CARD DIVISION COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS EIGHTY-THIRD CONGRESS SECOND SESSION ON H. R. 8832, H. R. 9834, H. R. 9835, BILLS TO PROVIDE FOR THE TERMINATION OF GOVERNMENT 51144 Printed for the use of the Committee on Government Operations UNITED STATES WASHINGTON: 1954 Blocher, William F., president, International Association of Blue Boland, Daniel, general counsel, National Paint Association - - Castle, Benjamin F., executive vice president, Milk Industry Founda- 196 114 Cerin, Elmer, representing E. P. Hinkel & Co., Inc... 166 Ellis, Otis H., general counsel, National Oil Jobbers Council. Emmons, Blyth, director, Washington Office of the National Small Honeywell, Charles F., Administrator, Business and Defense Services Administration, Department of Commerce... Hubbard, Eugene P., business agent, secretary-treasurer, local 246, milk drivers and dairy employees for greater Washington area---- Jackman, William, president, the Investors League, Inc.. Jackson, James E., executive director, Georgia Dairy Association---. Johnson, Jerry P., representing the American Warehousemen's Asso- Keller, Robert F., assistant to the Comptroller General; accompanied by Karney A. Brasfield, associate director, Accounting Systems Division, General Accounting Office__. Kile, Elton, president, National Associated Businessmen, Inc., Kile- King, Willford I., economist, Committee for Constitutional Govern- Maudlin, C. V., Washington representative, National Association of Munce, Marshall G., vice president, York Corp., and vice chairman, Opoliner, Albert G., representing the Tillman-Lennett Distributing Seegmiller, Keith, National Association of County Officials-- 183 ---- Stringfellow, George E., president, New Jersey Taxpayers Association. Taylor, Tyre, general counsel, Southern States Industrial Council-.. III Teetor, Lothair, Assistant Secretary for Domestic Affairs, Department of Commerce; accompanied by Charles F. Honeywell, Administrator, Business and Defense Services Administration, Department of Com- Varrone, Anthony, business manager, Brushmakers Union, local 16303, American Federation of Labor 187 Letters, statements, etc., submitted for the record by- 177 174 170 Statement_ Telegram from American Paint Co., to National Paint, Varnish, Brownson, Hon. Charles B., a Representative in Congress from the Letter from Blyth Emmons, director, Washington, D. C., office of the National Small Business Men's Association, to Hon. Resolution adopted April 5, 1954. Brundage, Percival F., deputy director, Bureau of the Budget: Excerpt from President Eisenhower's campaign statement____ Brylawski, Henry H., executive secretary and general counsel, District 201 203 Bulletin No. 54-11 from Roland Hughes, Director, Bureau of the Excerpt from Statement of Hon. Clare E. Hoffman. 114 Chudoff, Hon. Earl, a Representative in Congress from the State of 118 Ellis, Otis H., general counsel, National Oil Jobbers Council: Excerpt from Department of Defense regulation 4100.16-- 258 252 Emmons, Blyth, director, Washington Office of the National Small Poem entitled "Private Enterprise". 82 80 Griffith, M. D., executive vice president, New York Board of Trade, Inc.: Statement__ 57 Statement re H. R. 8832- 60 Hamilton, Randy H., Director of the Federal Affairs Division, Ameri- property transferred to Federal agencies out of surplus inventory, 27 Letters, statements, etc., submitted for the record by-Continued Harden, Hon. Cecil M., a Representative in Congress from the State Page "United States Will Cut Role as Entrepreneur-White House Moving to Turn Over to Private Business Many Federal Enterprises," by Anthony Leviero, New York Times Honeywell, Charles F., Administrator, Business and Defense Services Administration, Department of Commerce: Department of Commerce, Business and Defense Services Ad- ministration Government competition with private business: Memorandum re complaints of Government competition...... Jackson, James E., executive director, Georgia Dairy Association: Jackman, William, president, the Investors League, Inc.: Excerpt 192 Johnson, Jerry P., representing the American Warehousemen's Asso- ciation: Letter from William Dalton to Hon. Clare E. Hoffman, Keller, Robert F., assistant to the Comptroller General: Statement__ 260 48 Excerpt from Senate Appropriations Committee report, section 156 Statement-Government-operated aluminum-sweating facilities_ 150 151 Munce, Marshall G., vice president, York Corp., and vice chairman, Industrial Problems Committee, National Association of Manu- Basic policy of the National Association of Manufacturers on Government competition with private enterprise. National Association of Manufacturers' policy on hydroelectric 45 Opoliner, Albert G., representing the Tillman-Lennett Distributing 113 Letter from Harold Howe, manager, Washington, D. C., office, Letter from Hon. George A. Dondero, a Representative in 70 Letter from Hon. Herbert Hoover, former President of the United 63 |