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Premiums for Planting and Husbandry.




ACORNS. For having fet ten acres, between October, 1792, and April, #793; the gold medal.

2. For five acres; the filver medal. Certificates to be produced on the firft Tuesday in November, 1793.

9. RAISING OAKS. Not fewer than five thoufand, from plants, or acorns, in woods that have been long under timber; the gold medal.

10. For three thoufand; the filver medal..

Certificates to be produced or the first Tuesday in January, 1794.

15. RAISING OAKS For afcertain ing the comparative merits of the differ ent manners of raifing Oaks for timber; the gold medal.

Accounts to be produced on the firtt Tuelday in November, 1793.

17. SPANISH CHESNUTS. For fetting Ex acres between the aft of October, 1792, and April, 1793, mixed with feeds of cuttings of other trees; the gold medal. 18. For four acres; the Giver medal. Certificates to be produced on the fift Tuelday in November, 1993.

23. ENGLISH ELM. For eight thou fand. planted between June, 1792, and June, 1793; the gold medal.

· 26. For five thoufand; the filver metal. 27. For four thoufand; the filver medal.

Certificates to be delivered on the first Tuefday in November, 1793

37. LARCH. For planting, from June, 1790, to June, 1791, five thoufand, to be between two and four years old; the gold medal.

38. For three thoufand; the filver medal.

Certificates to be delivered on the laft Tuelday in December, 1793.

49. SILVER FIR. For not fewer than two thoufand, planted between June, 1789, and June, 1790, in a mixed plantation of forest trees; the gold medal.

50. For one thouland; the filver medal. Certificates and accounts to be delivered on the at Tuclday in December, 1793.

56. UPLAND or RED WILLOW. For not lefs than three acres, planted before the end of April, 1792, twelve hundred on each acre; the gold medal, or twenty pounds.

Certipcates to be produced on the last Tuetday in November, 1794.

57. OSIERS. For thee acres, plan

ted before the first of April, 1793, not fewer than twelve thoufand on cach acre; twenty pounds.

56. For two acres; ten pounds. Certificates to be produced on the laft Tuesday in November, 1993.

61. ALDER. For having planted, in the year 1790, at least three thoufano; the gold medal.

Certificates to be produced on the last Tuesday in December, 1793.

65. ASH. For fix acres planted in 1790, intermixed with feeds or cuttings of other plants; the gold medal.

66. For not less than tour acres; the filver medal.

Certificates to be produced on the last Tuesday in December, 1793.

75. MIXED TIMBER TREES. For having enclofed, and planted or fown, ten acres with Foreft trees for timber, between October, 1989, and May, 17915 the gold medal.

Certificates to he produced on the first Tueldav in November, 1793.

79. SECURING PLANTATIONS OF TIMBER. For fatisfactory accounts of fecuring Timber-trees from hates, cattle, &c.; the filver medal, or twenty pounds.


Accounts and certificates to be produced on the fift Tuefilay in November, 1793, 81. MULBERRY CUTTINGS, TREES. For not fewer than three hundied, planted in 1791; the gold medal, or twenty pounds.

82. For one hundred and fifty; the filver medal, or ten pounds.

Certificates to be produced on the first Tuesday in November, 1793.

The candidates for planting all kinds of trees are to certify, that the refpective plantations are properly fenced and jecured, and particularly to fiate the condition the plants were in at the time of jigning fuch certificates.

Any information which the candidates for the foregoing premiums may chufe to communicate, relative to the methods made use of in forming the plantations, or promoting the growth of the jeveral trees, or any other objervations that may have occurred on the fubje&t, will be thankfully received.

83. TREES FOR USE WHEN EXPOSED TO THE WEATHER. For the beft account, to determine which of the following trees is of the greateft utility for timber, when expofed to the weather, viz.

Larch, black poplar, afh, Spanish chetnut, willow, alder, Lombardy poplar


beech, or filver fir; the gold medal. To be produced on the fecond Tuefday in December, 1793.

8. PLANTING BOGGY OR MORASSY SOILS. For the best experiments to afcertain the advantages of planting bog. gy or morally foils; the gold medal, or twenty guineas.

Certificates to be produced on the first Tuesday in January, 1794.

83. COMPARATIVE CULTURE OF WHEAT. For the best fet of experiments made on eight acres, to determine the comparative advantages of cultivating wheat, by fowing broad-caft or drilling; the gold medal, or filver medal and twenty guineas.

The accounts to be produced on the first Tuesday in February, 1794.

90. COMPARATIVE CULTURE OF WHEAT. For the best fet of experiments made on eight acres, to determine the comparative advantage of cultivating wheat, by broad-caft or dibbling; the gold medal, or filver medal and twenty guineas.

The accounts to be produced on the first Tuefday in February, 1794.


91. BEANS AND WHEAT. planting or drilling, between September, 1791, and March, 1792, ten acies, with lans, and for fowing the fame land with wheat in the year 1792; twenty guineas. Certificates to be produced on the first Tuesday in November, 1793.


94. DRILL HUSBANDRY. having cultivated 400 acres in the year 1793; the gold medal,

An Account of the foil and certificates to be delivered on the third Tuefday in February, 1794.

96. TURNEPS. For experiments made on fix acres, to determine the comparative advantages of the drill, or broadcaft method in the cultivation of turneps; the gold medal, or filver medal and ten guineas.

To be delivered on the third Tuesday in April, 1794.

98. GREEN VEGETABLE FOOD. For the beft account of vegetable food, that will most increase the milk in mares, Cows, and ewes, in March and April; the gold medal, o filver medal and ten guincas.

Certificates to be produced on the fecond Lucfday in November, 1793.

100 COMPARATIVE CULTURE OF TURNEP ROOTED CABBAGE. For fa tisfactor exp riments, on the drill and broad-caft culture of turnep-rooted cabbage, made on four acres of land; the filver medal and ten pounds.

Certificates to be produced on the fift Tuesday in October, 1793.

102. TURNEP-ROOTED CABBAGE. For raifing in the year 1792 not less than ten acres, and for an account of the effects on cattle or sheep fed with it; the gold medal.

103. For not less than five acres; the filver medal and ten guineas.

Certificates to be produced on the laft Tuefday in October, 1703.

106. POTATOES FOR FEEDING CATTLE AND SHEEP. For cultivating, in 1792, not lefs than four acres, for the fole purpose of feeding cattle and sheep; the gold medal, or twenty guineas.

Certificates to be produced on the fecond Tuefday in November, 1793./

109. CULTIVATING ROOTS AND HERBAGE FOR FEEDING SHEEP AND BLACK CATTLE. For experiments made on two acres of land, between Michaelmas, 1792, and May, 1793, to afcertain which of the following plants can be fecured for winter fodder to the greateft advantage. viz.

Turnep-rooted cabbage, carrots, turnep cabbage, parfneps, turneps, potatoes.

The accounts to be produced on the firft Tuefday in November, 1793; the gold medal.

111. FEEDING HORSES. For an account of not less than four horfes kept on green vegetable food in the stall or ftable; the filver medal and ten gui-.

[blocks in formation]

NENT PARTS OF ARABLE LAND. For the molt fatisfactory experiments, to afcertain the due proportion of the feveral component parts of arable land, by an accurate analy fis of it; the gold medal, or fifty guineas.

The accounts to be produced on the last Tuesday in November, 1793.

128. DRAINING LAND For making not lefs than one thousand yards of hollow drains with brick or ftone; the gold medal, or thirty guineas.

Accounts and certificates to be produced on the third Tuesday in February, 1794. 130. IMPROVING LAND LYING WASTE. For a method of improving 50 acres of foils lying watte or uncultivated; the gold medal, or filver medal and twenty guineas.

131. For 25 acres; the filver medal and ten guineas.

The accounts to be produced on the fecond Tuefday in December, 1793.

136. MANURES. For the best fet of experiments to atcertain the comparative advantage of foot, coal-afhes, wood-afhes, lime, gypfum, or night-foil; the gold medal, or filver medal and twenty guineas. The account to be produced on the firft Tuesday in December, 1793.

139. IMPROVING WASTE MOORS. For the improvement of not lefs than one hundred acres of wafte moor land; the gold medal.

Certificates to be produced on the fift Tuesday in February, 1794.


143. GAINING LAND FROM THE SEA. For an account of the beft method of gaining from the fea not lefs than twenty acres of land; the gold medai.

Certificates to be produced on the fift Tuesday in October, 1793.

147. MACHINE to REAP OR MOW CORN. For a machine to reap or mow grain, by which it may be doar cheaper than by any method now practifed; ten guineas.

The machine, with certificates, to be produced on the fecond Tuefday in December, 1793.

148. IMPROVED HOE. For the most improved horfe or hand hoe, for cleaning the spaces between corn fown in equidiftant rows, and earthing up the plants; the gold medal, or twenty guineas.

To be produced, with certificates of its work, on the firft Tuesday in Decem ber, 1793.

150. DESTROYING THE GRUB OF THE COCKCHAFER. For difcovering a method of deftroying the grub of the Cockchafer; the filver medal and ten



The accounts to be delivered on the first Tuefday in January, 1794.

151. DESTROYING THE WIREWORM. For difcovering a method of deftroying the wire-worm; the fiver medal and ten guineas.

The accounts to be delivered on the first Tucfday in January, 1794

154. DESTROYING THE FLY ON HoPS, AND CATERPILLARS IN ORCHARDS. For alcovering an eafy method of deftroving the fly on hops, and caterpillars in or.hards; the gold medal, or thirty pounds.

Certificates to be delivered on the first Tuesday in February, 1794. ♦

153. CURE FOR THE ROT IN SHEEP. For difcovering an effectual cure, verined by experiments; the gold medal, or thirty pounds.

Accounts of the cause and prevention, with certificates, to be produced on the first Tuc day in February, 1794.

154. PREVENTING AND CURING THE ILL EFFECTS OF THE FLY ON SHEEP. For discovering a method of preventing and curing thote effe&ts; the filver medal, or twenty guineas.

Certificates and accounts to be produced on the firit Tuctday in December, 1793.



156. KELP. For four tons of kelp, Containing muth more alkaline falt than any now made for fale; twenty pounds.

One hundred weight to be produced on the first Tuesday in January, 1794.

157. BARILLA. For half a ton of merchantable barilla, made from any plant railed in Great Britain; the gold medal.

Twenty-eight pounds, with a certifcate, to be produced on the first Tuetday in January, 1794.

158. PRESERVING SEEDS OF VEGETABLES. For a method of preferv. ing the feeds of plants fit for vegetation; the gold medal.

To be communicated on the first Tuesday in December, 1793.

159. SEPARATING THE SUGAR FROM TREACLE. For dicovering a cheap method of feparating the faccha rine fubftance of treacle in a folid form, not lefs than one hundred weight; the gold medal, or fifty pounds.

Certificates and accounts, with famples, to be produced on the fit Tullday in February, 1794.



SWEET. For the beft account, verified by trials, of a method of preserving fresh water during long voyages; the gold medal, or fifty pounds.

Accounts, and defcriptions of the methods made ufe of, with thirty gallons of the water, to be produced on the last Tuesday in December, 1793.

164. DESTROYING SMOKE. For an account of a method of deftroying the fmoke of fires belonging to large works; the gold medal.

To be produced on the firft Tuesday in January, 1794.

166. CONDENSING SMOKE. For the beft method of condenfing and collecting the fmoke of fleam-engines, &c.; the gold medal, or fifty guineas.

Accounts, certificates, and fpecimens, to be produced on the first Tuesday in December, 1793.

168. CANDLES. For difcovering a method of making candles of refin, fit for common ufe; the gold medal, or thirty guineas.

To be delivered on the first Tuesday in December, 1793.

169. REFINING FISH OIL. For difclofing a method of purifying fifth oil from glutinous matter; the gold medal, or fifty guineas.

The process to be delivered on the fecond Tuefday in February, 1794

171. CLEARING FEATHERS FROM THEIR OIL. For difcovering a method of clearing feathers from their oil, fupe rior to any known; forty guineas.

Accounts and certificates to be produced on the first Tuelday in February, 1794.

172. SUBSTITUTE FOR OR PREPARATION OF YEAST. For discovering a fubftitute for or preparation of yeaft, that may be preferved fix months; the gold medal, or thirty pounds.

Specimens to be produced on the last Tuesday in November, 1793.

173. SECURING EMPTY CASKS. For difcovering a method of fecuring empty cafks from becoming mufty or ftinking the gold medal, or thirty pounds.

Accounts and certificates to be produced on the first Tuesday in February, 1794. 174. PRESERVING SALTED PROVISIONS. For dilcovering the cheapest method of preferving falted provifions from becoming rancid or rufty; the gold medal, or thirty pounds.

Accounts and certificates to be produced on or before the first Tuesday in February, 1794. 176. INCREASING STEAM. For a GENT. MAG. May, 1793.


method of increafing the quantity or the force of fteam, in fteam-engines, with lefs fuel than is now employed; the gold medal, or thirty guineas.

To be communicated on the first Tuefday in January, 1794.

178. PREVENTING THE DRY ROT IN TIMBER. For difcovering the caufe of the dry rot in timber, and difclofing a method of prevention; the gold medal, or thirty guineas.

The accounts to be produced on the fecond Tuesday in December, 1793.

180. FINE BAR IRON. For making ten tons with coak from coak pigs, in England or Wales, equal to Swedish or Ruffian iron; the gold medal.

One hundred weight to be produced on the first Tuesday in January, 1794.

182. WHITE LEAD. For difcovering a method of preparing white lead, in a manner not prejudicial to the workmen ; fifty pounds.

Certificates that a ton has been prepared, and the procefs, to be produced on the fecond Tuesday in November, 1793.

183. SUBSTITUTE FOR BASIS OF PAINT. For the beft fubftitute for bafis of paint, equally proper as white lead; thirty pounds.

Fifty pounds weight to be produced on the fecond Tuesday in November, 1793.

185. REFINING BLOCK TIN. For difclofing a method of puritying block tin, fo as to fit it for the purposes of grain tin; the gold medal, or fifty pounds.

The procefs, and one hundred weight of the tin, to be produced on the first Tuefday in November, 1793.

187. GLAZING EARTHEN-WARE WITHOUT LEAD. For difcovering the moft eafily fufible compofition for gla zing ordinary earthen-ware without lead; the gold medal, or thirty pounds.

Specimens and certificates to be produced on the firft Tuesday in February, 1794.


THE POLITE ARTS. 188. HONORARY PREMIUMS FOR DRAWINGS. For the beft drawing by fons or grandfons of peers or peerelles of Great Britain or Ireland, to be produced on the firft Tuesday in March, 1794; the gold medal.

189. For the fecond in merit; the filver medal.

190, 191. The fame premiums will be given to daughters or grandaughters of peers or peereffes of Great Britain or Ireland.


DRAWINGS. For the best drawing of any kind, by young gentlemen under the age of twenty-one.

To be produced on the fift Tuesday in March, 1794; the gold medal.

193. For the next in merit; the filver medal.

194, 195. The fame premiums will be given for drawings by young ladies.

N.B. Perfons profeffing any branch of the polite arts, or the fons or daughters of fuch perfons, will not be admitted candidates in thefe claffes.

196. DRAWING. For the beft drawing in Indian ink of the ftatue of King Charles at Charing Crofs, not less than eighteen inches high; a filver medallion, in conformity to the will of John Stock, of Hampstead, Efq.

To be produced on the third Tuesday in February, 1794.

197. PORTRAIT. For a copy, in oil colours, of a portrait' of the late John Stock, of Hampftead, Efq. a filver medallion.

To be produced on the third Tuesday in February, 1794.

198. DRAWINGS OF OUTLINES. For an outline after a group or cast, in plafter, of human figures, by perfons under the age of fixteen, to be produced on the last Tuesday in February, 1794, the greater filver pallet.

199. For the next in merit, the leffer filver pallet.

200. DRAWINGS OF MACHINES. For the belt drawing, by perfons under the age of twenty-one years, of the fpinning and winding machine by Mr. Burt, in the Society's Repository, the greater filver pallet; to be produced on The third Tuefday in February, 1794.

201. DRAWINGS OF LANDSCAPES. For the beft drawing after Nature, by perfons under twenty-one years of age, to be produced on the third Tucfday in February, 1794, the greater filver pallet. 202. For the next in merit, the lefler filver pallet.

203. HISTORICAL DRAWINGS. For the beft original hiflorical drawing of five or more human figures, to be produced on the third Tuesday in February, 1794, the gold pallet.

204. For the next in merit, the filver pallet.


20. SURVEYS OF COUNTIES. For an accurate furvey of an, county in England or Wales; the gold medal.

To be begun after the fit of June, 1789, and produced on the laft Tusiday in January, 1794.


author who fhall publish the natural hif tory of any county in England or Wales; the gold medal, or filty pounds. The work to be produced on or before the laft Tuelday in January, 1794


ENCOURAGING AND IM. PROVING MANUFACTURES. 212. SILK. For ten pounds of tilk, produced by one perfon in England, in the year 1793; the gold medal.

One pound, with certificates, to be de. livered to the Society on the first Tuefday in January, 1794.


213. For five pounds; the filver medal. 216. MACHINE, FOR SILK. For a machine for carding wafte filk, to be produced on the firft Tuelday in November, 1793; the gold medal, or twenty pounds.

217. WEAVING FISHING NETS. For the beft fpecimen of netting, for fishing nets, twenty yards long, and fix feet deep, woven in a machine, to be produ ced on the fecond Tuesday in January, 1794; fifty guineas.

218. CLOTH FROM HOP-STALKS, OR BINDS. For not lefs than thirty yards, twenty-feven inches wide, made in England, the gold medal, or thirty pounds; to be produced on the fecond Tuesday in December, 1793.


219. WICKS FOR CANDLES LAMPS. For difcovering a method of manufacturing hop ftalk to fupply the place of cotton for wicks of candles or lamps; twenty guineas.

Accounts, and five pounds of the wicks, with certificates, to be produced on the fecond Tuesday in January, 1794.

221. PAPER FROM RAW VEGETA BLES. For ten reanis of useful paper from raw vegetable fubftances; twenty guineas.

One ream and certificates to be produced on the firft Tuefday in November,


222. MAINTAINING AND EMPLOY ING THE POOR. For producing to the Society the best practical and moft economical plan for maintaining and employing the poor in parifh-werkhouses; the gold medal, or fifty pounds.

The plans to be delivered on the first Tuelday in March, 1794.


223. TRANSIT INSTRUMENT. For a cheap and portable inftrument, for the purpole of finding the latitudes and longitudes of places, the gold medal, or


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