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Mr. HECHINGER. We are looking at the 1969 budget, and page 1-A-4 represents the transfers that will take place starting July 1. All positions for the Council are being financed in the manner that the Deputy Commissioners Fletcher and Mr. Herman spoke about, totally out of transfers from other funds. After we get started on July 1 these will be the statutory positions which will have been transferred, sir.


Mr. NATCHER. Now provide a tabulation for the record at this poin if you will, please, showing all transfers, money, and positions, made to date from fiscal year 1968 funds.

You can provide that for the record at this point.

(The information requested follows.)



There was a need to fund the costs of the two new District colleges, the Fed eral City College and the Washington Technical Institute, for the first months c fiscal year 1968.

The need to do this was based on the fact that the appropriation was no passed until the fall of 1967 and funds had to be made available from the edu cation base temporarily. The rate of expenditures was according to a financia plan that had been brought to the attention of and approved by both Appr priation Committees in fiscal year 1967.

Accordingly, the public schools transferred funds to the two colleges in bot the first and second quarters of fiscal year 1968. During the first quarter of fisca year 1968 the public schools transferred $35,000 to the Washington Technic Institute and $45,000 to the Federal City College. During the second quart of fiscal year 1968, the public schools transferred an additional $66,766 the Washington Technical Institute and an additional $81,444 to the Feder City College. Thus, a total of $228,210 was transferred from public schoc to the two new city colleges during fiscal year 1968; of the total $101,766 w. received by the Washington Technical Institute and $126,444 was received by t Federal City College. These sums were transferred back to the public schoc toward the latter part of fiscal year 1968.


In February 1968, 36 jobs and $285,089 were transferred from the Medic Care Directorate of the Department of Public Health to the Medical Servic Eligibility Determinative Division of the Office of the Deputy Director for Fa lity and Children's Services of the Department of Public Welfare. These jobs, largely social service representatives, are concerned with making eli bility determinatives for medicare (title XIX). Section 1902 (a) (5) of Pub Law 89-97 requires that the function of determining eligibility for medical sistance must be performed in the case of the District of Columbia, by the 1 partment of Public Welfare.


A transfer of funds between District agencies will be required before the of fiscal year 1968 to provide for the additional costs resulting from the organization of the District government.

The District is presently exporing what precise funds will be requi through June 30 and what are the potential sources of transfer. We exp to make the needed adjustment on this after the end of May in order that agencies may be funded properly.

The major reason for a need for additional funds can be seen by an exami tion of the request for the executive office and the District of Columbia Cour

Mr. NATCHER. Justify the increases set forth on page 1–A–8, giving us the grades and salaries of the new positions.

Tell us why they are necessary, Mr. Hechinger. These are the 11 positions. I believe you discussed that with us a few minutes ago under the first or second question I directed to you.

Mr. HECHINGER. Yes, sir.

Mr. NATCHER. That is set forth on page 1-A-8. I think that provides the information required.

Mr. HECHINGER. Also, may I call attention to 1-A-9 which gives the grades.



The last item which is unvouchered of $5,000, what do you mean by that?

Mr. HECHINGER. Well, this is a fund to supply moneys to permit transportation within the city and any kind of ceremonial activity that the Council may engage in, any phamphlets or use of back-up material that is not within the appropriation from the remainder of the District government.

Mr. NATCHER. I believe that goes back to page 1-A-3 which we inserted in the record and sets out the proposed language changes providing a representation fund for the Council as well as the Commissioner. Is this the procedure now, Mr. Herman?

What procedure do you intend to follow in the future?

Mr. HERMAN. Well, this, when approved, will include permissive language and the Council can apply the $5,000 representation fund to their own use, unvouchered, and subject to approval of the Council themselves.

Mr. NATCHER. The limitation is $5,000?

Mr. HERMAN. Yes, sir. The Commissioner has $2,500 at the present time.


Mr. NATCHER. Under the office of the Secretary of the Council you are requesting $228,679 and 23 positions, an increase of $212,246, and 22 additional positions.

We shall insert pages 1-A-10 through 1-A-14 in the record at this point.

(The pages referred to follows:)

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Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1967 (sec. 203) provides for the establishment of the office of secretary of the Council, as follows:

"(a) There is hereby established the office of the secretary of the Council. The secretary shall be appointed by the Council from time to time.

(b) The secretary shall perform such duties, and shall provide such services for the Council and its members, as the Council may prescribe. Personnel appointed to assist the secretary in carrying out his responsibilities under this section shall be appointed by the secretary subject to approval of the Council.”

The budget for the office of the secretary provides supporting staff for the Council as a whole together with secretarial assistance to members other than the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman.

Direct appropriation: The increase of $212,246 will be distributed as follows:

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