THE RELIGION OF MOSES AND THE PROPHETS AND OF JESUS CHRIST, In the Words of the Bible; ARRANGED IN SHORT SECTIONS, FOR THE USE OF YOUNG PEOPLE, AND OF ALL IN HEATHEN AND FALSE WORSHIPPING COUNTRIES, WHO HAVE HEARD OF, AND ARE ANXIOUS TO BE ACQUAINTED WITH THOSE WHICH GOD HAS GIVEN HIS RATIONAL CREATURES FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THEIR ACTIONS HERE; AND FOR THE CAREFUL OBSERVANCE OF WHICH, HE HAS GRACIOUSLY BY I. NICHOLSO BODLEV " As new born babes, desire the sincere milk of the handy grow LONDON: PUBLISHED BY B. FELLOWES, LUDGATE STREET. 1832. 164. TO CHRISTIANS, TO JEW S, AND TO ALL WHO HAVE HEARD OF, OR YET MAY HEAR OF, Christ and his Gospel. 66 HOLD FAST THE FORM OF SOUND WORDS-GOD IS NO 66 66 66 66 66 RESPECTER OF PERSONS; BUT IN EVERY NATION, HE THAT FEARETH HIM, AND WORKETH RIGHTEOUSNESS, IS ACCEPTED OF HIM. - REFUSE, THEREFORE, PROFANE AND OLD WIVES FABLES, AND EXERCISE YOURSELVES UNTO GODLINESS." I. NICHOLSON. PREFACE. ACCORDING to recent reports made by Bible societies, a sum, considerably exceeding a million of money, has been expended in the great work of disseminating the Sacred Writings. The experience, however, of more than twenty years, very clearly proves, that this expense, and the active labours of those employed in this praiseworthy undertaking, have not produced beneficial effects, equal to the expectations of the |