Computer Operations, Computer Operations Section, Headquarters, either (1) on a current basis, as soon as practicable after the date the individual procurement action is taken, or (2) weekly following the close of the period in which the procurement actions were taken, in time to reach Headquarters no later than 12:00 PM Eastern time on the first subsequent workday of each week, and the first workday of the new reporting month covering any unreported actions from the previous month. (b) Quarterly Supplemental Report of Procurement Actions (Form ERDA-330A), covering procurement actions, purchase orders, grants, and cooperative agreements not reportable under ERDA-PR 9-53.004(a), shall be furnished quarterly by procuring activities and reporting contractors to the senior procurement official, Headquarters, or designee by the fifth working day following the close of each fiscal year quarter for actions taken or changed in the preceding three-month period. Five separate Forms ERDA-330A shall be prepared to summarize the data by number of dollar actions and dollar value. The five are: - (c) Quarterly Supplemental Report of Procurement Actions Worksheet Labor Surplus Area Report (Form ERDA-330B), shall be furnished quarterly by procuring activities to the senior procurement official, Headquarters, or his designee, by the fifth working day following the close of each fiscal year quarter for actions taken or changed in the preceding three-month period. $9-53.006 Preparation of reports. Detailed instructions for completion of the forms are contained in ERDA Procurement Handbook H9-53, Contract Information System (CIS). FINDING AIDS A list of current CFR volumes, a list of superseded CFR volumes, and a list of CFR titles, subtitles, chapters, subchapters and parts are included in the CFR Index to the Code of Federal Regulations which is published separately and revised annually. Table of CFR Titles and Chapters Alphabetical List of Agencies Appearing in the CFR Chap. Table of CFR Titles and Chapters (As of June 17, 1977) Title 1-General Provisions I Administrative Committee of the Federal Register (Parts 0-49) II Office of the Federal Register (Parts 50-299) III Administrative Conference of the United States (Parts 300–399) IV Miscellaneous Agencies (Privacy Regulations) (Part 400-end) Title 2-[Reserved] Title 3-The President Proclamations Executive Orders Presidential Documents Other Than Proclamations and Executive I Executive Office of the President (Parts 100 and 101) Title 4-Accounts I General Accounting Office (Parts 0–99) II Federal Claims Collection Standards (General Accounting Office-Department of Justice) (Parts 100-299) III Cost Accounting Standards Board (Parts 300-499) Title 5-Administrative Personnel I Civil Service Commission (Parts 0-1199) III Office of Management and Budget (Parts 1300-1399) IV Advisory Committee on Federal Pay V The International Organizations Employees Loyalty Board (Parts 1500-1599) VI Department of Defense (Parts 1600-1699) VII Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations (Parts 1700-1799) IX Appalachian Regional Commission (Parts 1900–1999) X National Capital Housing Authority (Parts 2000-2099) XI United States Soldiers' and Airmen's Home (Parts 2100-2199) XII District of Columbia Redevelopment Land Agency (Parts 2200 2299) XIV Federal Labor Relations Council and Federal Service Impasses Panel (Parts 2400-2499) XV National Study Commission on Records and Documents of Federal Officials (Parts 2500-2599) Chap. VI Assistant Secretary for Administration, Department of the Treas ury (Parts 600-699) VII Council on Wage and Price Stability (Parts 700–799) Title 7-Agriculture SUBTITLE A-Office of the Secretary of Agriculture (Parts 0-25) I Agricultural Marketing Service (Standards, Inspections, Mar- III Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Department of Agriculture (Parts 300-399) IV Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, Department of Agriculture (Parts 400-499) V Agricultural Research Service, Department of Agriculture (Parts 500-599) VI Soil Conservation Service, Department of Agriculture (Parts 600699) VII Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service (Agricultural Adjustment), Department of Agriculture (Parts 700-799) IX Agricultural Marketing Service (Marketing Agreements and Orders; Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts), Department of Agriculture (Parts 900-999) X Agricultural Marketing Service (Marketing Agreements and Orders; Milk), Department of Agriculture (Parts 1000-1199) XI Agricultural Marketing Service (Marketing Agreements and Orders; Miscellaneous Commodities), Department of Agriculture (Parts 1200-1299) XII Statistical Reporting Service (Agricultural Statistics), Department of Agriculture (Parts 1300-1399) XIV Commodity Credit Corporation, Department of Agriculture (Parts 1400-1499) XV Foreign Agricultural Service, Department of Agriculture (Parts 1500-1599) XVI Rural Telephone Bank, Department of Agriculture (Parts 16001699) XVII Rural Electrification Administration, Department of Agriculture (Parts 1700-1799) XVIII Farmers Home Administration, Department of Agriculture (Parts 1800-2099) XXI Foreign Economic Development Service, Department of Agriculture (Parts 2100-2199) XXIV Board of Contract Appeals, Department of Agriculture (Parts 2400-2499) |