy Chief of Naval Operations (Fleet Logistics and Readiness) certifies that this project has been considered for joint use potential. Unilateral construction is recommended. The reason for this recommendation is:

This facility can be used by other components on an as available basis; however, the scope of the project is based on Navy requirements.

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This project is the second phase of two projects that upgrade the electrical distribution system serving the Norfolk Naval Station piers and waterfront facilities. This project provides a new electrical utility point of service from Virginia Power served directly from the transmission grid, a 34.5 kV distribution station, and 34.5 kV electrical distribution to Piers 4, 5, 7, 10, 11, 12, and the small craft piers. Portions of the existing electrical distribution system currently being served from the Sewells Point and Taussig electrical power stations will be either demolished or upgraded to facilitate construction of the new waterfront electrical distribution system and substation facility. Pavement overlay will be required where trenching occurs under roads/parking/sidewalks. The capacity of the new utility point of service provided by this project will be 150MVA. Demolition of Building X-329 (560 m2). Special construction features include contaminated soil removal.

11. Requirement:


Adequate: LS



Combined with Phase I, P-367, these projects replace the existing 200MVA (Continued On DD 1391C)


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with a new 300MVA electrical distribution system for the Naval Station, Norfolk to support general purpose berthing of Navy ships. (Current mission)


Adequate and reliable electrical power is required to support the additional electrical services provided by the pier replacement construction, pier electrical upgrade projects programmed and under execution, and other electrical load growth on Naval Station, Norfolk. The requirement for this project is supported by and is a critical element of the comprehensive and long range Hampton Roads Regional Waterfront Plan. The load requirement for these projects is supported by detailed engineering analysis based on ship loading and operational impacts. This project also provides flexibility for portions of the system to be shut down for periodic maintenance.


The current service from the utility has a capacity of 200MVA which is not adequate to meet the 300MVA requirement of the new piers, pier electrical upgrade projects and other electrical load growth on Naval Station Norfolk. Electrical power distribution to the Naval Station is currently handled via 34.5kV circuits that have been added as the load increased over the years. There is no available circuit capacity or land for expansion of the existing system without constructing costly piecemeal additions. Retaining the current mode of service even with costly upgrades and expansion would eventually require placing restrictions on the energy that the piers draw. Furthermore, the existing electrical network would become vulnerable to a major electrical outage if one feed from Sewells Point was lost, as the remaining feeds would not be able to accommodate the additional load transferred with moderate forecasted pier loading. Also, multiple circuits are located on overloaded traditional wooden poles that are susceptible to damage by high winds, accidents or terrorist action.


The 200MVA capacity of the existing electrical distribution system will not be able to meet the demand requirements of the piers. Load growth calculations from ship load alone show the demand exceeding the capacity of the distribution infrastructure beginning with completion of the Pier 5 Electrical Upgrade Project. The Pier 10 and 7 replacement projects will


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